Job Field: Sector in NGO/Non-Profit

  • TOR Production of A Documentary for the Phase I of Peace, Security and Stability Program : ACT-PD-13-2018

    TOR Production of A Documentary for the Phase I of Peace, Security and Stability Program : ACT-PD-13-2018

    The goal of the PSS program is to support Kenya’s vision 2030 through enhanced security, peacebuilding and conflict management. For this change to happen, a key prerequisite or precondition will be improved capacity and effectiveness of civil society, government and security oversight bodies to address three persistent conflict drivers in Kenya today. Violent extremism must be effectively countered and political and natural resource conflicts must be prevented and mitigated. Act! and its sub-partners, have supported both the national and county governments to achieve this outcome through CSO capacity strengthening, technical assistance to government agencies and research on strategic conflict issues. The expected outcome of this Development Engagement is: Improved capacity and effectiveness of CSOs, government and security oversight bodies to counter violent extremism and prevent political and natural resource conflicts in Kenya.
    It is against this background that, Act! is seeking to engage the services of a qualified and experienced consultant/firm to document success stories that will highlight key results, interventions, successes and challenges as well as future direction of the program.
    2.0 Overall Objective
    The overall objective of the assignment is to produce a compelling video documentary that captures innovative CVE and conflict mitigation approaches, success stories and lessons that provide a clear, in-depth cases and compelling narratives on the efforts by the various actors supported by Act! so far with a focus on results achieved, applicable strategies and challenges faced in the implementation of the program and identify lessons learned and best practices for potential scalability of the program
    Specifically, the success/impact stories will highlight the following;

    The impact of the program in addressing conflicts and violent extremism in the target counties.
    The changes / outcomes that have occurred in the first phase of program implementation period in Kenya.
    The capacity and effectiveness of CSOs and government security agencies in responding to conflicts and violent extremism in Kenya.
    The role of women in fostering peace and security at the grassroots level, and how conflicts have impacted their livelihoods.
    The effectiveness of traditional mechanisms to resolve conflicts (Alternative Dispute Resolutions-ADR).
    Constructive engagement of the youth in promoting safe and peaceful communities in Kenya.
    The effectiveness of early warning, early response mechanisms to identify and respond to incidents and warning signs of political conflicts, violent extremism and radicalization in select counties.
    How the program used different peace actors to coordinate and respond to conflict situations in target counties.

    The role of community peace structures including council of elders, peace committees, nyumba kumi committees, religious leaders in fostering peace and security in Kenya.

    The use of evidence based research to inform initiatives, policies and strategies in mitigating conflicts and violent extremism.

    The impact of the program in promoting peaceful elections.

    Any outstanding or innovative CVE and or conflict mitigation strategy/initiative/intervention that merits replication and scalability.

    3.0 Specific tasks for the Consultancy
    Under the overall supervision of the Communications Specialist and with support from the program teams and Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (MERL) team, the consultant will:

    Develop a compelling concept and story lines that capture the various segments of the program and at all levels of the implementation. This will involve performing desk review /literature review to understand the overall program objectives, target beneficiaries and expected results in line with the program’s theory of change.
    Determine the exact scope of the stories; identify and develop topics and agree on target beneficiaries to be interviewed to ensure shared vision and content in line with program objectives.
    Develop tools and formats that will be used for documenting the stories to be packaged in the agreed format(s).
    Develop a fast paced and colorful documentary with clean stylistic touches, at the highest market quality standards, high-definition and that meets national and international TV standards.
    Develop a detailed work plan and a shooting script and schedule with clear timelines and provide them prior to commencing filming.
    Produce the rough cut of every phase of the documentation exercise for review and incorporate comments, and produce final version of the video documentary.
    Capture quality digital photography, audio, and visuals during the documentation and ensure high quality editing and final product;
    Provide periodic updates to the Act! Communication team, MERL team and Program manager on the proceedings of the assignment.
    Have full control over the entire process of recording in terms of creativity, technical aspects, content, follow safe working practices and professional practice.
    Deliver the final products (main documentary and short clips) ready-to-air product in broadcast standards and in HD technology format 16:9 and within the specified timelines.

    4.0 Methodology
    The assignment will involve site visits to the following counties namely; Nairobi, Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, West Pokot, Kisumu, Laikipia, Isiolo and Garissa where the program is being implemented. The documentation will involve situational analysis, key informant interviews with both secondary and primary beneficiaries as indicated above.
    5.0 Expected Outputs and Deliverables
    The consultant will deliver to Act! the following:

    Delivery and acceptance of a compelling documentary overall concept/storyboard and scenario which capture themes to be documented as best practices/lessons/case stories that show the impact of the program.
    Delivery and acceptance of a high quality and well-edited one ‘Long film’ (approximately 10-15 minutes) detailing summary of success stories, challenges encountered and lessons learnt as well as recommendations for future programming. The video should be suitable for conference presentations and internet use.
    Delivery and acceptance of raw footage of all video interviews undertaken in the project sites.
    Delivery and acceptance of first cut of the documentary film on either DVD or video link for review and comments.
    Delivery and acceptance of 10 copies of the final 10-15-minute documentary in a DVD as well as a 3-5 minute summary promotional version of the documentary for the website and Act!’s social media platforms.

    6.0 Expertise Required and Qualification
    To be eligible to apply for this role the consultant/firm must;

    Have been in existence for at least 5-10 years prior to 1st January 2018.
    The Team Lead must hold a degree in a relevant field: Communication, Journalism, Media studies, Fine Arts. Other team members should also hold relevant qualifications in any of these areas.
    Demonstrate Firm’s experience in undertaking similar assignments by use of samples (youtube links) of successfully and recently completed work.
    Team Lead must have at-least five to ten years working experience in development of documentary or film production that meet national and international broadcast standards.
    Proposed Team must have good knowledge of multicultural aspects in Kenya, cultural nuances, gender and crosscutting issues.
    Team Lead must possess excellent communication skills-fluency in oral and written English Previous proven experience in documenting donor supported projects using digital media.
    Firm must have excellent technical capacities to ensure smooth and high quality production (video production staff, owner of its own video production studio or a documentary proof of an access to a rented video studio) etc.
    Clear articulation of capacity and skills, and innovative approaches to carry out the assignment; as well as ·a clear work plan and articulation of expected methodologies and outputs within the tight time frame.
    Track record of successful materials filmed in the region and/or on similar topics by would be an asset.
    Ability to start immediately and work under strict time limits.

    7.0 Duration and timing of services
    The assignment is expected to take 30 working days from the date of signing the contract.
    8.0 Mandatory Requirements
    Below are the Mandatory Requirements that must be met and attached in the application by a Firm in order to be considered for the assignment:

    Certificate of Registration / Incorporation – must have been in existence for at least 5-10 years prior to 1st January 2018.
    KRA PIN or VAT Registration Certificate.
    KRA Valid Tax Compliance Certificate.
    Copy of Current Trade License.
    A brief Company Profile indicating the Directors and Organogram. Also include summarized CV’s of the Team Lead and proposed technical team.
    3 reference letters from three previous clients for recent similar assignments undertaken in the last 2-3 years.

    *Failure to submit any of the Mandatory requirement may result in AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION. Firms are requested to ensure that they attach all the mandatories. However, if a responsive vendor does not submit any of the mandatory, they may be asked to submit the missing items within 2 business days. Failure to submit missing documents within the specified business days will lead to disqualification.*
    NOTE: Evaluation Criteria

    The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
    A detailed Work Plan to undertake the assignment 15 points
    A compelling documentary overall concept/ storyboard & scenario 30 points
    Proposed Consultants & Team Lead experience 20 points
    3 Sample YouTube links for previous and related work 20 points
    Price proposal 15 points

    Note: All information pertaining to this project (documentary, audio, digital, cyber, project documents, etc) belonging to Act! and the Embassy of Denmark in Nairobi and other subjects related to the film, which the Contractor may come into contact with in the performance of his/her, duties shall remain the property of the Act! who shall have exclusive rights over their use and distribution. Except for the purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed or used in whatever form without prior written permission of the client in line with the national and international Copyright Laws applicable. **

  • Psychosocial Counsellor 

Admin Assistant

    Psychosocial Counsellor Admin Assistant

    Location: Dadaab, Garissa
    Reports to (Functionally): Child Protection Senior Officer
    Number of subordinates: 2 assistant counsellor and 28 community workers
    Position Grade: E
    Working time in % : 100%
    Job Description
    Starting date: 1st September, 2018
    Length: 4 Months
    General description of the position: Reporting to his/her immediate supervisor,the Psychosocial Counselor provides psychosocial support to the refgee children and families in Hagadera, monitor the activities in the two child friendly centers and girls screened areas and provide technical support to the center supervisors, Animators and Assistant counsellors.
    Specific Job Descriptions:
    Responsibility: Psychosocial support
    Aim: To ensure all psychosocial activites are done in Hagadera camp.

    To provide psychosocial support to selected cases of high risk or cases in need of specialized psychosocial support or mental health interventions.
    Participate in need assessments and project evaluations aiming at contributing to the development of the child protection programme strategy for the refugee community project in Dadaab refugee complex and in four villages of the host communities.
    To support in the development of intervention criteria for the psychosocial cases and design appropriate technical responses to psychosocial and mental health cases.
    Provide training and supervising the CP team and community based structures on the management of children and families with basic psychosocial and mental concerns.
    Train CP team members on the child friendly interviews techniques and implementation of psychosocial assessment.
    Under the supervision of the Child Protection Senior Officer, coordinate with the Child Protection BID/ Case Management Officer on assistance response to cases of children in need of psychosocial interventions.

    Responsibility: Conduct Mobile monthly CFS and monitor the two CFS in Hagadera and one CFS in Alinjugur.
    Aim: Conduct mobile monthly CFS.

    Ensure monthly mobile Cfs are conducted in the camp.
    Train and monitors the animators on the mobile Cfs.
    Ensure children who can’t access the centres are reached through the monthly mobile Cfs.
    Ensure the centre activities are conducted.
    Provide technical support to the centre supervisors.
    Monitor the two girl screened areas.
    Plan the leave schedule for the center supervisors.
    Ensure that children living with disabilities are incorporated into centre activities.

    Responsibility: Renovation of the CFS in Alinjugur.
    Aim: Conduct situational anaylsis on what the center requires.

    Conduct and assessment on the Cfs .
    Plan with the logistic team on what the centre needs.
    Train the community members who are willing to volunteer on basic counselling skills.
    Ensure all the activities are carried out in the center.

    Responsibility: Provide psychosocial support to the 4 villages.(Alinjugur,Welmarer,Yumbis and Borehole)
    Aim: Ensure chidren in the four villages receive psychosocial services.

    Provide group and individual therapy.
    Identify and screen children with psychosocial distress.
    Work in close collaboration with other departments.

    Responsibility: Report writing

    Develop unit reports.
    Work closesly with the data officer for efficient documentation of psychosocial work.
    Develop referrals for high risk cases and ensure regular follow up of the cases.
    Participate and represent Tdh in relevant working group meeting at the camp level.
    He/she will conduct his or her duties in respect of the Charter of Terre des hommes and the Tdh Child Protection Safeguarding Policy.

    Terre des hommes expects that its staff professional conduct reflects proper behaviour in accordance with local culture and traditions. He/she assures the moral protection of the name of Terre des hommes and defends in all circumstances the interests of the movement.
    Tdh intervenes without any affiliation for politics, religion or financial profit. He/she will direct his or her activities and engagements without preoccupation of political, racial or religious affiliation.
    Abuse Prevention Policy – Operational Risk Management

    Commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Code of Conduct, Whistle Blowing Policy.
    Commit to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.
    Commit to inform supervisors and to deal with any cases, allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.

    This position requires personal, social and leadership competencies, technical and methodological competency.

    Good facilitation skills.
    Problem solving skills.
    Competency in computer applications and packages.


    Minimum bachelor degree in psychology or related field from a recognized university, clinical experience is a plus.
    Experience in use of community based approaches for the management of psychosocial and mental health issues.
    Experience in application of innovative/creative and evidence based psychosocial and mental health issues.
    Minimum of three years’ experience with prominence in psychosocial and mental health assignments.
    Experience in case management including management of case conferences.
    Project reporting and evaluation experience.
    Staff supervision experience.
    Fluency in English, Kiswahili and Somali Language, and knowledge of Somali culture and traditions is a plus.

    Languages: Fluent in English, Swahili and Somali
    Other: Knowledge of Garissa and Dedaab Refugee camp context.

    go to method of application »

  • Cash Transfer Programming Manager

    Cash Transfer Programming Manager

    Position summary
    The Cash Transfer Program Manager will support Red Cross /Red Crescent National Societies in the region to build up their expertise in cash delivery and preparedness, contributing to their organisational development as leading national humanitarian organisations. The staff will be a technical specialist responsible for coordinating and developing bespoke training and coaching while ensuring coordination and participation with technical leaders in the field. This is an exciting opportunity to be a core part of ensuring that a Red Cross/Red Crescent National Society has the knowledge, skills and experience as well as the institutional capability to:
    Respond rapidly and at scale using cash transfers to meet relief needs of affected people and/or deliver long term support to vulnerable people, respecting their choice and promoting their dignity.
    Participate in the improvement of the coordination of cash assistance in their country, as well as advocacy and collaboration with the Government as auxiliary role
    Key Responsibilities

    Support the Kenya Red Cross Society, Uganda Red Cross Society and Ethiopia Red Cross Society to complete a cash preparedness self-assessment to document its current operational readiness, capacity and gaps in implementing cash assistance for emergencies rapidly and at scale, and identify priority areas for capacity building.
    Support the National Societies with the development and implementation of the Cash Preparedness Plans of Action (including budget) ensuring that procedures and processes are created in consultation with the relevant NS departments and maintain a cross-sector approach.
    The Plan of Action should be based on the self-assessment and might include:
    development of SOP’s in consultation with the relevant NS departments, cash feasibility studies, analysis of payment mechanisms within the country, market assessment in key disaster affected areas and development of pre-agreements with key financial service providers as part of preparedness actions, based on the previous analysis.
    Undertake capacity building in cash assistance through face to face trainings, simulation and ‘learning by doing’ exercises, as well as remote and face to face coaching. These will cover training of National Societies staff and volunteers at national HQ and branch levels and looking at peer to peer engagements across those NS’s selected where synergies align.
    Support the NS to use the IFRC “cash in emergencies toolkit “and adapt some of the tools to their context and procedures, as well adapt some of the tools to resilience intervention programming.
    Work with the NS to integrate cash assistance programming into relevant guidelines, procedures and policies.
    Support the NS to explore ways to integrate cash assistance in preparedness into its existing contingency plans and preparedness/readiness processes. The NS should be able to mount a scalable and rapid cash based intervention to meet immediate needs and mainstream cash through forecast based action, recovery and resilience programming.
    Support the engagement of the NS in coordination fora and help them identify areas of collaboration with external key stakeholders, UN Agencies, International NGOs, Private and Academic Sector, to ensure the cash transfer programming is coherent, has an added value, and is appropriately harmonised with the wider cash assistance system in country.
    Advocate to the NS leadership to institutionalise cash assistance programming in preparedness and Forecast-based Financing understanding the NS needs, challenges and opportunities.
    Support the NS to develop its own communications and advocacy capacity in cash in Forecast-based Financing and preparedness.
    Support them to participate in the improvement of cash coordination in the country and the region, and leverage their auxiliary role with the Government.
    Monitor available financial resources to deliver the agreed cash activities for the country programme.
    Document the cash assistance in preparedness and Forecast-based Financing process and any experiences in cash assistance that might be of interest to the wider RCRC Movement.
    Draft case studies and project factsheets to profile the work of the NS, highlight good practices and lessons learnt and to guide and inform future NS cash transfer programming. Share and disseminate cash assistance news, documentation an training opportunities that exist within and outside the Movement.
    Identify potential areas of knowledge sharing among NS in the region and with other organisations in the country.
    Potentially support other cash preparedness initiatives in the region, through providing technical support to staff linked to the cash preparedness work conducted in the other countries.

    Desired Competencies

    Post graduate level of vocational or technical qualification within a specialist technical or professional field relevant to response or recover programming including cash and markets
    Technical training in disaster preparedness, response and recovery
    Acquaintance with Federation DM tools (FACT, RDRT, ERU, VCA, PECT and others)
    Working knowledge of French, Spanish or Arabic desirable

    Essential Competencies

    Technical/professional knowledge within the areas of cash and markets with an emphasis on the ability to design and implement cash assistance interventions and/or market assessments and market based interventions
    Solid understanding of the international humanitarian sector with a focus on integrated programming, participatory planning, and local institution capacity building, with knowledge of appropriate gender, equity and diversity programming approaches.
    Knowledge of designing training and outreach strategies and materials.
    Understanding of the key issues relating to delivering cash at scale and skills to address them
    Proven skills of managing and coaching teams in multi-faceted projects, including mentoring, coaching, training and building the capacity of national and local staff and volunteers
    Highly developed analytical and communication skills and ability to assimilate and process information for wide-ranging audiences.
    Proven analytical and programme design skills and the ability to think strategically while under pressure
    Proven skills in operational planning, budgeting and reporting for an emergency response that included cash assistance.

  • Monitoring, Evaluation Learning & Knowledge Management (MELK)

    Monitoring, Evaluation Learning & Knowledge Management (MELK)

    The Technical Lead MELK will be the primary person coordinating the development and implementation of a comprehensive organizational M&E and Knowledge Management system to enhance TJN-A’s impact monitoring, quality control and evaluation to improve organizational learning, results delivery and accountability at the various levels of TJN-A’s work. The Technical MELK will be dedicated to the responsibilities of: designing and supporting a functional Knowledge Management (KM) and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) system including; M&E framework, M&E Plan and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), liaising with different partners and TJNA members to meet their specific MEAL needs.
    The position will be based at the TJN-A secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya.

    Design, facilitate, and grow practices and processes to MEL and knowledge management efforts are regularly shaping strategy and informing decision-making within Secretariat and the network more broadly
    Develop, manage, and implement Monitoring and Evaluation Framework based on the Strategic Plan, utilizing realistic, time-bound, and demand-driven metrics
    Design and manage implementation of a knowledge management strategy and framework collaboratively with staff
    Guide and coordinate inputs for logical frameworks and theories of change for proposals, reports, strategy, and other publications
    Generate results information for major reporting cycles, proposals, and publications including narrative for M&E sections
    Champion a culture of result-based management, participatory planning, and learning within TJNA
    Create collaborative tools to facilitate sharing of ideas that are of use to colleagues, Members, and other partners communities
    Support the development of reporting mechanism including overseeing data quality and reporting
    Design and implement MEL/KM tools, templates, methodologies, and manuals that balance data quality, network capacity, and participation
    Prepare quarterly monitoring reports and regular consolidated progress reports for the Management including identification of problems, causes of potential bottlenecks in implementation and providing recommendation;
    Act as a resource person and contact to other monitoring and evaluation stakeholders within the constituency;
    Guide implementing partners in preparing their progress reports in accordance with approved reporting formats;
    Any other relevant duties that may be assigned

    Key Accountability Areas

    Knowledge Management: Documentation and sharing of best practices
    Monitoring & Evaluation: System Development Support and Reporting
    Management Information System
    Performance planning and review with TJN-A members and partners

    Professional Qualifications

    Postgraduate qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation and or Project Planning and Knowledge Management is a must.
    Possession of a master’s degree in Economics, Social Science, Public Policy, Economic Governance, International Relations, Development Studies is an added advantage.

    Required Competencies & Experience

    A minimum of five (5) years’ experience, with donor funded monitoring and evaluation systems;
    Knowledge of logical framework and results framework planning and evaluation methodologies, and the ability to coach and train others in their use
    Excellent use of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, as well as web browsers
    Strong IT knowledge and background with experience in database management preferred;
    Previous experience in creating and managing surveys, assessments and evaluations; using ICT preferred;
    Excellent written/oral communication skills ;
    Ability to identify, obtain and analyze information from a variety of sources;
    Proven experience working in various contexts and with colleagues from different countries, especially to show demonstrated skills in creating relationships, building capacity, and empowering staff and Members
    Fluency in English required and French preferred

  • Voluntary Board Member Job In Kenya

    Voluntary Board Member Job In Kenya

    Olturoto Children’s Village (OCV) is a children’s home established in Isinya, Kajiado County in Kenya with the aim of providing transitional, family-based, quality, alternative care to orphaned and vulnerable children. OCV was officially opened on 26th June 2014 and is a duly registered Charitable Children’s Institution (CCI).
    The ultimate goal of all activities at OCV is to provide a conducive environment in which the children can develop/regain positive self-concepts. OCV provides transitional, family-based, quality, alternative care to orphaned and vulnerable children in need of rescue from abuse, neglect, abandonment and FGM/early marriage.
    Our four programme areas: –

    Child Protection
    Empowerment & Sustainability
    Advocacy & Legal Aid
    Community Projects

    Nanga Organization is seeking a qualified and highly experienced individual from the Maa community in Kajiado with good moral standing to join its Board of Trustees on an advisory basis with the overarching aim of ensuring the organizational goals and objectives are achieved.
    The qualified individual would be expected to participate in all board activities and inject their wealth of experience, engage their professional and social networks and commit their time for the betterment and improvement of the organization. The individual should also command high respect and demonstrate their ability to work effectively within the Maa community in Kajiado.
    This position is purely on a VOLUNTARY basis and is non-paying.
    The ideal candidate shall be expected to carry out the following duties and responsibilities along with the Co-Trustees led by the Chair of the Board.
    The Trustee should: –

    Ensure they understand the organization’s purposes as set out in its governing policies
    Participate in strategic planning processes and oversee execution of goals
    Be able to explain how all of the organization’s activities are intended to further or support its purposes
    Understand how the organization benefits the public and children in particular by carrying out its purposes

    The trustee should: –

    Ensure that the organization complies with its governing policies
    Ensure the organization complies with all laws pertaining its work and all other applicable laws and statutory requirements.
    Safeguard the children at all times by ensuring application of the child protection policies in all organizational activities

    The Trustee should: –

    Along with the co-trustees, make decisions that will enable the organization to carry out its purposes
    Make balanced and adequately informed decisions in consideration of both long-term and short term objectives
    Avoid putting all forms of personal conflict of interest that would interfere with duties or loyalty to the organization
    Not receive any financial benefit from the organization unless it’s properly authorised and is clearly in the organization’s interests

    The Trustee must always ensure that all his/her actions and decisions are undertaken in the best interest of the children and that the agreed upon code of ethics is adhered to.
    The Trustee should: –

    Make sure the organization’s assets are only used to support or carry out its purposes
    Not take inappropriate risks with the organization’s assets or reputation
    Not over-commit the organization
    Take special care when investing or borrowing
    Comply with any restrictions on spending funds

    The Trustee should: –

    Use reasonable care and skill, making use of their skills and experience and taking appropriate advice when necessary
    Give enough time, thought and energy to their role by preparing for, attending and actively participating in all trustees’ meetings

    The Trustee should: –

    Be able to demonstrate that the organization is complying with the law, well run and effective
    Ensure appropriate accountability to stakeholders, donors and other parties of interest
    Ensure accountability within the organization amongst the management team, staff and volunteers

    The Trustee shall participate in the decision making processes of the organization whilst ensuring that they: –

    act within their powers
    act in good faith, and only in the interests of the organization
    make sure they are sufficiently informed, taking any advice needed
    take account of all relevant factors they are aware of
    ignore any irrelevant factors
    deal with conflicts of interest and loyalty
    make decisions that are within the range of decisions that a reasonable trustee body could make in the circumstances


    Demonstrated passion and deep concern for children and their well being
    Hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a social science. Masters and above will be an additional advantage
    Possess at least 10 years & above working experience in the development world for a medium to large sized international or local NGO
    Be at least 40 years and above of age
    Previous board experience will be an added advantage


    Ability to work cooperatively and demonstrate personal commitment to the organisation’s mission
    Sense of humour
    Ability and willingness to donate (money/time/expertise/contacts/influence)
    Good command of the maa language

    The Trustee will be expected to: –

    Attend a 2 hour board meeting each month. Two out of every three meetings in Nairobi, one on site at OCV in Olturoto and attend at least 3 formal events at OCV each year.
    Chair or co-Chair monthly committee meetings as per assigned oversight role.
    Support fundraising activities of OCV: if not through personal contributions, through providing access to contacts and influencers.
    Provide guidance to management team on community involvement/interactions, particularly around the structure of outreach programs to ensure they maximise community participation
    Support in the promotion of Maa participation in OCV recruitment and community activities

  • Subject Matter Experts – Fodder Value Chain Development

    Subject Matter Experts – Fodder Value Chain Development

    Job Description

    ACDI/VOCA is currently preparing for a Dairy Value Chain Project in Kenya funded by GIZ. The anticipated project will catalyze innovations in agriculture and food sector with aim to improve small holder’s incomes, increase employment and enhance the regional food supply in the rural target regions of Bungoma, Kakamega and Saya counties. The project will continue strengthening knowledge of dairy farmers in Good Agricultural Practices through ATVET based training; enhancing service orientation of dairy cooperatives, and promotion of commercial production as employment opportunities for youth and women.
    For project positions and short-term consulting opportunities, ACDI/VOCA is promptly seeking experts with the experience in the following technical areas:

    Fodder value chain development;

    While each position will have its own operational and technical scope under the project, overall qualifications will meet the below:
    General qualifications

    University degree in agricultural science, agricultural economics, animal sciences or related discipline; Master’s degree or other advanced degree strongly preferred
    Minimum 20 years of working experience in rural development projects either in the area of agricultural extension or/and cooperative development or/and dairy farming (for long term positions)

    Specific qualifications

    Practical knowledge of ATVET approach and excellent training skills
    Excellent knowledge of dairy value chain support activities of government and non-government organisations and donors in Kenya and good networking abilities
    Client and partner orientation, efficient work practices, interdisciplinary thinking and training experience are required
    Experience of collaboration with GIZ or other donors is an asset
    Extraordinary coordination and communication skills
    Fluent (written and spoken) in English

    Kenya Nationals are strongly encouraged to apply.
    The applications will be reviewed promptly upon receipt, only finalists will be contacted. ACDI/VOCA is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities and people from diverse groups are encouraged to apply.

  • Team Leader-Reducing Insecurity In Kenya

    Team Leader-Reducing Insecurity In Kenya

    Programme Overview
    “RE-INVENT is a £20m 5-year programme that aims to enhance Kenyan capacity and capability to address inter-communal conflict, weak community- police relations, violence against women and girls (VAWG), violent extremism and election related violence. It will support the continued advancement of police reforms to improve the management, oversight and accountability of the police force.
    The programme will aim to deliver a reduction in conflict and violence through improvements in responses to violent incidents and crime, including VAWG. The geographical focus will be in priority northern/coastal counties. It will also support DFID’s portfolio in northern/coastal regions with conflict analysis to inform the targeting of wider development programmes to better address long term conflict drivers.”
    The programme will build Kenyan capacity and capability at national, county and local levels for a more integrated approach to tackling five types of inter-related violence: inter- communal conflict, criminal violence, violence against women and girls, violent extremism and election violence.
    The programme will provide strategic support to police reform as a core intervention in order to improve police engagement with citizens and police effectiveness in tackling insecurity, conflict, violence against women and girls and countering violent extremism. Towards 2022 it will aim to contributing to a peaceful general election.
    The programme will therefore support a number of inter-related work streams:

    Police reform
    Tackling violence against women and girls
    Peacebuilding to address inter-communal conflict
    Countering violent extremism (CVE)
    Conflict sensitive development in the north/coastal regions
    Enhancing elections security for a peaceful general election in 2022 Position Purpose

    The jobholder will lead the above programme, managing the RE-INVENT team, liaising with our client, DFID, and reporting in to Pact Nairobi office and contract support in DC.
    We are seeking a Team Leader to deliver the new DFID Kenya RE- INVENT programme, as part of the upcoming tender process.
    Key Responsibilities

    Consortium management: partnership relations and programmatic cohesion.
    Programmatic performance management, including extensive grant management
    Financial and budgetary management
    Overall program strategic direction and technical leadership
    Relationship management with the donor, the government, and other partners
    Oversee the development of MERL systems, and programme learning agendas.

    Basic Requirements

    At least 10 years relevant professional experience
    Master degree in a relevant field (see above)
    Expertise in police reform and demonstrable impact of previous activities.
    Demonstrable experience of managing multinational teams, including consortia.
    Previous DFID Team Leader position, or other relevant position, DFID implementation experience.
    Experience of designing/delivering conflict mitigation, peacebuilding and/or Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) programmes
    Experience tacking Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) within the current policy agenda
    Experience of working in Kenya
    Strong networks with the Government of Kenya, and non-government organizations working on police reform and/or peacebuilding.
    Demonstrable ability to identify, manage and mitigate risk – political, reputational, physical, fiduciary – and to operate in politically complex contexts.

    Pact is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

  • Subject Matter Experts, Kenya Dairy Value Chain Project

    Subject Matter Experts, Kenya Dairy Value Chain Project

    Job description
    ACDI/VOCA is currently preparing for a Dairy Value Chain Project in Kenya funded by GIZ. The anticipated project will catalyze innovations in agriculture and food sector with aim to improve small holder’s incomes, increase employment and enhance the regional food supply in the rural target regions of Bungoma, Kakamega and Saya counties. The project will continue strengthening knowledge of dairy farmers in Good Agricultural Practices through ATVET based training; enhancing service orientation of dairy cooperatives, and promotion of commercial production as employment opportunities for youth and women.
    For project positions and short-term consulting opportunities, ACDI/VOCA is promptly seeking experts with the experience in the following technical areas:

    Cooperative development and organizational capacity of service providers
    Agricultural extension and training;
    Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET)
    Food safety
    Dairy production and value chain development;
    Good Husbandry practices in dairy farming;
    Fodder value chain development;
    ICT in agriculture
    Gender and Youth empowerment

    While each position will have its own operational and technical scope under the project, overall qualifications will meet the below:
    General Qualifications

    University degree in agricultural science, agricultural economics, animal sciences or related discipline; Master’s degree or other advanced degree strongly preferred
    Minimum 20 years of working experience in rural development projects either in the area of agricultural extension or/and cooperative development or/and dairy farming (for long term positions)

    Specific Qualifications

    Practical knowledge of ATVET approach and excellent training skills
    Excellent knowledge of dairy value chain support activities of government and non-government organisations and donors in Kenya and good networking abilities
    Client and partner orientation, efficient work practices, interdisciplinary thinking and training experience are required
    Experience of collaboration with GIZ or other donors is an asset
    Extraordinary coordination and communication skills
    Fluent (written and spoken) in English

    Kenya Nationals are strongly encouraged to apply.
    The applications will be reviewed promptly upon receipt, only finalists will be contacted. ACDI/VOCA is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities and people from diverse groups are encouraged to apply.

  • Monitoring And Evaluation Officer – Hiv Prevention (Key Population) 

Finance Assistant

    Monitoring And Evaluation Officer – Hiv Prevention (Key Population) Finance Assistant

    Job Description
    Subject title Monitoring and Evaluation Officer – HIV Prevention Key Population 02/CHS/PO/2018

    CHS is currently sourcing for high calibre, self-motivated and dynamic individuals to fill the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Officer – HIV Prevention (Key Populations in its Key Populations Project. This project will support the provision of high-quality HIV prevention and treatment services targeting sex workers, Men who have sex with men (MSM) and Female Sex Workers (FSW) in Machakos and Kitui Counties.
    Reporting to Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer will be responsible for coordinating all M&E field-related activities and providing constant feedback to the program teams and health care workers in DICES
    Key Responsibilities

    Facilitate routine data management activities that include; data collection, cleaning, validation, compilation analysis, and reporting to relevant stakeholders.
    Facilitate the process of developing the capacity of health care workers to monitor and evaluate strategic programming for key populations.
    Ensure timely and proper implementation of the Ministry of Health’s (MoH) monitoring and evaluation guidelines including the roll-out of new tools in all CHS-supported DICEs.
    Contribute in the review and/or development of monitoring and evaluation tools and systems that are responsive to data needs.
    Strengthen data utilization for decision making at DICES, counties and program level.
    Work closely with stakeholders to strengthen systems for monitoring client’s outcomes; monitoring the quality of care; tracing clients who default; and data quality assurance.
    Support data quality initiatives and prepare data analysis required for program performance review as well as for quarterly and annual progress reports.
    Provide expertise in developing and/or review of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of program performance.
    Document best M&E practices and disseminate the same to relevant stakeholders.
    Respond to ad hoc requests for collection and analysis of data when the need arises.
    Act as a link between CHS and stakeholders on all dices data related issues.
    Actively contribute and participate in conducting project self-assessments and addressing the M&E capacity gaps that are identified.
    Assist all relevant stakeholders to make use of data to aid informed decision-making by availing analyzed datasets.

    Person Specifications

    Bachelor’s degree in Public Health, Biostatistics, Information Technology or any other related discipline.
    Training in M&E systems will be an added advantage.
    At least 3 years’ experience in supporting M&E systems for public health projects.
    Proficiency in the use of spreadsheet packages (Ms-excel), database management systems (Ms-Access or Epi-Info), Ms-Word, Ms-Power-Point, the internet, SPSS or STATA.
    Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
    Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines with minimal supervision.
    Good analytical and presentation skills

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