Archives: Jobs

  • Regional Communications Manager

    Regional Communications Manager

    Job description
    About The Position
    CI’s Africa Field Division is looking to recruit a dynamic, innovative and driven Regional Communications Manger to manage its media, branding, marketing, and communications function. S/he will work to ensure awareness of the Divisions work both regionally and globally, internally and externally, and foster greater understanding and support CI’s mission
    Key Responsibilities

    General: Annually, the Regional Communications Manager will outline the communications, objectives, priorities and activities for the Africa Field Division (AfFD) internally through the production of the Division’s Communications Plan.
    External communications: This role is responsible for the AfFD’s public relations. This includes identifying opportunities for media outreach, preparing media releases and other content for news and feature articles, working with the press, arranging interviews for CI spokespeople, writing on behalf of CI spokespeople, preparing spokespeople for press conferences, media interviews, and speeches.
    They will also manage CI issued content for websites and social media and various other contributions to CI global activities, including communications with the Africa Advisory Board and contributions to CI’s Annual Report.
    Internal communications: The Regional Communications Manager will coordinate and manage AfFD’s internal communications. S/he will ensure CI staff are aware of key AfFD news and projects. The post holder will identify suitable stories and support the field division’s contributions, providing copywriting and messaging services as needed. This role is directly responsible for the AfFD Info Hub, website, and the production of the AfFD’s quarterly e-newsletter.


    A Bachelor’s degree in communications or any related subject.
    A minimum of 5 years’ professional experience in communications, journalism, and/or promotional activities, in lieu of Bachelor’s degree in communications.
    A good command of English, with proven presentation, writing and editing skills
    Excellent communication and negotiation skills, with the ability to connect with people from all walks of life
    A self-starter who is able to work well independently as well as in a team
    Demonstrated experience in working with both traditional and social media, especially with news placement, blogging and awareness campaigns.
    Computer skills and experience in relevant communications software (e.g. InDesign, Photoshop and/or similar design programs)
    A good understanding of Africa and the media landscape in Africa
    Knowledge of the French language will be an advantage
    Prior knowledge and interest in conservation and environmental issues

  • Consultancy: End of Project Evaluation-Urban Early Warning Action (INT4181)

    Consultancy: End of Project Evaluation-Urban Early Warning Action (INT4181)

    Terms of Reference for End of Project Evaluation
    Project: Urban Early Warning Early Warning Action (UEWEA)
    Grant Information
    Project Area
    Nairobi _ Kibera, Mukuru and Korogocho slums
    Kibera, Mukuru and Korogocho slums
    Grant Amount
    Contract/Project Start Date
    15th November, 2015
    Contract/Project End date
    31st March, 2018
    The use of standard food security and nutrition indicators in the urban often depicts a picture of normalcy and does not highlight the extreme vulnerability that there is within the urban areas across the world. This is because the population living in the urban is highly heterogeneous in terms of wealth and high mobile. The large population mass often hides the few pockets of persons experiencing extreme vulnerability. Recognizing that standard indications of measuring food security and nutrition status, Concern worldwide with support from Consortium partners started a project to develop indicators specific to urban that are sensitive to the dynamics that impact on food security. A 5 (five) year research project dubbed ‘Indicator Development for Surveillance of Urban Emergencies (IDSUE)’. The project gave way to the current ‘Urban Early Warning Early Action (UEWEA)’ project that is using the indicators developed to initiate a model that can inform early warning and early action for urban dwellers as a way of cushioning them against food and nutrition insecurity.
    The project aims to improve urban early action by improving the alignment of local and municipal governance institutions and response agencies towards analyzing early warning information and implementing early response based on these, supported by an increase in the allocation of financial support from key donors towards urban Early Warning Early Action. The ultimate change envisaged by this program is a reduction in the impact of crises on the urban poor including a decrease in the number of people resorting to negative coping mechanisms. A fundamental hypothesis of this project is that investment in Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) in urban settings will create a significant cost saving to the state as has been proven to be the case in the rural context. It must be noted that in Kenya, we are at a critical juncture as the newly devolved County Governments take root. The level of access to Government structures has significantly increased as well as the accountability of these structures to the people they serve and therefore the timing of this intervention is very opportune. By impact evaluations post early action, the project will build an evidence base that demonstrates that Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) is effective and provides value for money from the perspective of the duty bearer.
    Below is a summary of the project details: –
    Total duration
    15th November 2015 to 31st March, 2018
    Objectives of the action
    Enable the newly devolved County Government of Nairobi, with support from relevant stakeholders, to effectively coordinate an early response among government, non-government, UN and Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS).
    Action research which will generate evidence that urban EWEA makes sense both from a humanitarian and financial stand-point, and will be used to influence financial allocation decisions of key donors.
    Consortium Partners
    Concern Worldwide – Consortium Lead
    Oxfam GB
    Kenya Red Cross Society
    Project outcomes and outputs
    Facilitate the set-up of a coordinated urban early action mechanism within the Nairobi County Government with agreed actions.

    Output 1.1 – Set up coordinated multi-stakeholder urban early warning, early action platform.
    Strengthen the capacity of 6 Nairobi Sub-Counties and 1 Informal Settlement Community to mitigate and respond quickly to the impacts of slow onset emergencies.
    Output 2.1 – On a phased basis, roll out the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM Surge) Capacity Model[1] (developed and tested by Concern in Marsabit County) to Health facilities in the urban informal settlements of Nairobi.
    Output 2.2 – In the event of indications of an escalation of an urban crisis in the Nairobi informal settlements in the duration of this project, and based on early warning information generated by the Indicator Development for Surveillance of Urban Emergencies (IDSUE) project, conduct appropriate early action activities.
    Output 2.3 – After any early action activities, conduct evaluation research to understand and document the impact of those actions, including a cost-benefit analysis of early action compared against late or no action.
    Output 2.4 – As indicators in the surveillance system deteriorate communities, via established community conversation groups, will be informed for their own preparedness measures.
    Routine Surveillance in Urban Informal Settlements in Kenya is fully coordinated and managed by the County Disaster Management Committee (CDMC) by the end of 2017.
    Output 3.1 – Routine Surveillance in at least two key informal settlements in Nairobi is continued without direct technical or administrative involvement from Concern post 2016.
    Advocacy for Early Action in urban settings.
    Output 4.1 – Collate evidence for the human value and cost effectiveness of Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) in urban informal settlements into an advocacy and learning document spanning the concept that urban emergencies are different through the identification of indicators unique to the urban context, negotiating of thresholds and finally their operationalization should an urban emergency occur.
    Output 4.2 – Conduct information dissemination workshops with key target groups at both a national and international level to build consensus on the relevance and need for Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) in urban settings.
    Output 4.3 – Advocate at key international conferences (World Humanitarian Summit, Habitat III, and Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2017) based on the learning.

    The purpose of this assignment is to generate learning on how urban appropriate metrics can inform early warning and early action decisions to save lives. The study shall also identify identify/or formulate lessons and best practices to be shared nationally, regionally and globally. The analysis should also recommend the best format and venue for dissemination of the lessons. The Consultant shall compare the conventional Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) method and sensitivity of indicators to the Urban Early Warning Early Action (UEWEA) indicators with an aim of documenting how the latter is revolutionizing the understanding and measurement of urban vulnerability. The comparison will also include implications of other incrementally significant approaches to measuring vulnerability. Delayed response to emergencies has often been considered very expensive and could result to loss of lives. Effective early warning mechanism has been associated with reduced costs of preparedness and response. However, there exists challenge of measuring vulnerability in a mixed population where the wealth differentiation and population intensity easily masks the extent of vulnerability for the urban population. As result, addressing food and nutrition insecurity has not been given the weight it deserves in the urban areas.
    The ultimate change envisaged by this programme is a reduction in the impact of crises on the urban poor including a decrease in the number of people resorting to negative coping mechanisms. A fundamental hypothesis of this project is that investment in EWEA in urban settings will create a significant cost saving to the state as has been proven to be the case in the rural context. It must be noted that in Kenya, we are at a critical juncture as the devolved County Governments take root. The level of access to Government structures has significantly increased as well as the accountability of these structures to the people they serve and therefore the timing of this intervention is very opportune.
    The key objectives of the evaluation will be as follows;

    To document the process of generating information appropriate in measuring urban vulnerability and how that is or can be used to inform decision making process at the various level of the government.
    Document key lessons learnt so far related to the design and implementation of urban appropriate metrics that inform early warning and action in slow onset urban emergencies.
    Drawing and making technical recommendations on how to adopt a best-practice approach for measuring UEWEA mechanisms

    The whole program evaluation process will take approximately 30 days to be completed, this will include: time in the field with consortium partners and beneficiaries, and report writing. The expected date of the start of program evaluation is 1st February 2018 and the final evaluation report will be produced on 26th February 2018. However, the team will be flexible to discuss with the successful consultant the breadth of the scope highlighted herein section 4.
    The data collection will be conducted both at the county level and informal settlements. The former will include key informant interviews with county government officials such as CDMC officers and latter will focus on target beneficiaries living in Mukuru, Korogocho and Kibera slums. In addition, focus group discussions, interviews will be done with the consortium partners. Moreover, the evaluation will integrate gender, Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and inclusion of vulnerable groups, as a cross-cutting concern.
    Relevance and Appropriateness

    To what extent does the project address the identified need?
    How well does the project align with government and agency priorities?
    Was the design appropriate for the geographical areas?
    Was the intervention logic coherent and accurate?
    Were recommendations from previous projects and evaluations incorporated in the design?
    Were the objectives, indicators and targets formulated relevant and realistic?


    How effective was project delivery? What delivery mechanisms worked well and what did not work? What are the key lessons regarding implementation?
    To what extent did the project contribute to greater preparedness and response among local organizations, communities and governments?
    To what extent and in what ways has the project led to improved knowledge and understanding[2] of best practices relating to disaster and emergency preparedness and response?
    In what ways has the project influenced institutional and policy environments?
    How has evidence been used and shared by the project?


    Was the intervention well-coordinated with and complementary to the work of other major partners including the government, private sector and non-governmental organizations working on early warning systems.
    Has the project changed the lives of the beneficiaries in any meaningful way?
    Are there any exceptional experiences that should be highlighted e.g. case-studies, best practice?
    Were there any capacity gaps within the consortium partners and local implementing partners and how were they dealt with during project implementation?
    Were there internal or external factors outside the project implementers’ control that affected the achievement or non-achievement of results? (e.g. government policies, funding levels etc.)
    Have programme funds and activities been delivered in a timely manner?


    To what extent can the outputs be expected to be sustainable over the longer term?
    What characteristics make the outputs sustainable or unsustainable?
    To what extent is the county government harnessing information generated and lessons learnt to inform the implementation of activities at county level?

    Value for Money

    Were the inputs procured cost effective?
    How was the outcome/output efficient in comparison to the value of the projects inputs?
    How did the project ensure equity of resources to the most vulnerable and marginalized groups among the target beneficiaries?

    The evaluation will use a mixed methods approach. The evaluation team will determine the survey methodology and key research questions and draw up a detailed evaluation plan with timelines which will be discussed and agreed with the consortium secretariat team and Consortium partners.
    To measure results the evaluation will draw on the existing structure of monitoring and other program data available through the consortium e.g. data on Indicator Development for Surveillance of Urban Emergencies (IDSUE) to be found on this link: , project reports and Nairobi County Disaster and Emergency Management Act 2015
    This data will be complemented and triangulated through primary data collection at National, County and community levels. To complement quantitative information Key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions will be undertaken.
    The evaluation will consist of 5 phases:

    Recruitment of evaluation team, preparatory visit to the consortium to discuss TOR, design and agree on methodology and to draw up a detailed work and evaluation plan; initial briefing with consortium secretariat team and the Consortium lead team to ensure that the evaluation team is clear on the principle proposition for this evaluation exercise.
    Preparatory desk review: drafting evaluation matrix with evaluation questions, indicators, data requirements and sources; secondary data and literature review 5 days
    Main evaluation phase: design of data collection tools, possible pretesting of tools, training of data clerks, planning of field visits and discussions/interviews with consortium partners and implementing partners’ staff (local NGOs) and other stakeholders including Government line departments, other local and international humanitarian actors in the areas of operation to get their feedback to reach conclusions against benchmarks; conduct field visits to collect data through a combination of data collection methods including PRA methodologies. It is expected that the team will use gendered lenses and participatory approaches to seek the view of beneficiaries and, where appropriate, non-beneficiaries. – 15 days
    Reporting: Analysis of data (data should be collected and analyzed disaggregated by gender and data sets), production of a draft report and discussion of this report with consortium partners to give opportunities for the team/s to agree on action points, learning and recommendations; submission of final report with at least 2 appropriate and quality case studies or success stories focusing on best practices and lesson learnt as evidence and presentation of findings and recommendations. – 5 days
    Follow up: Consortiums’ follow up to evaluation findings and dissemination of final report to donors and partners – 5 days

    The expected deliverables from the evaluation exercise are the following:

    Complete bibliography of documents/materials/data used during desk review of secondary sources;
    Power point presentation of evaluation plan, timelines and activities;
    Final data collection tools, data bases and analysis plan;
    First draft of evaluation report;
    Final evaluation report;
    Power point presentation of main findings and conclusions for debriefing purposes; and
    All data collection questionnaires, hard copies of filled in questionnaires, clean data set and analysis files.
    Evaluation report
    The production of the evaluation report will be the liability of the consultant covering all the aspects as outlined in the ToR. Consortium partners’ staff and management will be responsible for coordinating the evaluation exercise. The evaluation report should be:
    Produced in English language and should be simple in expression and easy to understand.
    Maximum of 25 pages with some short annexes.
    The report format and text, should be an A4 paper size and a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman 11 or 12, Arial 10 or 11.
    The evaluation team will be liable to submit at least 02 hard copies and 01 electronic copy of the evaluation report by the agreed deadline.
    Report Format
    An evaluation report should contain the different elements mentioned below. All parts should be clearly distinguished from each other and of sufficient quality.
    Cover page
    Table of contents
    An executive summary that can be used as a document in its own right. It should include the major findings of the evaluation and summarise conclusions and recommendations.
    The objectives of the evaluation
    The main questions and derived sub-questions.
    A justification of the methods and techniques used (including relevant underlying values and assumptions, theories) with a justification of the selections made (of persons interviewed, villages or activity sites visited).
    Eventual limitations of the evaluation.
    A presentation of the findings and the analysis thereof (including unexpected, relevant findings). All research questions should be addressed, paying attention to gender issues
    Conclusions, which will analyse the various research questions. Conclusions must be derived from findings and analysis thereof.
    Lesson learned and recommendations should be clearly related to conclusions but presented separately. Recommendations should be practical and if necessary divided up for various actors or stakeholders and include guidelines of how they can be implemented.
    Report annexes that include: data collection tools and schedule, sampling procedures and frame and sampled villages, and list of survey team members.
    The reporting style should be clear and accessible. References to sources used, such as interviews, literature, reports, must be given.
    Confidentiality of information: all documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate analysis. Interviewees will not be quoted in the reports without their permission.

    Consultant Qualifications
    The desired specification and qualities of a consultant shall be:

    Post Graduate qualification in relevant fields of study.
    Proven background in evaluating projects implemented in consortium and in depth knowledge of project cycle management for disaster and early warning emergency programmes.
    Strong interpersonal and analytical skills.
    Familiarity with the different cultures in Kenya and ability to speak and understand Kenyan languages preferably Swahili language;
    Experience of effective interaction with local and national organizations, government departments, and international humanitarian actors.
    Conversant with application of cross cutting themes like gender mainstreaming, and gender competence, M&E, Advocacy and child protection to programming. Good spoken and written communication skills in English.Reporting Lines
    The consultant shall work under the supervision of the Director of Humanitarian programs with strong liaison with Oxfam’s Consortium Technical Manager and partner management at field level.

    [1] The model aims to: Strengthen the capacity of government health systems to effectively manage increased caseloads e.g. of severe acute malnutrition (and moderate acute malnutrition, where appropriate) during predictable emergencies without undermining on going systems strengthening efforts.
    [2] Of project beneficiaries (ex. Local organizations, community members, governments, humanitarian staff)

  • Associate Contracts Management Officer 

Supply Officer

    Associate Contracts Management Officer Supply Officer

    This position is funded for an initial period of one year, extension of appointment will be subject to budgetary approval. Appointment against this post is on a local basis. The candidate is responsible for any travel expenses incurred in order to take-up the appointment. All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply on-line as soon as possible after the job opening has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the job opening.
    Interested applicants who are working with UN Contractors must fulfil the obligations of their contracts with the UN Contractors in order to be eligible to apply for this vacancy.
    United Nations (UN) Department of Field Support (DFS) is establishing a Supply Chain Management (SCM) Program at the enterprise level to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Field Mission support through holistic planning and continuous collaboration across all stakeholders. The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR®) model is used to categorize the future state of UN supply chain processes in a standard reference model that can be measured, managed, and controlled.
    Organizational Setting and Reporting Relationships:
    Under the overall guidance of the Chief Plan Section, the Associate Contracts Management Officer will report to the Section Unit Chief and is based in Mombasa, Kenya.
    Duties and Responsibilities:
    Within delegated authority, the Associate Contracts Management Officer will be responsible for the following duties:

    Provide advice to the Chief of the Section on matters involving mission contacts.
    Assist in managing key contracts in support of mission (and regional) operations, which are under the purview of the Unit, with a focus on service contracts for which the Unit is primary responsible. Services contracts include but are not limited to equipment maintenance/repair, PX operations. Quality Assurance on catering aspects, active UN global systems service contracts.
    Carry out the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures and Administrative Instructions related to the field of Contract Management.
    Assist in the preparation of Statements of Work (SOWs) and Scopes for Work, Source Selection Plans, requisitions and technical evaluations for all contracts to be managed by the Section.
    Carry out programmatic/administrative tasks as required by the Section, including assisting in the assigning/monitoring performance parameters and critical indicators, reporting on programme performance, preparing inputs for results-based budgeting, evaluating national staff performance, interviewing candidates for job openings and evaluation of candidates for national posts.
    · Respond to audit observations, as assigned. Manage, guide and train staff under his/her supervision.
    · Carry out other tasks as requested by the Chief of the Section.


    Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and in-depth knowledge of Financial Regulations and Rules, Procurement Regulations, and other guiding principles of the outsourcing and contracting process; proven understanding of technical, supervisory and administrative roles relating to these functions; Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Commitment to implementing the goal of gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of work.
    Client Orientation: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view. Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect. Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions. Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects. Meets timeline for delivery of product or services to clients.
    Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others. Places team agenda before personal agenda. Builds consensus for task purpose and direction with team members. Supports and acts in accordance with final group decisions, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position. Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

    Education: Advanced university degree preferably in business administration, commerce, law or other relevant field. A first level university degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted in lieu of an advanced degree.
    Experience: A minimum of two (2) years of progressively responsible experience in procurement, contract management administration or related area is required.
    Language: English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position, fluency in English (both oral and written) is required; knowledge of another UN language is an advantage.
    Method: Evaluation of qualified candidates for this positions may include a substantive assessment which will be followed by a competency-based interview.

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  • Principal Trade Development Officer 

Principal Finance Officer

    Principal Trade Development Officer Principal Finance Officer

    Job Group ‘N’
    Ref: NO MCG/PSB/2017/010

    Analyzing economic and trade data and reports;
    Disseminating business information;
    Facilitating trade promotion activities;
    Conducting surveys and mapping of various business activities;
    Sensitizing the business community on sources of credit available to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs);
    Promoting entrepreneurial venture creation, growth, development and graduation Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs);
    Providing training, consultancy and extension services on trade issues;
    Monitoring and analyzing price and supply trends of essential commodities in the domestic market;
    Administering the Joint Loan Board (JLB) scheme;
    Providing information on government policies for trade promotion and development and managing business information and solution centres;
    Identifying business opportunities in the domestic market;
    Undertaking research and carrying out market intelligence for trade development;
    Monitoring the impact of trade practices;
    Advising development communities on trade matters;
    Preparing periodic field reports and returns on trade activities;
    Promoting public-private sector partnerships;
    Carrying out inspection of Joint Loan Board (JLB) activities and preparing reports;
    Mobilizing the business community to participate in trade fairs and exhibitions;
    Preparing background papers and briefs on trade issues;
    Undertake intra and inter County liaison on trade matters for trade development;
    Preparing the development plan chapter relating to domestic trade in the County development plan administration.


    Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: -Commerce, Marketing, Business Administration, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Economics, International Trade/Business/Relations or its equivalent from a recognized Institution;
    Demonstrates professional competencies and outstanding administrative and managerial capability in trade development services;
    Certificate in computer applications from a recognized institution;
    Served for a period of not less than eight (8) years three (3) of which must be in a management position in the public service or private sector organizations;
    Satisfy the requirement of chapter six of the constitution of Kenya 2010.

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  • Clinical officer focal mentor focusing on treatment failure

    Clinical officer focal mentor focusing on treatment failure

    Job Description

    Strengthening the overall management of treatment failure cases, identify and implement changes by supporting and capacity building the staffs providing care in Ndhiwa sub county. Liaise closely with MSFF/MoH counterparts, medical and supportive team and Partner clinicians to improve the referral and need for enhanced adherence counselling for such patients respecting the SOP for such.
    Provide technical support to scale up staffs within above mentioned facilities according to the formalized guidelines and protocols
    Improve the overall management of opportunistic infections.
    Respect working hours (depart on time for Health facilities)
    Plan/Organize/Attend all the zonal clinical meeting and case group discussion as appropriate
    Assist the Medical Team Leader in providing professional and exemplary patient care
    Understand and assist with the implementation of MSFF objectives
    Follow the Kenyan HIV management protocol for delivery of care to HIV patients including delivery of HAART.
    Encourage referral of patients where necessary
    Attend to all relevant Communication and submission of Reports
    Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
    Previous experience with NGOs as a Clinical officer is a plus

  • Partner Project Manager (national position 

Project Manager (national position)

    Partner Project Manager (national position Project Manager (national position)

    Reporting to Country Coordinator
    Main purpose of the role:
    The Partner Project Manager Kenya is responsible for the coordination and monitoring of the various partner-implemented projects and activities, including managing reports, liaison, field visits, due diligence, providing workshops for partner development, etc.

    Identifies potential new partners in conjunction with CC and PC and supports / carries out the necessary partner assessments
    Support local partner organizations and Malteser International in planning and designing of project activities including preparation of proposals, log frames and budgets
    Support partner framework developments are according to donor standards, where requested and applicable
    Ensure effective and timely implementation of projects according to set targets/ indicators and promote quality of project implementation according to Malteser International and donor policies and standards
    Establish and maintain mechanisms/ tools/ systems in cooperation with local partner organizations for close monitoring and evaluation of activities, their quality and impact
    Supervise the administration, finance and logistic of the partner organizations to ensure appropriate record keeping and adherence to Malteser International and donor administrative, finance and procurement procedures and guidelines, in close coordination with HQ program and administrative units
    Develop the capacity of local partner organizations through regular (quarterly) review and feedback to ensure they can fulfil the required procedures and guidelines, as well as for effective project implementation
    Support partner organizations in their planning, preparation and write up of proper and timely project reports adhering to Malteser International and donor requirements
    Liaise with relevant donors and assess funding opportunities for partner implemented project, where applicable
    Ensure close collaboration and coordination with cooperating partners and stakeholders to guarantee smooth implementation of activities and achievement of results as specified in grant agreements
    Employ resourcefulness in project design, implementation and monitoring. Trouble shoots project problems, identifies and implements creative solutions
    Responsible for overseeing the development and execution of project deliverables, lead project planning, budgeting, action plans and monitoring processes
    Any other duty relevant to Malteser International and partner projects as assigned and required by CC / HQ


    Graduate degree in a field related to humanitarian aid / development
    At least five years hands-on project experience in NGO sector, management, and coordination of partners
    Track record of managing contracts, grants and programmatic activities
    Track record of collaborative and integrative project development and reporting
    Demonstrated cooperative approach, including experience in working with Government officials and various partners
    Demonstrated ability to facilitate workshops, manage diverse teams and support others in their work
    Excellent computer skills in Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Internet, etc.
    Excellent English oral and written language skills
    German & Swahili language skills are beneficial

    Personal Qualities:

    Excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills, working with different groups, partners and nationalities under minimal supervision
    Strong initiative and self-motivated, with a strong commitment to teamwork and humanitarian principle
    Ability to prioritize work according to importance and deadlines while meeting work demands
    Good negotiation skills, patience, diplomacy and tact
    Flexible, enthusiastic, adaptable, and willing to learn from others in all aspects of responsibility
    Ability to cope with high workload and stress and identify priority activities and assignments, and adjust priorities as required
    Ability to establish and maintain good working relationships in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment
    Compliance with MI procedures and protocols
    Respectful and appropriate attitude towards the local communities
    Politeness and helpfulness in dealing with all partners

    Starting date: as soon as 02/2018
    Duty Station: Marsabit (with travels to Nairobi)
    Duration of contract (after probation): annual (renewal possible)
    Salary according to qualification and experience, insurance package
    Please note that this is an unaccompanied position
    Please note, these positions are subject to final approval by the donor.
    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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  • Office Manager – Nairobi

    Office Manager – Nairobi

    Job Reference Number: KENOM 18/01/RW
    The role:
    The office manager is responsible for the smooth running of the Aktis Nairobi office, Aktis’ assets and facilities in Kenya, and supporting project coordination and delivery. This will include:
    Managing the Nairobi office finances:

    Overseeing the office budget;
    Managing daily bookkeeping and financial reconciliation in accordance with Aktis’ financial procedures;
    Submit timely and accurate cash flow projections and requests;
    Monthly financial reporting of all Nairobi accounts;
    Coordinate payments to national staff and suppliers;
    Liaise with accountants and banks;
    Ongoing liaison with Aktis’ HQ Finance team;
    Managing payment of project expenses and staff/associate salaries (in cash and via online transfers);
    Ensuring Aktis Iraq remains compliant with local and international legal obligations;
    Manage Nairobi office petty cash.

    Managing day to day office requirements, including:

    Procuring office equipment and supplies, ensuring the office is properly outfitted and consistently stocked;
    Managing office communications, including mobile phone plans;
    Managing Aktis office spaces, including hiring and managing cleaners, provision of utilities such as electricity and internet connections and organising office maintenance;
    Providing local ICT support to staff, such as procuring and installing computers and other ICT equipment for staff with support from Aktis’ central IT support;
    Liaising with landlords;
    Making travel arrangements for team members;
    Filing and scanning documents and information accurately and in accordance with Aktis’ policies / procedures;
    Arranging, scheduling, setting agendas, and reporting on project meetings;
    Maintaining information and knowledge management systems proactively.

    Providing HR support to the Nairobi office:

    Plan and conduct induction training for new staff based in Nairobi on Aktis systems and processes;
    Manage holiday approvals and log sick leave;
    Draft contracts for Kenyan staff;
    Arrange staff health plans;
    Ongoing liaison with Aktis HQ HR team.

    Functioning as the Aktis security focal point:

    Track all security updates from our security providers in Kenya, updating the risk assessment and HSS plan for the country as necessary;
    Provide guidance on the security situation in Nairobi and across Kenya to the team and visitors as required; and
    Make recommendations to the Aktis country HSS Manager on HSS-related decisions.

    Supporting project delivery:

    Manage project related logistics;
    Set up meetings;
    Arrange travel and accommodation for staff and associates relevant to Aktis’ operations;
    Process staff and associate timesheets and expense claims efficiently and accurately;
    Develop friendly professional relationships with associates.

    Supporting Client and stakeholder engagement, ad hoc translation support and engaging with local authorities on taxation and legal matters.

    A minimum of three (3) years’ post-qualification experience working on implementation of international donor funded development projects in Kenya, or with an international NGO;
    Previous financial and operational management experience in an international company, managing Kenyan and international staff;
    Demonstrated organisational and administrative skills and excellent inter-personal skills;
    Experience working for an organisation operating in fragile and conflict affected areas, including assessing risk;
    Experience arranging travel, including to high risk environments;
    Experience of writing and communicating in English through professional email correspondence and official letters.
    Excellent spoken Swahili and Somali, with writing desirable;
    Experience working with remote teams.

  • Nutrition Officer – Kakuma 

GBV Caseworkers – Kakuma 

Nurse – Kakuma 

Medical Officer – Kakuma 

Protection Officer

    Nutrition Officer – Kakuma GBV Caseworkers – Kakuma Nurse – Kakuma Medical Officer – Kakuma Protection Officer

    Job Purpose / Objective: Working under the guidance and supervision of the Nutrition Manager, the Nutrition Officer will be directly responsible for implementation of the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) program, nutrition surveillance, hospital feeding, nutrition education & counseling and promotion of maternal infant and young child nutrition in the camp.
    Key Responsibilities

    Implement and supervise the inpatient and outpatient therapeutic feeding of severely malnourished under-fives while following the stipulated protocol.
    Implement and supervise the supplementary feeding of the moderately malnourished under-fives, pregnant/lactating mothers, individuals with medical conditions (HIV/AIDS and TB).
    Ensure the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) activities are implemented successfully.
    Implement comprehensive maternal infant and young child nutrition program (MIYCN) with strong Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) and Baby Friendly Community initiative (BFCI) approaches.
    Supervise and monitor the hospital inpatients diet including the special diets for medical cases like diabetes, TB, HIV/AIDS, Hypertensive among others.
    Train and mentor the nutrition program staff and the integrated community health promoters through identification of capacity gaps and carrying out refresher trainings and on the job trainings.
    Plan and conduct trainings on Growth Monitoring Promotion (GMP), IMAM and MIYCN to other mainstream health professionals.
    Develop key messages in nutrition to the targeted beneficiaries, and ensure it is delivered appropriately.
    Offer nutrition support through counseling to individuals with medical conditions including Comprehensive Care Clinic clients.
    Plan and conduct the annual health and nutrition surveys together with other stakeholders in the camp.
    Plan and conduct mass MUAC screening of the under fives on a quarterly basis in collaboration with the Community Health Promoters.
    Work closely with other nutrition related programs such as HIV/AIDS, Environmental Health, Clinical Services and Community Health Program in order to improve the nutrition situation in the camp.
    Compile and submit donor and IRC Nutrition Program weekly, biweekly and monthly reports of all the activities implemented, as well prepare food requisitions.
    Coordinate Nutrition meetings with IRC and participate in Project monitoring, Review and Evaluation.
    Represent IRC in Nutrition Coordination meetings with Implementing partners and other Nutrition /Health related forums.
    Lease with Supply Chain Department in logistical Program Supplies procurement and Monitoring Supply control
    Stock monitoring of various commodities
    Any other duties as assigned by the supervisor.


    Bachelor degree in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics from a recognized University.
    Must be a registered nutrition or dietitian KNDI

    Required Experience & Competencies:

    Minimum 1 years work experience in community nutrition and implementation.
    Experience in maternal infant and young nutrition with strong BFHI & BFCI approaches.
    Experience in nutrition survey and assessments.
    Good communication and interpersonal skills.
    Strong report writing and team working skills.
    Knowledge in computer packages and basic analysis skills.
    Experience in Nutrition and HIV/AIDS programming added advantage.
    Ability to work in hardship areas (previous experience in a camp setting will be an added advantage).

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  • Supply Chain operations Manager

    Supply Chain operations Manager

    Job description
    Job Purpose
    The mission of the Supply Chain Operation Manager is to ensure the good execution of operations under his responsibility.
    Job Function
    Maintain customer relationships:

    Maintain daily customer relationship in the framework of Bollore Logistics contracts to its clients and rational matrices defined with customers.
    Proposes to hierarchy all actions enabling to develop the commercial relationship with customer (other activities, added value complementary).
    Execute necessary resources of operations are defined by the contractual relationship with customer.
    Control economic profitability of the operations within his perimeter
    Oversee the good execution of services
    Manage the operating account of the activities of the perimeter
    Follow dashboards, credentials profession (product, quality) in order to reach the results expected in the contract and budget
    Propose actions for performance improvement in the service level to client
    Manage the different operation teams
    Define missions of co-workers of the team in order to ensure the best quality of service at best cost.
    Clearly define, agree upon and communicate the Objectives to the team(s), evaluate their performance and identify their training needs
    Coordinate operational teams (clients and other entities of Bolloré Logistics) in the framework of defined procedures
    Reporting and Meetings
    Give reports of the activities of the sections to hierarchy (volumetry, human resources, key facts, key performance indicators and quality)
    Lead or participate in meetings relating to his scope of work.
    Any other delegated tasks deemed as reasonable as assigned by the reporting manager

    Qualifications Requirements

    5 years relevant Supply Chain & Logistics experience
    Master degree in the relevant field
    Bachelor degree in Supply chain & Logistics
    The successful candidate must be willing to relocate to Kenya