Job Field: Sector in Consultancy

  • Consultancy to Conduct Cross Border Health Policy and Practice Analysis in Mandera Triangle

    Consultancy to Conduct Cross Border Health Policy and Practice Analysis in Mandera Triangle


    The tri-border area where Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia converge, also known as the Mandera Triangle, is almost entirely inhabited by Somali communities with close cross-border social, economic and development connections. The significant portion of the population is considered cross-border mobile populations (CBMPs) which are composed of: mobile pastoralist looking for pasture; refugees; seasonal cross-border laborers, persons engaged in cross-border economic activity; undocumented migrants; internally displaced persons (IDPs) and communities hosting refugees and IDPs. CBMPs face major barriers to access of basic healthcare needs due to the complex socio-political dynamics of the public health system in the context of migration and cross-border mobility. While it is easy for clinical and public health workers to provide healthcare needs to a static population, the health outcomes for CBMPs are often difficult to monitor and implement.

    The health and nutritional status of the populations in the Mandera Triangle, which is marked by chronic malnutrition as well as disease movement and morbidity, is influenced by several factors. These include limited access to healthcare, poor socio-economic and civil security, food insecurity, poor childcare practices, population, limited water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure. These factors are compounded by and influence persistent cycles of conflict and insecurity in the region.

    Addressing these challenges requires thorough understanding of the unique needs of CBMPs as well as the interconnections between the health challenges and conflict drivers; effective cross-border coordination between key health and political actors in the three countries and developing and implementing policies and approaches that expand access to and provision of health care services while contributing to building sustainable peace in the region.

    Interpeace, in partnership with the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) seek a consultant/policy expert to analyse existing cross-border health policies (and their responsiveness to peace and conflict dynamics), identify gaps that limit effective health service provision and access, and provide recommendations for strengthening cross-border health policies to render them more responsive to the specific health and peace needs of the CBMPs. The analysis will inform the development and revision of IGAD policies designed to boost household and community health security and resilience while contributing to overall peacebuilding efforts in the region.

    Service Or Assignment Description And Objective(s)

    The main objective of this assignment is to analyse existing and established cross border policies and platforms in view of improving these policies to foster effective cross-border coordination of health actors and enhance provision of health services to address the specific health and peace needs of the Mandera Triangle populations. More specifically, the consultant/policy expert will be expected to:

    Conduct a desk review of existing health protocols, analysing the gaps in responsiveness to the needs of CBMDs and the conflict dynamics in the Triangle
    Analyse the gaps between the existing protocols and practices in service provision by health actors in the Triangle
    Consult key stakeholders on how policies on cross border health can be developed or refined to respond to the specific health and peace needs of the Mandera Triangle populations, particularly the CBMPs.
    Develop a draft situation analysis report including policy options for strengthening Cross Border Health Policies to be more responsive to the health and peace needs of CBMPs

    Scope of work

    The anticipated duration of the evaluation is 25 days with a minimum of 10 days to be spent in the Mandera Triangle (Mandera County of Kenya, Dholo and Mubarak zone of Ethiopia and Belet Hawa and Elwak District of Somalia). The anticipated start date is 25 January 2021 with submission of the final draft by end of February 2021.

    Activities, Deliverables

    The Consultant Will Carry Out The Following Duties

    1: Development of the protocol for the assignment : the consultant will develop a checklist for the collection of relevant documents and information. This protocol will be reviewed by Interpeace and the cross-border health technical team prior to the implementation of activities.

    2: Documents review and field visits:

    The Consultant Will Carry Out The Following Activities

    Desk review : The consultant will collect and review the relevant documents for the assignment through the developed tool
    Country visits : The consultant with the support of staff seconded from the ministry of health of the three respective countries and through our partner IGAD will conduct interviews with key stakeholders in the health sector, relevant government institutions and the communities. These visits will focus on collecting relevant country documentation for review and information that will enable in identifying the gaps between the existing policies and practices in service provision by health actors in the Triangle

    3: Development of Draft situation analysis report:

    Based on the desk review and findings from the field, the consultant will draft a situational analysis report which will be discussed and enriched through a regional validation workshop.

    4: Validation workshop : The consultant will facilitate a 2 -day workshop that will bring together member states ministries and partners to present the findings/outcome of the situation analysis and desk review and to refine the recommendations developed by the consultant.

    5: Preparation of final report : The consultant will incorporate comments and contributions from participants and develop the final report including specific policy options.

    Key Deliverables

    The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:

    Inception report including situation analysis tools and checklist for document collections
    Draft Situation analysis report
    Final report with the policy options


    General professional experience

    Solid knowledge and understanding of health sector policies and key health challenges in the Mandera Triangle region
    Knowledge of peacebuilding
    Minimum of 7 years’ experience in policy analysis and development
    Graduate degree in Law, public health, or any other relevant health related degree.
    Sound understanding and application of policy concepts, methodologies and tools
    Willingness to travel to the regions
    An ability to work within tight deadlines
    Good analytical and report writing skills
    Good communication and facilitation skills
    Good interpersonal skills
    Good computer literacy

    Specific Professional Experience

    The consultant should be a highly knowledgeable person in policy analysis and development

    For consideration for this opportunity, please submit an expression of interest (no longer than 5 pages and inclusive of the proposed budget and CVs for the proposed consultant to no later than 18 January 2021 (midnight Nairobi time).“Health Policy and Practice Analysis – Mandera Kenya” MUST BE included in the subject line of the application email to be considered.Applicants, if shortlisted, will be required to subsequently submit work samples, in English.Interpeace values diversity among its staff and aims at achieving greater gender parity in all levels of its work. We welcome applications from women and men, including those with disabilities.

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  • Individual Contractor to provide support on COVID response: Knowledge management, monitoring and events

    Individual Contractor to provide support on COVID response: Knowledge management, monitoring and events


    PART I

    Title of Assignment

    Individual Contractor to provide support on COVID response: Knowledge management, monitoring and events


    Education section, ESARO


    Remote, no travel required


    Full time (equivalent of 112 days) over 5 months

    Background and Justification

    As all countries in Eastern and Southern Africa have started to fully or partially reopen their schools after months long closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ESARO Education section is fully engaged in the process by providing technical assistance and expertise to Country Offices’ work with governments, especially on: ensuring a safe and inclusive reopening and monitoring COVID-19 in schools, monitoring re-enrolment of all children and advocating for a full reopening.

    In order to tailor this support to the situation and needs of countries in the region, Education section collected country documents, cases studies throughout the long processes of school reopening, undertook studies/rapid assessment as well as conducted a series of bilateral calls with countries to collect qualitative and quantitative data on the situation of school reopening in their context. This allowed to gather a significant amount of information and documents focusing on national measures and UNICEF support to ensure a safe reopening, track re-enrolment and drop-out, ensure equity and inclusion in the process, adjust to lost learning and finance education in a post-COVID-19 context. To be relevant, shareable and impactful for countries and partners, the collected information needs to be processed, analysed and visualised into a streamlined regional report outlining the country responses to COVID-19, highlighting the challenges and needs for school reopening and showcasing promising practices. The purpose of such analysis is to document the education response to the Covid-19 crisis and particularly the reopening of schools in ESAR and share experiences from countries, which meets a high demand from COs. By visualizing data on the region, displaying evidence on the education response to the crisis, sharing countries good practices and lessons learned, this report will aim at informing and strengthening the development of strategies at country level, supporting advocacy and resource mobilization for a safe and inclusive reopening.

    The ESARO education section, in close collaboration with Health and other sectors is also expanding partnerships around Covid 19, children and schools to foster evidence sharing, collaboration and joint, action-oriented planning on safe reopening among Ministries of Education, Ministries of Health and other national partners throughout the region. In close collaboration with WHO Africa, CDC Africa and GPE, UNICEF ESARO will organize, co-lead and document a regional, virtual event bringing together key stakeholders of the 21 countries to share the latest evidence and guidance on C-19 transmission and mitigation measures in schools, and to develop joint action plans, based on good practices at national, sub-national, school and community level to keep learners and teachers safe. The intersectoral dialogue and resulting country roadmaps will provide UNICEF country offices with country roadmaps for follow up action with Ministry counterparts.

    The ESARO education section is involved in the advocacy on girls return to school. Evidence shows that girls have been and continue to be particularly vulnerable to prolonged school closures. School closures have been found to worsen the situation of girls, particularly because of the limited time available for learning at home, but also because the COVID-related quarantines have exposed many girls to gender-based violence, including sexual exploitation and early and unwanted pregnancies, while denying them access to some essential social services. UNICEF ESARO is joining forces with UN Women and the Council of Traditional leaders of Africa (COTLA) to co-organze a webinar aiming to discuss how to work together, traditional leaders, educational authorities, development partners to facilite girls return to school, create a more egalitarian and inclusive education system and give more chance to girls to get education and break the cycle of poverty.

    In addition, the education section is producing a digital interactive product to advance programme and partnership developments around ‘learning to earning’ across the region. There is a timely and strategic opportunity, especially within the Covid-19 context for ESARO to innovatively position its work. With many relevant initiatives underway and increasingly new partners engaged in across the organization and region the various programmatic pieces are not yet well-connected within sectors or well-known by all stakeholders. The proposed idea is to have multi-faceted and user-friendly interactive on-line product for use by country and regional teams that would serve to improve knowledge management, learnings, technical assistance, programme development and partnership.

    Thus, to respond to the above identified priorities, an individual contractor with the below knowledge, experience and skills is required to i) review collected data and produce and edit a regional report on school reopening in ESAR in the context of COVID-19, and to ii) support the organization, preparation, documentation and follow up to a large, virtual, multi-partner and multi-country event on knowledge sharing, exchange and planning on COVID-19, children and schools and to iii) co-organize a webinar with UN Women and COTLA on facilitating girls return to school and inclusive education more broadly iv) support the development of a digital interactive programme and partnership tool on adolescent ‘learning to earning’ for the region.

    Knowledge of the Covid 19 context as it relates to education and relevant responses to the situation in ESA countries,
    Proven skills in knowledge management and the drafting of quality reports, concept notes, presentations and other documents
    Demonstrated experience in organizing, preparing and documenting large regional events with multiple partners, stakeholders and audiences
    Knowledge of UNICEF regional partnerships and relevant priorities in the Covid context
    strong communication and interpersonal skills

    Scope of Work

    Goal and Objective: Under the supervision of the Regional Education Adviser, the individual contractor will support the organization, documentation and follow up to two multi-partner regional events – one regional planning event on Covid 19, children and schools and one webinar on girls’ education. The individual contractor will also produce a regional analysis of the school reopening processes in Eastern and Southern African countries and an innovative ESAR interactive programme and partnership tool on adolescent ‘learning to earning’ This means processing, visualizing and putting into a narrative the collected data as well as all the pieces of work produced by ESARO in order to write and edit a regional report on school reopening in ESAR that can be shared with COs, other ROs and relevant education partners.
    Provide details/reference to AWP areas covered: This contract is to provide quality technical assistance to the Education section to strengthen its support to country offices in promoting sharing of experiences, lessons learnt and good practices, and further enhances the development of partnerships for risk-informed programming and financing. In the ESARO 2020-2021 workplan, it comes under ‘Output 2: Enhanced capacity of COs to design, implement, monitor and evaluate risk informed education programmes that ensure that girls, boys, including those with disabilities, complete early learning, primary and secondary education with grade level learning outcomes’, Education in Emergencies/technical assistance (‘New Covid-19 activities), activity 24 ‘Development of tools/research’.

    Activities and Tasks:

    I. Regional Analysis

    Review the raw data and documents shared by countries or generated by ESARO
    Draft a regional analysis on school reopening in ESAR drawing from the data collected during the bilateral calls with COs and any other documents shared by countries or produced by ESARO. It will:

    Outline the situation of schools, children and teachers in the context of school reopening in ESAR in times of COVID-19 pandemic (including visualisation of the quantitative data)
    Summarize and analyse the strategies adopted by governments for school reopening based on the qualitative data (measures to implement a safe reopening, policies to ensure equity and inclusion, to ensure continuity of learning, to support teachers) highlighting good practices and the support of UNICEF COs in the implementation of inclusive safe school reopening
    Pull out lessons learned from the school reopening processes to take on for building back better

    Revise the draft regional report by incorporating the inputs and comments from the ESARO Education Section
    Finalise and edit to a high-quality report adhering to UNICEF style guidelines with a one-pager summary

    II. Regional Virtual Events (regional planning event on Covid-19, children and school ; continental webinar on girls return to school)

    Draft, manage and track invitations ensuring fluid communication with co-convenors, 21 COs and invitees across 21 countries
    Finalise the event agenda, develop interactive PPTs/polls and user-friendly templates for working groups and incorporate co-convenor’s feedback in final versions (for the Covid-19 event), ensuring synergies between co-convener’s presentations
    Support the contracting of an external facilitator for the event
    Support event facilitation and the management of break out groups
    Document event and draft a high-quality workshop report
    Initiate event follow-up with COs and organize follow up calls with co-conveners and COs based on workshop report and country action plans (for the Covid-19 event)

    III. The development of the innovative ESAR interactive programme and partnership tool (product) on adolescent ‘learning to earning’ opportunities

    Draft/finalise, manage and provide content to the contracted and external designers to develop the tool. A framework and draft concept will be provided with content details for the designers to adapt/create the tool.
    Manage the communications/liaise directly with the design team and COs to plan and finalise content, proofs and design concept, as needed; coordinate and participate in design and planning meetings accordingly.
    Lead the development and finalisation of the tool/product.
    Provide suggestions for the roll-out/usage of the tool, with the support of the design team (e.g. CO webinar, RO briefing session)

    IV. Support the Regional Education Adviser

    Support the Regional Education Adviser in all tasks required. This may include drafting briefing notes, concept notes, presentations, communications and supporting meetings.

    Work relationships: The individual contractor will be supervised by the Regional Education Adviser in close collaboration with the Education Specialist for Equity and Access, the Education Specialist for Education in Emergencies, the Education Specialist on Adolescent Skills & Employability and may be expected to work with other members of the ESARO Education section.

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  • Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant

    Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant

    About the job

    Project Summary

    This position is for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Advocacy and Knowledge Management project. The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Consultant will establish and manage the overall activity system to track progress towards meeting contract results, indicators and targets.

    Primary Responsibilities

    Ensure that performance monitoring, action research, and evaluations are consistent with program results and track activity progress towards achieving targets and results;
    Ensure that the methodologies proposed by the contractor to measure the program impact, are being consistently and systematically tracked and reported;
    Manage and coordinate program effectiveness evaluation, including quality implementation.
    Manage and coordinate field-based monitoring and evaluation specialists, and any other staff responsible to performance monitoring, oversight, and data collection and reporting.

    Required Skills and Experience

    Master’s Degree or higher in education, research methods or another relevant social science is required. Training in qualitative and quantitative analysis is required;
    At least eight (8) years of experience with design and M&E for programs required.
    Demonstrated success and experience in monitoring results and indicators of community engagement required;
    Prior experience with monitoring and reporting requirements for USAID programs highly desired;
    Demonstrated excellence in communications and interpersonal skills;
    Professional proficiency and fluency in written and spoken English


    How to Apply

    If this sounds like you, send us your CV to:

    Application Deadline: 25th January 2021

    Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

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  • Drip Irrigation Survey

    Drip Irrigation Survey

    Project: Integrated Climate Resilience Project (ICReP
    Location: Garashi, Kilifi County
    Time: December, 2020.
    Reporting to: Project officer

    Background information

    Islamic Relief is a humanitarian and developmental organization inspired by the Islamic Faith envisages a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled and people respond as one to the suffering of others. Islamic Relief started operations in Kenya in 1993 on orphan’s sponsorship Programme. Over the years Islamic Relief has implemented various development and relief activities in Northeastern Kenya tailored towards sustainable development, emergency response, recovery, DRR & livelihood support. Moreover, Islamic Relief’s programmes are aligned to respond to & comply with government developmental policies (such as Vision 2030), community focus, regional vision as well as global sustainable development goals.

    In 2017 Islamic Relief Kenya has reached over 500, 000 persons in its programme and will continue supporting the communities to ease their suffering and contribute to the improvement their living standards.

    For Islamic Relief (IR), there is no greater priority than ensuring our work has the greatest positive impact on the people we serve. Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled and people respond as one to the suffering of others. Children are the heart of every community, and have been at the core of Islamic Relief’s work over the past 30 years. In working with vulnerable children around the world, Islamic Relief takes seriously its responsibility to uphold the protection of children, uphold children’s rights and promote Islamic teachings, national and international frameworks to provide safeguards from harm.

    Islamic Relief believes that all children have a right to personal dignity and protection from abuse and recognizes the special responsibility and duty of care it bears to create a safe environment for children within the projects and programmes it manages and supports. The interest of child safety and protection should be paramount to any other interest that might compromise it

    Currently IRK is currently implementing a post drought emergency project in Kilifi County, This is a two-year Integrated Sustainable Development Project targeting two locations, Aresa and Garashi in Mandera and Kilifi Counties respectively. The project seek to build resilient model villages over a period of 24 months using both need and right based approaches in socio-economic strengthening. The project will work directly with 5535 households including smallholder farmers, fishers, traders, pastoralists, youth and women in the 2 locations. It will also support school children with an aim to improve enrolment, retention and transition. Communities in target locations are vulnerable to climatic shocks, specifically drought, which combined with low productivity and a lack of access to markets and financial services has resulted in low income security and widespread poverty. IRK collaborate with various stakeholders and government department while working with the local communities across various thematic areas including; food security and livelihood, WASH, Education, advocacy, environment and DRR.

    To ensure long-lasting and sustainable economic empowerment, the project will heavily focus on creating market linkages and networking communities with private sector players. Further, the project will offer specific set of business trainings to vulnerable community groups, in addition to explicitly promoting women’s participation in all project activities.

    Activities and output

    Persons involved


    Drip irrigation 25acre farm survey.
    Survey of the two schools drip irrigation
    Technical Agronomist / Irrigation expert
    Drip irrigation site map
    Drip irrigation requirements and estimated cost


    iTopo Survey the 25 acres and establish the drip requirements.
    Survey the two acres in the two schools and establish. Drip requirements
    Drip Irrigation design system
    Drip irrigation lay out

    Time Frame

    The engagement is planned to run for 2 weeks.


    Have experience in drip irrigation systems.
    Should agronomist / irrigation expert
    Excellent report writing and presentation skills.
    Ability to pay attention to details.
    The candidate should be available immediately.

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  • Temenos PACS Consultant

    Temenos PACS Consultant


    Temenos was founded on the belief that “People are Key.” As we accelerate in our SaaS first transformation, we are looking for passionate, creative, technology-savvy solutions/presales consultants and leaders from all over the world and from different backgrounds to join us on our journey. We believe in making banking better for all and are building supportive teams of unique people who share in our vision and purpose.
    As part of our continuous expansion, we are looking for talented consultant to help us drive our business.

    Key Responsibilities

    Primary responsibility is in the area of PACS ticket resolutions in an effective and efficient manner.
    Understand the functions of the specific T24 module, in which expertise needs to be built via training programs including on the job training, class room training and training material available on the knowledge-base
    Fully understand the details provided in logged ticket.
    Validate the completeness of information provided and if required, seek to collect outstanding information from client.
    Use the collected information to analyse the problem.
    When identified as a bug, complete the required documentation process including product analysis of defect, clearly and explicitly indicating reason and resolution of the defect.
    Work in collaboration with the Development team to provide any additional information as required to fix and test the problem effectively.
    In case of non-defects, close the ticket with sufficient information for the client to be able to understand and appreciate the answer with full satisfaction.
    Available to perform onsite analysis of tickets at client places.
    Typically this would be required during the milestone period of the client like Go Live of implementation, branches, modules and Upgrade.

    Skills & Experience

    Professional experience in development/support of Temenos T24 product for financial and banking institutions.
    Through expertise in TAFC, TAFJ, Info Basic (jBC), JQL and OFS.
    Strong knowledge on the latest T24 template programming language.
    Thorough expertise in T24 customization(Enquiries, versions and online services)
    Fair knowledge on the T24 Technical architecture.
    Hands on experience into Web services, Interface development, Integration Framework, Interaction Framework (Iris), Design Studio, Data Formatting
    Engine and SOAP/REST integration tools.
    Strong functional knowledge in Trade Finance, Syndicated Lending, Retail Banking Business, Delivery, Accounting, GL set-ups and treasury module.


    You will work at the cutting edge of technology innovation; we challenge the status quo and are transforming banking every day.
    You will experience in a fast-paced environment, ambitious team; we look forwards and continuously strive to be the best.
    You will be part of a team that values integrity; we support each other and keep our promises.
    You will be able to work freely, flexibly and true to your authentic self; we champion diversity.
    You will be joining a global and diverse family that works together through the good times and bad; we care deeply about each other and our clients.
    You will experience what we call – Temenosity!

    We value applications from people from all walks of life; if you are excited to be part of our journey and want to make a real impact, we would love to hear from you.

    Please make sure to read our Recruitment Privacy Policy

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  • Consultancy for Outcome Survey

    Consultancy for Outcome Survey

    Job Description/Requirements

    IIRR-Kenya is seeking the services of a Consultant to lead in conducting quarterly surveys for its Food Security and Resilient Livelihoods projects’ in Kenya.

    Scope of the assignment

    The work is estimated to take approximately ten (10) working days that will include preparation, development of the survey tools, reviewing of the tools, actual field work, data analysis, report writing

    The consultant will provide the following deliverables to the project management in a timely manner:

    Inception report –with expanded qualitative questions, work plan
    Survey report

    Qualification, skills and experiences

    A minimum of a master’s degree in Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Statistics, Research, Modeling or any other related field;
    A minimum of 10 years’ experience conducting baseline studies of projects in Agribusiness value chain development and experience in conducting surveys, analyzing, synthesizing and presenting information.
    A solid and diverse experience in research, monitoring and evaluation of food security and livelihoods improvement projects.**
    Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and demonstrable analytical and statistical skills.**
    Ability to deliver on the tasks within tight deadlines and against set targets.

    Qualified and interested consultants are invited to submitNB: Shortlisted candidates will be contacted and provided with detailed terms of reference to develop full technical and financial proposals.

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  • Senior Consultants (Up to 5) Country Advisors

    Senior Consultants (Up to 5) Country Advisors

    Department/Location: Global Health, Education and Economic Development (GH EE) Practice/ US with possible travel overseas

    Reports To: Project Leader and/or GH EE Management Team Member

    Type: Consultancy

    Overview: IBTCI is seeking up to five Senior Consultants to provide services to implement The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s Global Fund Strategic Initiative on Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Project.


    Essential Duties/Tasks and Responsibilities:

    A Senior Consultant – Country Advisor will assist with the review of the programmatic and cost effectiveness of national frameworks for AGYW programs in each of the five (5) countries: Lesotho, eSwatini, Cameroon, Kenya and Mozambique. The period of performance for the project is three years from on or about January, 1 2021 to December, 30, 2023. The Senior Consultant will be a part-time consultancy with the majority of the level of effort in year 2. One Senior Consultant – Country Advisor will be based in each respective country.


    The Senior Consultant – Country Advisor will assist with the country level review of national AGYW programs, considering:

    The compliance of the national strategy/framework with technical guidance, including national/regional guidance
    The interventions included in the strategy/framework, to consider whether they are cost effective and evidence based and how this can be refined, and to ensure achievement of optimal HIV prevention outcomes for AGYW and their male sexual partners
    The extent to which the approaches to implementation adopted are appropriate to enable efficient implementation at scale.
    Any tailored approach to implementation at sub-national level which addresses HIV incidence variation and the local HIV epidemic drivers at sub-national level

    Besides the country level reviews, and given the infancy of structured, national programs associated with HIV incidence reduction for AGYW, the Senior Consultant – Country Advisor will also be expected to contribute to the evidence base associated with national strategy effectiveness and quality. This will be done through contacting relevant organizations, collecting data and information, and supporting a meta-analysis of findings associated with, for example, the most effective interventions and combinations of interventions for achieving impact/outcomes and most effective prioritization approaches.

    The Senior Consultant – Country Advisor, will serve in the above consultant capacity to support the IBTCI.

    This position does not authorize/require the consultant to directly communicate with IBTCI clients.
    This position does not authorize/require the consultant to have decision-making authority on final work products.


    Minimum Requirements:

    At least 10 years of relevant experience designing or implementing adolescent girls and young women HIV prevention activities.
    Understanding of their respective country’s HIV prevention frameworks and policies at national and sub-national levels.
    Proven oral and writing skills and track record of creating compelling, clear, and succinct documents.
    Demonstrated ability and work authorization to work in one of the five focus countries
    Have the capacity to work in the national language of the host country and English (if different)


    Advanced degree in the social sciences or public health (PhD desirable).

    Preferred Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

    Experience with The Global Fund
    Technical Assistance/ strategic interventions on regional and national level

    Working Environment: Work will be performed in an office environment and/ or overseas.

    Supervisory Responsibility: This position does not have supervisory responsibilities.

    Physical Requirements: This is largely a sedentary position that requires the ability to speak, hear, see, and lift small objects up to 20 lbs.

    Travel: International travel may be required.

    No phone calls please. All candidates will be contacted, but only final candidates for particular activities will be contacted.

    Please note this statement of work is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities may change at any time with or without notice.

    IBTCI is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran, or any other classification protected by applicable anti-discrimination laws. We prohibit and do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment.

    If you are an applicant with a disability that requires a reasonable accommodation to complete any part of the application process or are limited in the ability, or unable to use the online application system and need an alternative method for applying, you may contact the Talent Acquisition team at

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  • Consultancy: For In-depth Assessment of Nutrition Interventions in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya (Home Based)

    Consultancy: For In-depth Assessment of Nutrition Interventions in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya (Home Based)

    Purpose of Activity/Assignment:

    The main purpose of this consultancy is to support Ministry of Health (MOH) to conduct an in-depth assessment of nutrition intervention /programme coverage in the context of Covid-19 pandemic and establish the main issues leading to low service utilization especially in IMAM program in arid and semi-arid and urban counties. The assessment is aimed at strengthening the available quantitative evidence by explaining the observed trends (the “Whys”) and generating recommendations based on community and stakeholder feedback to inform program improvement strategies.

    The assessment will respond to the following:

    How the various arid and semi-arid and urban counties are performing in nutrition program service delivery against set targets and threshold through a comprehensive data review: Identification of  areas of high or low performance from the available program data including identification of those least or most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to inform further investigation and selection of counties to be included in in-depth qualitative assessment.  
    Identification of key factors pre and during COVID 19 period (facilitators and bottlenecks) affecting performance against set targets. What the supply and demand side bottlenecks to meeting program targets are. Investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected nutrition service utilization – both demand and supply side by engaging various stakeholders and targeted communities. Investigate how program adaptations have been implemented, successes, limitations and opportunities for scale up (including use of ICT) considering COVID-19 pandemic.  Identify strengthens, quick wins and lessons learned in the context of COVID-19
    Assess the level of awareness and compliance with guidance released on nutrition and related components in the context of COVID-19 and understand from communities their experiences in accessing health and nutrition services in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.
    Undertake in-depth qualitative assessment in sampled counties to identify WHY the utilization of services has gone down, and suggest potential remedial actions resulting in improved access to and coverage of integrated nutrition services. Identify key successes and document good practices and generate evidence-based lessons to strengthen and expand the good practices in other areas in case of emergency or future pandemics.
    Generate key proposed or recommended sustainable strategies from key stakeholders to address challenges and improve nutrition programs delivery and uptake. These include strategies related to Covid-19 pandemic and other shocks to improve program resilience.

    Scope of Work: (see end note below [1][1] )

    2.1 Background and Justification:

    The Ministry of Health with support from UNICEF and other partners has been implementing High Impact Nutrition Interventions including maternal infant and child nutrition, micronutrient supplementation and IMAM program to reach population in the greatest need in arid and semi-arid (ASAL) counties. However, there has been a notable interruption of services by the COVID-19 pandemic across health and nutrition interventions. The revision of selected health and nutrition protocols such as the guidance to visit child welfare clinic (CWC) at critical points only (such as scheduled immunization). In this regard, growth monitoring and promotion (GMP) which has been a key platform for nutrition counselling and education has been affected. Although an upward trend has been observed, the number of clients seen are still way below those reported in February 2020. Malezi bora activities normally conducted in May every year were also halted though catch up activities have been implemented in vitamin A supplementation program to ensure children are reached through community health strategy. A notable decline in IMAM admissions continues to be observed in 2020 compared to previous years and seasons. According the Ministry of Health[1], only thirty three percent of children targeted for treatment of acute malnutrition in 2020 have been admitted to the IMAM program between January and August 2020 and the annual 2020 target is unlikely to be met if the same trends continue. From a general perspective the reduced admissions have been linked to COVID-19 pandemic, scaling down of outreach activities, stock-out of IMAM commodities and a better food and nutrition security situation. However, they are gaps in understanding the specific issues leading to the low performance from a community perspective (demand side perspective) and there is need to understand their behavior and interest as regards nutrition interventions for program improvement. The general factors such as outreach strategy due to long distances to facilities and availability of supplies require concerted sustainable approaches in the face of a changing financial landscape. There is therefore need to engage key decision makers and programmers to understand bottlenecks related to prioritization and investment towards high impact nutrition interventions including procurement of IMAM commodities. With technical and financial support from UNICEF, the Ministry of Health has therefore set out to systematically gather evidence geared towards improving nutrition interventions through recruitment of a highly qualified and experienced consultant to conduct an in-depth assessment of nutrition interventions.

    The in-depth assessment will be mainly qualitative with application of relevant quantitative approaches. The assessment will be preceded by a desk review of existing literature (relevant strategies, guidelines and frameworks) including critical analysis of the relevant available quantitative data to inform further enquiry/investigation and sampling of three counties to be included in the in-depth qualitative assessment. Sampling of the three counties will ensure representation of arid, semi-arid and urban counties with consideration of program performance and county admissions with preference to counties with higher IMAM program admissions in each category. The assessment will ensure consideration of gender, marginalized groups and geographical differences within the three selected counties. The assessment will engage various stakeholders including community members through focus group discussions; in-depth interviews with key influencers; key informant interviews with government authorities, local/community leaders, and other relevant stakeholders.  Online data collection methods will be used to gather information on selected health system indicators across the urban and ASAL counties.

    Goal and Objective

    Under the supervision of UNICEF Kenya Office and close collaboration with the Ministry of Health Division of Nutrition and Dietetics, the overall objective of this consultancy is to conduct an in-depth assessment of nutrition interventions in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, the objectives of the assessment are:  

    Determine how the various arid and semi-arid and urban counties are performing in nutrition program service delivery against set targets and threshold through a comprehensive data review to inform further investigation and selection of counties to be included in the in-depth qualitative assessment.
    Assess the level of awareness and compliance with guidance released on nutrition and related components in the context of COVID-19
    Investigate how program adaptations have been implemented; identify strengthens and quick wins document successes, limitations and opportunities for scale up considering COVID-19 pandemic.
    Identify key factors affecting performance against set targets and investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected nutrition programs coverage – both demand and supply side by engaging various stakeholders and targeted communities.
    Identify from community perspective and other stakeholders why utilization of services has gone down, and suggest potential remedial actions resulting in improved access to and coverage of integrated nutrition services.
    Generate key proposed or recommended sustainable strategies from key stakeholders to address challenges and improve nutrition programs delivery and uptake including strategies related to Covid-19 pandemic and other shocks to improve program resilience.

    Provide details/reference to RWP areas/UNDAF output covered

    This project component aligns with the UNICEF (2018-2022) Outcome 2 (Reduced Mortality & Stunting); Output 1.5 – By 2022, Government and non-governmental partners adopt risk-informed approaches to emergency preparedness, planning and response.

    Activities and tasks

    In consultation with Nutrition Information Technical Working Group (NITWG), Emergency Nutrition Advisory Group ENAC and other working groups, develop a detailed work plan that will outline the specific activities tasks, timelines and associated costs
    Conduct desk review of existing literature and critical analysis of MIYCN, micronutrient, IMAM capacity assessment reports and related programs data to inform further investigation and selection of counties for in-depth qualitative assessment.
    Provide progress update at least once every two weeks to the UNICEF and MOH focal points
    In consultation with ENAC and other working groups, prepare detailed methodology (power point presentations and word versions).
    Present the quantitative analysis and qualitative assessment methodology for review and validation by NITWG.
    Coordinate and consolidate technical inputs from working groups and other stakeholders and ensure they are well briefed and guided on the in-depth assessment.
    Visit selected counties and communities for in-depth qualitative assessment. Train data collection team, collect data, transcribe and analyse data.  Remote engagement is an option only if field visit is deemed impossible for the focus counties chosen for qualitative assessment
    Present the in-depth assessment findings (power point) for review and validation by NITWG.
    Present the assessment findings to key stakeholders for validation and ownership
    Prepare a comprehensive in-depth assessment report and a communication brief with key findings and recommendations in consultation with ENAC, other relevant program TWGs and NITWG

    Work relationships

    The consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Nutrition Specialist, Emergency in collaboration with the Head, Division of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ministry of Health.  The assessment will be jointly led by the MOH DND and UNICEF in close collaboration with implementing partners and County governments where the assessment will be done.  Co-leadership of the process will be undertaken by the Emergency Nutrition Advisory Committee (ENAC) and the Nutrition information working group (NITWG) with an expanded task team that draws members from other programmes at DND being put in place at National level. The Head, Division of Nutrition will be responsible for establishing contacts between the consultant and key stakeholders; making available copies of government documents, facilitating access to internal documents and organizing the validation workshop. The Nutrition Emergency Specialist will monitor the progress of the consultant work through progress updates, their reviews and feedback to the consultant.


    Inception report with detailed assessment plan indicating specific tasks/activities, timelines and estimated costs.
    Desk review/analysis report, and qualitative assessment plan
    Detailed assessment methodology (MS Word and power point versions) including data analysis plan, data collection tools and detailed assessment budget
    Final report endorsed by ENAC
    Final assessment report (including qualitative and quantitative component), together with power point presentation
    Activity implementation report
    Communication brief
    Required qualifications, desired competencies, technical background and experience
    (Consult with HR on this prior to signing off on the TOR)

    Education: Academic qualifications and required level of education;

    Advanced university degree in Public Nutrition, Public Health, Epidemiology, Demography, Statistics, Development studies, Social Sciences, or related disciplines.
    Specialist skills/Training: State the specialized skills and/or training if needed;
    Proficiency in use of relevant computer applications including qualitative data management and analysis applications
    Demonstrate excellent interpersonal and professional skills in interacting with government and development, implementing partners and other stakeholders.
    Excellent analytical, conceptual, communication and report writing skills
    Ability to work with minimal supervision;
    Highly motivated and committed to core values of professionalism, accountability, courage in action, integrity and teamwork.
    Years of experience: Indicate the length of relevant work experience that is required in the technical area for this consultancy (the number of years is linked to the “estimated” level of the assignment – P2 minimum 2 yrs, P3 minimum 5 years, P4 minimum 8 yrs; P5 minimum 10 years);
    Over five years’ experience in qualitative and quantitative M&E approaches.
    In-depth knowledge and understanding of health and nutrition including programming and implementation of IMAM/CMAM program in developing countries
    Demonstrate experience in program reviews, assessment and qualitative assessments methods
    Competencies: list the competencies that the consultant should have for the assignment
    Languages required: any specific language requirements
    Excellent command of English, both written and oral
    Ability to work independently and in teams within a multi-cultural environment

    Apply via :

  • Amnesty Kenya Constitution Revision Consultancy 


            Human Resource Consultancy

    Amnesty Kenya Constitution Revision Consultancy Human Resource Consultancy

    Results we seek

    Under the direction of the Executive Director, we seek a consultant to coordinate the revision of our current constitution in line with the following;
    Nine new organisational principles for the new organisational constitution
    Legal standards set within the NGO Coordination Act, Rules and Regulations

    Specific tasks

    Review the current founding constitution against new organizational principles, NGO Coordination Act and best practices for accountable not-for-profit organisations
    Consult and advise Management team and Board on legal standards and best practices
    Write a draft new organizational constitution, support the Executive Director in presentations to various stakeholders and revise draft accordingly
    It is expected that this work will take roughly 10 days work spread over December.

    Required Qualifications


    At least a Bachelors’ legal degree or two years of relevant professional experience
    Demonstrated familiarity with governance and management of not for profit organisations and associations
    Familiarity with the NGO Coordination Act and international not-for-profit best practices
    Excellent legal drafting and listening
    Fluent level of written and spoken English and Kiswahili


    Demonstrated experience of managing legal transformation and change management
    Demonstrated experience of leadership development coaching

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  

    Apply via :