Job Field: Sector in Consultancy

  • Consultant- Medium Term Review

    Consultant- Medium Term Review

    Review Background
    Afya Ugavi (AU) Activity is in collaboration with the Government of Kenya’s (GoK) Ministry of Health (MoH) and other stakeholders since October 2016 through to September 2021 to catalyze a new level of health commodities supply chain performance, achieved through supportive activities. This is aimed at strengthening pharmaceutical supply chain systems for HIV/AIDS, malaria, Family Planning/ Reproductive Health, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (FP/RMNCAH) at the national level and in fourteen (14) high burden, under-resourced and underserved counties. The Activity goal is to ensure there is a well-functioning, high performing supply chain system that provides communities with adequate, safe, affordable, and reliable supply of health commodities, when and where needed. Activity coverage includes 4 counties (Homa Bay, Uasin Gishu, Isiolo and Mombasa) for HIV/AIDS activities, 8 lake malaria endemic counties (Kisumu, Homa Bay, Migori, Siaya, Busia, Bungoma, Vihiga and Kakamega) and 3 northern frontier counties (Baringo, Samburu and Turkana) for FP/RMNCAH. Similar technical support is extended at national level for the constituent programs which include National AIDS/STI Control Program (NASCOP), National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and the Department of Family Health (DFH). Additional support in line with the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) plans to improve Kenya’s capacity to help create safe and secure environment from infectious disease threats and elevate global health security as a national and global priority. The Activity goal is to ensure “Strengthened health supply chain and commodity management systems” at national and county levels.
    Expected outcomes aoutputs are described as follows;

    Outcome 1: Strengthened national level systems for supply chain and commodity management, with two contributory outputs;
    Output 1.1: Strengthened technical leadership and coordination for commodity management, and
    Output 1.2: Improved supply chain logistics and commodity management.
    Sub-Purpose 2: Strengthened county oversight and implementation of supply chain services through the following expected outputs;
    Output 2.1: Increased human and institutional capacity for commodity management, and;
    Output 2.2: Improved commodity security environment

    At the same time, USAID has also been reviewing its support towards supply chain interventions to ensure a consistent focus on interventions across the health sector. A part of this midterm review, and in addition to evaluating if AU is working in accordance with its stated objectives, the mission is also intent to evaluate whether all the funded implementing partners are working in accordance with the mission’s new supply chain priority objectives which include;

    Standardizing supply chain services at the facility level through a standard package of services
    Reducing overlaps in supply chain support between the service delivery partners and the mission’s supply chain partner (AU)
    Reducing the current supply chain main risks, especially in light of the results of recent commodity audit reports and increasing/improving supply chain governance
    Evaluation of these priority objectives in detail alongside Afya Ugavi output areas will assist the mission to align its future support appropriately, with focus on areas of weakness and emphasis on collaboration on others that cut across the partners in line with the above stated objectives.

    Purpose of the Mid Term Review
    Afya Ugavi Activity has been implemented for two years already in its five-year implementation lifespan, which necessitates for an audit of its performance so far against its stated objectives. The purpose of this review is therefore to assess progress made towards achievement of the overall and specific objectives of this Activity, its impacts on the target stakeholders who have been directly involved in implementation, as well as with policy makers at county and national levels up to this implementation period. In addition, thisreview will generate recommendations on how the Activity can incorporate the mission’s new/emerging thinking around supply chain and potentially trigger a revision of the implementation process including development of new activities for inclusion in subsequent workplans. The assessment will also help determine any impact the project has produced in the targeted counties and national level bodies, as well as improvement of disaster preparedness. The evaluation will also gauge the level of beneficiaries and other stakeholders’ participation and ownership of the implementation process including identification of the intended and unintended outcomes, best practices and lessons learned as well as challenges arising from Activity implementation. In overall, the evaluation will come up conclusions and recommendations on the way forward which will be targeted for inclusion in subsequent workplans.
    The Mid-Term Review therefore has four main objectives:

    to evaluate progress towards meeting the stated goal, intermediate results, and objectives of the project;
    to evaluate the systems in place to measure and report on results; and
    recommend actions required in the remaining project period to ensure that the stated goal, intermediate results, sub-intermediate results and sub- objectives are fully met.
    To provide recommendations to USAID on how they can use Afya Ugavi and other service delivery partners to implement their newly defined supply chain priorities.
    The MTR will also determine the sufficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact of the interventions.
    The MTR will be participatory, involving AU, Ministry of Health (MoH), USAID local mission staff, local implementing partners, County and Sub County health leadership and related health commodity management staff at facility level.

    Specific Tasks of the Consultant
    In order to realize the evaluation objectives stated above, the Consultant is required to carry out and report on the following tasks;

    Evaluate progress towards meeting the stated goal, intermediate results, and objectives of the project;
    Compare baseline with mid-term progress and assess whether the objectives and outcomes areon track to being achieved;
    Assess each program intervention disease area and document progress against the Annual Work Plans (AWPs) and the MEL plans for 2016/17 and 2017/18.
    Assess and comment on unplanned results, unexpected constraints and new interventions notincluded in the AWPs;
    Assess tools, manuals, guidelines or approaches that the program developed or used, their suitability towards health supply chain development and their suitability in the current devolved environment;
    Assess how the data or information emerging from, continuous assessments, health commodity system audits operational research and any other special studies carried out by the project has been impactful in implementation;
    Assess achievements in other cross intervention areas such as data review forums, facility in charges meetings, and supportive supervision among others, and how these multi-sectoral approaches have led to a holistic improvement in supply chain and the health service delivery continuum;
    Assess any modifications of interventions so far and comment on whether these modifications are justified and record their outcomes;
    Document innovative interventions and strategies being used by the Activity and provide, as a highlight, an innovative idea, promising practice, or good practice that is being advanced by this  program, providing as much evidence-base as possible at the time of the evaluation;
    Document good practices and lessons learned in the implementation of the project; and
    Comment on the sustainability and potential replicability of interventions, especially with in terms of integration into the health delivery system at facility level.
    Evaluate existing systems for measuring and reporting on results:
    Provide an assessment of the project’s ability to implement workplans to adequately produce expected results;
    Review the current Monitoring & Evaluation Plan, and specifically the Activity indicators to determine their relevance and alignment to the scope and depth and provide suggestions for improvement.
    Review monitoring tools and data collection methods to draw conclusions about their
    effectiveness in measuring the project’s performance and make suggestions for improvement as needed; and
    Assess the Activity’s implementation in relation to financial expenditure, existing gaps and measures towards financial security.
    Identify issues, risks and challenges within the project, which can be obstacles in achieving project results, and provide recommendations to overcome these.
    Recommend actions required in the remaining project period to ensure that the stated goal, intermediate results, sub-intermediate results and sub- objectives are fully met:
    Suggest realistic modifications necessary for the remaining duration of the project based on perceived shortcomings and gaps in project financial planning, implementation and project management structure;
    Present specific recommendations for USAID, the Ministry of Health, County Health Management Teams and collaborating partners regarding the remaining period of the project that will ensure that all objectives are met;
    Provide recommendations for potential extension or future phase of the project beyond its current funding period; and
    Provide recommendations to USAID on how Afya Ugavi and other implementing partners’ interventions can be realigned alongside the mission’s supply chain priority objectives.

    Evaluation Methodology
    The consultant will be responsible for defining and carrying out the overall MTR evaluation approach. This will include specification of the techniques for data collection and analysis, structured field visits and interactions with the beneficiaries and the implementation teams, and the preparation and presentation of draft findings and recommendations.
    The evaluation methodology should include both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods, with focus on interpretation of the results, internal review of the activities and outcomes based on the Activity AWPs, progress reports and other related databases, field visits/observations which may include discussions with stakeholders, and any other measures as deemed necessary by the consultant.
    On overall the process must speak to the following broad evaluation questions;

    Has the right implementation been done? (Has the implementation outcome so far been relevant, appropriate and strategic to national/county level supply chain development goals?
    Has the implementation been done right? (Were the actions to achieve the outputs and outcomes effective and efficient?);
    Are the results sustainable? (Will the achieved and projected outputs and outcome(s) lead to benefits beyond the life of the existing project(s)?);
    How might we do things better in the future? (Which findings may have relevance for future programming or for other similar initiatives elsewhere?).

    The consultant will be responsible for:

    Reaching an agreement with Afya Ugavi on the work plan of activities as early as possible, but no later than 1 week prior to the commencement of the review;
    Developing all the data collection tools to be used in the review;
    Conducting the mid-term review, including the day-to–day management;
    Conducting periodic de-briefs with the Project Management Team and key staff
    Present the draft findings to the Activity and other invited participants on the final day of the review; and
    Preparing and submitting a final MTR report to Afya Ugavi.

    Afya Ugavi will also be responsible for the following;

    Facilitating the consultants travel and logistical support to the AU offices outside Nairobi
    Providing copies of required reference materials including progress reports, inception reports, financial information among others
    Periodically reviewing progress of the MTR, and participating in ad hoc review meetings an providing an advisory role where required

    At the conclusion of the MTR process, the following deliverables will be expected from the consultant;

    A detailed concept note/inception report for the evaluation with the consultant’s understanding on the following areas;The Activity’s goals, mandate and coverage USAID Framework and Strategic Objectives;
    An elaborate description of the evaluation methodology;
    Annexes which include tools or instruments created and/or used for the review; a copy of the review schedule; and a list of those proposed to be interviewed with their titles/organizations.
    Debriefing meeting with Afya Ugavi and invited guests on preliminary findings at the end of the field assessment and draft report writing to share preliminary findings and gather feedback for writing the final report.
    A draft MTR report prepared and shared with AU for review and comment within seven days after the debriefing meeting. The consultant report  will address all points under section 3.0 of this TOR along with annexes which should include tools or instruments used for the evaluation, theevaluation schedule and a list of people interviewed or consulted.
    A final project evaluation report due within five days of receiving feedback on the draft report from Afya Ugavi

    MTR Implementation Time Frame
    The MTR consultancy is planned for a period of 30 consultancy days which are detailed as follows;
    No Task No. of consultancy days

    Draft concept note/inception report – 3 days
    Field visits, data collection, interviews, desk study and data analysis – 20 days
    Debrief/validation meeting to present preliminary findings to AU – 1 day
    Draft report writing – 4 days
    Final MTR report after incorporating comments from AU review – 2 days

    TOTAL 30
    Required Expertise for the Consultant

    The following are the qualification requirements for the MTR consultant;
    Preferably a Kenyan citizen or possessing legal requirements to work in Kenya.
    At minimum, a Masters degree in the health sciences, social sciences, behavioral sciences, health systems research, Health supply chains or a related field.
    Previous experience in conducting of project/program evaluations/reviews, with evidence of work done.
    At least 5 years’ experience in M&E, health systems strengthening, public health, heath supply chains management and/or capacity building of public sector entities
    Excellent knowledge of the health sector in Kenya, particularly on supply chain systems for HIV, malaria and FP and essential medicines.
    Excellent verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills.
    Strong analytical, problem-solving and decision-making capabilities.
    Team player with the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
    Strong skills in stakeholder engagement and consensus building.
    Computer proficiency – Microsoft office suite applications.
    Experience with a previous USAID-funded program implementation or assessment.
    Supervision and Evaluation

    The Consultant is supervised and evaluated by the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

  • Consultancy: Prototype Modelling Services 

Financial Projection Consultancy

    Consultancy: Prototype Modelling Services Financial Projection Consultancy

    Project: DEPP – Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Program
    Position Type: Short-Term Consultancy
    Study/Assessment Topic: Develop 14 Refined Models of the Existing Social Innovation Prototypes Under the Maarifa Kona Labs
    Position Location: Nairobi with Travel to Garissa and Marsabit
    Duration: Fifteen (15) Days
    Reporting To: Project Director – DEPP
    Working With: The Innovations Lead
    Starting Date: Immediately
    Application Deadline: 16th January, 2019
    Vacancy Contact: Please send applications to – Adeso will only respond to short-listed applicants.
    Adeso is leading in the implementation of Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Program (DEPP) Innovation Lab is a 22 months’ project under the AIM (Adeso, iHub MasterCard) Consortium. The objective of this program is to increase preparedness and resilience of disaster-prone communities in Garissa and Marsabit counties of Kenya by drawing on their deep knowledge of pastoralist.
    The Consortium has formed Maarifa Kona community innovations labs in Garissa and Marsabit where rural communities are participating to find ideas, prototype and scale innovations for commercialization. It is from this background that a number of community innovators are engaged with the labs to refine and prototype their ideas.
    Maarifa kona is an Innovation Lab that was created under the Adeso, iHub and MasterCard (AIM) consortium. It functions as a community ideas space in the rural counties of Marsabit and Garissa, Kenya in which the communities can explore and develop better innovative mechanisms to build resilience and preparedness in the face of drought.
    We exist to:
    To support inventors to develop practical solutions and new ideas to prepare for and manage drought
    To create a new learning environment and accessible approach where people feel at ease sharing their experiences and testing their ideas.
    Our focus areas include:

    Food security
    Water management
    Livestock protection
    Other interventions related to drought e.g. alternative livelihoods, early warning systems etc.

    Adeso (lead agency in the AIM consortium) desires to utilize Prototype Modeling Services to refine existing social innovation prototypes for the upcoming National Demo Day, to be held on Thursday 24th January 2019, at iHub, Senteu Plaza, Kilimani.
    Each of these functions are to be performed with Adeso’s prior approval:
    The main goal is to develop 11 refined models of the existing social innovation prototypes under the Maarifa kona Labs. The Labs and existing prototypes are based in Marsabit and Garissa.
    The MODELLER/MODELLING FIRM, will be expected to travel to the Labs and undertake consultations with respective innovators and lab team in order to provide sketches for approval, and later develop the refined models/prototypes.
    Fifteen (15) days.

    Consultations with Innovators, Innovation Managers and UX Designers
    Travel to the Marsabit and Garissa labs for one on one consultations with three focal points: Innovators, Innovation Managers and UX Designers. Travel and accommodation will be facilitated by Adeso. Food and beverage costs will however be borne by the MODELLER/MODELLING FIRM.

    Review existing prototypes/models at the labs
    Recommend additions/omissions to refine existing models/prototypes
    Develop refined sketches (14) from the consultations for final approval by the Innovations Lead in the Nairobi Coordination Office.

    Development of refined models/prototypes

    From the approved sketches, produce 14 refined models/prototypes according to the following specifications: Size of prototype/model site: Largest, A1 and the smallest size, A3

    Material: Forex board and/or Mounting Board
    Dimensions: 3D physical models with labelling of structures
    Additions: Miniature people, cars, vegetation and landscaping

    o Model Base: Framed wooden base
    Work plan and deliverables

    Travel to the labs (2 Locations)
    Development and approval of sketches
    Delivery of models to iHub

    In consideration of the fees paid, the Consultant expressly assigns to Adeso any copyright arising from the works the consultant produces while executing this contract. All images (whether used for online or print purposes) must however bear the consultant’s photo credit, as specified by international intellectual property rights. The consultant may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from Adeso.

    Adeso seeks to invite qualified consultants/firms who meet the following requirements to submit their detailed narrative and financial proposal on how to undertake the assignment.
    Should be a firm / individual consultants with office/operational establishments within Kenya or able to access the area of assignment.
    Technical proposal on how the assignment will be conducted including methodologies, data analyses and interpretation, reports and schedules.
    Proven technical and field experience of Lead/proposed Consultant with a bachelor’s degree in Business Modelling/Management or in any related field.
    Must have performed at least 3 similar consultancies in the last 5 years.
    Proof of personnel or equipment and ability to mobilize them on short notice
    Submit a detailed financial proposal including all professional fees, travel, accommodation & transport, reporting costs and subsistence costs. Please note all costs must be broken down into details (no lump sums, no contingencies etc.)
    Consultants who do not meet the above requirement will not be evaluated further. You are therefore asked to submit your best proposal with relevant documents.
    The consultant/firm will be responsible for their own security; insurance while in the field and Adeso will not be responsible for any injuries or damages incurred during the assignment. The costs submitted must be inclusive of all anticipated expenses.


    At least 3 past performed works similar to solicited work with proof of reference or completion letters/contract/ for each past work.
    Technical responsiveness of submitted proposal detailing understanding of related assignment.
    Overall responsiveness on TOR methodology and analysis
    Cost effectiveness/reasonableness & Budget
    Work plan.

    go to method of application »

  • Gender Policy Consultant

    Gender Policy Consultant

    Job Description
    Objectives of the Assignment
     In endeavoring to strengthen gender equality and inclusion in the organization, Fairtrade Africa is seeking the services of an independent gender and policy expert to develop the organization’s gender and inclusion policy and an anti-sexual harassment policy. This assignment will broadly involve:

    An analysis of FTA policies and  practices that either promote or undermine gender equality and inclusion  with the aim of providing recommendations to address identified challenges and strengthening best practices;
    Designing and administering tools and collecting information about concerns regarding gender practices and perceptions across the organization, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination;
    Reviewing the impact of the organization’s internal practices, procedures and policies with a view to  making recommendations on maximizing benefits and eliminating barriers;
    Discussions with FTA staff across the four regional networks in to ensure an inclusive and participative process that promotes ownership of the assignment outcomes.

    The consultancy has the following deliverables:

    A comprehensive report with both qualitative and quantitative findings, analytical conclusions and concrete recommendations for the FTA derived from the objectives here above.
    FTA-appropriate and comprehensive gender and inclusion policy.
    FTA-appropriate and comprehensive anti-sexual harassment policy.

    Consultancy period
    It is expected that the assignment will be concluded in not more than 25 working days from the date of signing the contract. Under FTA’s overall supervision, the consultant(s) will be responsible for the planning and execution of all tasks.
    Consultants’ Qualifications

    An advanced  degree in social sciences, law, gender  or any relevant field;
    Concrete evidence of similar tasks and 5-7 years’ experience undertaking similar work;
    High level  policy expertise with evidence of experience in girls and women rights;
    Proven experience in producing analytical reports in the area of gender equality and inclusion;
    Ability to work with people from diverse  cultural, ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds;
    Fluency in written and spoken English required; fluency in French a bonus.

    The resultant products of this assignment shall remain the property of Fairtrade Africa and shall be treated as confidential by the consultant(s) during and after the engagement with the organization.

  • Senior Consultant (Mid-Senior Level)

    Senior Consultant (Mid-Senior Level)

    Job description

    OVERALL JOB PURPOSETo Support The Successful Delivery Of ERM Projects By

    Project managing social consulting assignments ranging from social and stakeholder engagement strategy development and advisory work, through to projects focussed on the development, implementation and monitoring of client social performance and operations.
    Undertaking projects to assist clients in developing and implementing Social and Labour Plans, as well as plans for corporate social investment, local economic development and community engagement.
    Involvement in other social consulting activities as appropriate.
    Involvement in Environmental and Social Due Diligence projects in the region
    Proposal preparation, sales, business development and client management.
    Supervising project team(s) and coaching and mentoring more junior staff.
    Collaboration with social teams across the Division in particular, but also to maintain collaboration within the EMEA region.
    Understanding the interrelationships between ERM practices and policies and how these are applied within the business model (s).
    Establishing strong working relationships with clients through project delivery.
    Client development and relationship management of key clients.

    KEY METRICSKey Metrics (to be developed with you and included in your Balanced Scorecard):

    General performance will be evaluated against billability, budgeted net revenue, PBBIT, RON, DSO, sales and other key financial indicators;
    Achievement of personal sales target (USD 400 k) and growth in sales to clients, particularly in the O&G, mining and power sector in Africa;
    Achievement of 60% useful billability target at budgeted billing rate of USD 180 per hour;
    Feedback received from staff and Partners concerning your role and performance on projects, to be of an acceptable level
    Feedback from staff and Partners concerning your leadership skills; your attention given to health & safety behaviour and procedures on/during projects plus an in-general feedback on how your behaviour has impacted positively to our business, to be of an acceptable standard.

    Core Expectations & ResponsibilitiesPersonal Leadership

    Provide complex and technical or subject matter expertise and methodology challenges within own area as well as across several disciplines within the business unit or practice area(s), including local regulatory and legislative requirements as applicable.
    Develop external presence in technical area by participating in technical/professional associations.
    Make use of effective working relationships with business unit and participate in global practice communities to ensure strong network of resources.
    Ensure prevailing authorisation and administrative processes, policies and practices are communicated and followed (e.g. Health and Safety, expenses, expenditure, travel, etc.).
    Remain up to date with the external market and client industry trends.
    Share expertise and knowledge within the Business Unit and or global practice area.
    Define actions and utilize resources to achieve project tasks or objectives.
    Measure and evaluate work of those supervising and or project team(s); ensure goals are aligned to desired project results.
    Recognise project critical actions and identify underlying issues/risks prior to reaching “problem” stage.
    Understand how work of the project team and or practice community contributes to the ERM’s success.
    Collaborate across regions and global practice communities.

    People Leadership and Development

    Communicate clearly with peers, colleagues, clients, sub-contractors, as applicable, to ensure understanding and alignment around overall project goals and objectives, and across multiple projects as required.
    Understand and adhere to all aspects of the PIC PM model for project management.
    Supervise project team members at all levels to ensure projects are delivered on time and to budget and promote their development in all aspect of role.
    Take responsibility for resolving people issues arising from project delivery and providing feedback on their performance and making recommendations for training, escalating any performance/resourcing/training issues to the relevant line manager or PIC as appropriate.
    Cascade practice knowledge internally and externally, both formally and informally.
    Monitor and ensure all safe working policies and practices are followed by self and those supervising.
    Act as a mentor and/or encourage other employees to improve and develop individual skills.
    Understand the resource mix/requirements needed on a project or project element, work to identify and recommend project team members.

    Client Relationships and Business Opportunities

    Develop effective internal and external client relationships across boundaries and levels.
    Understand and clearly communicate the attitudes, interests, views, needs of the team, clients, management team and other stakeholders.
    Negotiate effectively within the team and clients resulting in win-win situations.
    Understand client’s desired outcomes and work collaboratively to ensure deliverables meet quality standards.
    Develop an understanding of any relevant business development, key client, innovation and diversification and other market driven initiatives/project working groups and participate in these activities on a supervised basis.
    Communicate how ERMs products and services benefit clients and learn how to identify potential repeat and or new business from existing or new clients.

    Business Results and Performance Culture

    Understand overall project goals and objectives and how inputs contribute to the achievement of the team and group targets of projects productivity and revenues.
    Contribute to projects, as assigned, undertaking research, analysis, report drafting, and supervising in accordance with the project goals.
    Manage small or medium sized projects or whole tasks within larger projects accurately, on time and to budget including elements such as: scope and delivery requirements, KPIs, budgeting, resourcing planning, coordinating field and other technical work, and managing health and safety and risk aspects.
    Communicate to project team(s) how practice area goals, processes and requirements are integrated in the business unit, regional and global practice vision, values, processes and procedures.
    Contribute to the project manpower resource requirements thought knowledge of the career framework and related expectations at each level, assisting in team selection and or hiring as required.
    Use ERM financial management tools and metrics to ensure that projects being managed are continually monitored and imbalances (e.g. budget variances) are identified and redressed in accordance with relevant ERM policies and practices.
    Coordinate the appropriate business administration aspects of the ERM business model including but not limited to: the accurate completion of timesheets and reports; compilation, filing and archiving of project documentation; and updating of relevant internal systems (e.g. Sales Force, GMS and Minerva).
    Undertake any other duties that may be required from time to time.

  • Consultancy


    Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services
    PEN is inviting consultants for a USAID/AHADI funded Project that is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the CSOs in empowering the citizens at the grassroots to actively participate in county development processes and to equip citizens with right information to enable them play an active role in county development processes and decisions making that lead to the achievement of citizen centered development.
    The areas of consultancy include:

    Strategic Plan Development;
    Training of Community Oversight Resource Persons and Community Leaders on PEM, Community Mobilization and Civic Engagement;
    Production of popular version of the County Integrated Development Plans; and
    Production of popular version of Annual Budget (2018/2019).

    The links to the ToRs as below:

    ToR for Strategic Plan Consultant – MKS
    ToR for CIDP Popular Version
    ToR for County CRPs Training
    ToR for Budgets Popular Version

  • Senior Consultant (Mid-Senior Level)

    Senior Consultant (Mid-Senior Level)

    Job description

    OVERALL JOB PURPOSETo Support The Successful Delivery Of ERM Projects By

    Project managing social consulting assignments ranging from social and stakeholder engagement strategy development and advisory work, through to projects focussed on the development, implementation and monitoring of client social performance and operations.
    Undertaking projects to assist clients in developing and implementing Social and Labour Plans, as well as plans for corporate social investment, local economic development and community engagement.
    Involvement in other social consulting activities as appropriate.
    Involvement in Environmental and Social Due Diligence projects in the region
    Proposal preparation, sales, business development and client management.
    Supervising project team(s) and coaching and mentoring more junior staff.
    Collaboration with social teams across the Division in particular, but also to maintain collaboration within the EMEA region.
    Understanding the interrelationships between ERM practices and policies and how these are applied within the business model (s).
    Establishing strong working relationships with clients through project delivery.
    Client development and relationship management of key clients.

    KEY METRICSKey Metrics (to be developed with you and included in your Balanced Scorecard):

    General performance will be evaluated against billability, budgeted net revenue, PBBIT, RON, DSO, sales and other key financial indicators;
    Achievement of personal sales target (USD 400 k) and growth in sales to clients, particularly in the O&G, mining and power sector in Africa;
    Achievement of 60% useful billability target at budgeted billing rate of USD 180 per hour;
    Feedback received from staff and Partners concerning your role and performance on projects, to be of an acceptable level
    Feedback from staff and Partners concerning your leadership skills; your attention given to health & safety behaviour and procedures on/during projects plus an in-general feedback on how your behaviour has impacted positively to our business, to be of an acceptable standard.

    Core Expectations & ResponsibilitiesPersonal Leadership

    Provide complex and technical or subject matter expertise and methodology challenges within own area as well as across several disciplines within the business unit or practice area(s), including local regulatory and legislative requirements as applicable.
    Develop external presence in technical area by participating in technical/professional associations.
    Make use of effective working relationships with business unit and participate in global practice communities to ensure strong network of resources.
    Ensure prevailing authorisation and administrative processes, policies and practices are communicated and followed (e.g. Health and Safety, expenses, expenditure, travel, etc.).
    Remain up to date with the external market and client industry trends.
    Share expertise and knowledge within the Business Unit and or global practice area.
    Define actions and utilize resources to achieve project tasks or objectives.
    Measure and evaluate work of those supervising and or project team(s); ensure goals are aligned to desired project results.
    Recognise project critical actions and identify underlying issues/risks prior to reaching “problem” stage.
    Understand how work of the project team and or practice community contributes to the ERM’s success.
    Collaborate across regions and global practice communities.

    People Leadership and Development

    Communicate clearly with peers, colleagues, clients, sub-contractors, as applicable, to ensure understanding and alignment around overall project goals and objectives, and across multiple projects as required.
    Understand and adhere to all aspects of the PIC PM model for project management.
    Supervise project team members at all levels to ensure projects are delivered on time and to budget and promote their development in all aspect of role.
    Take responsibility for resolving people issues arising from project delivery and providing feedback on their performance and making recommendations for training, escalating any performance/resourcing/training issues to the relevant line manager or PIC as appropriate.
    Cascade practice knowledge internally and externally, both formally and informally.
    Monitor and ensure all safe working policies and practices are followed by self and those supervising.
    Act as a mentor and/or encourage other employees to improve and develop individual skills.
    Understand the resource mix/requirements needed on a project or project element, work to identify and recommend project team members.

    Client Relationships and Business Opportunities

    Develop effective internal and external client relationships across boundaries and levels.
    Understand and clearly communicate the attitudes, interests, views, needs of the team, clients, management team and other stakeholders.
    Negotiate effectively within the team and clients resulting in win-win situations.
    Understand client’s desired outcomes and work collaboratively to ensure deliverables meet quality standards.
    Develop an understanding of any relevant business development, key client, innovation and diversification and other market driven initiatives/project working groups and participate in these activities on a supervised basis.
    Communicate how ERMs products and services benefit clients and learn how to identify potential repeat and or new business from existing or new clients.

    Business Results and Performance Culture

    Understand overall project goals and objectives and how inputs contribute to the achievement of the team and group targets of projects productivity and revenues.
    Contribute to projects, as assigned, undertaking research, analysis, report drafting, and supervising in accordance with the project goals.
    Manage small or medium sized projects or whole tasks within larger projects accurately, on time and to budget including elements such as: scope and delivery requirements, KPIs, budgeting, resourcing planning, coordinating field and other technical work, and managing health and safety and risk aspects.
    Communicate to project team(s) how practice area goals, processes and requirements are integrated in the business unit, regional and global practice vision, values, processes and procedures.
    Contribute to the project manpower resource requirements thought knowledge of the career framework and related expectations at each level, assisting in team selection and or hiring as required.
    Use ERM financial management tools and metrics to ensure that projects being managed are continually monitored and imbalances (e.g. budget variances) are identified and redressed in accordance with relevant ERM policies and practices.
    Coordinate the appropriate business administration aspects of the ERM business model including but not limited to: the accurate completion of timesheets and reports; compilation, filing and archiving of project documentation; and updating of relevant internal systems (e.g. Sales Force, GMS and Minerva).
    Undertake any other duties that may be required from time to time.

  • Gender Policy Consultant

    Gender Policy Consultant

    Job Description
    Objectives of the Assignment
     In endeavoring to strengthen gender equality and inclusion in the organization, Fairtrade Africa is seeking the services of an independent gender and policy expert to develop the organization’s gender and inclusion policy and an anti-sexual harassment policy. This assignment will broadly involve:

    An analysis of FTA policies and  practices that either promote or undermine gender equality and inclusion  with the aim of providing recommendations to address identified challenges and strengthening best practices;
    Designing and administering tools and collecting information about concerns regarding gender practices and perceptions across the organization, sexual harassment, and gender discrimination;
    Reviewing the impact of the organization’s internal practices, procedures and policies with a view to  making recommendations on maximizing benefits and eliminating barriers;
    Discussions with FTA staff across the four regional networks in to ensure an inclusive and participative process that promotes ownership of the assignment outcomes.

    The consultancy has the following deliverables:

    A comprehensive report with both qualitative and quantitative findings, analytical conclusions and concrete recommendations for the FTA derived from the objectives here above.
    FTA-appropriate and comprehensive gender and inclusion policy.
    FTA-appropriate and comprehensive anti-sexual harassment policy.

    Consultancy period
    It is expected that the assignment will be concluded in not more than 25 working days from the date of signing the contract. Under FTA’s overall supervision, the consultant(s) will be responsible for the planning and execution of all tasks.
    Consultants’ Qualifications

    An advanced  degree in social sciences, law, gender  or any relevant field;
    Concrete evidence of similar tasks and 5-7 years’ experience undertaking similar work;
    High level  policy expertise with evidence of experience in girls and women rights;
    Proven experience in producing analytical reports in the area of gender equality and inclusion;
    Ability to work with people from diverse  cultural, ethnic, religious, and national backgrounds;
    Fluency in written and spoken English required; fluency in French a bonus.

    The resultant products of this assignment shall remain the property of Fairtrade Africa and shall be treated as confidential by the consultant(s) during and after the engagement with the organization.

  • Consultancy: Prototype Modelling Services 

Financial Projection Consultancy

    Consultancy: Prototype Modelling Services Financial Projection Consultancy

    Project: DEPP – Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Program
    Position Type: Short-Term Consultancy
    Study/Assessment Topic: Develop 14 Refined Models of the Existing Social Innovation Prototypes Under the Maarifa Kona Labs
    Position Location: Nairobi with Travel to Garissa and Marsabit
    Duration: Fifteen (15) Days
    Reporting To: Project Director – DEPP
    Working With: The Innovations Lead
    Starting Date: Immediately
    Application Deadline: 16th January, 2019
    Vacancy Contact: Please send applications to – Adeso will only respond to short-listed applicants.
    Adeso is leading in the implementation of Disasters and Emergencies Preparedness Program (DEPP) Innovation Lab is a 22 months’ project under the AIM (Adeso, iHub MasterCard) Consortium. The objective of this program is to increase preparedness and resilience of disaster-prone communities in Garissa and Marsabit counties of Kenya by drawing on their deep knowledge of pastoralist.
    The Consortium has formed Maarifa Kona community innovations labs in Garissa and Marsabit where rural communities are participating to find ideas, prototype and scale innovations for commercialization. It is from this background that a number of community innovators are engaged with the labs to refine and prototype their ideas.
    Maarifa kona is an Innovation Lab that was created under the Adeso, iHub and MasterCard (AIM) consortium. It functions as a community ideas space in the rural counties of Marsabit and Garissa, Kenya in which the communities can explore and develop better innovative mechanisms to build resilience and preparedness in the face of drought.
    We exist to:
    To support inventors to develop practical solutions and new ideas to prepare for and manage drought
    To create a new learning environment and accessible approach where people feel at ease sharing their experiences and testing their ideas.
    Our focus areas include:

    Food security
    Water management
    Livestock protection
    Other interventions related to drought e.g. alternative livelihoods, early warning systems etc.

    Adeso (lead agency in the AIM consortium) desires to utilize Prototype Modeling Services to refine existing social innovation prototypes for the upcoming National Demo Day, to be held on Thursday 24th January 2019, at iHub, Senteu Plaza, Kilimani.
    Each of these functions are to be performed with Adeso’s prior approval:
    The main goal is to develop 11 refined models of the existing social innovation prototypes under the Maarifa kona Labs. The Labs and existing prototypes are based in Marsabit and Garissa.
    The MODELLER/MODELLING FIRM, will be expected to travel to the Labs and undertake consultations with respective innovators and lab team in order to provide sketches for approval, and later develop the refined models/prototypes.
    Fifteen (15) days.

    Consultations with Innovators, Innovation Managers and UX Designers
    Travel to the Marsabit and Garissa labs for one on one consultations with three focal points: Innovators, Innovation Managers and UX Designers. Travel and accommodation will be facilitated by Adeso. Food and beverage costs will however be borne by the MODELLER/MODELLING FIRM.

    Review existing prototypes/models at the labs
    Recommend additions/omissions to refine existing models/prototypes
    Develop refined sketches (14) from the consultations for final approval by the Innovations Lead in the Nairobi Coordination Office.

    Development of refined models/prototypes

    From the approved sketches, produce 14 refined models/prototypes according to the following specifications: Size of prototype/model site: Largest, A1 and the smallest size, A3

    Material: Forex board and/or Mounting Board
    Dimensions: 3D physical models with labelling of structures
    Additions: Miniature people, cars, vegetation and landscaping

    o Model Base: Framed wooden base
    Work plan and deliverables

    Travel to the labs (2 Locations)
    Development and approval of sketches
    Delivery of models to iHub

    In consideration of the fees paid, the Consultant expressly assigns to Adeso any copyright arising from the works the consultant produces while executing this contract. All images (whether used for online or print purposes) must however bear the consultant’s photo credit, as specified by international intellectual property rights. The consultant may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from Adeso.

    Adeso seeks to invite qualified consultants/firms who meet the following requirements to submit their detailed narrative and financial proposal on how to undertake the assignment.
    Should be a firm / individual consultants with office/operational establishments within Kenya or able to access the area of assignment.
    Technical proposal on how the assignment will be conducted including methodologies, data analyses and interpretation, reports and schedules.
    Proven technical and field experience of Lead/proposed Consultant with a bachelor’s degree in Business Modelling/Management or in any related field.
    Must have performed at least 3 similar consultancies in the last 5 years.
    Proof of personnel or equipment and ability to mobilize them on short notice
    Submit a detailed financial proposal including all professional fees, travel, accommodation & transport, reporting costs and subsistence costs. Please note all costs must be broken down into details (no lump sums, no contingencies etc.)
    Consultants who do not meet the above requirement will not be evaluated further. You are therefore asked to submit your best proposal with relevant documents.
    The consultant/firm will be responsible for their own security; insurance while in the field and Adeso will not be responsible for any injuries or damages incurred during the assignment. The costs submitted must be inclusive of all anticipated expenses.


    At least 3 past performed works similar to solicited work with proof of reference or completion letters/contract/ for each past work.
    Technical responsiveness of submitted proposal detailing understanding of related assignment.
    Overall responsiveness on TOR methodology and analysis
    Cost effectiveness/reasonableness & Budget
    Work plan.

    go to method of application »

  • Consultancy


    Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services
    PEN is inviting consultants for a USAID/AHADI funded Project that is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the CSOs in empowering the citizens at the grassroots to actively participate in county development processes and to equip citizens with right information to enable them play an active role in county development processes and decisions making that lead to the achievement of citizen centered development.
    The areas of consultancy include:

    Strategic Plan Development;
    Training of Community Oversight Resource Persons and Community Leaders on PEM, Community Mobilization and Civic Engagement;
    Production of popular version of the County Integrated Development Plans; and
    Production of popular version of Annual Budget (2018/2019).

    The links to the ToRs as below:

    ToR for Strategic Plan Consultant – MKS
    ToR for CIDP Popular Version
    ToR for County CRPs Training
    ToR for Budgets Popular Version

  • Psychosocial Counselor (Psychologist)

    Psychosocial Counselor (Psychologist)

    Position Overview:
    The Psychosocial Counselor (Psychologist) will provide technical support and leadership required for the successful implementation of all psychosocial support activities of the Heshima Kenya programs. She/ he will provide one on one counseling and group counseling sessions for vulnerable children, children at risk to reduce the past trauma experienced and undertake staff debriefing. The Counselor will work closely with the Social/Case workers on providing psychological support and report to the relevant Program Managers.
    Duties & Responsibilities:

    Participate in the development of professional, effective and appropriate psychosocial programming, including direct individual and group counseling support.
    Provide professional and confidential services to SGBV and trauma survivors.
    Assist in the development and provision of psychosocial activities within Heshima Kenya’s project areas within the Urban Refugee Program.
    Supervise and provide counseling training and technical counseling support to social workers directly involved with the psychosocial component of Heshima Kenya program.
    Assist with preparing all relevant reports regarding Heshima Kenya’s psychosocial activities.
    Ensure timely implementation of psychosocial program activities.
    Lead awareness-raising and/or sensitization campaigns on the Heshima Kenya’s psychosocial activities and other SGBV related services in collaboration with the Social Workers.
    Lead the team of Social Workers in the development of monthly outreach plans based on case trends and children’s needs.
    Provide one on one counselling services (6-8 sessions per person) to Safe House residents with personal and social challenges such as conflict, parenting, SGBV issues, death/grief, and dealing with post- traumatic stress disorder and other.
    Provide group therapy sessions for the residents on weekly basis
    Secondary referrals to other psychosocial providers
    Provide extensive and comprehensive programmes and assessments for stress management, depression, anxiety, bipolar management and other mental illnesses
    Analyse the behavioral trends, patterns of the referred cases.
    Develop and monitor a case management system for monitoring of referred cases
    Compile counseling monthly and quarterly reports on the referred cases and provide best solutions to cases.
    Perform any other professional duty assigned the supervisor.

    skills & Qualifications:

    A Bachelor’s degree in Counselling, Psychology or a higher diploma in Counselling
    Experience in the provision of psychosocial services to refugees/asylum seekers is an advantage
    Good report writing and communication skills
    A team player with ability to work independently with minimal supervision
    Ability to maintain professionalism in services delivery and ethics
    Experience in case management including management of case conferences.