Job Field: Sector in Consultancy

  • Consultancy: WEZESHA JAMII Project Evaluation

    Consultancy: WEZESHA JAMII Project Evaluation

    Job Details
    Terms of Reference for Project Mid-Term Evaluation
    Project Title: Promoting livelihoods and Inclusion of vulnerable women domestic workers and women small scale traders
    A project co-funded by the European Union
    Oxfam is an international development and humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization that works with others to overcome poverty and suffering. Oxfam has been operating in Kenya since 1963. The geographical focus of our programmes has been the urban areas mainly Nairobi city and Arid and Semi Arid Lands where we have been working with the poor and vulnerable groups to enhance their social and economic empowerment. Oxfam in partnership with the National Organization of Peer Educators (NOPE), SITE Enterprise Promotion and Youth Alive Kenya (YAK!) received financial support from the European Union to strengthen socio-economic empowerment of the informal economy workers particularly the poor and vulnerable women domestic workers and small scale traders who live in Nairobi City’s urban settlements mainly Mukuru, Kibera, Mathare, Korogocho and Kawangware through a four years project.
    The main objectives of the evaluation are to:
    1) Assess implementation of the project by Oxfam and partners during the two years against the key targets evaluation criteria e.g. efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, sustainability and impact.
    2) Assess the effects of the project on the target communities so far against the project outcomes.
    3) Document the project’s learning and best practices that include gender and accountability to our partners, beneficiaries, donors and stakeholders.
    The desired specification and qualities of the consultant(s) are as hereunder:
    Post Graduate qualification in Governance, Programmes Management, Development Studies or Economics or any other relevant Social Science Degree.
    Skills and experience in evaluating governance and socio-economic projects with in-depth knowledge in addition to the above qualification will be highly desirable.
    Strong interpersonal and analytical skills.
    Familiarity with the urban informal settlements in Kenya.
    Knowledge of Kenyan policy environment including human rights, devolution, health, social protection, micro and small trading and law making processes.
    Experience of effective interaction with local and national organizations, government institutions and marginalized communities in informal settlements.
    Conversant with application of cross cutting themes like gender mainstreaming and gender and competency on advocacy.
    Good spoken and written communication skills in Kiswahili and English.
    Proven experience of using participatory methods for data collection and analysis in programme evaluation.

  • Consultancy – Development of Social Protection Policy

    Consultancy – Development of Social Protection Policy

    Social protection (SP) is an essential tool in tackling poverty, promoting economic growth and reducing inequality. The Government of Somalia is committed to the establishment of a strong system in social protection as evidenced in its decision to establishing and managing a Social Protection Sub-Working Group (SP SWG) and its prioritization of SP in the National Development Plan (2017-2019). The consultant will assist, by building on the work that has already been done by government and development partners to prioritize social protection strategies, to design a draft Social Protection policy for Somalia.
    Adeso is bidding for a WFP award of service contract for design of Social Protection Policy. In this reagard Adeso is looking a lead consultant for this work. The consultant will work with Adeso Somalia program management team to provide support to the government of Somalia, particularly the Disaster Management Directorate of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC), to design and draft a Social Protection (SP) policy for Somalia.
    i. Inception report and consultation schedule
    ii. A draft Social Protection policy and institutional framework
    iii. ToRs for all institutions engaged in implementation of Social Protection policy
    iv. Implementation Strategy
    v. Presentation of Social Protection Policy to relevant stakeholders
    The following key areas of work are included in this consultancy though the present list is not exhaustive and additional issues might come up during the consultancy:
    Provide technical and strategic assistance to MoPIC, DMA and PSG5 SP SWG on development of social protection policy.
    Identify and consult with key stakeholders (government, civil society, development partners, etc.) in workshops in Mogadishu, Garowe, Kismayo, Baidoa, Adado, and Bosaso.
    Develop an institutional framework for social protection including leadership and coordination responsibilities.
    Develop terms of reference (ToRs) for all institutions engaged in implementing the SP policy.
    Recommend a coordination mechanism for the SP policy as well as draft a detailed implementation and monitoring plan for the first year of the SP policy and roadmap for the first 5 years of the policy.
    Degree in social protection, social policy or related field.
    At least 10 years experience/Knowledge in the development, implementation, research and evaluation of social protection programs, preferably in fragile states.
    Experience in facilitating and stimulating government coordination and engagement.
    Experience in drafting SP policies.
    Must be proficient in written and spoken English language.
    Proficiency in spoken Somali desirable.
    Familiar with Somalia context and related SP issues.
    Experience of national processes and systems development desirable.
    All documentation related to the assignment shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Adeso

  • HSS Advisor – Samburu County

    HSS Advisor – Samburu County

    Job Details
    The Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Advisor will support the county and Sub-County Health Management Teams (SCHMTs) to strengthen systems for improving health service delivery including budgeting and planning, HRH, drugs and supplies, and information systems. He/she will work with the CHMT to strengthen their capacity for coordination, planning, budgeting and financial management to provide effective, efficient and coordinated quality Family Planning/ Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (FP/RMNCAH) services. He/she will also support the county to develop public private partnerships and integrated approaches for delivery of RMNCHAH services.
    Main Tasks
    Assessment & Monitoring
    · Jointly administer an organizational capacity assessment tool with GOK colleagues to assess baseline health system capacity, and develop targeted capacity development plans. Administer repeat OCAs over time to assess HSS improvements.
    Technical Leadership and Advisory Services
    · Provide technical guidance, advice and support to project counterparts to improve health system performance across domains, including:
    · Governance & Leadership: support development of S/CHMT leadership and management skills, improved health sector coordination, and efficient and effective planning and budgeting cycles.
    · HRH: coordinate with other USAID funded technical assistance at the national level to improve the Ministry of Health’s human resource management systems, and provide targeted TA at county and sub-county level to improve HRH management (strategy development, HRH mapping, HRH data management, etc.)
    · Supply Chain Strengthening: coordinate county, sub-county and facility level procurement and supply chain efforts and reforms. Support CHMTs improve commodity security and quality assurance for FP/RH/MNCH commodities. S/he will oversee a programme of work to prevent stock-outs, reduce commodity wastage, and reduce order lead time for priority RMNCAH commodities.
    · Information Systems: oversee activities to strengthen county health information systems and data use to improve quality and use of FP/RMNCAH data at the sub-county and county levels. He/she will work with an HMIS Officer and the county government to implement activities such as data quality assessments, M&E TWG functionality, development of a county M&E framework, county and sub-county data review forums, build capacity of HMIS mentors, support use of the RMNCAH scorecard, etc.)
    · Health Care Financing: provide technical assistance to the county government to develop a strategic approach to address financial barriers to accessing health care, and engage in public private partnerships.
    Project Management
    · Effectively plan, deliver and evaluate the implementation of activities and critically reflect and improve on project strategies to promote health system performance
    People Management
    · Supervise various Officers, and effectively source and manage short term consultants to support priority activities
    Partnership and Team Work
    · Work closely with other project staff to ensure that project strategies and approaches are delivered in a coherent and coordinated way, in line with project targets, and build partnerships with other key organisations to promote synergy
    Person specification
    The candidate will hold at minimum a Master’s Degree in the health sciences, public health or related field
    The candidate will have at least 5 years’ experience in implementing complex public health programs of similar scope and size in Sub-Saharan Africa, preferably in Kenya.
    The candidate will have at least five years demonstrated experience at mid- or senior level in health system strengthening, ideally including planning and budgeting, human resources for health, information systems and/or supply chain management.
    The candidate will have experience in managing donor-funded programs and demonstrated ability to work effectively with all kind of stakeholders: government representatives, local community organisations, for-profit private sectors entities.
    The candidate will have experience in managing a technical team and monitoring HSS activities.
    The candidate will have strong leadership and management skills.
    The candidate will be fluent in English and Swahili.
    A practical knowledge of Samburu context would be an added advantage
    About Options and the programme
    Options Consultancy Services Limited was established in 1992 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Marie Stopes International. We are a consultancy organisation providing technical and management expertise in the health and social sectors to governments and international development partners to transform the health of women and children. We provide information, expertise and influence to governments, health workers, NGOs and businesses to catalyse change so that health services can be accessed by the people who need them most.
    Afya Timiza project is contributing to improve the quality and accessibility of Family Planning and Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent health services by supporting sustained change planning and provision of and access to more efficient health services in Turkana and Samburu counties. Afya has a strong focus on reaching remote and nomadic communities.

  • Consultancy to Carry out Baseline Survey Consultancy for Designing Enhanced Entrepreneurship Program Programs and Organizational Learning Partner

    Consultancy to Carry out Baseline Survey Consultancy for Designing Enhanced Entrepreneurship Program Programs and Organizational Learning Partner

    Job Details
    Terms of Reference
    Project: “Expanding and Sustaining the CAP-BEST Program and Model in Kenya”
    In Partnership with The MasterCard Foundation:
    Consultancy to Carry out Baseline Survey
    Duration: 3 Months
    Start Date: January 2017
    Reporting to: Executive Director, CAP YEI
    Background: Between 2011 and 2016, CAP YEI, in Partnership with The MasterCard Foundation implemented program to empower vurlnerable youth with basic employment skills and support in diverse sectors industry.  
    This was guided by its Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) model – a demand led, a nine-step framework of activities guided by objectives including to:
    Ensure that disadvantaged youth learn and acquire life skills, relevant job market skills, savings education, and small business development training
    Facilitate disadvantaged youth to access to internships and job opportunities;
    Ensure youth receive vital pre and post job placement counseling support.
    This program was quite succesful leading to the training and support of over 14,000 youth in Kenya and a succesful employability placement rate (jobs and small business) exceeding 80%. CAP YEI also started a capacity building program to train partners from 46 VTC about the BEST model and how to adapt its key principles to their programs and, this way, improve learning and placement outcomes for youth.
    The MasterCard Foundation has approved a grant to CAP YEI to undertake a second phase of this program and address the added challenges of ensuring scale up and sustainability as well as improve inclusiveness and outreach to more marginalised youth and communities in Kenya.
    The objectives of this new phase are:
    (i) Provide 23,030 marginalized youth with employability skills and support to access internship and job opportunities, through CAP’s Basic Employability Skills Training (CAP-BEST) model in 20 existing and new demonstration and replication centres that will function as accredited vocational training centers within the Kenyan TVET sector.
    (ii) Facilitate adoption of the CAP-BEST model components into the Kenyan TVET system through training and capacity building of 500 VTC instructors and managers to improve learning outcomes in their TVET institutions, in order to reach 39,000 young Kenyans with improved market-relevant soft and technical skills.
    (iii) Provide 4,000 graduates of the CAP-BEST model support to establish and grow micro-businesses in the agriculture, digital, manufacturing and service sectors through demonstration, replication and VTC partner centers.
    We are seeking the sevices of a consultant individual or firm to help us set out the baseline for this project by gathering and analysing both internal as well as external environment data to establish the current possition in as afar youth employability/skills training and support in Kenya and in the areas specifically targeted by CAP YEI are concerned. The consultancy will seek to provide analysis against each of the program objectives. The scope will be both national and regional (depending on the strategy and reach identified under each project objective).
    The Consultancy will aim to answer the following questions among others:
    1. CAP YEI state of performance by the three different strategies: demonstration, replication and capacity building: number of centers, VTC partners, training output dissagregated by gender etc) , profile of average youth enroled; completion/drop out rates; transition to earning rates etc; efficciency and effectives of each and ratio of cost per strategy
    2. State of TVET in Kenya (with a particular focus on VTC’s) – number of providers and staff (government, private, other) numbers reached by providers (dissagregated by gender region etc), programs offered; course completion rates, drop out rates, transition to employability rates (jobs, business), transition to further learning; major changes expected in the sector; summary of major challenges faced by the sector and what is being done about them
    3. Demand led, market driven youth employability programs in Kenya: who are the key actors and where are they; different models and approaches; comparative against- successful transition to earning rates, cost per graduate, delivery mechanisms, partnerships and reach including collaboration with government etc. Analysis of the major challenges faced by industry in securing appropriate workers; mismatch between skills and employer requirements what is industry/government/civil society, others, doing about it it?
    4. Youth entrpreneurship – state of youth entprepreneurship in Kenya, broad types of youth led businesses, other actors in this field and what they are doing; analysis against – business types; business survival rates, size, number of employess, summary of major challenges faced by youth and what is being done about it; estimate of the youth led business sector by value, econimic and social contribution etc
    5. Role of Government: data against each objective above (support to TVET system; sector reforms, introduction of competemcy based, demand driven approaches; support to youth business). Provide current state of government investment and a projection of the same to 2021; major policy reforms planned or under way.
    6. Review of CAP YEI – state of M&E, MIS, HR, Quality controll systems, partners, staff complement, orhganisational stracture, profiles of training centres and offerings etc – basically an assement of organisational capacity to deliver on this program.
    Expression of interest:
    As part of expressing interest to undertake the tasks listed, the consultant is expected to:
    (i) Present a proposal on survey design clearly indicating the objectives, sample size, sectors, tools to be used for the survey, scope and coverage, expected outcomes/deliverables, time frame and schedules
    (ii) Budget of the activity, including professional costs (total budget should not exceed Ksh3.5M)
    (iii) The profile and qualification of the lead and support persons involved in the project contract
    Final Deliverables:
    A pre activity inception report describing the strategies adopted and the timelines for delivery
    Draft report for partner’s discussions, and presentation of same to the partners.
    One bound report of final report based on the findings, after incorporating the suggestions from partners.
    Summary of the final report in power point presentation or similarly suitable format
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  • Proposal Writing Consultant

    Proposal Writing Consultant

    General Objective
    The main objective of the consultancy is to demonstrate in a reader-friendly format the work of IOM to external audiences about who we are, what we do and how we do it.
    The consultant is expected to identify information from project documents and interview beneficiaries (if relevant) as well as identify appropriate photos from the project to illustrate the stories.
    The consultant will be supervised by the Regional Project Manager.
    Proposal Writing Consultant Job Tasks
    Collect information from the various project documents with the support of project staff
    Record human interest stories in appropriate medium such as articles, photos, videos, for publication in the
    Technoserve website, brochures and other marketing materials.
    Collate content and appropriate images/photography from the IOM Team
    Produce the text and info-graphics as well as photographs in appropriate layout to highlight success stories, including voices of beneficiaries and other stakeholders
    Write and edit the agreed content with a professional writing style
    Revise and finalize the documentation following feedback from the IOM Team
    Support selected IOM innovator partner(s) to develop proposal(s) drawn upon innovations and/or lessons learnt from ongoing work for funding as will be advised by the project Team, December 1st 2016 through March 31st 2017
    Expected Results
    2016 IOM Annual Report, draft due January 16th 2017
    One to two- page brochure on each IOM innovation and their status, due January 31st2017
    At least four (4) human interest stories from IOM innovations, drafts due March 15th 2017
    An innovator supported to develop a high quality, timely and credible final proposals and budgets that meet funding quality and cost recovery requirements.
    Qualifications and Skills for the Proposal Writing Consultant Job
    Bachelor’s degree in communications and/or journalism or English
    At least ten years of professional experience in journalism, or related communication field
    Demonstrated experience writing successful proposals
    Demonstrable experience of publishing technical, policy, or programmatic outputs
    Excellent English language writing and editing
    Knowledge of photography, graphics and video is considered as an added advantage
    Proven experience working with regional/international organizations
    Ability to analyze and synthesize relevant information to the benefit of Technoserve
    Ability to meet deadlines
    Initiative, resourcefulness, timeliness

  • Research Assistant Project Manager

    Research Assistant Project Manager

    Responsibilities for the Research Assistant Job
    Support Project Managers on one or more research projects
    Conduct secondary research and literature reviews
    Assist in tool creation
    Conduct basic and advanced data analysis on SPSS, Stata or Excel
    Conduct qualitative interviews and data analysis
    Write draft report sections
    Cover various topics and themes related to migration and displacement, including migration and development, diasporas engagement for development, return and reintegration, and durable solutions, smuggling and trafficking,
    Research Assistant Job Qualifications
    Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
    Experience studying and working in migration and displacement- related domains
    Excellent spoken and written skills in English
    Keen attention to detail
    Ability to being patient and to work well within a team
    Ability to cope well under pressure, work occasionally irregular hours and meet tight deadlines
    go to method of application »

  • Consultant


    Key Tasks The Consultant Will Undertake The Following Tasks
    Undertake a review of relevant literature, including government and donor strategies for meeting enhanced transparency requirements as defined in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. This will include but is not limited to activities and or projects (i)Tracking greenhouse emissions sinks and sources (ii)Tracking progress towards achieving Kenya’s Nationally Determined Contribution (iii)Providing information related to climate change impacts and adaptations (iv)Providing information on financial, technology transfer and capacity building support in line with the Paris Agreement transparency framework. The literature review will ensure alignment with existing related work and avoid duplication of efforts.
    Consult with key stakeholders to solicit their input into the development of the Project Document including the project work plan. These consultations should take place in person, via telephone, electronic conferencing and or workshops and should at minimum, involve Vital Signs, the MENR, and SLEEK identified representatives and/or participating government institutions.
    Interact closely with VS, SLEEK and other stakeholders to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and ensure coherence between the design of the GEF CBIT Kenya project and the overall direction of Kenya’s national climate change mitigation and adaptation plans and achievement of her Intended Nationally Determined Contributions.
    Informed by the literature review, and input from the GEF Secretariat, the CI team, Vital Signs, Government of Kenya teams, as well as stakeholder consultations, prepare a Project Document for a medium-sized GEF project based upon the approved PIF and GEF feedback documents. The project framework from the PIF is given in Annex 1.
    Work with the Vital Signs and MENR team to prepare a presentation on the 1 st draft Project Document for an open meeting of project partners, community representatives, private partners, and stakeholders, proposed for early February 2017, Nairobi.
    Revise the Project Document to address comments from Vital Signs, MENR, stakeholders, the CI GEF Project Agency, and the GEF Secretariat for final approval. Deliverables By 30 th March 2017, a zero draft of the Project Document, using the outline provided by the CI GEF Project Agency, the approved PIF, the GEF Secretariat’s comments on the PIF and additional information provided by VS and MENR. This draft will indicate gaps that need to be filled and sections requiring elucidation, and is intended to be a guide for further preparation of the contents.
    By 30 th April 2017, a first draft of the Project Document which incorporates all the comment from GEF Secretariat, CI team, MENR first round of consultations, meetings, etc., and which will be submitted to Vital Signs and MENR project team for review and comment.
    By 30 th May 2017, a second draft of the Project Document, incorporating all feedback and comment from the project team and the open meeting, which will be submitted to Vital Signs, MENR and CI GEF Project Agency for review and comment. This draft will respond to comments from the project key stakeholders and the inception meeting (key task 5); and the first drafts of the Gender Mainstreaming Plan and Accountability and Grievance Mechanism.
    By 30 th June 2017, a final draft of all documents, which responds to the comments from the CI GEF Project Agency, MENR and the GEF Secretariat.
    Period of PerformanceIt is expected that the Project document will take approximately 45 days to develop, spread over a period of 6 months. The process is expected to begin on 1 st February 2017, with final submission to the GEF Secretariat by 30 th June 2017.
    Services Provided by CI CI will provide the consultant with an initial orientation, and all relevant background documents. CI and MENR will be available for ongoing conversations, to clarify expectations about the process and outputs. Also, CI will facilitate close coordination between preparation of the Project Document, development of strategies, systems and processes for the project.
    Contract Type
    CI will issue a fixed-price contract for this work. Per the consultant’s proposal and subsequent negotiations, the contract will include a set of fixed payments based on submission of deliverables, per Section 4 (Deliverables), above.
    CI will accept proposals from individuals, consulting firms or organizations. CI anticipates that the work will be completed by a single person. If a team of people is proposed, CI intends to execute a consulting contract with a single individual, firm, or organization, which will serve as the lead entity and be responsible for contractual and financial arrangements with all others.
    Minimum Qualifications of Consultants CI requires an individual or small team of individuals with senior-level qualifications to perform the work described here. Individuals will have, at a minimum, 10 years of experience in the field of conservation and sustainable development, in addition to substantial experience of preparing full-sized GEF projects under the climate change, biodiversity and land degradation, sustainable forest management focal areas, as well as demonstrable experience working with the Government of Kenya.
    Location of Work
    The consultant shall work from their own base of operations, and may be required to make visits to identified stakeholder’s organisations.
    Monitoring and Evaluation of Consultant Performance The Vital Signs Executive Director together with the SLEEK coordinator will supervise consultant performance, and be responsible for review and acceptance of all written deliverables.
    Key Personnel The completion of this work is dependent on personnel. As such, applicants must name every individual expected to work on the contract, as well as their individual CV’s. CI will not accept any proposal that lists an expert as “to be determined.” CI considers all personnel named in the proposal as “key,” and must provide express, written authorization for replacement of named personnel.
    Instructions for Submission of Technical Proposals Point of contact: the point of contact for this solicitation is the Executive Director, Vital Signs Monitoring system. Proposal submissions and queries should be sent to her attention at vitalsignsrfp[at] .
    Right of award: CI may reject any or all bids that are not responsive to the Scope of Work.
    Language: proposals must be submitted in English.
    Validity: proposals must be valid from submission date through to 6 th January 2017.
    Currency: proposals should be budgeted in United States dollars. Payment will be made in United States dollars.
    Cover and signature: applicants should submit their proposals with a cover letter signed by an authorized representative of the applicant.
    Expert table: proposals should include a table with the name, position title, and level of effort (in person-days) of all individuals proposed to work on the project.
    Resumes: proposals should include the resume of all named personnel corresponding to the table in Item 7 above.
    Instructions for Preparation of Budget (Cost Proposal) Maximum : The maximum allowable budget to prepare the project document should include labour costs and consultant other direct costs(e.g telephone,photocopying).The cost will not include travel costs associated with preparing drafts for CI.Should such travel be necessary,CI will either pay for it directly or amend the contract.
    Format: budgets must be prepared and submitted in Microsoft Excel and explicitly show all units (e.g., labour days), unit costs (e.g., loaded daily rates), and total costs. Excel files should be “unlocked” and show all calculations.
    Included costs: budgets should include lines for:
    3.1. Labour, by individual expert, in person-days, multiplied by either a base daily pay (in US dollars) or a “loaded” daily pay (e.g., inclusive of fringe benefits, other indirect costs, or fee). Proposed daily rates must be in accord with the qualifications represented in the resumes of the named individuals.
    3.2. Other direct costs, including costs for items like telephone, internet, photocopying, small office supplies, etc. (if required).
    3.3. Professional services or subcontracts, if the applicant will engage experts who are not direct employees of the organization, then, as with Item 3.1 above, these lines should list individual expert, in person-days, multiplied by either a base daily pay (in US dollars) or a “loaded” daily pay (e.g., inclusive of fringe benefits, other indirect costs, or fee). Proposed daily rates must be in accord with the qualifications represented in the resumes of the named individuals.
    Budget Justification: a budget narrative must accompany the budget spreadsheet, justifying proposed costs. Evaluation Criteria CI Will Evaluate Proposals Based On The Following CriteriaCriterion Points Demonstrated experience working with the Government of Kenya and with preparing medium to full-sized GEF Project Documents under climate change, biodiversity and land degradation, sustainable forest management focal areas,60Relevant technical expertise to the project, including but not limited to: climate change, biodiversity and land degradation, sustainable forest management knowledge management and institutional strengthening.20Appropriate budget, demonstrating: appropriate allocation of labour days in relation to tasks and deliverables; appropriate consultant daily rates in relation to qualifications; appropriate other direct costs in relation to the scope of work; and overall cost effectiveness.20Total 100 ANNEX I: Project FrameworkProject Objective: To enhance the SLEEK system in Kenya to ensure Compliance with the Paris Agreement Transparency Requirements. Project Components Project Outcomes Project Outputs Component 1Strengthening national institutions for transparency-related activitiesNational Capacity built through training scientists and key ministry personnel in MRV technologies, data and models for MRV systems and development and implementation of MRV systems.MRV system institutionalized in the government operating structureData sharing protocols developed and adopted by participating institutionsComponent 2: SLEEK System Enhancements to assist with improvement of transparency over time.IndicatorsA fully functional MRV system for the AFOLU/Land based sector in Kenya, – enhancing data collection and management to allow for better tracking (MRV), reporting and transparency in the AFOLU sector:(i) A national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions (by sources) and removals (by sinks) in place(ii) Information necessary to track progress toward achieving their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is available(iii) Information related to climate change impacts available(iv) information on financial, technology transfer and capacity building support needed and received and (v) information on any support they provide to developing countries availableReliable, accurate & credible reports generated for UNFCCC & used by decision makers in Kenya & other stakeholdersActivities Include
    Mapping of forest status for purposes of estimating degradation & deforestation
    To support NFMS process
    To support REDD+ readiness
    Mapping of forest types
    Separation between plantation and natural systems
    Useful for REDD+ and UNFCCC reporting
    Develop strategy for the establishment of Permanent Sample Plots in each of the identified forest types
    Develop more forest growth curves
    Fire mapping
    Improved soil model calibrations by sampling soils for the entire country
    Crop measurement and modelling
    Grasslands biomass assessment, mapping and modelling
    More automated methods for attribution and compare to the existing processes tested
    A comprehensive analysis of all weather stations to locate areas that require new stations to be installed undertaken Component 3
    Regional Capacity Building
    Best practices shared and institutional mechanisms for data sharing in place
    Data informs decisions/interventions for achieving INDCs (including by informing REDD+ strategies).
    SLEEK best practices shared with Uganda, Rwanda, and Tanzania
    Tools developed based on SLEEK data to inform decisions/interventions

  • Principal Consultant

    Principal Consultant

     Responsible for the overall business engagement & customer satisfaction for the assigned account or accounts.
     Development and implementation of value creation initiatives through marketing innovation & analytics leveraging Flytxt platform capabilities while interfacing directly with the OpCo marketing/commercial teams.
    Joint responsibility for the governance of the client account in collaboration with the Account Head and the TSD head.
     Identify new opportunities in customer value management to generate additional revenue streams & enhance customer experience
     Responsible for value creation and value recognition by meeting the strategic & business objectives of the operator.
     Responsible for achieving the Revenue objectives by:o Aligning with OpCo overall objectives & expectationso Base management & OpCo KPIs management.o Productizing NEON capabilities as per operator business requirements.
    Ensure Service Delivery Acknowledgement (SDAC) & invoice generation (revenue recognition)
     Driving CSAT by meeting customer requirements & expectations.
     Monthly review with the Corporate/Operator Marketing teams along with respective KAM.
    Responsible for ensuring the quality standards of delivery on any documentation shared with the client
     Take all measures with respect to Flytxt’s services offered to mobile operators such as subscriber analytics, designing marketing programs with a view to increase Flytxt’s impact at the operator and consequently increase Flytxt revenues.
     Provide inputs to Flytxt product management and technology departments to evolve the product and technology to create increased impact at Flytxt customers.
     Provide strategy and direction on the development of marketing campaigns, including targeting strategy, value proposition development, and financial performance evaluation.
     Conduct and own business analysis that drives and informs strategic recommendations. This hands-on role includes: developing marketing treatment measurement plans, spread sheet / financial analysis, data interpretation and presentation, and coordination with internal/external data teams.
    Actively contribute to and manage analytically-oriented projects from inception to delivery, including client communication, internal team management, and the packaging / presentation of deliverables.
     Providing strategic inputs to Sales on new business development & opportunity identification.o Geography/Market/Op-Co research to identify opportunities & gaps that can be leveraged by Flytxt.o Participate & provide inputs in the initial stages of engagement in areas such as defining the objective of the engagement, SoW/SoE, Impact measurement methodology etc.
     Work with top management of operators and build relationship to sustain Flytxt’s Business.
     Responsible for effectively communicating the qualitative and quantitative results of the engagement with the client and ensure proper acknowledgment of the successful initiatives
     Mentor and manage the Consulting teams to ensure proper team alignment to business objectives as well as professional development of all team members.
     Responsible for executing the internal processes of team management such as resource planning in conjunction with Regional MSD Head and Account Head, performance evaluation of team members and internal governance meetings and reporting.
     Creation of best practice content for internal and external use.
    Expereince Required 
     10-15 years’ experience.
     Consulting background with 5-8 years of experience in management consulting
     Knowledge of Product Management and U&R activity in the Telecom sector, either with consulting projects or working directly for telecom operators.
     Ability to understand Technology related to platforms & telecom.
     Strong Account management skills.
     Should be Smart with good conversation skills.
     Should be aware of Software Technologies
     Strong analytical skills

  • Business Operations Consultant Director of Business Operations

    Business Operations Consultant Director of Business Operations

    The Business Operations Consultant must always be answering the question, “How can I improve this system?”, “How can I fix this process?”, “What do we need to make this work?”. The consultant will always be on his/her toes, quick to find creative and cost effective solutions to a specific challenges.
    This is a short- to medium term, 3 to 12 months role. A stipend to cater for your personal needs and accommodation will be provided.
    As the Business Operations Consultant, a typical day might include:
    Building a financial model from scratch
    Visiting the field to follow a technical expert and document his/her every move then writing an SOP about it
    Planning the logistics operations for a field based project
    Creating a template for documenting project scope, timeline, budget and deliverable… then being asked to make it half as long and twice as easy to use
    Surfing the internet to see what resources already exist for a solution to a challenge, then taking it, scraping most of it and building it better
    This opportunity might be for you, if
    You love building puzzles and solving riddles
    You love understanding an operational challenge and coming up with a sustainable solution
    You get bored doing the same thing day after day
    You love analyzing data in Excel and providing meaningful answers from the information
    You love producing high-quality polished work no matter the audience or context of the work
    How to get this opportunity:
    In order to land this awesome opportunity you will need to love helping and growing people.
    A Bachelor’s degree in any related field from a prestigious university and 3 years work experience will definitely be helpful.
    If you want to move to sunny Kilifi on the Kenyan coast, do something meaningful which will have huge impact on the local communities, are not afraid of a complex and tough job, and want to grow professionally and personally then please apply for this role.
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