Job Field: Sector in Consultancy

  • Invitation to Tender – Investment Attraction Firms

    Invitation to Tender – Investment Attraction Firms

    Role – Bungoma, Eldoret, Isiolo, Iten, Kathwana, Kerugoya/Kutus, Kisii, Kitui, Lamu, Malindi, Mandera, Wote, Kenya
    Sustainable Urban Economic Development Programme (SUED)

    Work with Kenyan Municipalities to build their capacity to plan and attract investments
    Sep 2018- Aug 2022
    Bungoma, Eldoret, Isiolo, Iten, Kathwana, Kerugoya/Kutus, Kisii, Kitui, Lamu, Malindi, Mandera, Wote -Kenya

    The Programme
    The British Government through the UK Department for International Development (DFID) is supporting emerging urban centres in Kenya through the Sustainable Urban Economic Development Programme (SUED). SUED is a £60 million, five-year programme, supporting 10 fast growing municipalities to develop sustainable urban economic plans and attract investment for critical climate-resilient infrastructure and value chain projects, to better harness inclusive economic growth.
    The Position
    SUED is inviting interested firms/consortium to submit tenders to offer investment attraction services ranging from completion of pre-feasibility studies to drawing in investors to fund specific projects in three municipalities in Kenya, namely: Kathwana, Kisii and Iten.
    This will involve taking the projects all the way from conducting pre-feasibility studies to achieving financial close. The interested firms/consortium will be required to help the selected municipalities develop and implement investment promotion strategies and draw in investors to fund commercially bankable climate-resilient infrastructure and value chain projects identified in their urban economic plans. The preferred supplier is expected to provide all the needed support, inputs, documentation, services and content for the project to achieve successful financial close.
    The Firm/Consortium
    Interested firms/consortium will be required to demonstrate the following in their response to this ITT:

    In-depth experience in the provision of investment attraction and/or transaction advisory services;
    Ability to work at national or sub-national level in Kenya or similar setting;
    Ability to conduct pre-feasibility studies across a range of sectors in various municipalities in Kenya;
    Ability to develop and implement investment promotion strategies;
    Extensive networks within the investing community (both public and private);
    Experience in developing match-making platform for investors and those seeking capital to connect on active deals;
    Expertise in structuring various types of investment transactions including use of early stage/seed financing vehicles.

    The details and full scope this ITT including can be found on

  • Consultant – Communication Assistant

    Consultant – Communication Assistant

    The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking to recruit a highly talented Communication Assistant on a consultancy basis.**
    The Position: The consultant will support the role of the Regional Communications Specialist to ensure continuous generation of content to highlight research for development work in SSA. He/she will follow through on communication related administrative tasks geared towards content generation and dissemination with colleagues and partners. Specific tasks will include support preparation of stories and communications about CIP and its research programs in Africa; producing short promotional videos based on interviews with key scientists; photography to capture and promote ongoing work as well as during project meetings; preparing social media posts for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram under the direction of the social media team based at CIP headquarters.
    Key responsibilities:

    Social media: Working closely with CIP’s social media managers based in Lima, generate, edit publish and schedule daily content (photos, videos, infographics) that increases share of voice and engagement across the region.
    Media: Media monitoring of CIP mentions/ relevant subjects in SSA and sharing/ repromoting content. Compile media briefs/ information packs with relevant content during media field tours. Logistical support during such tours.
    Administrative support – follow through on logistics that come with multimedia related visits by consultants and communications colleagues in the region.
    Photography and video editing – during meetings/ trainings/ field visits. Maintain photo archive on Chorus and Flickr.
    Events: provide logistical support for events in the region.
    Content creation: Working closely with the Regional Communications Specialist, generate content to showcase CIP’s impact on the ground through photo and video stories; blog writing.
    Helping with other communications tasks as assigned by the Regional Communications Specialist.

    Selection Criteria:

    Bachelor’s degree in Communications or related field.
    At least 1 (one) year of experience required at internship level.
    Experience in social media management, photography, video editing, administrative management.
    Intermediate level of MS Office.
    Fluent in Kiswahili.
    Intermediate level in English.

    What are the conditions?
    This is a national consultancy position limited to Kenya nationals and permanent residents only. The consultancy will be for a period of Four months.

  • Consultancy to Research and Propose Africa’s Model Engagement Strategy with Emerging Powers

    Consultancy to Research and Propose Africa’s Model Engagement Strategy with Emerging Powers

    Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.
    We are a confederation of 20 Oxfam organizations (affiliates) and the Oxfam International Secretariat (OIS) working together in 67 countries. Oxfam has more than 5,000 staff members and nearly 50,000 interns/volunteers working across the world. All of Oxfam’s work is framed by our commitment to five broad rights-based aims:

    · the right to a sustainable livelihood
    · the right to basic social services
    · the right to life and security
    · the right to be heard
    · the right to an identity

    Within the confederation structure, each affiliate remains independent, retaining its own executive director, board and stakeholders. The affiliates’ relationship within the confederation is governed by the Oxfam Constitution, Code of Conduct and Rules of Procedure, each affiliate is considered to be equal, with equal voting rights. All affiliates and the OI Secretariat work towards the One Oxfam Strategic Plan. All affiliates are expected to work within Oxfam agreements and signed-off strategies, but within this framework they have the flexibility to interpret and implement Oxfam policy in a manner appropriate to their own national context.
    Pan Africa Program (PAP)
    The program has a dual office location at the AU Liaison Office to The African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and at the OI Secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya.
    The PAP’s operations began in 2003 as a single program affiliate and has since grown into a multiple affiliate supported program line managed by the OI secretariat and straddles both campaigns and program Directorates. The current strategy (2017-20) is delivered through promotion of active citizenship, sustainable agriculture and climate justice, extractives and financing for development, inclusive peace and security, effective national governance and the realisation and enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and human rights including for women, and youth. PAP collaborates with social movements, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and their coalitions, the African Union, international financial institutions, and governments to influence, popularise and push for the implementation of key international and continental policy standards, pledges, policies, laws, and human rights instruments.
    The Role
    The purpose for the assignment is to conduct research to generate and propose a framework model engagement strategy for African countries with emerging powers (i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa among others).
    What we are looking for a consultant who;

    Demonstrate evidence of research and policy analysis skills and competencies
    Show evidence of previous experience in related tasks and expertise in designing strategic documents.
    Demonstrate knowledge of and engagement in multilateral and similar processes.
    Demonstrate understanding of the workings of the African Union and Regional economic blocs.
    Extensive knowledge of South- South cooperation and multilateral negotiations

    Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and committed to promoting the welfare of children, young people, adults and beneficiaries with whom Oxfam GB engages. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.
    We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organisation and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.

  • Consultancy to Write Oxfam Pan-Africa Program Strategy

    Consultancy to Write Oxfam Pan-Africa Program Strategy

    We are a confederation of 20 Oxfam organizations (affiliates) and the Oxfam International Secretariat (OIS) working together in 67 countries. Oxfam has more than 5,000 staff members and nearly 50,000 interns/volunteers working across the world. All of Oxfam’s work is framed by our commitment to five broad rights-based aims:

    the right to a sustainable livelihood
    the right to basic social services
    the right to life and security
    the right to be heard
    the right to an identity

    Within the confederation structure, each affiliate remains independent, retaining its own executive director, board and stakeholders. The affiliates’ relationship within the confederation is governed by the Oxfam Constitution, Code of Conduct and Rules of Procedure, each affiliate is considered to be equal, with equal voting rights. All affiliates and the OI Secretariat work towards the One Oxfam Strategic Plan. All affiliates are expected to work within Oxfam agreements and signed-off strategies, but within this framework they have the flexibility to interpret and implement Oxfam policy in a manner appropriate to their own national context.
    Pan Africa Program (PAP)
    The program has a dual office location at the AU Liaison Office to The African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and at the OI Secretariat in Nairobi, Kenya.
    The PAP’s operations began in 2003 as a single program affiliate and has since grown into a multiple affiliate supported program line managed by the OI secretariat and straddles both campaigns and program Directorates. The current strategy (2017-20) is delivered through promotion of active citizenship, sustainable agriculture and climate justice, extractives and financing for development, inclusive peace and security, effective national governance and the realisation and enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and human rights including for women, and youth. PAP collaborates with social movements, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and their coalitions, the African Union, international financial institutions, and governments to influence, popularise and push for the implementation of key international and continental policy standards, pledges, policies, laws, and human rights instruments.
    Since 2017 the PAP strategy has been managed by Oxfam International (OI) with varying technical and financial support through a number of Oxfam affiliates including Oxfam Novib (ONL), Oxfam IBIS (Denmark), Oxfam Hong Kong (OHK), Oxfam America (OUS), Oxfam Australia (OAU) and Oxfam Great Britain (OGB). The program has retained positive relations and funding support for its programs from donors and agencies, including the Government of the Netherlands, DfID, SIDA, ADC, the Gates Foundation, UN Women, and UNDP among others. As the majority of funding has been received through restricted sources, this has resulted into far more operational and compliance requirements than was anticipated at the design of the program. These requirements have compromised the advocacy and influencing orientation and structure of the program in a way that was not originally envisaged.
    Strategy Process
    In April 2017 PAP commenced the implementation of the new Pan-Africa strategy – ‘People Power: Africa’s Future’ (2017-20), which seeks to support CSOs, governments and other stakeholders towards a self-reliant Africa that is democratic, peaceful, and responsive to the rights and development needs of its citizens. The current FY 2019/20 is the last year of implementation of the strategy. A light outcome review has been done. The review report gives an indication of how much of the strategy has been implemented, its impact and what lessons can be learnt.
    The next PAP Strategy (2020-2022) is an iterative process that should lay strong emphasis on solid advocacy and influencing and enable PAP to become more and better connected with Regional Platforms, Country Programs, Affiliates, AU, Regional Economic Communities (RECS), CSOs and continental movements. To prepare for the new strategy several build-up activities have already taken place to generate new thinking and material for the strategy write up. These activities include:

    The Global Strategy process (Strategic Framework now in draft)
    The Rethinking Africa Conference that took place at the end of June 2019 (reports available) and Governance Group steer.
    The Organisational Diagnostic report (report available) and PAP Governance Group steer.
    The Outcome Review of the 2017-20 strategy (completed and report available)
    Oxfam Regional Strategies of Southern Africa (SAF), West Africa (WAF), Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and Horn, East & Central Africa (HECA). This to be sourced.
    Oxfam Global campaign review reports including EVEN it up, GROW, Rights In Crisis (RIC), ENOUGH (to be sourced)

    The above documents/processes provide sufficient source material to guide the writing of the next PAP strategy which will need to be done with close consultation and input from Oxfam Regional Platforms and country teams in Africa, Affiliates and OI Global program and Campaign teams and of course Oxfam Pan Africa program team.
    Specific Activities and Steps
    During the consultancy period, it is envisioned that the Strategy writer/consultant will work closely with the PAP Director, with support from the OI Global Advocacy and Campaigns team, Affiliate Advocacy Leads and, Country and Regional Advocacy and Campaigns Leads (WAF, HECA, SAF and MENA), and PAP thematic leads to undertake the following tasks:

    Analysis and Harmonization of Outcomes: Analyse and harmonize key outcomes from all the documents/reports informing the Strategy write up as listed above. Develop key messages from these outcomes;
    Alignment with Global Strategy: Identify key topics aligned to current/ongoing Global Strategy Process, including emerging political and economic dynamics in the continent, that enhance PAP’s ability to influence policy change in the current and foreseeable socio-economic environment (integral to this is enabling PAP to play a greater convening role and to provide thought leadership and work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders within and outside the Africa Region);
    Joint Visioning Session: Organize and lead a 2-3-day stakeholder session to develop and agree on broad advocacy and influencing topics/issues for the next 3 years that feed from and into the OI Global Strategy framework. The joint visioning session will bring together PAP staff, OI Global Advocacy and Campaign team, Key Partner Affiliates, Regional and Country teams and strategic partners among others;
    Strategy Drafting: Following the Joint Visioning session, write a final draft Strategy taking into account ongoing additional/new inputs from participants. Work with a small team drawn from PAP, Global Advocacy and Campaigns, Affiliates, Regions and Countries to produce a final draft;
    PAP GG Presentation and Sign off: The consultant may be requested to co-present the Final Draft Strategy to PAP Governance Group+ and OI management for review and sign off.

    Key Deliverables
    The expected results of this consultancy, which will be fine-tuned in consultation with the Consultant, are:

    Synthesized Summary of key messages/outcomes from various pieces of work already carried out in different PAP documents.
    Joint Vision Session Agenda articulating specific activities, outcomes and milestones anticipated from the session;
    Draft PAP Strategy 2020-2022 outlining specific advocacy and influencing themes and activities, and key enablers, over the next 3 years. The language and tone of the strategy must lead from OI strategy framework and will be aligned to Oxfam guidelines.

    Consultant Requirements and Timeline

    Extensive experience in strategy development consultancy work in civil society and international development sector
    Knowledge of the Oxfam Confederation or a similar set up, Regional Platforms, including Oxfam’s work in Africa would be desirable
    Good understanding and experience of media, communications, advocacy and influencing work particularly in Africa.
    Knowledge and a nuanced understanding of the workings of the AU and other continental bodies and current development and political discourse in Africa. Also, an understanding of the character of the African state.
    Experience with developing and operationalising gender commitments and application of feminist leadership principles.
    Excellent communications skills including English language skills and report writing
    Excellent teamwork and influencing skills at a high level
    Exposure/experience of working at continental/regional level and/or global level (desirable)
    Ability to work under pressure, lead team through anxiety while maintaining a sense of humour and good team spirit
    Lived experience of the African continent.

    The consultancy is anticipated to have a duration of 35 days over a 3-4-month period (March – June 2020) and which is negotiable depending on needs and subject to mutual agreement. The schedule for contract workdays and any additional workdays will be agreed with the PAP Programme Director on a case by case basis.
    Project Team
    Reporting to:
    PAP Programme Director
    Working Closely With:
    Head of Advocacy and Campaigns, PAP Thematic/Functional Leads, Global Advocacy and Campaigns, Regional and Country Teams.

  • Baseline Survey Consultant

    Baseline Survey Consultant

    Baseline survey for the “Community Based Prevention of Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls in Nairobi” Project.
    Department: Gender & Gender Based Violence

    Location: Nairobi, Kenya
    HIAS is a global Jewish not-for-profit organization that stands for a world in which displaced persons attain full potential and contribute to society through sustained legal, social, and systematic change, attaining legal status, exercising social and economic rights and rebuilding their lives. HIAS’ operation in Kenya was established in 2002 with the mission to serve the most vulnerable refugees through community based protection, mental health and psychosocial-support (MHPSS), economic inclusion, child protection and provision of durable solutions.
    With funding from United Nations Trust Fund (UNTF), this project, Community Based Prevention of Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls in Nairobi, will be implemented by HIAS Kenya over a three-year period. The project’s goal is to contribute to refugee women and girls facing less interpersonal violence among the urban refugee population in Nairobi county by 2022. The project aims to achieve the following outcomes:

    Refugee men have changed attitudes around power, gender, masculinities and male privilege and take action to prevent Violence against Women and Girls VAW/G.
    Refugee women and girls demonstrate an increased understanding that IPV is a violation of their rights and feel confident reporting that violation.
    Community systems enable refugee – friendly prevention of VAW/G through both improved access, pathways and strengthened community awareness of IPV
    Increased accountability of program staff implementing the project through changes in staff knowledge and attitudes on prevention of VAW/G.

    HIAS Kenya is seeking to engage a consultant to carry out a baseline survey for this project. The baseline study is intended to provide detailed baseline data from four demographic groups including 1) Adult Men 2) Adult Women 3) Adolescent Girls 4) Survivors Subset groups include A) Community Leaders most likely to be involved in dealing with cases of IPV and B)Service Providers dealing with cased of IPV.   Key information collected will be focus on gender equitable behaviors in the home, attitudes about the acceptance of IPV, knowledge and attitudes about help seeking behaviors of survivors, and attitudes related to addressing intimate partner violence using alternative dispute resolution practices. This baseline information will inform program content and serve as baseline measurement to see what if any changes have occurred after project implementation. It will involve specific social media campaigns as a key part of the project.   The data collected will be both qualitative and quantitative in nature, with a focus on qualitative information. The data collected will also be used during the training of boys and girls, men and women and duty bearers, and for advocacy with purposes of reducing harmful behaviours and gender equitable behaviours in the homes. It will additionally inform development of relevant practical tools and approaches for on-going project monitoring, learning and an end line evaluation.
    Overall Objective
    The overall objective of the survey is to collect baseline data on the existing attitudes and behaviors related to the acceptance of IPV and reporting and help seeking behaviors of survivors of IPV.
    Specific Objective of the survey

    To understand attitudes and practices related to gender equitable behaviors in the home in at least 3 different refugees communities in the home
    To understand the existing knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the use of IPV by men in at least 3 different refugee communities in Nairobi.
    To understand the help seeking behaviors, including reporting, of survivors (adult and adolescent) of IPV in at least 3 different refugee communities in Nairobi.
    To understand attitudes and beliefs of service providers as they relate to IPV. violence against women and girls amongst refugee communities in Nairobi.
    To map out GBV service providers who support GBV survivors in Nairobi and help improve the referral mechanism for refugee survivors of GBV.
    To support survivors to identify service delivery mechanism to support risk mitigation and prevention of VAW/G amongst urban refugees.
    To analyse the data with an eye to informing a social media campaign focused on prevention, reporting and response.

    The baseline will focus on the intervention, viz. the project on “Community Based Prevention on Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls in Nairobi” in the selected target population. The Geographical scope of the study will be within Nairobi County. In addition, the design and implementation of the baseline will take into account and abide by HIAS’s beneficiary-centered principles. This means, for example, ensuring women and girls are at the centre of the baseline study, that principles of gender equality, inclusion and non-discrimination are considered and acted upon throughout, and that the meaningful participation of women, girls and other key stakeholders will be promoted in the design and implementation of the baseline.
    In order to conduct the baseline survey on the key parameters, the following methodologies will be utilized, but should not be limited to:

    Desk review on the situation of VAW/G, particularly in the area of policy, behaviour and protection
    Quantitative data analysis specific to the geographical area within which the project is implemented, from different targeted project beneficiaries, organizations and institutions working in support of survivors of GBV.
    Key informant interviews (KIIs), stakeholder consultations and other participatory methods used in consideration of the four (4) outcome areas stated above.
    Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with different Government and non-government institutions for providing practical experiences on matters GBV.

    1) Detailed and professional reporting that addresses both the overall and specific objectives of the survey, and which includes specific recommendations on issues related to VAW/G. The report must be in English, clearly and concisely addressing the information outlined above. Documentation will include the following:

    Work plan and Inception Report (with key parameters and indicators to be considered for the baseline survey including the methodologies for data collection and dissemination).
    Development of tools agreed upon in the inception report
    Data Collection based on the four (4) key outcome areas of the project as elaborated in the project document
    Draft report for stakeholder review—clearly identifying information relevant to the four (4) outcome areas of the project framework; as well as data gaps and areas that may require further assessment
    Final report with inputs from all stakeholders

    2) Reporting will include:

    A comprehensive and well organized Final Report complete with standard reporting formats (main body of the report should be a maximum of 10 pages[HL1] [DM2]  in length, excluding TOC, tables and annexes).
    An Abridged Report synthesizing the main findings and indicators of the survey (not to exceed 3-4 pages in length).

    3) The research firm/organization will present findings/recommendations in a meeting organized for key HIAS staff:

    Production of a power point for presenting the finding to HIAS staff and stakeholders

    Ownership and copyright of all data, drafts and final products of the survey will be the sole and exclusive property of HIAS. The consultant will submit all original documents, materials and data to HIAS. Therefore, all the outputs of the survey will not be disseminated in part or whole without express authority from HIAS’s country director. The consultant shall not produce information in these materials in any form (electronic, hard copies, etc.) to a third party without a written permission from HIAS.
    The overall study process is expected to take 12 working days including preparation, data collection, and analysis and reporting. The Consultant should be able to undertake some of the tasks concurrently to fit within the planned time frame, without compromising the quality expected.
    HIAS will establish an evaluation team to oversee all the related tasks. The M&E officer and GBV Primary Prevention Specialist will be responsible for the overall coordination of all the evaluation tasks with the Consultant. In addition, the Program Manager, Head of Programmes and Country Director will provide all the necessary technical and operational support required throughout the evaluation process.
    HIAS will provide:

    Relevant documentation and background information.
    Contacts of relevant stakeholders and set up meeting(s).
    Conference/workshop facilities needed for the planning.
    Consolidated feedback/guidance on draft reports and strategy.

    The Consultant will be responsible for the following:
    With support from HIAS the consultant will lead the process of:

    Study design, methodology, planning and quality control procedures      
    Reviewing existing information, preparing outlines, including study objectives, research questions, and development of sampling methodologies;      
    Finalizing: (1) workplan and checklists (2) questionnaire(s), (3) guidelines.
    The consultant will finalize the topics for assessment in consultation with HIAS (the extent and rigor of this assessment will depend on the study objectives and the result framework outputs).
    The consultant will guide and provide required technical support to the field teams for carrying out interviews and gathering information from different stakeholders.
    Conduct interviews (KII) with key project staff and stakeholders.
    The consultant will remain responsible for the entire study maintaining the highest level standards and quality and for producing the final survey reports.
    Analysis of clean baseline survey data, including integration of quantitative findings with qualitative data collection performed
    Data analysis and report writing, draft the first report and include HIAS’s feedback and finalize the report for submission
    Provide required data that is completed and labelled in English (variables and values) for both the SPSS and Microsoft file formats.
    Provide daily briefing to the M&E Officer and GBV Primary Prevention Specialist on the progress and any challenges from the field.

    We are looking for a Consultant/team with the following skills and qualifications:

    An individual with demonstrable experience in VAW/G, intimate partner violence, gender equality, qualitative & quantitative researches, data analysis and reporting with a focus on Social research and evaluation, preferably in the region.
    Prior experience in using Gender Equitable Men’s Scale or similar.
    The team leader should preferably possess a post graduate degree in research-oriented social science or related discipline with extensive knowledge of and experience in leading (designing and undertaking) large scale quantitative social surveys as well as qualitative research
    Experience in managing and coordinating evaluation/research exercises, delivering agreed outputs on time and on budget

    Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies
    Previous experience working with women, girls and communities using participatory approaches
    Excellent and demonstrated understanding of women’s Human rights and ethical issues in research
    Strong quantitative data analysis skills and previous experience using statistical analysis software
    Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner.
    Capacity to use mobile data collection and GIS tools for data collection, and analysis of survey results.
    Excellent verbal and written communication in English required.

    Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:

    Letter of interest in submission of a proposal
    A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following:

    Consultant/Company Profile
    Proposed methodology including areas of piloting, Sample Size Determination, and a proposed consultancy work plan
    Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToR (with submission of the most recent report)
    Proposed data management plan (collection, processing and analysis).
    Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).
    A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in Kenya Shillings.

    The Applications should be submitted to Tender Committee, ( The deadline for submission is at 5.00 PM on 4th March 2020
     [HL1] Anything over 20 pages that does NOT include annexes etc is long. The Consultant is encouraged to be concise and to the point.
     [DM2] Resolved

  • GBV Prevention Training Consultant

    GBV Prevention Training Consultant

    GBV Prevention Training Consultant
    A Primary Prevention consultancy to Develop Content and Train Staff for a  Community Based Prevention of Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls Project in Nairobi.
    Department: Gender & Gender Based Violence
    HIAS is a global Jewish not-for-profit organization that stands for a world in which displaced persons attain full potential and contribute to society through sustained legal, social, and systematic change, attaining legal status, exercising social and economic rights and rebuilding their lives. HIAS’ operation in Kenya was established in 2002 with the mission to serve the most vulnerable refugees through community based protection, mental health and psychosocial-support (MHPSS), economic inclusion, child protection and provision of durable solutions.
    With funding from United Nations Trust Fund (UNTF), this project, Community Based Prevention of Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls in Nairobi, will be implemented by HIAS Kenya over a period of a three-year. The project’s goal is to contribute to refugee women and girls facing less interpersonal violence among the urban refugee population in Nairobi county by 2022. The project aims to achieve the following outcomes:
    1. Refugee men have changed attitudes around power, gender, masculinities and male privilege and take action to prevent Violence against Women and Girls VAW/G.
    2. Refugee women and girls demonstrate an increased understanding that IPV is a violation of their rights and feel confident reporting that violation.
    3.Community systems enable refugee – friendly prevention of VAW/G through both improved access, pathways and strengthened community awareness of IPV
    4. Increased accountability of program staff implementing the project through changes in staff knowledge and attitudes on prevention of VAW/G.
    The purpose for the consultancy is to support HIAS Kenya to develop materials and train staff in preparation of implementing a primary prevention intervention. The intervention combines the following components: community mobilization, behavior change, social marketing and survivor support.  The project builds off of existing evidence based models including Girl Shine, SASA! And Engaging Men in Accountable Practice (EMAP) to develop a context appropriate intervention.
    The consultant will support the adaptation of existing curricula, develop new, contextualized material as necessary, and train HIAS staff to use the materials.  This training should be participatory and experiential and emphasize accountability of program staff to women and girls.

    A modified curriculum based on existing curricula including Men as Partners (MAP) and Engaging Men in Accountable Practice (EMAP).
     Specific applied activities for each of the sessions that help promote accountability and gender equitable behaviors.
     Facilitators guide
    Training materials for HIAS staff using the curriculum.
    2-3-page inception plan on how the consultant will approach the work to ensure alignment between Country Program Workshop presentation and work plan and Inception plan with key parameters and indicators to be considered to EMAP methodologies.
    A 2-3-page training report on the facilitation training

    Ownership and copyright of all training curricula – both Facilitators guide and training curriculum will be the sole and exclusive property of HIAS. The consultant will submit all original documents to HIAS. The consultant shall not re-produce information of this exercise in any form (electronic, hard copies, etc.) to a third party without a written permission from HIAS.
    The overall consultancy is expected to take up to 25 days including 14 for content development, 3 for pilot testing sessions in the community, 3 days of facilitation training, 5 days of training on the curriculum.   Portions of the content can be done remotely. The Consultant should be able to undertake some of the tasks concurrently to fit within the planned time – frame, without compromising the quality expected.
    HIAS Gender and GBV Program Manager will be responsible for the overall coordination of all the training needs and tasks with the Consultant. In addition, the GBV Prevention Coordinator will provide all the necessary technical and operational support required throughout the training process. HIAS HQ based Technical Director will provide technical review of all training curricula. HIAS will also provide the conference/workshop facilities needed for the training.
    The Consultant will be responsible for the following: 
    The consultant will lead the process of:

    Develop curricula and training agenda, methodology, planning and quality control procedures by contextualizing GBV evidence based prevention interventions like SASA, MAP, EMAP and Girl shine with the infusion of recommendations from different refugee nationalities.
    Reviewing existing information, preparing training outlines and objectives
    Provide regular briefing to the Gender/GBV Program Manager on the progress, any challenges and recommendations during the training.
    Pilot the new developed intervention in the community to attest its feasibility.

    Equip the HIAS staff including the GBV Prevention Facilitators with skills and competency on how to handle and facilitate groups.

    We are looking for a Consultant(s) with the following skills and qualifications

    A consulting firm or individual with demonstrable experience in GBV prevention and response. This includes specific experience with primary prevention activities designed to address root causes of violence against women and adolescent girls., training, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and gender equality.
    Prior experience in developing participatory training and program content and able to give examples of curricula and training materials developed.
    Priori experience with SASA! EMAP, MAP or Project H a plus.
    Experience in working in Humanitarian sector and with refugees in urban setting preferably in Kenya .
    Previous experience working with men, women, girls and communities using participatory approaches
    Excellent and demonstrated understanding of women’s Human rights and ethical issues in GBV.
    Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner.
    Excellent verbal and written communication in English required.

    Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:

    Letter of interest in submission of a proposal
    A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToRs and including but not limited to the following;

    Consultant/Company Profile
    Demonstrated previous experience in similar EMAP assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToRs.  Please attach a previous EMAP training report where applicable.
    Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).

  • Consultant


    The challenge
    Our success as an organization rests on the trust we place on our staff to always behave professionally and to the best interests of youth entrusted to them. However we recognize that vulnerable youth are by nature more susceptible to exploitation than others. As the program expands the need to create regulations and processes for ensuring these positive relationships are maintained has become important. Reliance on individual trust worked when we were a small team. But with 45 centers and a staff of 165 (at least 60 of whom are people leaders), and with a training output of about 10,000 per year, such is not tenable anymore.
    Over the past 3 years therefore CAP YEI has invested in several tools including: an ISO 900: 2015 certification which has included a detailed Quality Management System (QMS); an anti-sexual harassment policy, a service charter, a system of satisfaction surveys and a quality team to oversee these changes. We are committed to doing more if the need arises.
    The Task
    We would now like to offer the CAP YEI staff team basic training in protection and sensitivity that will enable them to effectively apply these systems without destroying the professionalism and bonds between staff and students that make our model successful. We foresee this training to be in two parts:
    (i) a team training that will cover the critical elements of protection; gender equality; sensitivity; and professionalism in personal and work relations
    (ii) a people leader training that will (in addition to these core elements) cover the responsibility that those in management have to ensure the safety of youth, professional behavior of staff and to respond to cases of negative behavior, as well as in modeling the kind of professional work behavior that others can learn from.
    Purposes and specific objectives of the assessment and training
    The main purposes of the protection and sensitivity Activity will be:-

    Design, develop and implement a module on gender equality, protection and sensitivity complementing the organizational gender policies to be used during orientation week
    Design and implement gender sensitivity and protection training for selected staff and students which will be scaled up within the whole institution.
    Analyze existing policies and what they imply
    Review the life skills component and advise if it meets the protection threshold
    Draft a report on the protection training highlighting;

    The key issues / concerns on protection and gender sensitivity
    Additional practices needed to improve the process.

    Expression of Interest
    In line with CAPYEI commitment to gender sensitivity and protection for the youth under its care, CAPYEI seeks the technical support of a consultant to undertake this activity.
    Please indicate how many sessions you foresee, how long each would take, methodology and the indicative cost for delivery.
    The task deliverables will additionally include a detailed report with recommendations for any future actions that the origination could take.

  • Consultancy for Civil Society Organisation Capacity Assessment in Wajir County, Kenya

    Consultancy for Civil Society Organisation Capacity Assessment in Wajir County, Kenya

    About the Project
    Islamic Relief Kenya (IRK) is implementing a 24-month project in Wajir East and Wajir South sub-counties of Wajir County, Northeastern Kenya funded by Forum Syd and implemented through IR Kenya. The project’s overall aim is to contribute to improved human rights fulfilment and gender equality. The project will among other things work with local CSOs to address the need for women’s empowerment, champion improved protection for women and children; and work towards educating communities and strengthening their structures and local referral mechanisms to provide appropriate support to survivors of gender-based violence and equally prevent such occurrence
    The purpose of conducting CSOs capacity assessment is to appreciate the efforts directed towards gender equality, economic empowerment of women, human rights, gender and NRM as per sustainable development goals and in line with country integrated development plans One of the key activities of the project is the capacity building of local CSO’s in project locations of Wajir East and Wajir South sub-counties to champion human rights, gender, NRM and livelihood issues. Any capacity building measure to these partners are best informed by conducting in-depth capacity assessment on individual civil society organizations so that precise development support is prioritized and tailored accordingly.
    Therefore, IRK is looking for the service of a consultant to conduct an organization capacity assessment for 4 selected CSOs in Wajir and subsequently develop a capacity building plan on the same.
    To develop a comprehensive assessment report on each of the 4 CSOs inclusive of recommended prioritized development plan.
    Scope of Work (Some of the Key areas that the consultant would need to focus during assessment include):

    System reviews within the organization i.e. Grant Management, HR policies and Procedures, IT, complain and feedback mechanisms, security operating procedures
    Program development, programming, delivery, resource mobilization and organization continuity
    Partnerships and relationships
    Organization principles, values and culture
    Organization governance and leadership
    Financial systems, procedures and internal controls (audited accounts), management letters and recommendations

    Assessment methodology:
    The assessment is expected to utilize methodologies well aligned with the tasks at hand. The methodology will involve collection of primary data from pre-identified CSOs. Additionally, a participatory methodology involving organization board of governors, senior, middle and junior staff during the exercise, on-sport check and review of last 3 years relevant organization documents.
    Key Deliverables

    Development of an inception report highlighting details of the deliverables and methodologies, detailed tools, and instruments (First the inception report will be approved by IRK before allowing any assessment). The agreement with the consultant can be terminated if the inception report is not approved). This would include all practical operational tools that would be deployed in the assessment, the work plan including assessment and report deliveries.
    Questionnaire Testing – the consultant will be responsible to test the tools of the assessment. Refinement will be checked after field testing;
    First Draft Assessment Report – The outline for this delivery could be agreed in the inception report. But it should meet the assessment objectives put in the TOR. The timing frame could also be included in this TOR, as well.

    Tentative Schedule

    The Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) should be completed within a maximum of 10 working days from the commencement of the task. The consultant should submit the detailed breakdown of the evaluation timetable based on the following major activities as a guideline or suggestion:
    Development OCA design & tools and methodology approach
    Review of documentation
    Contact of assessment to four organizations
    Data analysis and report writing
    Preparation and submission of the first draft report
    Meetings with IRK and assessed organization management on initial findings and recommendations
    Incorporation of comments and finalization of the OCA report

    The consultant should:

    Possess excellent assessment skills and must have experience with local CSOs dynamics in Wajir County/North Eastern Kenya.
    Agree with IRK team (management, technical leads and MEAL team) on the methodology of the assessment.
    . Produce a work-plan of the task with doable agreed timelines
    Lead on the assessment process and outputs
    Draft and finalize data collection tools
    Collect and analyze data
    Submit the draft assessment report to IRK
    Submit the final assessment report incorporating comments and inputs from assessed organizations and IRK

    IRK will:

    Facilitate the work as per the specified activity and time frame in the outline above
    Provide relevant project documents to the consultant
    Effect payments according to the agreement
    Provide timely feedback on the report from all relevant staff members.

  • ILRI Consultancy- Graphics Recorder and Whiteboard Animator

    ILRI Consultancy- Graphics Recorder and Whiteboard Animator

    Scope of Work

    The graphic recorder/whiteboard animator (consultant) will be expected to document the process over the 2 days of each workshop, in conjunction with the lead facilitator, and to provide high quality physical and digital images within one week of each event. It is also preferable if the graphic recorder were able to develop a whiteboard video from their drawings, but if not, it is expected that they would work in conjunction with a whiteboard video designer to develop a video of the process and outcome.

    The consultant would be expected to be there for the duration of the workshops and preferably also the day before each workshop for a briefing. There will also be a series of calls with the project team in the lead up to the event and potentially a face-to-face meeting depending on travel costs.

    Tentative dates for the workshops
    National: Dates to be determined, November

    Two local workshops: Dates to be determined

    Kajiado: (April/May)
    Western Kenya: (April/May)

    Final Products/ Expected outputs

    Eight graphic recordings (One per workshop)
    Three whiteboard videos (One from each country case)

    Consultancy Fee: Lumpsum or by mutual agreement

    Post location: Consultant’s base, with travel to workshop venues

    Duration: Maximum 60 working days

    Expected places of travel: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

    Essential Skills And Qualifications

    Experience in documenting complex workshop processes that involve groupwork
    Fluency in English and preferably an ability to communicate in kiSwahili/Amharic/Luganda
    Willingness to work together with the convening and facilitation team to see how best to capture the events
    Willingness to travel to workshop locations in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda
    Ability to make a whiteboard video from the images generated during the process
    It is preferable that the graphics recorder be the same individual as the whiteboard animator, although individuals with either skill are welcome to apply