Job Field: Sector in NGO/Non-Profit

  • Technical Officer, BIOPAMA Regional Resource Hub for Biodiversity and Protected Areas

    Technical Officer, BIOPAMA Regional Resource Hub for Biodiversity and Protected Areas

    The Biodiversity and Protected Area Management Programme (BIOPAMA) aims to improve the long-term conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, in protected and conserved areas and surrounding communities. It is an initiative of the ACP Group of States financed by the European Union’s 11th European Development Fund (EDF), jointly implemented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). Specifically, the programme will enhance existing institutions and networks by making use of available best science and knowledge for building capacity to improve policies and inform decision-making on biodiversity conservation and protected areas management and governance. By improving access to, and availability of, relevant data and information, the BIOPAMA programme aims to enhance the management of protected areas (terrestrial and marine) and national systems of protected and conserved areas. A Regional Resource Hub and Regional Reference Information System are initiated to be established in the Eastern and Southern African region to enable the provision of relevant data and information to assist in improved planning and decision-making as well as exchanging knowledge. The Resource Hub will focus on supporting the region to achieve its targets on improved protected area management and governance through the collection and collation of relevant information and development of tools and capacity needed for sound decision making.
    The Technical Officer, BIOPAMA Regional Resource Hub for Biodiversity and Protected Areas will be responsible for coordinating the development of the Resource Hub for Biodiversity and Protected Areas and expanding the networks of contributors and users in Eastern and Southern Africa. S/he will work closely with Protected Area agencies and Regional Experts in collection and collation of data and information for effective management and governance of the protected and conserved areas in the region. The incumbent will work closely with PA agencies on institutionalizing relevant data collection and monitoring systems in this regard. S/he will further work with PA agencies and other relevant partners and institutions to ensure that the information is used in relevant decision-making fora and can support protected and conserved areas in working towards and achieving high performance standards for protected and conserved areas. S/he will liaise closely with the relevant Regional Economic Communities (RECs), particularly the EAC Secretariat, IGAD Secretariat, IOC Secretariat and SADC Secretariat and EC-JRC Regional Reference Information System (RRIS) Technical Developers for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), as well as the EC-JRC Regional Points of Contact for ESA to help identify priority decision-making and capacity building needs for the development and application of the RRIS to meet the requirements of the relevant RECs. S/he will support the Regional Resource Hub and REC Secretariats by delivering knowledge products that can be integrated into technical reports and presentations at relevant meetings, conferences and fora. S/he will participate in and support the Resource Hub Steering Committee and other relevant regional governance or technical advisory structures as appropriate.
    DUTIESThe Technical Officer (TPO) will be responsible for the following main duties:

    Programme management and implementation:
    Ensure effective and efficient implementation of the BIOPAMA project in Eastern and Southern Africa regions through timely implementation of project activities in accordance with the BIOPAMA workplan, project documents, supporting agreements (e.g. contracts, MoUs, etc.), annual work plans and the procedures of IUCN, Regional Resource Hub host and the relevant RECs;

    More specifically the PO is expected to carry out the following duties:

    Work with the IUCN Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) Conservation Areas and Species (CAS) Programme’s Senior Programme Officer (SPO), Technical Coordinator (TC), the EC-JRC, Resource Hub host, all REC Secretariats, relevant Departments of Environment and Natural Resources and relevant national and regional institutions and technical experts to help collate information and identify priorities for protected area management effectiveness and governance;
    Provide leadership in the identification of the effectiveness and application, data product and service needs for the Regional Resource Hub and RRIS;
    Work with the IUCN ESARO CAS SPO, TC, EC-JRC, Resource Hub host and relevant technical experts to inform the development of appropriate protected area management effectiveness and governance assessment and decision support tools that are relevant to the ESA region;
    Develop and support the implementation of a capacity building programme focused on protected area management effectiveness and governance, specifically related to data collection, analysis and reporting;
    Develop a strategy to help institutionalize relevant protected area management effectiveness and governance assessments in at least seven countries in the region over the project lifetime (5 years);
    Support the development of expert networks linked to the Resource Hub and in support of decision making on protected area management and governance;
    Support the development of State of Protected Area Reports for the ESA region in accordance with agreed priority needs of the region;
    Ensure that project budgets are utilized and monitored in accordance with IUCN internal controls and donor agreements;
    Lead and ensure the collection, collation, and reporting of all project data and documents, and lead or assist with the submission of technical progress reports according to the agreed formats and deadlines;
    Provide technical support and facilitation to project activities, with support from the SPO, and ensure quality outputs that meet the satisfaction of donors, sub-grantees and project partners;
    Maintain project documents and regularly update summary sheets, project brochures and PowerPoint presentations in a format that is easily accessible to other members of the BIOPAMA IUCN, JRC, Resource Hub host and REC teams;
    Maintain appropriate and effective (timely, respectful and professional) communications with all IUCN, REC, Resource Hub host, and other programme stakeholders;
    Provide capacity strengthening to project partners to improve capacity to deliver on project activities and objectives; and
    Assume the line manager role for projects with field-based teams in the region where applicable.
    Stakeholder Engagement and representation:
    Assist in building and maintaining strong relationships with IUCN partners, donors, project participants and wider stakeholders and develop the
    Resource Hub network. More specifically:

    Assist and support the SPO in developing and managing the relationship between IUCN and the RECs, as well as the Resource Hub host, in relation to the Resource Hub, ensuring that these stakeholders are appraised of and satisfied with project progress;
    Develop and manage the network of Resource Hub contributors and users in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, ensuring that these stakeholders take ownership of the RRIS and Resource Hub functions and development, in line with regional needs and requests;
    Engage with Members and Commissions in line with IUCN One Programme approach and integrate relevant expertise into the Resource Hub network as appropriate and feasible;
    Engage with other relevant IUCN projects and programmes where they link to BIOPAMA objectives;
    Represent IUCN at internal and external meetings as required and approved.
    Monitoring, evaluation and learning:
    Support the development and implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation systems and support accountability and programme learning processes.

    More specifically:

    Support the development and effective implementation of M&E frameworks and systems for BIOPAMA in the Eastern and Southern African region. These should capture agreed upon, integrated impacts, in line with IUCN, the Resource Hub host and REC guidelines and procedures;
    Contribute to the development of a project wide M&E framework which captures the objectives of BIOPAMA in line with global objectives;
    Contribute to developing capacity for M&E within projects;
    Ensure that all the information related to the implementation of projects is adequately filed, organized and updated for easy access;
    Identify and use lessons to inform practice;
    Document and share lessons and experiences, as appropriate, including taking the responsibility for specific knowledge products.

    Programme growth:

    Contributing to processes that guide the growth of the ESARO Programme and development of the Thematic Programmatic portfolios. More specifically:
    Promote the integrated collaboration between IUCN’s thematic portfolios;
    Identify opportunities for new projects, building on the work of the Resource Hub, and work with the SPO to design and develop the concepts for these;
    Work closely with IUCN members, commissions and/or partners, and the SPO to support the development of innovative proposals that address members’ and/or partners’ needs;
    Support the investigation of additional fund-raising possibilities to ensure the sustainability of project activities and the portfolio.
    Support the communication and dissemination (internally and externally) of portfolio achievements;
    Other responsibilities:
    Perform other duties as may be assigned from time to time

  • Intelligent Process Automation and Hardware Integration Specialist

    Intelligent Process Automation and Hardware Integration Specialist

    Duty Station: Home-based
    Background Information – Job-specific

    Somalia is amid major new political and security developments that will offer a greater possibility for peace and security than the country has seen in over 20 years.
    On 16 September 2013, the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the international commu nity endorsed the Somali Compact, which provided an overarching strategy setting out Somalia’s peace building and state building priorities between 2014 and 2016. The Compact also enshrined principles for a renewed partnership between Somalia and the international community based on the Busan “New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States” agreement. This New Deal Compact has been central to the re-building of functioning government institutions and processes and return of stability and security in Somalia at all levels.
    Having the Compact expired in late 2016, it was replaced by the Somalia National Development Plan (NDP) covering the fiscal period 2017 to 2019. Build on the solid foundations laid by the Compact, this it is the first NDP crafted by the Central Government of Somalia since 1986.

    Stabilization and the International Donor Context

    Regular salary payments to the security forces are essential for creating stability in the government and in ensuring improvements in the security situation within the country.
    To strengthen peace building, the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), European Commission (EC), Italy, Japan and several other donors over the past years have been supporting the stipend payments of the Somali Security forces through independent mechanisms.
    However, financial support to the security forces is coming under increasingly greater scrutiny based on concerns raised around accountability of high value equipment and financial systems to address corruption and duplication concerns.
    To build the capacity of Somalia’s new federal system of government by establishing and improving systems for tax, spend and civil service management at all levels, Public Resource Management in Somalia (PREMIS) supports the establishment of core Public Financial Management laws, processes, systems and institutions, with a view to strengthen the ability of Federal Member States to raise, manage and account for domestic resources. It aims at bringing all security and non-security expenditures under a common and proper public resource management system. Support is primarily delivered in the form of technical assistance and training, allowing access to high quality international and Somali expertise and advice on tax administration; planning and budgeting; public sector accounting; procurement; financial management IT systems, and civil service management.
    Security consumes a large portion of public resources, at the Federal and State levels, with its costs accounting for more than 50% of the executed budget in some case. Thus, there is need to ensure that payments are undertaken according to a proper and accountable system with both payroll and procurement processes in place, improving systems and controls are part of a broader engagement with the security sector. In situ reviews have highlighted opportunities exist to put in place carefully sequenced reform in respect of payroll administration, even if further dialogue will be needed around fiscal sustainability.

    UNOPS’ Role:

    In June 2014, The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Kenya Operational Hub (KEOH) embarked on a Somali Security Institutions Human Recognition Project (SSIHRP), which entails the biometric registration of Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF), the Federal Somali Police Force (SPF), some of the Regional Police Forces and the Custodial Corps.
    The SSIHRP was the first step towards creating a transparent, accountable and efficient human recognition and resource management system for the Somali Security Institutions, which would be utilized to effectively manage stipend and salary payments. However, fundamentals such as reliable payroll financial management systems for the police continue to be lacking.
    As the stipend payment process, has become progressively more robust, with registration and payments, both the Federal Government of Somalia and the international donors have been looking towards the system to deliver wider reaching solutions.
    From a personnel database recording payroll disbursements to a HR management system – For example, there is a desire for it to transform from a personnel databaseand payment system into an administrative human resource management system that embeds a payroll management system
    Restructuring the IT platform – This is a big step because both the platform, software and equipment was not originally designed for such application.
    Handover to Government and sustainability – More importantly, there is a desire on all sides for any solution to be available for handover to the Somali Government and accordingly, be financially unencumbered, or having a high likelihood of sustainability.
    Over the past few years, to support the requirements asked of the system, UNOPS has engaged in periodic upgrades of the platform to meet the requirement for such a system to either be part of a Human Resource and Payroll system or to have common interfaces.

    Functional Responsibilities:
    Specific background of responsibility

    A complete system audit was conducted in 2017, highlighting security, transparency and standardisation issues, and also making these factors as showstopper for transition of the system to the FGS. Recommendations were also made to streamline the financial procedures to ensure maximum transparency and security.
    At this point, UNOPS decided to revamp its system in accordance with the recommendations of the audit report through its in-house technical advisory team , responsible for establishing an in-house customised solution to strengthen the system’s transparency, and security, and reduce O&M costs as to maximise the utilisation of financial resources, as well as for engaging the services of a technical Software Development Team to technically develop and implement such solution. This should allow a smooth transition of the system to Federal Government of Somalia.
    The system’s review focused on what the system should look like, how it should be structured, what are the technical requirements, what it should deliver and how it should be supported and funded. The result has been the User Requirement Specification (URS) document “Internalising stipend payment systems and their management by UNOPS URS v1.0”.
    UNOPS needs to implement the requirements set in the URS. The complete project life cycle will consist of below mentioned tasks that need to be carried under the flagship of ICT Advisory Team, which will be responsible to delegate the following tasks to the relevant technical resources:

    1. Requirement Analysis: Including requirement analysis, preparation of URS documents, scope locking and briefing to software development teams.
    2. System Design Process: Including high-level system architecture design overview, design and implementation of projects, projects reviews, evaluating and finalizing change requests (CRs).
    3. Implementation: Involving development of client applications, middleware services development and database development as per requirement mentioned in scope of work.
    4. Deliverables (according to the phases of the software development project): a) detailed project plans (preferably in MS Project) with milestones, activities and tasks; b) URS Documents; c) high-level design & implementation of projects; d) user guides, troubleshooting guides; e) test cases; f) solution deployment; and, f) evaluating and finalising change requests (CRs).
    5. Train-the-Trainers/ Master Training: This involves training to the trainers.
    6. Infrastructure Evaluation: Evaluating the existing infrastructure on the server side (on which the solution will be hosted), client side (Registration & Payment terminals), and DR site. After evaluation of the infrastructure, the ICT Advisory Team will come up with its recommendations for inclusion/ procurement of new infrastructure where and when required.

    UNOPS payments systems, based on human recognition systems and adequate respective reconciliation of payments – including mobile –, have established a proper public resource management system in the security sector which should be the model leading PREMIS once transferred to the FGS.As part of the ICT Advisory Team, under the direct supervision of the Chief, SSSJP, and keeping abreast of new advancements, trends and best practices/standards in the technology landscape, The Intelligent Process Automation and Hardware Integration Specialist (the “Specialist”) will be responsible for the following:
    Bridging all potential technological and business gaps in the URS documents.
    Managing the Software Development team developing the technical solution.
    Provide high-level support and advice to the Chief, SSSJP for the implementation of the above tasks.
    Ensuring technology standards, Information security standards and best practices are met.
    Ensuring that proper automation tools are used for functional, penetration, information security, white box, and performance testing.
    Evaluating existing infrastructure, and implementing new systems and infrastructure as per project requirements
    Supervising the design and development methodologies, including embedded systems, quality assurance processes, software/ hardware integration, and release model.
    Supervising that the industry standards are met by the implementation team during the implementing the biometric registration, verification and identity management system.
    Supervising that the industry standards are met by the implementation team for the complete financial system.
    Tracking, analysing and monitoring business strategies, plans, procedures and performance metrics.
    Ensuring that complete disaster and emergency recovery plans are properly in-place.
    Establishing architectural attributes for performance, scalability, reliability, maintainability and accessibility.
    Handling of critical operational bottlenecks.
    Looking for product development on embedded Linux, Windows, iOS, and Android platforms.


    Advanced Degree (Master’s) or equivalent in Software Engineering and/ or Computer Science or related field;
    A First level university degree in combination with additional 2 years experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced(Masters) university degree.


    Minimum 7 years’ experience in technology design & development including hardware, software and embedded systems.
    Experience in implementation exposure of Biometric identity management systems is required.
    Experience in industry standards ISO/IEC 27001, OWASP and NIST Standards is required.
    Experience in implementation of payment systems, disbursement of stipend/payroll using biometrics verification is required.
    Technical grip on conventional banking cores is desired.
    Knowledge in tools including Burp Suite, Kali Linux, Apache JMeter, Logic Analyzer and LabVIEW is desired.
    Experience in embedded systems development using SOC(System on chip), microcontrollers, softcore Processors, hard-core processors (Power PC, ARM) is desired.
    Knowledge of eEmbedded C, .NET Framework, JAVA and smart phone apps is desired.
    Experience in embedded Linux, Windows, iOS and Android platforms is desired.
    Expertise in information security management and information security governance is an added advantage.
    Proficiency in different underlying protocols: JESD, SPI, CAN-Bus, PPI, UART, USB, TCP/IP, UDP, WAP, RESTFUL, SOAP, SMPP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, TLS, IEEE802.11, IEEE802.15.1, IEEE802.16 is an added advantage.
    Skills in architecture Planning, enterprise System Design and Implementation and Computer Science & Engineering are required.
    Abreast knowledge of mobile banking platforms is desired.

    Fluency in written and oral English required
    Contract type; International Individual Contractor AgreementContract level: IICA 3Contract duration: Ongoing ICA – ‘Open-ended, subject to organizational requirements, availability of funds and satisfactory performance.’

  • Humanitarian Representative’

    Humanitarian Representative’

    Médecins Sans Frontières – OCBA (Operational Centre Barcelona – Athens) is looking for an Humanitarian Representative (HRT) for East and Central Africa
    The Humanitarian Representation Team (HRT) provides support to the MSF operations through linkages and actions to and from external networks (political, humanitarian, medical, and civil society). It is managed by the International Operations and Humanitarian Representation Coordinator. The HRT maintains active relations with its network and continually informs the MSF operations of the relevant analysed information. The HRT influences its network through specific actions for the benefit of the MSF programs and MSF operations’ goals. In carrying out its actions, the HRT responds to direct requests from the operational program managers (desks). Longer term positioning and actions are also co-ordinated within the HRT team are directed by the MSF operations at the HQ-level.
    The HRT maintains active and effective internal links to co-ordinate its work. These include the reflection and advocacy centres of the operational sections, the Access campaign and partner sections (regarding their relations with their own host governments and regional networks – eg Canada, Germany, China, Australia, etc.), International President, Secretary General, International Medical Secretary & Medical Co-ordinator, medical working groups + others as necessary. The HRT interacts with the field missions of MSF (HoM-level) in order to improve the overall quality of the support to operations.
    The position of Humanitarian Representative, East and Central Africa will:

    Be hierarchically accountable to the director of the NBO and functionally reports to the International Operations and Humanitarian Representation Coordinator (IOHRC); and
    Work in close collaboration with the other NBO Units/Members –(especially with the OCBA Medical Advocacy Advisor who represents the Access Campaign in the EA region)

    As a member of both HRT and the NBO, and in coordination with other advocacy and representative persons in the region, the Humanitarian Representative for East and Central Africa:

    Implements and helps define the medical and humanitarian diplomacy strategy towards key (state and non-state) stakeholders of East African regional platform, in support of MSF movement-wide objectives.
    Improves and supports MSF’s understanding of the region and represents the region’s agenda within MSF.
    Takes the lead in knowledge management of networking and representation initiatives by all the members of the NBO


    Contribute to the development of MSF representation and diplomacy objectives in support of MSF operations, utilising the regional viewpoint
    Develop and implement the strategies to deliver relevant messages to key interlocutors to the East African based entities and dialogue partners; over time, the expectation is the position will extend this support towards Central Africa.
    Provide MSF with information, analysis and advise on relevant regional issues
    Maintain effective linkages within the HRT team, with other MSF regional and international entities including with relevant working groups, and promote coherent messaging within the region
    Provide advice to Operational Centres, Section offices and International office on new opportunities and threats to MSF medical and humanitarian objectives arising in/from East and Central Africa as deemed relevant to the East African based platforms and partners.
    Accountable for delivering relevant strategic objectives on time and on budget.
    Exemplify, by his/her actions and conduct, the principles and mission of MSF.

    Humanitarian Diplomacy:

    Introduce and promote selected MSF diplomacy objectives through attendance to relevant meetings and workshops, and through strategic interactions with the officials, diplomats and related institutions.
    Maintain mapping and analysis of regional policies and stakeholders related to issues relevant to MSF.
    Develop and maintain a network of relevant contacts with key actors and stakeholders
    Identify meetings and events in the EA region that are relevant to MSF or useful to raise MSF’s profile in the humanitarian community, and ensure appropriate MSF participation in them.
    Ensure that in-depth analyses of assigned contexts/themes are conducted, and maintain an overview of MSF’s involvement in these issues
    Stay abreast of the medical and humanitarian challenges faced by the populations in assigned contexts.
    Support the Operational Centres, in co-operation with other HRT members and other advocacy units, to develop coherent MSF messages on the salient humanitarian concerns encountered in the field, and develop the strategies needed to pursue these issues in EA platforms
    Produce and disseminate relevant written material for internal or external briefings to convey MSF position as and when required.
    Prepare, organize and facilitate meetings between MSF representatives and stakeholders within the East African region. Ensure that these are properly reported and shared in a timely manner.

    As part of the NBO team;

    Take the lead in encouraging cross-departments collaboration for networking within MSF NBO and lead knowledge management on networking engagement by the NBO

    Contribute to building relations and networking with key stakeholders in Nairobi/EA to support MSF NBO institutional objectives.

    Contribute to the development of the Nairobi/EA community and stakeholders engagement plan together with colleagues in NBO with the key objective to effectively and efficiently raising the general awareness of / support for MSF

    Act as one of the links for NBO to international global movement messaging and advocacy.

    Contribute towards raising awareness of NBO staff on medical and humanitarian issues arising from MSF field operations.

    Short-term deployment to the field, if and when necessary, as part of emergency operations in the region, according to identified capacity needed.

    Education and experience:

    Substantial operational field experience with MSF (or similar INGO) at senior-level in a broad range of contexts (5+ years)
    Solid knowledge of African society, culture, civil society, humanitarian and aid networks, and political systems
    Strong public communications skills and diplomatic character
    Masters Degree in related field or equivalent
    Excellent analytic capability and strong writing skills
    Fluency in English (oral and written)
    Ability to work independently; capacity to take initiatives and seize opportunities.
    Availability to travel to both other MSF offices and field projects
    Unwavering commitment to the aims and values of MSF
    Strong time management and general organisational skills


    Knowledge of French (oral and written)

    Required competencies:

    Communication and interpersonal skills
    Commitment to MSF’s Principles
    Cross-cultural Awareness
    Behavioral Flexibility
    Stress Management
    Analytical Thinking
    Results and Quality Orientation
    Service Orientation
    Planning and Organizing
    Teamwork and Cooperation


    Based in Nairobi, at the MSF Nairobi Branch office
    Full-time job.
    Annual gross Salary of KES 5,181,181. Benefits will be compensated in KES based on the Nairobi Branch Office secondary benefits package.

  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer

    Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer

    Youth Impact Labs is a partnership between Mercy Corps and launched in 2017 to catalyze the creation of new work opportunities for young people by leveraging technology. Impact Labs operates from Amman and Nairobi as strategic regional hubs for the Middle East and East Africa. Impact Labs aims to think big, take risks, and test bold solutions by approaching underemployment and unemployment through a business-oriented innovation lens. We seek to build a strong regional pipeline of innovators ready to create high- impact, scalable employment opportunities across various markets – for today’s youth and generations to come. We are focusing on digital marketplaces and platforms that offer services to micro and small businesses; agricultural supply chain management; and digital work.
    The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer will work with the Mercy Corps program team as well as our local partner organizations to ensure the collection of quality M&E data for the program. The MEL Officer will be responsible for supporting the Impact Labs program with monitoring and data collection, lead in design of surveys, analyze data to provide insight to program team and contribute to report writing. S/he will ensure that performance monitoring and results reporting tools and processes across the entire program are in place, effectively implemented and well synchronized between the two program sites. The MEL Officer will be an integral member of the program team’s learning, reflection processes, and promoting accountability to beneficiaries and the donor.


    Lead in the design/review of MEL system for partners involved in the implementation of the program
    Develop metrics for measurement of results for partners using the DCED framework.
    Develop a system for reporting and validating program data (Excel, Tola, Access, etc.)
    Work closely with the program teams and local partners, to ensure effective monitoring, evaluation and reporting of program activities and results.
    Develop and deploy tools for data collection using mobile technology especially ONA and Google Forms.
    Coordinate reporting with local partners, specifically tracking deadlines, ensuring adherence to monitoring formats and requirements, ensuring reporting quality and accuracy, and periodic report writing, editing, and submission.
    Compile progress against indicators and report back to the team according to the monitoring plan.
    Develop Data Quality Assessment Plan.
    Perform spot checks on the team’s data collected and reports each month.
    Actively participate in any additional evaluation M&E activities including but not limited to baseline surveys, mid-term, end line surveys, evaluations, households’ surveys


    Build the capacity of all relevant team members to implement program monitoring tools, accurately enter program data into relevant databases, and enable them to develop excellent reports and other documents.
    Build the capacity of our local partner organizations through ongoing training and support on: monitoring tools, entering program data into databases, the development of reports and other documents.
    Document lessons learned and success stories on the project.
    Ensure adherence to program management minimum standards in carrying out his/her duties, advising and supporting other staff in the same as required.

    Other duties as assigned.

    Contribute to learning/research agenda.
    Conduct research and prepare practical reports for dissemination based on experiences from program implementation.
    Together with the program implementation team, generate key learnings about the program’s implementation, approach, and interaction with the tech-enabled youth employment ecosystem.
    Package and disseminate research finds/learnings to Mercy Corps and other program stakeholders.

    As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve, we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.
    Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.
    Supervisory Responsibility
    Reports Directly to: Post Investment and Learning Advisor with a dotted line to Senior Roving MEL Officer
    Works Directly with: Impact Labs Program Team, Senior Roving MEL Officer, Program Quality and Learning Manager and Implementing Partners.
    Knowledge and Experience

    BA/S or equivalent, preferable in Monitoring and Evaluation, Business administration, Economics, Statistics, Population Studies, Demography or Development studies.
    3 – 4 years’ program monitoring and evaluation experience.
    Must have good writing, analytical and communication skills.
    Previous experience working with on donor funded programs is preferred.
    Relevant experience in field survey/data collection (qualitative and quantitative) techniques, data entry, data verification, and analysis.
    Good understanding and skills at database management with specific emphasis on beneficiary tracking.
    Experience designing and implementing surveys.
    Strong computer literacy with a full knowledge of MS Office applications. In addition to Microsoft Excel, the incumbent should demonstrate fluency in use of at least one data management software including Ms Access, SPSS, STATA.
    Experience in youth employment programming will be an added advantage

    Success Factors
    A successful team member will be conscientious, with excellent judgement, capable of multi-tasking, prioritizing, problem-solving and attention to detail with strategic vision. S/he must have the confidence, and humility, to work effectively with a large variety of people who will be diverse culturally, economically and in social status. S/he must be sensitive to political and cultural nuances and be able to consistently apply excellent judgment to a variety of demanding and fast-changing situations.

  • Expansion Officer (Internal Candidate) 

Procurement Officer 

Regional Field Manager

    Expansion Officer (Internal Candidate) Procurement Officer Regional Field Manager

    Job description
    The specific duties and responsibilities include the following;

    Set up new branches and operations;
    Support in detailed mapping of sub-county and manage data entry.
    Working closely with the Expansion Manager and Government Relations Manager, support in identifying which CUs to recruit from and prioritize them.
    Assist Facilities Officer/ Expansion Manager identify new branch locations.
    Recruitment and interviews;
    Actively participate in mobilization and recruitment exercises, including briefing to branch teams.
    Support in recruitment session: pitch to candidates, manage data of tests and interviewing.
    Manage data entry and sharing all database with the team responsible for recruitment.
    Work closely with branch and training teams after recruitment to ensure 100% turn out for training and support in budgeting for CHV transport costs to the training venue.

    Training and on boarding

    Be present on first two days of base training to manage candidates’ arrival and attendance.
    Support in budgeting and arranging colourful and successful graduation ceremonies by supporting sourcing the graduation venues and vendors, and ensuring smooth running of graduation day and complete and timely reconciliation of funds advanced for each activity.

    Required Qualifications, Experience & Attributes

    Minimum of 2 years of work experience in a field based role.
    Undergraduate degree in business or diploma in business, management or health related areas preferred,
    Good analytical skills and experience in using various analytical soft wares.
    Strong mapping skills a plus.
    Unimpeachable integrity.
    Entrepreneurial spirit and drive for results.
    Strong computer skills.
    Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English and Swahili.
    Passionate about field work – flexible and willing to travel 75% of the time within Kenya.
    Experience in project management is an added advantage.

    A competitive salary and benefits package commensurate with experience including health insurance and bonus opportunity. The opportunity to be your best while making lives better for those in need.
    Living Goods is an equal opportunity employer and will consider every qualified applicant for employment. Living Goods does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
    Our current job openings are displayed on our website, where you can search for open positions and apply directly. Living Goods does not offer any positions without an interview and never asks candidates for money. If you are asked for money, we strongly recommend that you do not respond and do not send money or personal information.

    go to method of application »

  • Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Manager (PME Manager)

    Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Manager (PME Manager)

    Job Description
    Based in the Country Office in Nairobi the Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Manager will take lead in the Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning (MEL) and Knowledge Management work for Heifer International Kenya Country program and projects.
    This is a technical post that contributes to tracking the effectiveness and progress of the Country Program in achieving Heifer International’s mission and the Country programme goals.
    Reporting to the Country Director, you will:

    Be responsible for ensuring the consistent and high-quality collection, use and reporting of results data across the program, throughout the project cycle.
    Lead the development and implementation of Monitoring, Evaluation. Learning and Knowledge Management systems and processes as well as mechanisms for information and knowledge sharing.
    Lead the implementation of Heifer International Global monitoring and evaluation systems at the country level ensuring standards ¡n baseline surveys, impact monitoring and evaluation processes that contribute to the global strategies and goals.

    Minimum Requirements

    Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in international development, quantitative economics, business and or statistics or an equivalent with an academic focus on monitoring and evaluation, plus five (5) years of direct relevant experience in MEL, ideally gained working in a development context.
    Experience in managing databases and coordinating evaluations, surveys and impact monitoring at a senior level.
    Demonstrated experience in data analysis, ability to prepare and systemically disseminate high-level quality reports for a variety of audiences.
    Computer proficient in word processing, spreadsheets, presentation tools, electronic mail and Internet software (Microsoft Office preferred), including Excel, Access, STATA, and SPSS.

  • National Study Coordinator, Kenya

    National Study Coordinator, Kenya

    Job Description
    The objectives of this follow-up assessment is to:

    Compare the prevalence of Neuro Tube Defect (NTD)-affected pregnancies among women with periconceptional Dolutegravir (DTG) exposure to the prevalence of NTD-affected pregnancies among women with periconceptional EFV exposure
    Assess risk factors for NTDs among women with periconceptional DTG exposure compared to women with periconceptional EFV exposure
    Ascertain other adverse pregnancy outcomes after 20 weeks gestation
    Measure the frequency of adverse pregnancy outcomes among women exposed to DTG during pregnancy that fall outside of the periconceptional period

    CHS is currently sourcing for a high calibre, self-motivated and dynamic individual to fill the position of National Study Coordinator.
    Location: National AIDS and STI Control Programme (NASCOP), Nairobi
    Reporting to: HIV Care and Treatment Manager

    Finalize the research implementation plan under the direction of the Principal Investigator in collaboration with various stakeholders
    Process and obtain national ethical approvals, where relevant
    Implement research activities according to the research protocol, coordinating relevant stakeholders
    Support data management and report writing process in collaboration with various stakeholders

    Responsibilities and Duties
    Objective 1: Finalization of research implementation plan

    Compile relevant study materials developed by various stakeholders
    Coordinate the printing of study materials
    Coordinate the training of study site coordinators and site staff

    Objective 2: Obtain national approvals

    In collaboration with key stakeholders, coordinate the ethical approval process with relevant institutions
    Obtain the necessary administrative approvals from national and county government health departments
    Obtain necessary approvals from the facility in-charges in the study sites

    Objective 3: Implementation of research activities

    Manage study operations and ensure research activities are implemented according to study protocol, in strict adherence to the timelines
    Support during training and orientation of research team, data management, quality assurance and lab tests
    Traveling to health facilities and client follow up visits in the study sites as required
    Monthly progress in the form of report, written communication and PowerPoint presentation
    Be the first point of contact for any protocol or operational issues that may arise in the study sites

    Objective 4: Support data management, report writing and dissemination

    Support the national team in conducting quality checks on collected data
    Ensure data confidentiality and that confidentiality protocols are not breached
    Timely communication of any protocol violation to the Principal Investigator
    Support the data analysis and report writing including coordination of workshops

    Deliverables associated with the above tasks under the objectives outlined in this document include:

    A detailed study implementation plan
    Provide progress status reports to PIs and ethics review boards on a routine basis as required
    Monthly submission of study progress report
    Document and file minutes and all other deliberations of study team meetings

    Training / Experience / Clinical Requirements

    Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, Clinical medicine or a health-related field of study is required, with Master’s degree as an added advantage.
    Extensive experience in working with national HIV health programmers and offering technical assistance, preferably in the National HIV Program in Kenya
    Familiarity with community research-based principles and minimum 2 – 4 years’ experience in program coordination, volunteer management in a health-related field
    Extensive knowledge and understanding of the complexity of issues relating to people living with HIV/AIDS
    Excellent facilitation skills
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
    Fluency in English

    12 months:

    1 month: Study implementation plan and study approvals
    8 months: Data collection
    3 months: Analysis & report writing

  • Regional Coordinator, Youth Engagement

    Regional Coordinator, Youth Engagement

    Job description
    Summary Of The Position
    The Regional Coordinator, Youth Engagement, will play an important programmatic role in Women Deliver’s efforts to enhance the participation and influence of young people on policies and investments for gender equality and girls’ and women’s health, rights, and wellbeing, in the Southern and Eastern Africa (SEA) Region.
    This consultancy role, based in SEA, will work closely with the Director and Senior Manager of Women Deliver’s Youth Engagement Team in New York. The Regional Coordinator will build on a strong cohort of Women Deliver Young Leaders and an enabling environment in order to intensify collaborative advocacy efforts in the region, as well as nationally and sub-nationally in Uganda and Kenya.
    Note: The consultant role is budgeted for 3 years and approx. 20 hours per week (part-time). There is a preference for Kenyan and Ugandan Nationals to apply; non-Nationals will also be considered assuming language proficiency.
    The Regional Coordinator will support effective and context-appropriate implementation of these intensified efforts including providing the training, coordination, and technical backstop that the regional effort will require. Women Deliver will hold regular SEA Regional and country-level workshops (in Uganda and Kenya only) to provide Women Deliver Young Leaders and alumni intensive training in advocacy strategy development in addition to grants to support time-bound advocacy efforts. The Regional Coordinator will play a critical role in facilitating these workshops, coordinating the efforts of the Young Leaders on a day-to-day basis, making introductions as appropriate to ensure coordination with other organizations, coalitions, and influencers, and working closely with the Young Leaders to identify and map the opportunities for feasible advocacy opportunities.

    Supports Young Leaders in SEA, with particular emphasis on Uganda and Kenya, to intensify and coordinate advocacy efforts (note: there are approximately 130 Young Leaders and alumni in the SEA Region, with nearly 20 in Kenya and 20 in Uganda).
    Facilitates regional and country-level workshops and provides Young Leaders and alumni technical assistance and intensive training in advocacy strategy development.
    Provides day-to-day technical support to Young Leaders and alumni in the region that receive grants from Women Deliver, with a focus on coordination and collaboration between Young Leaders and alumni with other organizations, coalitions, and influencers.
    Coordinates regular teleconferences and check-ins to keep the Young Leaders and alumni connected and equipped with the tools and information needed for advocacy at the country level.
    Works closely with the Senior Manager and Director to ensure messaging and support to Young Leaders and alumni is aligned with the Young Leaders Program and Women Deliver.
    Works closely with the Senior Communications Associate to identify newsworthy stories based on Young Leaders’ activities and accomplishments.
    Other activities and duties as assigned.

    Qualifications, Skills, Education, And Knowledge

    Bachelor’s degree required, Master’s preferred.
    2-3 years of professional experience in SEA regional advocacy efforts; focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights, youth, and/or gender a plus; with a total of 6-10 years of total professional experience.
    Knowledge of SEA regional political landscape, coalition and campaign efforts on issues related to sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender equality required.
    Strong understanding of advocacy and campaign tactics for policy change at local, national, and regional levels.
    Exceptional verbal and written communications skills.
    Ability to effectively work in a fast-paced environment under tight deadlines and conduct work independently (remote from the New York office).
    Excellent interpersonal skills, flexibility, and resourcefulness in solving problems.
    Strong skills using Microsoft Word and Excel.
    Ability to travel to various Southern and Eastern African Regions as directed.

  • DHIS2 

Research Assistants, DREAMS Recency Study

    DHIS2 Research Assistants, DREAMS Recency Study

    Main Duties:
    UCSF is looking for a Software developer with strong DHIS2 development experience and knowledge. The primary function of this position is tsupport UCSF with maintaining and developing its systems and solutions that are built on the DHIS2 platform. The DHIS2 Developer is expected tdesign and develop modules tmeet the organizational and donor needs for specific projects. Some projects will require the developer tdesign data entry screens for specific programme studies. Most projects will require the data tbe disclosed via dashboards – often with some transformation or analysis of that data before it gets displayed. For example, data that originates from a single health facility may need tbe aggregated inta district, provincial or national view on the dashboard.
    Additional software development needs may arise occasionally, that are not specific tDHIS2 such as the development of mobile apps, or interoperability layers between existing systems. As an integral part of the UCSF Kenya Office, the DHIS2 Developer may be expected tmeet with stakeholders, funders and government officials, and draw up requirements based on their needs. This position requires a one-year commitment, with the potential for extension at the end of the period, subject tfunding availability.
    Specific Roles and Responsibilities:

    Under the direction of the Senior HIS Developer and the UCSF Technical Director for Global Health Informatics, the DHIS2 Developer will work with the UCSF SI team, the Global Programs in-country SI team, USG and GOK colleagues to:
    Gather and document requirements for developing any information system, including the DHIS2 modules tbe developed.
    Deploy, maintain and administer the DHIS2 implementations including assigning rights tusers, maintaining backups and functionality of the systems.
    Write reusable, testable and efficient code, including writing tests and test cases.
    Based on agreed specifications, design, develop and maintain the DHIS2 data entry modules reports, dashboards and visualizations.
    Develop training materials and train users on system modules and functionalities developed, in addition tconducting pre and post training assessments tgauge the effectiveness of the trainings.
    Work with existing team members in other software development projects as required in determining the appropriate frameworks, tools and technologies tbe used for implementing any database or information system, taking context, existing capacity and other guiding principles (e.g. open source, already in use in the health sector) intaccount.
    Any other duties assigned related tthis job description

    Minimum Requirements:

    An appropriate degree in computer science, information systems or software engineering with a focus on software development or equivalent degree with at least five years of experience in software development
    At least two years demonstrated experience working with DHIS2, including developing and designing data sets, indicators, data elements and designing custom data entry screens for DHIS2.
    At least five years of experience in developing information systems using Java, JavaScript Knowledge of other programming languages and technologies such as Python/Django, PHP or C# is an added advantage.
    Demonstrable experience in working with databases e.g. MySQL, PSQL and MSQL, including writing SQL queries
    Should have Unix/Linux background and alsneeds tbe comfortable writing Unix/Linux scripts.
    Experience in developing health information systems, databases and reports
    An understanding of popular tools currently in the health sector such as ODK, Epi InfEMRs( OpenMRS, KenyaEMR, IQCare) is an advantage
    Working experience with software development and maintenance tools like JQuery, Git, Restful web services, Agile methodology, Jasper server, Android SDK

    Experience with one or more of the following are considered advantages:

    Monitoring and Evaluation
    Working in the health sector

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