Job Field: Sector in Consultancy

  • Consultancy – African Citizens Initiative (ACI) Fundraising Campaign

    Consultancy – African Citizens Initiative (ACI) Fundraising Campaign

    Job Details
    The volunteers are the leaders of IPPF’s 37 Member Associations (MAs), national level partners that are delivering the programs and services.
    The MAs are locally owned independent civil society organizations (CSOs). They are connected globally to the Federation.
    Each volunteer is called to reach out to their local communities – family, friends, community leaders, companies – using peer-to-peer methods to get an average of five donors to contribute to their MAs’ services annually.
    The ACI is a home-grown strategy to achieve Outcome 4 of IPPFs Strategic Framework to double national income by 2022. The goal is to encourage Member Associations (MAs) to diversify their sources of income so they are less reliant on traditional funding streams which are no longer predictable nor secure.
    IPPFAR is inspired by the Africa Union’s Agenda 2063 which commits to building African solutions to Africa’s development challenges. The ACI theme is “A Resilient Generation for the African We Want.”
    Role of Member Association Volunteers
    Volunteers join their Member Association because they are passionate about SRH issues. The majority of volunteers are involved in mobilizing communities to advocate for SRH issues to their governments; they lobby their governments on legislation and for funding.
    Fundraising was traditionally a responsibility of IPPF volunteers that has fallen off in recent decades. IPPFAR and its Executive Committee (EXCO) aims to revive this approach.
    ACI is a program to revive volunteers’ role in fundraising and give them the tools and platform to succeed.
    Role of Member Association Staff
    The volunteers are supported in all their activities by professional staff that run the day-to-day operations including developing and implementing projects funded by international donors and their governments. Most MAs have experience developing SBCC materials that address community issues and needs.
    Most MAs do some form of private fundraising in the form of dinners, galas and community days. This happens on a limited scale and is often organized around an organizational anniversary, a legislative victory or to recognize volunteer, community and governmental champions. Activities are carried out by volunteers and MA staff.
    However, the process of managing an on-going, systematic fundraising and marketing campaign to individuals is relatively new for current volunteers and staff.
    Following the launch of the ACI accountability systems in 2018, IPPFAR wishes to shift the focus of activity to developing and rolling out a comprehensive marketing and communication strategy. We have two goals:
    To provide Members Association staff and volunteers to create effective marketing and communication program for their national context, and
    To empower volunteers at all levels (national and branch level) to become more confident and enthusiastic peer-to-peer fundraisers and take action to meet their MA’s fundraising targets.
    IPPFAR is seeking a Strategic Marketing and Communications consultant with experience in fundraising to develop a viable marketing and communications framework, communication strategies and tools to drive peer-to-peer fundraising at the MA level.
    The Marketing & Communications Expert shall undertake and deliver the following:

    Develop a marketing framework to guide MAs in producing and implementing effective fundraising communication to external audiences; the framework will be adapted by Member Associations per their country contexts; i.e.;

    Develop marketing guidelines and strategies to promote the ACI campaign that attracts supporters towards the cause and build the ‘ACI brand’.
    Specify appropriate channels, dissemination methods and media (social/online media, video, print, traditional media etc) to effectively communicate to specific stakeholders.
    Develop content and templates for collateral materials that support different marketing activities; i.e. for the ACI launch events, fundraising events, flyers, banner, media ads or announcements, etc.
    Create guidelines and recommend content for digital communication including sample social media calendar.
    Work with key MAs to gather, document and strengthen their ACI fundraising campaign messages and collateral materials.

    Develop an internal communication strategy to engage and inspire volunteers (and MA staff) to action;

    Develop digital app to connect, communicate, gamify the ACI campaign to volunteers and engage them to be active fundraisers
    Educate them about peer-to-peer fundraising techniques and effective communication with donors;
    Develop an easy-to-follow peer-to-peer fundraising toolkit
    Inform them about the progress and success of ACI activities across the region.

    Develop strategic donor recognition guidelines to benefit donor relations and stewardships and enable member associations implement successful recognition programs that balances different types of giving, involves internal and external stakeholders efficiently, anticipates changes in donor volume, brand messaging and ultimately contributes to increased giving.
    Develop fundraising evaluation guideline to enable Member Associations regularly monitor and review the execution of their fundraising plan and strategy.

    Framework for ACI marketing and communication developed to support MAs’ ACI fundraising program based on the project goals, objectives and existing ACI guidance doc “ACI brand will complement and be integrated in the MA’s brand”

    ACI marketing and communication strategy and implementation plan developed.
    Menu of viable ACI communication and marketing channels, formats and messages for different audiences (volunteers, MA staff, general public and donors).
    An ACI platform/ digital application for connect, gamification and communication to MA staff and volunteers.
    A donor recognition strategy for ACI developed.
    ACI evaluation criteria and tools developed.


    MAs will have a marketing and communication framework to guide implementation of ACI fundraising activities at the Member Associations.
    MAs will have a menu of communication strategies and tools for effective implementation of the peer to peer fundraising campaign.
    ARO and MAs will have a functional digital application that communicates to both MA staff and volunteers, inspires them to action, tracks activities and captures important lessons.
    MAs will have a donor recognition guideline and fundraising evaluation criteria in place

    The proposed work timeframe is 1st June to 31st July 2019 with final submission of deliverables on by 31st July 2019. This is not 60 days of paid work; it is the timeframe for the consultant to develop the framework and tools as per deliverables. The consultant will submit a detailed work plan and budget for the project.
    Qualifications and experience required;

    At least 8 years professional experience with communication and marketing/private/NGO sector especially fundraising. Work experience within the NGOs is a strong asset in multiple markets in Sub-Saharan Africa. Experience in international development, donor aid programmes or another related field is desired.

    Specific requirements are:

    Experience in Social marketing with a focus on digital marketing for leading brands and clients
    Experience of working across large NGOs in the area of digital fundraising and engagement, helping them to achieve significant growth in income, venture philanthropy, and/or social enterprise.
    Comprehensive understanding of key innovative fundraising techniques in Peer to Peer fundraising and philanthropy. Desired experience in social media advertising and email marketing
    High level of communications and presentation skills
    Demonstrated experience in messaging and branding using creative methods and multimedia channels
    Creative thinker with experience in helping organisation improve their branding/positioning
    Excellent written and verbal skills.

    Please provide;

    CVs of consultants who will work on and/or manage this consultancy (please specific role for each CV)
    Previous experience in similar assignment(s)
    Approach and methodology to undertake this assignment
    Cost of services and proposed payment schedule
    Detailed financial budget (in USD) and work plan.

  • Consultancy – Development of Geriatric Care Curriculum(BHOPA II)

    Consultancy – Development of Geriatric Care Curriculum(BHOPA II)

    Terms of Reference for Development of Training Curriculum on Care of Older Persons (Geriatric Care) for health care workers in Kenya
    HelpAge International is the secretariat to the HelpAge Global Network, which brings together a wide range of organizations and individuals working together to ensure that older people lead dignified, active, healthy and secure lives. We strive to promote the wellbeing and inclusion of older women and older men and reduce poverty and discrimination in later life by working with older women and older men in low and middle-income countries for better services and policies, and for changes in the behaviours and attitudes of individuals and societies towards old age. We want a world where every older woman and older man, everywhere, can say ‘I have the income I need; I enjoy the best possible health and quality of life; I am safe and secure, free from discrimination and abuse; and, my voice is heard’.
    HelpAge International’s secretariat is based in London, UK but works in 41 countries across the world. The Africa Regional Office is based in Nairobi, Kenya. Our long-term vision is to establish a global movement of strong connected age focused and older people led platforms in every country in the world. We aim to extend the reach and influence of the HelpAge Global Network and all those in a position to help bring about our vision for older persons, including Governments, regional institutions, policy makers, development partners, the private sector, UN organizations and academic institutions.

  • Incremental Housing Integrated Systems Consultant – Kenya

    Incremental Housing Integrated Systems Consultant – Kenya

    Job description

    Documentation of the integrated systems approach to incremental housing processes and development of a five-year strategy for Habitat for Humanity in Kenya
    We are seeking services of a consulting company or a group of consultants to provide expert support in operationalizing an integrated systems approach to incremental housing processes and facilitate its incorporation in program strategy in the context of Kenya.
    Introduction and background
    Currently, HFHI Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) is working to re-define its programmatic focus in Sub-Saharan Africa. We realize that in order to reach sustainability and scale in advancing housing solutions, we need to think of housing from an integrated systems perspective. Housing as a very complex sector requires a systems perspective if we aim to reach sustainability and scale of interventions. We believe a systems perspective will allow us to look at the totality of the housing problem, to understand and respond to the main challenges, to address root causes of exclusion and dysfunction in housing. A systems perspective drives us to think relationally – not just about single individuals or organizations, or single sectors, or certain technical areas. We aim to understand the interactions, relationships, power dynamics, and leverage opportunities in a dynamic system that is ever changing.
    Scope of work
    The engagement will be carried out in the context of Kenya, with the expectation that the process could be extrapolated to other contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa. A combination of the following activities would be confirmed after engagement with the selected consulting entity:

    Consolidate HFHI EMEA systems thinking


    Propose and adapt a set of processes and tools for engagement, analysis and learning about systems and systemic change to apply to housing as a system (targeting low income households, further referred as affordable housing);

    Integrate conceptually affordable and incremental housing systems with market development systems;

    Support HFHI EMEA to better articulate its affordable housing sector understanding in systems terms.

     Facilitate increased stakeholders’ shared understanding of problem areas and opportunities in the affordable housing sector in Kenya from systems and long-term systemic change perspective (applying systems approach, processes and tools)

    Propose an engagement plan with affordable housing stakeholders in Kenya;

    Facilitate series of engagement with stakeholders and strategic (existing and potential) partners’ to collectively:

    Define/map in systems terms the affordable housing sector (understanding the nature of incremental housing processes);

    Define the “boundaries” of the affordable housing system;

    Identify the causal / influence links, feedback loops and leverage points in the affordable housing system (addressing the incremental nature of housing), including adjacent sectors:
    Ensure systems based affordable housing incorporates adequately cross-cutting issues/themes:

    Resilience: climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction; climate change mitigation, energy conservation, environmental sustainability:
    Inclusion and equity: gender mainstreaming (needs and assets) and women empowerment, needs of vulnerable groups, youth, cultural adequacy, market access.

    Housing related policies and regulations,
    Land management and land markets,
    Basic services provision and organization (access to water, sanitation, solid waste management, access to energy for lighting and cooking),
    Construction materials, and labour force,
    Financial services for housing, Social services, Alternative construction materials (innovation);
    Analyze under what circumstances long-term owners/drivers of affordable housing would improve/change their driver’s role by better understand stakeholders’ mandates, motivations, incentives and appetite for partnering for systemic change:
    Central government, Municipal (county) government, Self-organized groups of home seekers and/or registered entities (CBOs, SACCOs, housing cooperatives, resident federations), Housing related product and service providers, including construction companies/ developers, Financial sector, including MFIs and cooperatives.

     Develop a long-term perspective country strategy for Habitat for Humanity in Kenya for the next 5 years, complete with a theory of change and an operational plan
     Analyze affordable housing needs (supply and demand) in Kenya with specific focus on recent developments, challenges and opportunities;
    Analyze political economy (challenges and opportunities) in the implementation of affordable housing in Kenya;
    Review key HFHI documents and identify strategic direction/issues especially as related to/supports systems thinking and application;
    Based on the strategic issues/objectives, identify specific interventions needed to sustainably address affordable housing in Kenya (based on stakeholders’ consultations); prioritize activities to be undertaken and critical targets to be achieved in the next five years;

    Ensure that issues of resilience, climate change, environmental sustainability, gender, youth, market access, technologies, inter alia are adequately addressed in the plan.

    Facilitate the development of an implementation plan that should include

    Strategic objectives,
    Targets to be achieved,
    Programmatic interventions,
    Activities, time frame,
    Implementing entities (HFHI units/departments, lead and supporting, partners), indicative resources required.

    Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for implementation for the strategy including a theory of change and log frame(s);
    Facilitate EMEA identification of its competitive advantage in Kenya housing context.

    Methodology and process
    In-depth review of HFH’s key documents, key national and sectoral policies and plans, among other documents. Consultations with key stakeholder institutions and individuals consisting of public, private and civil society actors/ representation as well as any other stakeholders as HFH may guide at the onset of this exercise. At least one workshop in Kenya is expected to take place during the assignment. Minimal travel.
    The assignment will be undertaken through overall coordination of HFHI EMEA designated staff. Regular and as needed project management meetings with designated staff will be held.
    Deliverables, schedule and budget
    We will entertain recommendations on project schedule and budget from consulting entity. Additionally, we will entertain suggested amended deliverables, but expect to receive:

    An inception plan with a timeline, covering the three areas of the scope of work,
    A report and recommendations documenting stakeholders’ and partners understanding of affordable housing system in Kenya (taking into consideration the incremental nature of housing processes),
    A paper documenting an affordable housing methodology based on systems approach,
    HFHI EMEA strategic direction/objectives for next 5-years document,
    Operational plan for HFH operations in Kenya.

    Required competencies and experience
    The successful consulting entity will have the following mix of expertise:

    Experience and proven record in applying systems approaches to complex developmental problems
    Knowledge in markets development approaches
    Proven record in facilitating engagement with various shareholders across multiple sectors (both communities, public and private)
    Excellent facilitation skills
    Experience in monitoring and measuring systems change
    Broad understanding of the housing sector in Kenya
    Experience of undertaking assignments in multi-cultural settings in Kenya
    Excellent analytical, writing and presentation skills
    Proficiency in spoken and written English and Kiswahili.

    Please send the following to, and copying and by May 24, 2019.
    Please limit responses to a maximum of 10 pages (not counting CVs). Consulting entities must submit the following information to be considered:

    Corporate overview (Legal name, year of incorporation, number of directors, tax compliant certificate, CR12 form etc.),
    Description of all products and services supplied relevant to this ToR
    Client references (3)
    Understanding of this assignment
    Description of proposed methodological approach
    Description of deliverables
    Estimated budget in Kenyan shillings breakdown and resources required (Costs include, but are not limited to, fixed pricing & deliverables, billable hours, travel expenses, taxes, etc.)
    Project schedule & work breakdown structure, which identifies timelines, key milestones, project phases, or other project plan information.
    Annexed to the proposal should be CVs for each team member who would participate in the assignment.

    Selection process and criteria
    Phone interviews with eligible candidates will be held the week of May 27, 2019. Final selection will be determined by May 31.
    All proposals will be evaluated systematically, based on the following key criteria:

    Quality of the methodological proposal: aspects that will help us to assess their suitability for that which is proposed in the RFP, quality of the proposal, feasibility, etc.
    Profile and competencies of the consulting team: knowledge, experience, composition and other necessary competencies.
    Suitability of the financial proposal: for the activities laid out in the methodology, within the financial possibilities of the project, etc.

    Full details and disclaimers can be requested by contacting, and copying and Applicant is responsible for fully understanding the requirements or other details of the RFP and must ask any questions to ensure such understanding is gained before submission deadline.

  • Intern Counselling Psychologist

    Intern Counselling Psychologist

    Duration: 4 Months
    Reporting to: Counselling Psychologist
    Vacancy Description
    The intern/volunteer will assist in the provision of counseling and other psychotherapeutic interventions to vulnerable and at risk refugee clients in emotional and psychological distress including those with mental health challenges impairing their normal functioning.
    Main Duties and Responsibilities

    Program Management

    Assist in management of operations of the field office
    Assist in implementing the strategic objectives at the field office and ensure strategic alignment for all activities in the field office
    Assist in implementing project work plans for the field office
    Ensure efficient case management, documentation and filing at field level
    Ensure adherence to HIAS policies, procedures, ethics, professional standards and best practices that bring in operational efficiencies and improve service delivery and client satisfaction
    Actively participate in regular staff meetings in the field office

    Provide Psychosocial Services

    Provide individual and group counseling services and other short term therapeutic services to refugees referred to the field office and keep continuous counseling notes
    Conduct psychological assessments and Mental Status Examinations and prepare and submit the reports to the Counselling Psychologist
    Ensure appropriate psychosocial assessment and diagnosis of all the psychological cases are in line with the DSM-V and ICD-10, WHO Mental Health Atlas among others
    Participate in counseling treatment programs and ensure the provision of technical assistance and training for clinical staff in order to establish and maintain appropriate treatment protocols resulting in the increase of the recovery of clients in line with national and international standards and guiding principles by UNHCR, IASC, SPHERE Project WHO among others
    Assist in provision of social assistance (FA, food, transport, clothes and other material assistance) and ensure adherence to finance SOPs
    Assist protection officers in organizing and mobilizing for committee meetings, dialogues and other activities.
    3.) Reporting
    Ensure timely, quality and comprehensive reports for official work done
    Prepare and provide weekly, monthly reports and quarterly reports and data to the Counselling Psychologist
    Prepare a success story quarterly for purposes of web updates and fundraising
    Ensure updated personal database
    Ensure up to date record keeping

    Coordination, Partnership and Networking

    Participate in crisis intervention
    Assess refugees in need of psychiatric care, refer for needed services in consultation with the counselling psychologist, monitor progress, and prepare file notes
    Follow up and monitor all referral cases and ensure timely turnaround of assessment reports and other interventions.
    Attend sector related forums as required
    Monitor use of resources for accountability and efficient use of the organizations resources.
    Attend all relevant internal and external meetings

    Required Qualifications

    A degree in counseling psychology from a recognized university
    Have at least one year of training experience

    Skills and Competencies

    Knowledge of Computer Applications such as Ms-ACCESS, Ms-EXCEL and Ms-WORD
    Ideal candidate should have a keen awareness and a good knowledge of psychosocial issues and the complexities of working on these issues with a refugee population;
    Strong analytical and report writing skills and proven ability to conduct psychological assessments
    Experience in planning and implementing psychosocial project activities including facilitating individual and group therapy and training.
    Experience working with children and child therapy, with good knowledge of child rights and protection
    Have group facilitation skills and experience
    Good team player with excellent cross-cultural interpersonal skills
    Proactive and able to work under minimal supervision while exercising diplomacy, flexibility and assertiveness
    Ability to confront and discuss sensitive issues with respect and able to uphold high standards of confidentiality
    Experience in trauma counselling, preferably in the NGO sector.
    Knowledge of refugee protection and assistance will be an added advantage

  • BDS Expert Consultant

    BDS Expert Consultant

    AMSCO is looking to contract a BDS expert consultant to design and develop entrepreneurship curriculum targeting 2,500 entrepreneurs, TOT curriculum development and training for 44 BDS officers and 5 regional consulting team leaders. The purpose of this consultancy is to design and develop an entrepreneurial development curriculum which will empower entrepreneurs’ across Kenya to become more competitive. The training will be concrete, relevant, interactive, actionable and measurable. The consultant will be required to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment in parallel with the curriculum development.
    Specifically, the consultant will:

    Design and develop the curriculum framework including learning objectives, learning path, and day-to-day curriculum.
    Develop a comprehensive trainer’s manual with instructions on how to deliver the curriculum.
    Design, develop and deliver a Training of Trainers (ToT) on the curriculum
    The consultant will work in close collaboration with AMSCO team, Project Team Leader and the client.


    Training design blueprint of the entrepreneurship development curriculum and sample instructional module.
    To review the current curriculum and identify gaps in curriculum, training methods, instructors’ skills and knowledge, and post-training application of learning.
    To develop a revised entrepreneurship training programme including facilitator guide and learner guide.
    Draft enterprise development curriculum and related course materials.
    Final curriculum and related course materials
    Training of Trainers on the entrepreneurial development curriculum and delivery, and trainer’s manual

    The consultant is expected to carry out the following activities to achieve the objective of the assignment:

    Prepare a brief work plan to achieve the objective of the assignment within the allocated time frame.
    Review relevant documentation on youth entrepreneurship in Kenya, in particular, two previous studies on the subject.
    Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, also interview current staff of the project and beneficiaries
    Identify gaps in the current curriculum, teaching materials, and teaching methods, and support from the client to enhance entrepreneurship. Identify specific obstacles faced by entrepreneurs.
    Prepare a draft report on findings and recommendations, and modify report after feedback from key stakeholders. Findings to be presented to a group of stakeholders .
    Develop a revised entrepreneurship curriculum training including facilitator guide and learner guide.

    The consultant will produce these deliverables:

    Assignment work plan.
    Draft report on findings, conclusions and recommendations presented to key stakeholders
    Final report incorporating feedback on the assignment from key stakeholders.
    Revised entrepreneurship training programme including facilitator guide and learner guide.

    Consultant must have at least a first degree in business management, entrepreneurship development, or other relevant subject area.
    The consultant should have at least 10 years’ experience working in the area of entrepreneurship development and training. He/she should also have personal experience as an entrepreneur.
    To enable an effective assignment, the consultant must have to hand resource materials that could be used to expand and enrich the existing entrepreneurship programme. Such materials would have been developed, for example, in previous work by the consultant and must be copyright free for use in revised training materials to be developed.

    Knowledge of all financial loan services available to entrepreneurs
    Ability to conduct business and entrepreneurship analyses
    Must display a high standard of ethical conduct and exhibit honesty and integrity
    Sound judgment and analytical skills
    Excellent writing skill
    Ability to work under pressure and to meet strict deadlines.
    Strong communication skills

  • (Senior) Capacity Strengthening Specialist MPCS (USAID Kenya & East Africa)

    (Senior) Capacity Strengthening Specialist MPCS (USAID Kenya & East Africa)

    Position Description
    Position Duties and Responsibilities
    The (Senior) Capacity Strengthening and Learning Specialist will manage and lead the design and implementation of a portfolio of activities intended to advance the capacity USAID Mission staff, local M&E specialists, civil society, and governmental staff as appropriate/requested. S/he will work closely with MPCS team members and relevant governmental stakeholders in partner countries to assess capacity, using participatory frameworks and approaches, and develop plans to sustainably enhance monitoring and evaluation capacities.
    S/he will work to establish, build and maintain collaborative relationships with leading government and regional institutions, engaging them as partners and co-creators of capacity strengthening initiatives toward national and subnational entities. S/he will also look to identify and build relationships with local organizations in partner countries, and short-term technical assistance that can be engaged to deliver training and learning activities for MPCS.
    The (Senior) Capacity Strengthening and Learning Specialist may be called upon to design training materials, deliver training, facilitate learning and communities of practice, develop learning agendas, design and maintain evaluation activities to determine effectiveness of capacity strengthening activities, and coordinate with MPCS and partner support staff for training deliveries. S/he will be committed to use participatory and strengths-based learning design and delivery approaches, as well as blended learning and evidence-based learning theory in all activities.
    Position Requirements

    Masters’ degree in international development, organizational development, social science, or a related field preferred
    No less than five years of demonstrated experience in capacity strengthening and training for strengthen skill sets, preferably in the field of monitoring and evaluation. Experience should include experience designing curricula and materials for face-to-face and virtual training delivery, as well as facilitation of institutional strengthening processes.

    Experience and Skills

    Experience building monitoring, evaluation and learning capacities of relevant stakeholders including implementers, funders, and government staff preferred
    Demonstrated experience applying a variety of participatory and strengths-based learning design and delivery approaches, blended learning and evidence-based learning theory
    Familiarity with e-learning tools, virtual Instructor-Led Trainings (vILT) on AdobeConnect, and other online instructional products highly desirable
    Though not required, preference may be given to native Kenyans or those native to a country within the region
    Strong written and spoken English skills required; familiarity with Swahili and/or other regional languages greatly valued

    The employer will make reasonable accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
    The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by individuals assigned to this position. They are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, responsibilities, and skills required of personnel so classified.
    The incumbent must be able to work in a fast-paced environment with demonstrated ability to juggle and prioritize multiple, competing tasks and demands and to seek supervisory assistance as appropriate.

  • Safeguarding & Child Protection Consultant

    Safeguarding & Child Protection Consultant

    Job Details
    The Role:

    The Safeguarding & Child Protection Consultant will assess and strengthen organizational capacities on safeguarding for WUSC and its downstream partner organization. WUSC and its downstream partners work with highly vulnerable individuals and therefore it is essential that systems, policies and procedures are effective in safeguarding these individuals against harm
    1- Safeguarding Framework Assessment
    Work closely with the WUSC Kenya Team to review the country-safeguarding framework and its alignment with GEC safeguarding standards.
    Clearly identify any gaps or misalignment within the GEC safeguarding standards.
    Review, make recommendations and support implementation of a plan to increase compliance with the GEC safeguarding standards, and especially highlighting risk mitigation strategies that can be established immediately.
    Safeguarding Training & Capacity Building

    Plan and facilitate a 1-2 day training to be delivered to WUSC and its downstream partner staff. The training should include:
    Introduction to safeguarding and child protection;
    Risk mitigation strategies to improve current safeguarding frameworks;
    Establish a plan to strengthen the safeguarding framework;
    Any other relevant content.

    Safeguarding standards to comply to:

    These apply to all organisations receiving GEC funding (lead, downstream or other partners or contractors).
    All organisations receiving GEC funding must have either an overarching/combined safeguarding policy or a combination of relevant policies, which address bullying, sexual harassment and abuse targeted at both beneficiaries, including adults at risk, partner staff and staff within an organization.
    All organisations must have a separate child safeguarding policy, which address all forms of sexual, physical and emotional violence towards children.


    All organisations must have comprehensive systems for escalating and managing concerns and complaints. These must include the option of whistleblowing and for this to be available to both beneficiaries, including children and their caregivers, and staff without reprisal.
    A clear handling framework, to respond appropriately to all concerns and support the survivor of violence must also be in place.

    Human resources

    All organisations must have a human resources system, which includes effective management of recruitment, vetting and performance management. Vetting must include adequate screening and assessment of individuals that will have direct contact with children.
    All staff, contractors, volunteers and other representatives of the organization have at least a mandatory induction when they start and annual refresher training on the organization’s safeguarding policy (or bundle of policies), child safeguarding policy and whistleblowing.
    Risk management
    Each organisation must have a comprehensive and effective risk management framework in place which includes reference to both safeguarding and a detailed risk registers for the LNGB project. The LNGB risk register must include reference to safeguarding risks, including those for children.
    Each organisation must have procedures in place to make sure that safeguarding processes and standards are also upheld for any partner, contractor or supplier they work with.

    Code of conduct

    Each organisation needs to have a code of conduct, which is applicable both inside and outside of working hours. This needs to set out the ethics and behavior expected of all parties.
    Specific behaviour protocols must be in place outlining appropriate and inappropriate behaviour of adults towards children (and children to children).

    Governance and accountability

    Effective governance and accountability standards must be in place within all organisations with the Board holding ultimate responsibility for safeguarding.
    Designated safeguarding Officers must be found at different levels including at least at senior level in the country office and at the Board.
    There are clear guidelines for monitoring and overseeing implementation of the policy (policies).
    All safeguarding incidents and allegations must be reported to the GEC Fund Manager within 24 hours.

    Field Travel Expected
    Possible travel to Kakuma and Dadaab
    Qualifications and experience

    Post graduate degree OR undergraduate degree with a professional qualification and/or experience in a relevant field
    Experience of child protection and child safeguarding within humanitarian settings;
    Proven experience in strengthening safeguarding systems, policies and frameworks;
    Familiarity with GEC safeguarding policies and standards would be an added advantage
    Practical field experience and proven track record in strengthening organizational capacity in a field;
    Extensive experience of planning and undertaking training programmes/workshops/trainings in child protection/safeguarding at a range of levels (e.g. field workers, mangers, senior managers and decision makers)
    Understanding local context ( essential)
    Excellent communication skills, particularly interpersonal skills in working with partners;


    Advanced oral and written skills required in English

    Contract term

    May 13, 2019 to June 28, 2019

    Level of Effort:

    20 – 25 Days

  • In-House Receiverships Consultant

    In-House Receiverships Consultant

    Job Summary:
    The Consultant will handle all insolvency cases on a case-by-case basis. Insolvency cases shall entail receiverships, judicial management, statutory management, liquidation, administration, trusteeship, supervision of approved voluntary arrangement.
    (S)he will handle insolvency cases which are operationally dormant and shall also be assigned to take over the receivership operations of borrowing companies which are in receivership and are operational. (S)he will also give support to the day-to-day credit follow up operations as and when required.
    Job Specifications:
    The key roles and responsibilities include:

    Undertake pre-receivership or other insolvency related studies – the consultant will prepare pre-receivership synopses for initial approval of the Bank;
    Determine resource requirements;
    Documentation and receivership initiation;
    Ensure safe custody of assets and general receivership administration;
    Marketing of companies in receivership – the consultant will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency, integrity and honesty in all his/her activities and particularly in marketing the companies;
    Closing foreclosure/disposal deals;
    Hiring of external experts in instances where recruitment of additional experts is deemed necessary. Such experts may include lawyers, auctioneers, armed security firms, insurance firms, accountants, administrators, auditors;
    Compliance with in-country legal requirements;
    Accounting for the receivership including maintenance of proper accounts for the receivership account from end to end and filing of documentation with the companies’ registrar;
    Developing in-house receivership skills.

    Qualifications and Competencies:

    A Masters’ degree in Business Administration, Accounting, Banking, Finance, Civil Engineering or Economics with relevant professional qualifications as added advantage;
    Professional legal or accounting qualification such as Certified Public Accountant (Kenya) or equivalent;
    Membership of ICPAK or other recognized professional body;
    A minimum 10 years of relevant professional experience in a corporate or financial industry environment including prior professional experience (at least 2 years) in corporate or project or trade financing, including investment banking, or business consulting in emerging market/Sub-Saharan Africa;
    Extensive and relevant knowledge of legal and regulatory environment in member countries;
    Ability to take personal responsibility and accountability for timely response to client (internal and external) queries, requests or needs, working to remove obstacles that may impede execution or overall success;
    Capacity to work flexibly on a range of assignments and still deliver top quality work while meeting tight deadlines;
    Team player with ability to work in different environments and with culturally diverse teams;
    Must be detail oriented yet flexible to work in a fast-paced environment;
    Proficiency in the use of computer programs including MS Office applications;
    Excellent communication skills (verbal and written) in English. Fluency in other languages (e.g. French and Portuguese) is an added advantage

  • Functional Literacy and Numeracy Lead Consultant

    Functional Literacy and Numeracy Lead Consultant

    Job description

    The Functional Literacy and Numeracy Specialist will lead an assorted team comprising of government officers, development actors and project participants accomplishing the following:
    Development/adaptation of learning assessment tools for assessing the girls’ abilities in literacy and numeracy at entry point and progressive acquisition of functional literacy and numeracy skills
    Development/adaptation of a Teachers’ Needs Assessment/Gap analysis tool: this will provide benchmarks for each volunteer teacher in the project that will inform continuous professional development through coaching and mentorship processes
    Development/adaptation of a functional literacy and numeracy curriculum that will be used by volunteer teachers to deliver learning sessions for girls at the catch-up centres in readiness for the selected girls to choose the suitable pathways for transition.
    The consultant will also lead the process of developing functional literacy and numeracy teaching and learning materials for use by the volunteer teachers and girls during catch-up sessions.

    Desired Skills and Experience

    Bachelor’s or post graduate degree Education
    At least 7 years’ experience designing and delivering literacy and numeracy interventions
    Evidence of experience in material development specifically on functional literacy and numeracy
    Highly desired- Experience working in hardest to reach areas where social norms and abject poverty impede access to education for girls
    Highly desired -Understanding of safeguarding, child protection, Gender and Inclusion
    Desirable – Experience in implementing Girls’ Education and Empowerment projects

    Competencies and Behaviour
    At VSO we believe progress is only possible by working together. Whether you want to join us as an employee, or as a volunteer working in your own country, overseas or online, our selection process includes an assessment based on these core competencies:

    Ability to be open minded and respectful
    Ability to be resilient and adaptive to new situations
    Ability to facilitate positive change and build sustainable working relationships
    Ability to seek and share knowledge