Tear Fund International

Tearfund is a Christian charity called to follow Jesus wherever the need is greatest
We work tirelessly to help communities around the world escape the very worst effects of poverty and disaster.
And we believe that the same people facing these troubles, also have the best idea as to how they … read morecan overcome them. Tearfund listens: helping people to rise out of their poverty, utilising their resourcefulness and determination. Tearfund works alongside local churches and other locally-based organisations to help realise these plans for a better future.
Before, you knew us for our droughts, our poverty. But now the poor are transforming this country, and poverty shall no longer be our name.
Meseret Kumsa, a Tearfund self-help group member, Ethiopia
Tearfund are signatories to the Red Cross Code of Conduct and are certified against the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership Standard.



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