Requirements and Competencies for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
Experience of at least ten (10) years in public or private Sector.
Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Entrepreneurship, Sociology, Social Work, Gender and Development, Culture and Development, Social Development or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
A Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, Gender and Development, Culture and Development, Social Development or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution;
Certificate in Computer Applications.
Demonstrated track record and achievements in management of youth;
Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills; and
Demonstrate understanding of and commitment to the values and principles outlined in Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya.
Duties and Responsibilities
Coordinate the development of a strategic plan for the youth department;
Formulate an annual budget for the youth department;
Develop youth – friendly strategies;
Formulate policies to guide on youth groups management;
Oversee the management of youth programmes;
Develop strategies on youth entrepreneurial programmes;
Enable development of the capacity of youth instructors in the county;
Provide leadership in the management of youth groups;
Develop linkages with stakeholders involved in youth affairs;
Develop a work plan on inter and intra county youth involvement; and
Develop and Implement sports and recreational programs and policies.
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All applicants should submit their applications together with copies of their detailed curriculum vitae with names, address and telephone contacts of three referees. Academic and professional certificates, testimonials, national identity card or passport and any other supporting documents. Clearly indicate the position applied for both on the cover letter and the envelope.Hand delivered applications should be dropped in the specific box provided at the County Public Service Board offices, Room 103, first floor at Thika Sub-County offices between 8.00 a.m and 5.00 p.m on weekdays.Applicants should seek clearance from and attach copies or evidence thereof of the CURRENT (valid in 2021) documents below.Applications should reach the undersigned on or before 23rd April, 2021 at 5.00 pm.The Secretary/CEO
County Public Service Board
P O Box 2362 – 00900
KIAMBUPlease Note:DisclaimerThe County Public Service Board does NOT Charge any fee in the recruitment process, candidates should report to Police any one/number calling to solicit for cash from the applicants
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