Job Field: Sector in NGO/Non-Profit

  • Protection Expert (Victims of Trafficking Identification specialist) – Kenya – BMM (9 months renewable) 

Counter Trafficking (TiP) Expert – Kenya – Better Migration Management – 9 months (renewable)

    Protection Expert (Victims of Trafficking Identification specialist) – Kenya – BMM (9 months renewable) Counter Trafficking (TiP) Expert – Kenya – Better Migration Management – 9 months (renewable)

    The Better Migration Management (BMM) program is based on the third objective within the EU Trust Fund, namely “improved migration management in countries of origin and transit”. It is also contributing to the second objective of the EU Trust Fund that is “strengthening resilience of communities and in particular the most vulnerable, as well as refugees and displaced people”.
    In line with the implementing strategy outlined in the Action Fiche for the implementation of the Horn of Africa Window T05 – EUTF – HoA – REG – 09, the final Description of the Action developed by GIZ as the coordinating agency, and in compliance with the overarching division of labour agreed among the consortium members, Expertise France (EF)’s contribution to the BMM project centres on the second and third specific objectives of the Action, namely:
    To strengthen the capacity of all institutions and agencies responsible for migration and border management (capacity building), and
    To improve the identification, assistance and protection for Victims of Trafficking (VoT) and vulnerable migrants, especially women and children, in the Horn of Africa (protection).
    For the purpose of BMM’s protection pillar implementation, EF is recruiting a protection expert to further synergize complementary action among NRM partners through network consolidation, scaled up services and standardized reporting mechanisms, with the overall goal of ensuring all actions or initiatives within Kenya’s national response against trafficking in human beings is non- discriminatory, take gender equality into account as well as a child-rights approach.
    Three key documents guide the work of the expert: The National Plan of Action for Combating Human Trafficking (Strategic Framework 2013-2017) herein referred to as the NPA; the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Act (No. 8 of 2010) herein referred to as the CTiP Act; and the National Referral Mechanism Guidelines (NRM).
    Specific objectives are as follows:
    Outreach and coordination to enhance referral mechanisms for VoT and Vulnerable Smuggled migrants with a general focus on persons with possible international protection needs and other persons with specific needsEnhance information sharing through partners and when possible, authorities and other decentralized officesIncrease the capacity of selected NRM service providers’ and shelter center staff to adequately respond to the needs of trafficked victimsAdvise on priority provision of infrastructure for shelter and NGO work towards standardized modalities and centralized process for trafficking case management and referrals among and between service providers, whatever their status, be it community based organizations (CSO), government agencies, and law enforcement agencies

    Evaluate NRM service providers’ gaps and response capacity with a focus on first responders (government / non-government run services)
    Review existing assistance systems and current practices specifically in the following service provision: Ø Case management and referral

    Information Counseling and Legal Assistance
    Psychosocial counseling
    Community child protection and child friendly interview
    Minimum standards of Care in Shelter management
    Helpline, Hotlines Centers

    Monitoring and reporting

    Evaluate technical and material requirements necessary to improve selected government run services case management
    Map and document core training needs to inform strategies and approaches towards a human rights based and victim-centered referral system in first level identification of VoT;
    Map and document core training needs for building capacity on care and support for VoT;
    Devise training modules to improve first level identification of victim inclusive of a “indicators of actions, means, purpose” framework;
    Incorporate training modules in existing NRM training components
    Create a joint action plan to ensure training compendium is harmonized across BMM partners’ modules and rolled out as one joint exercise
    Advise plan on set up of information sharing platform(s) towards improved coordination and cooperation (4ws, information sharing and reporting mechanism);
    Jointly identify most suitable government service within the network, to be trained and supported, as informed by mapping exercise (4Ws);


    Submit preliminary report informing EF on need to increase the capacity of 5 to 6 selected (decentralized) service providers to effectively deliver but also monitor progress towards a victim centered and protection focused assistance package;
    Provide recommendations on diversifying modalities through which the services are delivered by linking supported safe houses with (newly) established mobile teams along selected key border crossing recognized as human trafficking hotspot;
    Provide recommendations on furthering rights-based and victim-centered approach in first level identification of VoT


    Lead on elaboration of reporting tools, including information sharing protocols (ISP), reporting matrix, reporting template.
    Support in developing SOPs and enhanced case management with/for implementing partners, building on existing initiatives;
    Strengthen network of government/non government service providers, supporting horizontal and vertical institutional dialogue, and fostering a process of standardization of case management practices;
    Identify key institutional counterparts and grassroots service providers (4Ws) operating with the NRM framework and establish a Focal Point system in chosen geographic area (pilot as per defined criticality criteria)


    In coordination with the NRM network and on the basis of the work carried out above, identify one context where there is an acute need for a response to anti-trafficking
    Through the existing and scaled up service provision in these chosen areas, provide remote and in-site support to the NRM network for the establishment and running of the recommended good practices and joined-up response mechanism to anti-trafficking
    Liaise with BMM partners operating in the pilot area to ensure the network NRM is broadly connected and facilitates triangulation of data.
    Assist communities and local authorities in the pilot areas, to assist in the mitigation of the effects of trafficking on PVoT & VoT — especially for those with special protection needs by mirroring this attention in anticipated areas of reception (safe house) and their need for preparedness planning
    Facilitate and organize joint monitoring visits to ensure lesson learning and development of best practices


    Work closely with EF consultant in charge of setting up an information management system (database) and information sharing portal (private / public)
    Through NRM network, help collect and consolidate data on identification, referral, assistance of VoT, interception, prosecution of perpetrator;
    Feed database with information ongoing service delivery, including reporting on activities and services mapping, so as to identify gaps, duplications, and/or strengths.
    Assist with consolidation and dissemination of 4Ws data on response and relevant information to all NRM partners at decentralized level
    Liaise closely with NRM coordinator and CTiP AC to support centralized Information Management and subsequent trend analysis;
    In consultation with CtiP AC and BMM partners, advise on response gaps or issues of concern of field level partners
    Support the development of reporting (trafficking) indicators based on minimum standards of care, in close collaboration with NRM coordination, CTiP AC (contribution to TiP report), NRM partners;


    Organize a “good practice on support services for victims of trafficking” workshop jointly with BMM partners and NRM partners involved in above mentioned pilot, where an action plan will be formulated to improve support services in first level identification along established comprehensive minimum standards of care,
    Develop good practice compendium and includes modalities to measure good practices
    Based on lessons learned from above mentioned pilot, foster a strengthened joined position amongst government officials on the issue of providing protection to potential victims and victims of trafficking cases;
    Assist NRM members to elaborate key advocacy messages on the issue in line with prevailing needs;
    Prepare and coordinate information sessions and wide ranging awareness raising campaigns on the risks of exploitation and trafficking;
    Participate in EF’s dissemination strategy of expert’s final report, in Kenya and Brussels – “Measuring attitudinal, behavioral and cultural change towards VoT: towards a
    Human Rights Based and Victim Centered approach “
    Based on the above, draft an inclusive plan supporting establishment and management of safe houses for victims of trafficking based on protection safeguards and endorsed minimum standards of care;


    Undertake review of the protection initiative and produce a progress report, including recommendations in relations to the tools, SoPs, capacity building of focal point based networks, utility of information collected post-training, and quality of resultant response;
    Assess pre- and post-training quality of information collected at all stages of NRM (especially first stage identification);
    Evaluate to what extend vulnerability and protection mainstreaming have refined the scope of service provided to VoT and led to prevention of trafficking modalities (e/g: baseline surveys to identify the highly risk group)
    Evaluate to what extend strategic, scaled up capacity of first responders and shelter center staff led to more adequate response to needs of trafficked victims including the set up of viable government run Safe house;
    Review Information Management needs;
    Evaluate quality value of a roster for certified social workers operating with the NRM
    Recommendation on extending methodology to the rest of the country


    The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following technical and behavioural competencies / accountabilities:

    Participatory and community-based approaches
    Ensure utilization of participatory and community based approaches in strategy development, needs assessment, analysis, planning, monitoring and response.Ensure effective and coherent institutional needs assessment and analysis take a gender perspective into account, involving all relevant partners;

    Attention to priority cross-cutting issues

    Ensure gender sensitive response and promote gender equality across all target groups;

    Planning and strategy development

    Ensure predictable action within the NRM membership for the following:
    Gaps identification
    Developing/updating agreed response strategies and action plans for the NRM membership and ensuring that these are adequately reflected in overall country strategies to
    Counter HT (NPA, CTiP Act, 2030 Vision, etc);
    Drawing lessons learned from past activities and revising strategies accordingly;

    Application of standards

    Ensure that NRM group participants are aware of relevant policy guidelines, technical standards and relevant commitments that the Government has undertaken under international and Domestic Law to counter Human Trafficking;

    Monitoring and reporting

    Align with data information sharing systems in place
    Contribute to adequate monitoring mechanisms and reviewing impact and progress of the NRM against implementation plans;
    Ensure transparency, integrity, access to information and accountability principles are embraced in resource allocation and management of service providers’ NRM response;
    Ensure monitoring efforts are linked to the National Integrated Monitoring System (NIMES)
    Ensure adequate reporting and effective information sharing, with due regard for age and sex disaggregation

    Training and capacity building
    Ensure that capacity building of identified member of the NRM membership occurs in order to ensure on-going sustainability and quality of the response
    Mainstream Human Rights Based Programming approach evidenced in a developed Monitoring and Evaluation Framework;
    Work with partners to promote understanding of and adherence to victim centered – HR based approach to their response
    Comply with humanitarian and development guidelines and standards procedure with respect to Do NO Harm, AGDM concept, GBV guidance, child rights and safeguarding, health and safety, SPHERE guidelines and other relevant policies


    Monitoring and progress controls (report requirement, periodicity, format, deadlines)
    Final product (e/g survey completed, data collected, workshop conducted, research documents, produced)
    One training compendium (including development of module on a minimum of 4 topics including but not limited to security protocol and SOPs for confidential data management, referral to judiciary and law enforcement, victim needs assessment) ;
    SoPs, ISP, Reporting Tools (Trafficking indicators), 4ws
    Mechanisms and frameworks for collecting and sharing information between selected service providers are established

    Education level

    Higher university degree in a social science or related discipline
    Master / Phd grade


    5 to 10 years of relevant experience in Counter trafficking / Mixed migration
    Extensive knowledge of protection humanitarian programming
    Experience in capacity building and coordination

    Personal qualities

    Ability to work in a collaborative manner with team members and with multiple stakeholders at various levels from national to sub-national and community levels.
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including cultural sensitivity.
    Demonstrated ability to work effectively in highly stressful situations.
    Previous experience in Kenya, Horn of Africa is an asset

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  • Regional Awards Analyst

    Regional Awards Analyst

    Role Purpose:
    The purpose of this post is to lead on strategic portfolio planning and risk management through analysis and management information. Under the direction of the Head of Award Management, the Awards Analyst, will complement efforts from PDQ, Programme Operations and Finance in ensuring that the SCI Country Offices are remaining competitive and are adhering to all its award management obligations internally within Save the Children and externally with donors.
    Contract Duration: Fixed Term
    Location: East and Southern Africa Regional Office
    Qualifications and Experience

    Graduate qualification in Finance management, Grants management or equivalent.
    At least 5 years’ experience in project management, grants / contract management / fund management
    Excellent planning, management and coordination skills, with the ability to organise a demanding workload comprised of diverse and challenging tasks and responsibilities.
    Experience with NGOs with increasing responsibilities including a proven experience of establishing and running the award management function in the field.
    Knowledge of the requirements of major institutional donors including budgeting, eligibility issues, compliance management, and reporting.
    Experience of engaging with donors at country strategy levels.
    Experience of and well developed skills in staff management and supervision. Proven strong coaching and capacity building skills.
    Very strong capacity for attention to detail, problem solving, and analysis of trends.
    Computer literate with very strong excel skills.
    Cultural awareness and ability to build relationships quickly with a wide variety of people.
    Patient, adaptable, flexible, able to improvise and remain responsive and communicate clearly and effectively under pressure.
    Strong communication (written and spoken), and interpersonal skills in English, with experience in managing multicultural teams.


    Experience with Save the Children award management policies, procedures and systems and Save the Children’s award management system (AMS).

  • GBV Psychosocial Officer

    GBV Psychosocial Officer

    The GBV Psychosocial Officer will support the successful implementation of all psychosocial activities, and will be responsible for the provision of quality case management including direct counseling to GBV survivors. In addition, the GBV Psychosocial Officer will support training of partners and community health workers to respond to cases of GBV and ensure effective referral for survivors of GBV. This includes providing ongoing training and utilizing monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure high quality services are available and utilized. The Psychosocial Officer will provide the technical guidance and leadership required for the successful implementation of all psychosocial and Case. Management activities.
    Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
    Case management

    Support the maintenance of an effective and confidential case management system.
    Provide professional and confidential services to survivors of GBV, grounded in the IRC’s holistic, survivor-centered case management approach.
    Develop professional, effective and appropriate GBV psychosocial programming, including direct individual and group counseling support
    Assist in the development and implementation of psychosocial activities that are responsive to the needs of women and girls
    Maintain and update quality GBV Information Management System (IMS) database on a regular basis
    Collecting data about GBV trends and work with partners to disseminate information to all relevant stakeholders to develop responses
    Assist with preparing all relevant reports regarding the IRC’s psychosocial activities.
    Ensure timely implementation of psychosocial programme activities.

    Training and capacity development

    Mentor and provide technical support to health staff and community workers directly involved with the psychosocial and clinical care for GBV survivors
    Monitor and supervise case management, including capacity building through training and on-the-job training. Training topics should include active listening and effective communication, action and safety planning, GBV guiding principles, GBV basic concepts, and other related topics.
    Provide guidance regarding psychosocial activities to all partners and community workers to ensure all programme activities meet best practice standards

    Community engagement and outreach

    Strengthen and maintain networks with governmental, ministry of health, ministry of education, ministry of gender, children and social welfare, UNHCR, community leaders, women leaders, service providers to ensure that survivors receive compassionate support from the community and to encourage greater communication, collaboration and coordination among partners (protection, health, legal, and psychosocial sectors)


    Develop and maintain effective working relationships with all stakeholders, including community members and leaders, NGOs, UN agencies, and other IRC team members to enhance multi-agency and multi-sectoral cooperation and coordination.
    Maintain a strong working relationship with Ministry of Health and other partners to support the provision of quality care to sexual assault survivors
    Support the development and strengthening of an effective GBV referral system and coordination mechanisms
    Lead on bi-monthly case conferences and support GBV coordination meetings with partners and community members
    Fulfill any other duties and responsibilities as assigned.


    Social Science degree in counseling and/or psychology; a Master degree is preferred.
    Minimum 3 years of direct psychosocial/counseling experience with a reputable agency; experience working with survivors of violence preferred.
    Clear understanding of gender, abuse of power, and issues surrounding violence against women.
    Able to maintain confidentiality, medical ethics and respect for clients at all times.
    Able to lead, train, supervise, facilitate and motivate other GBV staff in their respective tasks in a professional, respectful and supportive manner.
    Positive, highly motivated, innovative, with strong organizational and inter-personal skills.
    Able to coordinate multiple tasks while maintaining attention to quality and detail.
    Able to work as part of a team.
    Strong knowledge of computer applications, including MS Word and Excel.
    Willing to work in a hardship area.
    Fluency in English, including writing clear and concise reports.

  • Monitoring & Evaluation Officer 

ICT Officer

    Monitoring & Evaluation Officer ICT Officer

    The M&E Officer will be responsible for designing and implementing the M&E activities of the Project; supporting the project team in data management and compilation of qualitative and quantitative reports and monitoring project activities.
    Job Responsibilities

    Review the Monitoring plan and ensure proper tracking of agreed upon performance indicators, targets and timelines for project success
    Assist in the development of tools for ongoing project data collection and ensuring collected data is organized in a logical manner for presentations and external consumption
    Support, design and develop qualitative and quantitative study instruments whenever required
    Participate in monitoring missions by donors and implementing partners to the field and provide technical and contextual information for purposes of verifying project performance
    Participate in the tracking of project beneficiaries receiving targeted support and advise on efficient and effective delivery
    Provide monthly, quarterly and annual narrative progress reports that contain detailed description of work done against agreed upon implementation plans for the reporting period.


    A university degree in social sciences, development studies, statistics, economics or related field, such as operations research, quantitative analysis, etc.
    Proven experience with M&E methods and approaches, planning and implementation of M&E systems, information/data analysis and report writing
    Thorough familiarity with principles and current approaches to M&E using both quantitative and qualitative methods;
    Demonstrated M&E field experience: skilled in collecting, manipulating, synthesizing and analyzing data
    Experience in designing tools and strategies for data collection, analysis and production of reports

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  • Field Officer 

Project Officer

    Field Officer Project Officer

    REF: FO/01/2018
    Reporting to the Project Officer under “EVALUATING IMPACTS OF GENDER INTEGRATION ON AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY OUTCOMES” project, the position holder will work closely with the communities in target project sites and work as a member of the project team based in Nyandarua County, Kinangop constituency. The suitable candidate will support coordinating and implementation of all project level activities/events within the project sites. Successful candidate will support establishment of FFBS/FFS from farmer groups in project target areas in line with objectives and approaches of the project. The field officer will support identification and selection of community groups engaged in horticultural value chains to engage in FFS/FFBS activities.
    Tasks and responsibilities

    R 1: Facilitate participatory CBA analysis and planning processes for the ALP communities and the project stakeholders (30%)

    Support farmer groups identification, selection and initiation to FFS/FFBS activities
    Support institutional mapping exercise to identify local actors and organisations in agriculture within project locales
    Participate and support facilitation of regular training, planning and coordination sessions amongst FFS/FFBS at the community level
    Support to entrench FFS/FFBS activities within community households in collaboration with the county MoA and other project stakeholders
    Support capacity and needs assessments within farmer groups project stakeholders
    Support all field surveys organized for the project (i.e baseline, mid and end-line evaluations)

    R 2: Capacity building and support to FFS/FFBS on implementation of project plans, strategies and activities (40%)

    Support training/capacity building of farmer groups within target communities on establishment and management of pigeon pea and Irish potato value chains
    Participate in formal and informal FFS/FFBS sessions as part of planned project implementation activities
    Support farmer groups implement FFS/FFBS project activities in a gender-sensitive, sustainable and environmentally friendly approach
    Identify support needed by farmer groups to adapt to planned field level project activities
    Support farmer groups by providing linkages with the relevant service providers
    Capacity build farmer groups on issues relevant to pigeon pea and Irish potato environmental conservation and management
    Provide supports and mentoring to farmer groups through formal and informal trainings and cross learning sessions
    Support data collection, entry, synthesis and reporting to project management office
    Support activity, monthly, quarterly and annual reporting project activities
    Conduct any other project related task as required by the project officer.

    R3: Building capacity of County level partner organizations and community groups (20%)

    Assist to evaluate capacity of partner organizations working at Community and County level
    Support and participate in development of a capacity building strategy
    Assist to provide training, mentoring and ongoing technical advice to project and community level partners
    Assist to facilitate external training opportunities for farmer groups and other project partners as needed
    R4: Monitoring, evaluation, reporting and documentation of processes and results at community and County (20%)


    Implement the project information and knowledge management system
    Facilitate monitoring of processes and results by farmer groups working at community level.
    Assist to support partners in reporting and documentation on results, processes and lessons learnt.
    Facilitate reflection and learning formal and informal sessions among farmer groups and identify key lessons learned
    Support in compiling farmer groups and county level partner reports for submission
    Management of Project Resources


    Support distribution of field inputs to ensure adequate and timely provision to participating farmer group/communities and partner organizations communities
    Ensure proper maintenance and use of assigned project resources

    Spending Authority:
    The position does not have authority to approve expenditure.
    The position holder has no supervisory roles
    Decision Making:
    The position holder can make decision at the field level based on the field conditions but in consultation with the project officer and/or project manager
    CONTACTS/KEY RELATIONSHIPS (internal & external):

    Project Officer
    KALRO project team lead and its support staff
    UoN project lead and its pro-graduate students
    County and sub-county Ministry of Agriculture staff and field officers
    Target Community farmer groups and participating households
    Any other institution/organization as required from time-to-time

    The position is 100% based in Nyandarua County, Kinangop constituency with 60% field travel.
    The Field Officer will have a minimum qualification of a university degree, in a relevant discipline such as as Agriculture, Agronomy, Rural development, community development and livelihoods. The candidate must have practical experience in community facilitation and working with research and academic teams both locally and internationally.
    S/he is expected to interact closely with members of the technical team both nationally and internationally as well as County MoA officials and local project stakeholders and community project beneficiaries.

    At least four years of experience working with agricultural based research organisations, including a minimum of three years working with communities
    Strong experience and knowledge of agricultural value chains, sustainable livelihoods and disaster risk reduction approaches or all the three.
    Practical experience in planning, implementation and reporting of agronomic practices/value chains
    An understanding of climate change effects on agricultural value chains and the need to build community resilience
    Positive experiences working with county governance structures and community relationship-building
    Demonstrated awareness of and sensitivity to gender and diversity


    People Skills: Ability to work as a team player.
    Demonstrated ability to listen to and work with communities in a sensitive and participatory manner.
    Communication Skills: Well developed written and oral communication skills in English. Able to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and external stakeholders.
    Computer Skills: Basic computing skills Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook;
    Integrity: Works with trustworthiness and integrity and has a clear commitment to CARE’s core values and humanitarian principles.
    Flexibility: Willing to be in the field up to 70% of the time
    Fair knowledge of local language and environment will be an added advantage

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  • Terms of Reference HealthStart End line Survey

    Terms of Reference HealthStart End line Survey

    The project
    The HealthStart program is currently working in 25 schools in Muhoroni and Nyando Sub counties, Kisumu County which is a malaria endemic region. The schools are grouped in 5 clusters: Angoro, Ayucha, Milenya, Nyatao and Ngeny. HealthStart works with the schools, local government and communities to implement a clear and effective framework that delivers School Health and Nutrition interventions and improves educational attainment. It works to establish a robust framework within schools so that interventions delivered in have a long lasting, sustainable impact on every pupil. The project also works with different stakeholders to strengthen each stakeholder’s ability to gather data and to understand the impact and learn from it. The activities implemented by the project as relates to the program outcome areas include:

    Systems Strengthening HealthStart works in each school to strengthen governance through the School Board of Management ; introduce the Kenya National School Health Policy of 2009, form a School Health Committee and a health clubs; embedding national policy. It also provides schools with the internal structures and partnerships with the relevant line ministries to ensure GoK provides health services and to hold local ministries to account for any failure to deliver.
    Health Education Development The HealthStart program works with local and county level representatives from relevant ministries, as well as teachers, to understand the program framework and to disseminate engaging content including the key health messages of the Kenya National School Health Policy of 2009.
    Community Mobilization Health clubs provide children with a structure through which to advocate for their rights holding the School Board of Management to account when their needs are not met. Parents are better informed on the health and wellbeing of their child(ren) through the introduction of the school health report card that gives a summary of a child’s nutrition status.
    Health Services Each school went through a needs assessment process to establish existing resources/services and potential. Interventions were tailored as a result. The package in different schools included: deworming; nutrition specific interventions; LLITNs; improved sanitation; and health education. Data collected was in putted into the Kenya Demographic Health Information System to support in informing government decisions.

    Partners Roles
    Omega’s role in implementing the program was to ensure that all the stakeholders are identified, mobilized and capacity built to understand their roles in schools as stipulated in the Kenya National School Health policy. Omega would also ensure regular mentorship for stakeholders to ensure the policy is well understood and implemented. Ogra, on the other hand would work closely with MoH, to ensure mosquito nets, deworming tablets & vitamin A supplements are available and properly administered. Ogra was also charged with the management of regular dialogue meetings in all 20 schools, bringing Government partners, school health clubs and school management together to ensure the National School Health Policy is understood and implemented by all stakeholders.
    Expected Program Outcomes:
    By providing improvements to capacity building on the SHN policy alongside improvements to accessible literature on healthy and risky behaviours for School Health Committees, representatives from all stakeholders (children, teaching staff, BoM and caregivers) will have improved access to understanding and knowledge on how to stay healthy. Building capacity and strengthening systems for school governance will improve the sustainability and longevity of any other interventions and relationships developed to improve health for children and communities.
    Improving inclusive channels of communication between different stakeholders, awareness of their rights and understanding of how to advocate for change will empower children, communities and schools to become agents for change. Improved access to technology for data collection, storage and sharing enables schools to understand the importance of data, to learn about key trends and needs within their community and to shape and evolve activities as a result.
    Purpose of evaluation
    The end of project evaluation is meant to assess the progress of the programme and the various challenges noted during the entire period. To assess relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the project benefits to its targets and to analyze and effectiveness of programme approach and strategy noting the gaps and how these gaps have affected the programme. This is with a view to inform the next iteration of the HealthStart Programme.
    Evaluation objectives

    Assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and equity of project benefits to its targets.
    Assess the project progress (indicators/outcomes) compared to baseline and end -term review data and confirm the level of change delivered by the project
    Assess the effectiveness of the partnerships between the three organizations (, Omega and Ogra) in delivery of the HealthStart program.
    Draw the key learnings from the project and recommend the replicable elements of the project for the next iteration of the HealthStart Program.

    Scope of work

    Desk review of the baseline survey including review of data collection tools
    Visits to all the 25 project schools to conduct School Health Audits
    Conduct self-completion surveys for all class 7 & 8 pupils at each of the 25 schools
    Conduct interview surveys with sample groups of parents/caregivers from each school (house to house visits)
    Visit to partner offices in Kisumu County to conduct partner evaluations
    Present evaluation findings/Summary of key findings and recommendations to

    Duration of the evaluation
    The evaluation has been scheduled to take place for a period of four weeks between 2nd of March and 20th of April 2018 (ensuring that the pupil’s survey doesn’t coincide with end of term exams or fall into the April holidays).
    Expected deliverables

    A proposal in revert to the TOR detailing the understanding of the Terms of Reference and proposed methodology. The proposal should include an outlined budget for planned activities
    Administration of three surveys/three survey tools: pupil survey, and caregiver survey and carrying out School Health Audit
    Undertake a partnership evaluation for each of the partners and put together an evaluation report
    Consolidate an evaluation report for the entire evaluation process

    The consultant will share his/her own methodology with Final agreement of the methodology will be by It will be expected that the methodology will include among other components, review of the baseline survey and tools used, carrying out school visits to undertake School Health Audits, administering the Pupil and Caregivers’ surveys, and carrying out partner evaluations for each of the partners
    Required expertise and qualification

    Advanced degree in Public Health/Community Health/Social Sciences
    Proven experience working in Health and Education programs
    Strong report writing skills
    Proven experience conducting Education and Health research
    Exposure or familiarity working in Kisumu County will be an added advantage

  • Regional Managing Director, Africa (Nairobi, Kenya; Arusha, Tanzania; or Lusaka, Zambia preferred but location is negotiable)

    Regional Managing Director, Africa (Nairobi, Kenya; Arusha, Tanzania; or Lusaka, Zambia preferred but location is negotiable)

    Job description
    The Regional Managing Director provides strategic leadership and management to the Conservancy’s growing Africa Region, currently comprised of nearly 70 staff doing and supporting on-the-ground conservation on the African continent .
    Essential Functions
    With a current fiscal year budget of US$23 million, the Regional Managing Director leads conservation and supporting activities for a rapidly growing region with staff currently based in six African countries (Gabon, Kenya, Tanzania, Seychelles, Zambia and soon South Africa). We also have several support staff based in the United States, and invest in partners in other African countries. The Regional Managing Director is ultimately responsible and accountable for the programs, partnerships and conservation results throughout the region. S/he represents the program broadly both internally and externally to Conservancy senior management, the Board of Directors, country governments, bilateral and multi-lateral agencies and non-governmental organization partners. S/he ensures that the conservation goals and activities of the Africa Region are aligned with The Nature Conservancy’s overall conservation framework and organizational priorities, known as the Shared Conservation Agenda. S/he builds and directs the Africa Region Senior Leadership team, including the region’s senior leaders in conservation, external affairs, marketing, philanthropy, finance, human resources and operations.
    The Regional Managing Director will report to the Executive Vice President (EVP) for Africa, India and Europe and will support the EVP as necessary in the engagement of major donors to support our work. The Regional Managing Director is a member of the Conservancy’s Executive Team.
    Responsibilities And Scope

    Advances the Conservancy’s role as a global conservation leader and acts as internal and external ambassador to advocate for TNC’s conservation work in Africa.
    Works with the Executive Vice President, Chief Conservation Officer, the Managing Directors of other conservation regions, the Global Strategy Leads and the Executive Team to integrate and align the Africa Region conservation priorities with those of the organization as a whole.
    Works with fellow leaders to formulate, establish, and evaluate policies and/or long-term programs.
    Responsible for overseeing preparation of annual work plans and budgets for the Africa Region as well as reports against annual goals and objectives.
    Directs negotiations for complex, high profile and sensitive agreements.
    Manages senior leadership positions within the region and is responsible for the management and development of all staff within the region.
    In coordination with the EVP, responsible for liaising with TNC’s volunteer leadership, including the Africa Council.
    Accountable to assist the EVP as necessary raising public and private funds to meet annual budget needs for the region.
    Responsible for the oversight and implementation of large cross-boundary projects, and administrative and compliance issues region-wide. Ensures multiple programs meet organization-wide needs and commitments and are managed for ethical compliance.
    Plays a leading role in managing major public agency and elected official relationships.
    Works with key partners to develop and communicate solutions and best practices.
    Reports on program to executive leadership and Board of Directors.

    Minimum Qualifications

    Graduate degree in business, law, environmental policy, natural resource management or other relevant field and 5 years’ senior level experience in a relevant field, or equivalent combination.
    Experience leading and managing a large multi-disciplinary team, including managing senior level leaders.
    Experience addressing political, communal and/or environmental challenges and opportunities within Africa.
    Experience communicating with and presenting to diverse audiences including donors, board members, employees, outside partners, or equivalent.
    Experience in fundraising, including cultivation of major donors.
    Experience in evaluating and/or negotiating complex, high profile or sensitive agreements.
    Fluency in English required

    Desired Qualifications

    Multi-lingual skills (ideally French and Swahili) and multi-cultural experience preferred.
    Knowledge of politics and society with respect to environmental affairs in Africa.
    Demonstrated leadership and visionary qualities and ability to work effectively with and through others in a decentralized and geographically dispersed organization.
    Political and interpersonal savvy. Strong emotional intelligence.
    Successful track record recruiting, supervising and developing high performing staff.
    Approachable and accessible with a sense of humor.

    The Nature Conservancy is an Equal Opportunity Employer Our commitment to diversity includes the recognition that our conservation mission is best advanced by the leadership and contributions of men and women of diverse backgrounds, beliefs and culture. Recruiting and mentoring staff to create an inclusive organization that reflects our global character is a priority and we encourage applicants from all cultures, races, colors, religions, sexes, national or regional origins, ages, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, military, protected veteran status or other status protected by law.
    The successful applicant must meet the requirements of The Nature Conservancy’s background screening process.

  • Sustainability Initiative Officer

    Sustainability Initiative Officer

    Job description
    Job Summary
    The KCIC ‘Sustainability Initiative Officer’ supports achievement of the objectives set out in the KCIC Sustainability Initiative. The role supports the delivery of key sustainability strategies, projects and programs while contributing to the development of new initiatives. Under the direction of the Clients Services Director, the jobholder is responsible for developing, planning, and managing programs and developing policies that will revolve around awareness creation, building and supporting networks and communities of practice, supervision of consultants and support for capacity building efforts, overseeing research, convening the initiative’s think tank and management of short-to-long term sustainability projects from time to time.
    The role will require a candidate who has a strong ability to develop key relationships to assist in assessing sustainability challenges and opportunities for action across diverse sectors and project portfolios. This role will focus on supporting the successful implementation of KCIC’s sustainability strategy pillars while providing transformational leadership in achieving key organisational goals through leading and building a high performing sustainability team. Success in this position is dependent on relevant technical expertise, strong project management and communication skills and ability to prepare and present technical reports.
    The ideal candidate will be able to negotiate, influence and consult with a wide range of stakeholders on various sustainability strategies and interventions.
    Core Duties and Responsibilities

    Develops long and short-term strategic plans, recommending policy and organizational changes needed to advance sustainability initiatives;
    Forms trusted and effective relationships and partnerships, and the manages such partnerships in a way that leads to mutual benefit in the implementation of sustainability programs and projects;
    Coordinate sustainability outreach programs – including but not limited to speakers, events, workshops, etc.;
    Tracks relevant information and available resources, staying up to date with the rapidly changing field through publications, memberships, electronic services as well as formal and informal networks;
    Oversees implementation of current internal sustainability programs such as, the KCIC Sustainability Policy;
    Develop reports or presentations to communicate the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives;
    Markets and promotes KCIC sustainability initiative’s efforts through communication platforms including: website content, newsletter development, brochures, social media, and other promotional materials and/or publications;
    Design and produce visually engaging materials for effective message communication in print, online, posters, marketing, etc.;
    Take lead on the process of policy making and government relationship with relevant government offices that have impacts to the sustainability initiative;
    Assesses & develop strategy to influence policy and produce relevant policy papers that have impacts on sustainability;
    Develops and implements external relation strategies to profile KCIC and the sustainability initiative to secure funding and enable policy development to support development and growth of initiative;
    Educate businesses and national/local government on the important role of sustainability principles and practices relevant to their business. Influence businesses to adopt the relevant sustainability principles and practices to their business operations in relation to SDGs and Paris Climate Accord;
    Manages the implementation and monitors progress of projects that improve the organization’s impact on Kenya’s sustainability agenda, with the intent to enhance environmental integrity, social equity and economic prosperity;
    Provides input to the Initiative’s sustainability vision and strategy based on current practices, technology and policy; provides guidance on best and next practice for projects in sustainability awareness creation and other sectors;
    Assess or propose sustainability initiatives, considering factors such as cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, and acceptance;
    Actively identifies and cultivates untapped opportunities to improve the programs within the sustainability initiative, through personal motivation to develop and enhance sustainable practices;
    Identify or procure needed resources to implement sustainability programs or projects;
    Create or maintain plans or other documents related to sustainability projects;
    Provide technical or administrative support for sustainability programs or issues;
    Researches best practices of sustainability;
    Suggests and implements management solutions to address new or on-going sustainability challenges within the organization and beyond;
    Serves as the initiative’s representative at conferences and meetings;
    Performs related duties and fulfils responsibilities as required;

    Requirements, Knowledge and Experience

    Master’s Degree or equivalent in Sustainability, Environmental Science, Development Studies, Social Sciences, Policy or Planning or related field.
    Five years of experience in project management especially donor funded projects or related experience within the specialty of the degree.
    Demonstrated dedication to sustainable practice, function, and lifestyle.
    Strong organizational, observational, research, and data collection skills.
    Knowledge of Sustainability theories, business practices, and local, national and global initiatives.
    Experience and skills at managing process projects, and cross-functional teams, and in facilitating group processes and meetings, as well as in change management.
    Highly motivated and self-directed, comfortable working both independently and as part of a team, willing and able to assume a high level of responsibility for a project from start to finish, show initiative to seize and develop new opportunities, and persistence with organizational change.
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, demonstrating tact and diplomacy to consistently interact effectively and flexibly with diverse groups of people including executive management, donors, government representatives, clients and the public is essential.
    Ability to work autonomously with a high degree of creativity and leadership skills.
    Ability to manage multiple projects at once by demonstrating effective resource and project planning, decision making, organizational skills and results delivery.
    Knowledge of the principles and practices of public/government organizations;
    Ability to prepare and present professional, comprehensive written and oral reports and recommendations.
    Ability to analyze and interpret and present data.
    Experience in multi-project management and reporting experience and preparation of reports for diverse audiences.
    Expertise in reporting frameworks including EU, UKAid and USAID.
    Experience in report writing and development of annual reports and impact, editing, development of infographics and supporting top level management in making sharp and impactful presentations for conferences and high level events.

    Other competencies/skills

    Demonstrated skills in project planning implementation and budgeting.
    Professionally interact with internal and external stakeholders, whilst building key relationships that will assist in positive outcomes.
    High level of relationship management skills to build relationships with key partners and stakeholders.
    Proven experience in managing projects.
    Ability to work independently, manage competing priorities, meet tight deadlines and handle multiple tasks.
    Handle the team and projects with a high-level of professionalism and diplomacy..

    Closing date for applications is Friday 26th January 2018. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

  • Senior Program Officer – Nairobi

    Senior Program Officer – Nairobi

    This position will focus primarily on grant acquisition but will also be providing program management support to select grants. The job holder will lead program and proposal development and design for high-value, competitive, complex funding opportunities, in line with World Vision International / Somalia Program strategy (WVS). He/she will lead proposal planning and development processes by mobilizing a cross-functional proposal team including Quality Assurance, Finance, Technical Advisors, Operations and Support Office staff, ensuring targeted input and reviews for efficient and clear proposal processes. The position will support the creation and promotion of strategic alliances with donors, multilateral agencies and other Non-Governmental Organizations for purposes of increasing resources for children and families within World Vision programming.
    Main Responsibilities:

    Programming & Proposal Development:

    Pursue resource mobilization opportunities aligned to WVS strategy and capacities in humanitarian and developmental sectors by working closely with key stakeholders in developing proposals for a variety of donors to meet local community needs that are aligned to WV Somalia Program’s strategy.
    Mobilize and lead cross-functional proposal development teams with clear assignments, deadlines and timetable, including appropriate representatives from Operations, Technical Advisors, Finance, Quality Assurance and Support Office support. Anticipate strengths and contributions of each proposal team member for maximum efficiency and effectiveness, as well as team satisfaction.
    Anticipate, plan for and write proposals with high win rate. Lead in the selection of sectors and geographic areas which maximize WV’s program impact, cost efficiency and donor preferences or requirements.
    Regularly review project evaluations, lessons learned workshop documents, field and project reports across the program and from other NGOs and donors to apply emerging innovations and best practices in future proposals.

    Relationship building and competitive intelligence gathering:

    Regularly meet with, brief and provide updates to current and prospective donor representatives to build and strengthen relationships.
    Represent WV Somalia Program in various donor and coordination forums at National level and providing programmatic information as required to promote WV visibility and good will with donors including, UN Agencies, bilateral, multilaterals, Support Offices and NGO peers.
    Research, monitor and act upon shifting donor strategy, funding, or regulatory information and advice Program Development and Operations’ leadership of emerging trends that could positively or negatively affect the program.

    Program reporting & donor compliance:

    Provide timely, detailed and quality program reports to Support Offices and donors on emergency and rehabilitative grant funded programs.
    Provide effective and reliable monitoring of emergency and rehabilitative programs through liaison with partners, Project Managers and Technical Advisors. Proactively raise implementation or compliance challenges with QA, Ops Managers, Program Management Team Lead, and SO.

    Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience

    Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies or any relevant social sciences with experience in program development.
    Five years or more working in humanitarian or development field, preferably with one or more previous assignments in fragile contexts.
    Two to three years designing and/or implementing education programmes is strongly preferred
    Should demonstrate training in humanitarian standards and donor requirements e.g. OFDA, DFID and Europe Aid.
    Should have very good proposal development skills: An exceptionally strong writer.
    Very good ability to mobilize cross-functional proposal team (technical, operations, field staff, finance, M&E, Regional/HQ) with right staff at the right time to meet tight deadlines. Can also effectively mobilize multi-partner proposal development teams.
    Should demonstrate very good experience in networking with donors and partners to bring about funding opportunities.
    Strong leadership and demonstrated ability to work independently and within a team, prioritize tasks and manage multiple activities with attention to detail and ability to meet very tight deadlines.
    Demonstrates well-developed interpersonal skills, excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, as well as negotiation skills
    Demonstrates the ability to mobilize and work as part of a diverse team to achieve the overall goal.

    Working Environment
    Work environment: This position will be based in Nairobi, Kenya and requires frequent travel to Somalia.

  • Country Director, Kenya

    Country Director, Kenya

    Job description
    Do you want your work to matter? Do you want to use your skills to make a difference, not just money? Do you want to improve millions of lives, including your own?
    Living Goods delivers lifesaving products and healthcare to people’s doorsteps.
    At Living Goods, you will have the chance to apply your ideas and creativity at work every day. If you work well in a dynamic collaborative culture, set high standards, and meet challenges with determination and a sense of humor, you’ll thrive here.
    Your Charge
    We’re looking for a commander in chief for Kenya. Someone to tell the story of Living Goods, Kenya. To open doors to new partners and strengthen relationships with existing ones. Serve as Living Goods’ biggest advocate for community health in Kenya. And lead a smart and savvy team of 180.

    Drive strategy. You will develop the blueprint to guide Living Goods in Kenya and help to shape our Global strategy. This blueprint will include a review of Living Goods’ strengths and successes, opportunities for growth, impact and goals for growth.
    Lead the team. You will guide a team of public health experts, government relations and advocacy teams, sales and marketing staff, trainers, and technology gurus. Your collaborative management style will enable you to help team members to feel valued and encourage each of them to learn, grow, and thrive in their work.
    Promote Living Goods. Maintain strong relationships with government, partners and donors, such as USAID, foundations, and private corporate donors. Raise Living Goods’ visibility at conferences and meetings and identify opportunities to showcase Living Goods’ work nationally and globally.
    Secure funds. Work with business development staff to identify, track and coordinate responses to funding opportunities. You will also help develop partnerships that lead to new funding.
    Lead with integrity. As the leader of our organizational culture in Kenya, you will create a positive and productive workplace. One that values hard work, feedback and continuous improvement, inclusion and commitment to our work and working with other teams, such as in Uganda.

    [Text Box: Empowering micro-entrepreneurs to deliver life-changing products to the doorsteps of the underserved.]
    Your background

    Record of leadership. You have at least 10 years experience leading systemic change, managing people, budgets and working in global companies or international organizations. You’ve lived and worked in Kenya. You have an MBA, MPH, MD or other relevant post-graduate degree. Public health experience preferred.
    Natural fundraiser. You have experience identifying business opportunities for health organizations or securing funds from foundations and institutional donors like USAID, DfID, and The Global Fund.
    Collaborative manager. You are able to inspire a shared vision for the Living Goods team. You know how to motivate people and offer guidance and opportunities that help staff learn, grow, and thrive.
    A natural connector. You are able to build and sustain relationships with Ministries of Health and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). You are able to identify new donors and partners to work with programs. You are able to spot trends and keep the Living Goods’ executive team informed about community health needs and opportunities in Kenya.
    A strategist. You are a quick thinker, laser focused and clear decision maker. You have a strong interest in private-sector approaches to development and a proven ability to produce results. You can apply what you learn in Kenya to Living Goods’ work in other countries.
    Gets our model. Living Goods is a hybrid model. We’re a nonprofit organization with a business minded approach. We use business practices to achieve social goals. Candidates with for-profit and nonprofit experience preferred.
    Lives our values. You can thrive in our culture – you can demonstrate inclusion, integrity, innovation, quick footedness, collaboration, and accountability.