Job Field: Sector in Consultancy

  • Consultancy for Policies and Procedure Development

    Consultancy for Policies and Procedure Development

    Purpose of the Consultancy
    IntraHealth is seeking the services of a consultant to assist in the drafting and finalization of operational policies and procedures covering key functional areas including management, finance, operations, and human resources for a local affiliate health development NGO in Kenya, The consultant will be provided with a set of policies and procedures from IntraHealth and its local affiliates and adapt these to relevant Kenyan legal and operational context for use by a new local affiliate NGO in Kenya. If any critical gaps in the provided policies and procedures are identified based on the Kenyan context, the consultant may also be tasked to draft and finalize new policies and/or procedures to address these gaps in collaboration with IntraHealth and the local NGO affiliate in order to provide the local affiliate NGO the necessary policies and procedures framework and guidance for full, functional operation in Kenya in the health development sector.

    Scope of Work Details

    Review and adapt set of policy and procedures documents for IntraHealth International and its local affiliate NGOs (covering management, finance, operations, and human resources) to produce drafts that take into account relevant Kenyan legal and operational context for use by a Kenyan local affiliate health development NGO.
    Submit draft policies and procedures to IntraHealth and local affiliate NGO for review and incorporate feedback to produce final documents.
    If critical gaps in policies and/or procedures guidance are identified based on the Kenyan legal and operational context, draft policies and/or procedures to fill gaps in collaboration with IntraHealth and local affiliate NGO.
    Provide relevant advice to both IntraHealth and the local affiliate NGO throughout the policies and procedures development/finalization process.

    Deliverables and Reports
    The consultant will lead the completion of the following deliverables, with the expectation that some of the tasks will be completed by the consultant while completion of others will be facilitated by the consultant by overseeing, supporting and reviewing the work of assigned IntraHealth and local affiliate NGO staff, and/or other engaged consultants. IntraHealth may prioritize some consultant tasks and deliverables over others based on needs for establishing the local affiliate and the timeline of activities. Draft versions will be produced, input solicited from designated individuals, and their feedback incorporated to produce final versions of the following:

    Operational policies and procedures manual for the local affiliate NGO operating in the health development sector, covering key functional areas of management, finance, and operations (including but not limited to ethics, project startup and closeout, finance and accounting, audit, procurement, travel/transportation, and communications).

    HR policies and procedures manual (i.e., employee handbook) for same.

    Quotations should clearly state unit price (daily rate).
    Quotations should include the following:

    Up to date CV(s)
    Cover letter
    At least 3 references with current contact info for assignments of similar scope and size (references will be checked)
    Established daily rate in Kenyan shillings which should be proven by providing three completed assignment invoices or proof of salary with the requested rate

    IntraHealth reserves the right to a) reject any and all offers, in whole or in part, for any reason whatsoever, b) waive immaterial requirements, and c) pursue purchasing in a manner that is in the best interest of IntraHealth.
    United States law prohibits transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. The supplier must ensure compliance with these laws in any resultant contract from this RFQ.
    Duration: Up to a total of 20 days; work to be completed over approximately 2 months (April– May 2021 period)

    Ring Road/Lower Kabete Rd, Westlands
    P.O. Box 66276-00800

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  • CALL FOR PROPOSAL;Final Evaluation of CAP Youth Empowerment Institute’s Phase Two of Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) Model Terms of Reference (TOR)

    CALL FOR PROPOSAL;Final Evaluation of CAP Youth Empowerment Institute’s Phase Two of Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) Model Terms of Reference (TOR)

    Project background
    The project was established with the following goals and objectives:

    Give disadvantaged youth in Kenya the opportunity to successfully transition to market-oriented work, and earn and build assets for their futures by employing the Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) methodology to teach life skills, job market relevant skills, savings education & small business development training.
    Provide youth with vital pre- and post-job-placement counselling, support and services (including financial) as they transition to work
    Transform outdated technical and vocational training systems (TVETs) in Kenya though capacity building of the trainers in some of the elements of the BEST model


    Provide 23,030 marginalized youth with employability skills and support to access internship and  job  opportunities,  through  CAP’s  Basic  Employability  Skills  Training  (CAP-BEST)  model  in  20  existing and new demonstration and replication centers that will function as accredited vocational training centers within the Kenyan TVET sector.
    Facilitate adoption of the CAP-BEST model components into the Kenyan TVET system through training and capacity building of 500 VTC instructors and managers to improve learning outcomes in their TVET institutions, in order to reach 39,000  young Kenyans with improved market-relevant soft and technical skills.
    Provide  4,000  graduates  of  the  CAP-BEST  model  support  to  establish  and  grow  micro-businesses   in   the   agriculture,   digital,   manufacturing   and   service   sectors   through   demonstration, replication and VTC partner centers.

    Purpose of Summative Evaluation
    This final evaluation is being commissioned by The MasterCard Foundation in collaboration with CAP YEI. The evaluation should provide both the Foundation and CAP with data and analyses that will allow for them to assess the performance of the program against its intended goals and objectives, as well as offer evidence that will shape the program moving forward. It is expected that the contents of the evaluation will allow for a review of program design, achievements, and challenges in order to generate key lessons for future strategic and programming decisions.
    Evaluation Scope and Key Learning Questions
    This evaluation seeks to answer several strategic questions related to CAP YEI’s program in Kenya.  Given the ongoing importance of developing effective youth livelihood strategies in Kenya, CAP YEI’s work nationally and globally, and the Foundation’s explicit focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, the evaluation should seek to maximize the transferability of findings from this final evaluation of the last five years of programming to a wider social application. The broader Key Evaluation and Learning Questions are as follows:

    To what extent is the BEST model contextually appropriate and responsive to the needs of various types of youth and prospective employers in Kenya?
    To what extent can this project be considered cost-efficient? Does this input-output/outcome ratio seem reasonable?
    To what extent has the project attained its training, enhancement of skills & capabilities and job placement objectives? To what extent does the CAP model present an effective approach for addressing youth unemployment in Kenya?
    What impact – positive or negative, direct or indirect, intended or unintended – has the program produced in youth, their life conditions, and/or the broader contexts within which they live?
    Are the benefits of the programmatic activities for youth and the community likely to continue into the long-term?
    How responsive has the program and CAP YEI model been to changes in society that affect youth?

    The consultant will develop corresponding sub-questions for each of the above questions which will be refined and agreed upon by The MasterCard Foundation, CAP YEI, and the evaluator(s) as part of the inception/work planning phase of the evaluation. This evaluation will conclude with specific recommendations for CAP YEI’s future programming, including ideas for how to further to strengthen the model and approach. 
    Evaluation Inception Report/Work Plan for the evaluation

    Overview of project and the context in which it operates
    Purpose of the Evaluation
    Recommendations or modifications related to the proposed learning questions
    Clarity around roles and responsibilities if the evaluation is conducted by a team
    Proposed evaluation methodology and approach including methods for data collection and analysis
    Perspectives on the current learning questions including any recommendations for strengthening and/or structuring
    Proposed and updated evaluation framework and timeframe
    Proposed and updated budget
    Reporting timelines
    A draft schedule of meetings/briefing plan which would include regular teleconferences with key MasterCard Foundation and CAP YEI points of contact to check progress and provide updates.

    The consultant will be required to present the draft report in person to CAPYEI and may be required to present the findings at a public dissemination event. A final revised version of the Evaluation Report will be submitted as the final deliverable for this project.
    Evaluation Updates
    In addition to these deliverables, the evaluator will engage in regular briefing updates – either by phone or by email – with The MasterCard Foundation that may also include CAP YEI
    Timeline of key activities and Deliverables
    The assignment will start upon signature of the contract date. The due dates for all deliverables will be finalized by the evaluator(s) with The MasterCard Foundation in collaboration with CAP YEI prior to submission of the inception report/work plan.
    Schedule of payment
    The consultant shall propose the payment schedule that will be vetted professionally.

    Interested parties are requested to send full proposal by email to by March 31st /2021 at 5 pm EST. Any questions and request for clarification regarding this work may be submitted to: james@capyei.orgProposals must include all components of a technical and financial proposal for project evaluation. In addition, the proposal should include the following appendices:Our commitment to safeguardingCAPYEI is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and is committed to promoting the welfare of its staff and the young persons. CAPYEI expects all its employees, consultants, partners and volunteers (m/w) to share this commitment. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.CAPYEI DOES NOT charge any fee at any stage of the recruitment process

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  • Consultancy: UNICEF Kenya Change Management Consultant for the 2022-2027 CPMP Formulation 

Gender Equality Programming Consultant

    Consultancy: UNICEF Kenya Change Management Consultant for the 2022-2027 CPMP Formulation Gender Equality Programming Consultant

    Please find the details for the consultancy listed in the attached Terms of Reference. All applications must include an all-inclusive(travel, fee, misc..) financial proposal to carry out the work outlined in the ToR.
     ToR_CPD Consultant – External ad.docx
    UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.
    UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.
    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
    Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.
    Advertised: 17 Mar 2021 E. Africa Standard Time

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  

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  • Consultant-Healthy Housing Norms and Practices

    Consultant-Healthy Housing Norms and Practices

    The Construction Practices Programme
    Construction practices and especially those that foster effectiveness, efficiency, durability, quality and ultimately cost saving are key to the attainment of quality incremental housing construction among owner driven housing projects in Kenya. The Construction Practices programme seeks to trigger, consolidate and/or facilitate efforts, understanding, practices and learning on construction practices that include value engineering: optimizing value by increasing efficiency while reducing cost of production (the latter day “lean manufacturing”), building capacity of materials innovators, developers and owner driven contractors and labourers and to document understanding of existing and emerging construction practices that contribute to quality affordable housing in real economic terms for incremental housing, inter alia.
    Given the impact of COVID 19 and the global call to ‘shelter in place’, the programme will also contribute to the discourse of Health and the built environment. According to the National Center for Healthy Housing, housing quality refers to the physical condition of a house as well as the quality of the social and physical environment in which the house is located. In line with this the Terwilliger Centre is now also programming around interventions that address Healthy Housing through vector proofing practices as shelter plays a role in the fight against vector-borne diseases.
    *Vector-proof housing practices:** The Terwilliger Center is partnering with key stakeholders in promoting the development and adoption of healthy housing practices, starting with those aimed at keeping vectors out of houses. In this case, the focus is on demonstrating how the built environment can play a role in vector control and by extension, vector-borne diseases. Housing design elements like roofs, eaves, ceilings, floors, doors and windows and other maintenance practices in and around the house closely correlate with vector entry into the house and will be key in this intervention. Overall, this intervention will focus on identifying and facilitating housing practices that build out vectors and ultimately contribute to the reduction of vector-borne diseases like Malaria, jiggers, etc. by improving the design and construction of a typical low-income home.
    Purpose and Objectives of the Assessment Study
    The Terwilliger Center acknowledges that in Kenya, households have been facing the challenge of vectors and over the years have developed coping mechanisms to keep these vectors out of their houses. The Terwilliger Center therefore wishes to conduct a situation analysis aimed at understanding different vector proofing knowledge and practices in use by households, their effectiveness, and the underlying norms and attitudes that underpin them. The purpose of the exercise is to generate information on the status of vector proofing within the larger Western region (Western and Nyanza) and the coastal region.
    Specific objectives

    Assess the status of vector proofing within the 2 counties, current practices, knowledge, attitudes and opportunities,
    Analyse and document key drivers of the practices,
    Identify key stakeholders (those within Malaria control and prevention) within the two target counties and areas of common interest, potential synergy and partnership on vector proofed housing interventions,
    Identify existing structures, community and otherwise, that can be leveraged to drive interest on vector proofing using the built environment,
    Analyse and identify key policies that could impede and/or encourage these practices

    Task and responsibilities
    The consultant will lead the study and will be responsible for ensuring integrity of the data and its completion within the agreed upon timeframe and following ethical guidelines for data collection and reporting. This will include;

    An inception report elaborating the study methodology,
    Preparation of the research design including sampling,
    Supervise and co-ordinate the data collection process,
    Data analysis


    A detailed report outlining the methodology used, presenting the findings with their interpretations, and discussing the strengths, limitations, and implications,
    Detailed stakeholder mapping report covering the relevant stakeholders working within the housing and health sector.
    Provide an electronic version of the raw data collected from the field survey/assessment

    This study will be done in 8 weeks, including submission of final report
    Experience and qualification
    HFH East Africa and the Terwilliger Center is seeking qualified consultants/firm to undertake the study. The Lead consultant should,

    Have at least a master’s degree in Architecture, Construction, Civil engineering, environmental science or any other relevant field
    Have minimum 10 years demonstrated experience in qualitative and/or mixed methods research,
    Experience in aggregating analysis that informs market-based interventions and strategies,
    Demonstrable experience and knowledge working with a wide range of stakeholders in public and private sector, and preferably
    Demonstrable understanding of the public health sector and experience working with low income households

    Interested parties should submit the following:

    A maximum 5 pages technical proposal clearly outlining understanding of the terms of reference, methodology, duration and the technical team,
    A detailed financial proposal, and
    Profile/resume of the lead expert

    Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Written proposal (technical and financial) including CVs of key personnel should be sent to HFH-EA by 26th March 2021, via email on with subject line: HOUSING AND HEALTH

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  • ILRI Consultancy: Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) project communication

    ILRI Consultancy: Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) project communication

    Scope of Work

    Drafting program-related materials, such as summaries of reports, updates of progress reports, feature articles and success stories news and feature blog articles and program reports.
    Oversee production of properly branded program related publications.
    Ensure that Program publications and other outputs are deposited and indexed in ILRl’s open access repository.
    Support the PMS secretariat on closing out reporting and
    Liaise with USAID contact staff to ensure all communications requirements are reported and indexed.

    Final Products

    Catalog of close out program-related materials
    Consolidates AVCD Success stories
    List of indexed in ILRl’s open access repository reports from components
    Support the finalization of the AVCD annual report which includes Editing and proofreading of reports

    Consultancy Fee:  Lumpsum or by mutual agreement based on agreed milestones and deliverables
    Post location: Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya
    Duration; March 2021 to 31 July 2021
    Essential skills and qualifications

    Master’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university in in communication or related training
    Over 10 years of experience in the field of communication
    Experience in report writing, report formatting and Editing
    Experience in Web Based information communication technologies
    Good experience in USAID information communication system and branding
    Previous experience in journalism and development communication in the areas agriculture and environment Kenya is a requirement
    Strong analytical skills
    Excellent command of English language

    Applicants should send a cover letter and CV expressing their interest in the position, what they can bring to the assignment and the names and addresses (including telephone and email) of three referees who are knowledgeable about the candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience to the Director, People and Organizational Development by clicking on the “Apply Now” tab above before 15 March 2021.  The assignment title and reference number AVCD/03/2021 should be clearly marked on the subject line of the cover letter.We thank all applicants for their interest in working for ILRI. Due to the volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.ILRI does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing or training). ILRI also does not concern itself with information on applicants’ bank accounts.

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  • Grants and Proposal Writer (Consultant)

    Grants and Proposal Writer (Consultant)

    We are seeking experienced successful grant/proposal writers for competitive proposals with our key clients. As a proposal writer, you will work with our in-house proposal development teams, and will be tasked with leading and coordinating the development of quality written content for technical, financial and commercial (narrative part) proposal/bid documents. Applicants must understand how to construct and bid for HR proposals in Kenya.

    Job Description
    Essential Duties and Responsibilities

    Writing Human Resource Management proposals daily
    Providing leadership and coordination to proposal writing teams, while serving as the lead writer of the team;
    Writing and editing high quality content for competitive proposals, based on boilerplate texts (where available) and content obtained through interviewing of technical experts;
    Harvesting and analyzing information, working directly or remotely with technical experts of R4K;
    Responsible for delivering high quality, tailored content for technical, financial and commercial (narrative) proposals or related documents in full compliance with the requirements and quality standards of R4K and its key customers.


    A post-graduate university degree or professional qualification in HR;
    At least 5 years of proposal writing experience in the HR Management and development sector;
    Proven successful proposal writing skills, evidenced by customer and donor feedback and proposal win rate;
    Proven ability to cultivate consensus, multitask, and be flexible and responsive to quickly changing demands;
    Proven experience conducting in-depth interviews with subject matter specialists or groups (on calls or in team settings) and synthesizing the information into meaningful feedback or prose;
    Proven successful (demonstrable) experience in writing competitive proposals 
    Detail oriented, with demonstrated organizational skills and ability to work under stringent proposal submission deadlines;
    A strong communicator and team player, culturally aware and able to work in an international setting;
    Ability to write clearly and concisely, to structure arguments in a logical fashion and to balance technical rigor with simple explanations;
    Fluency in professional English is required. Fluency and professional writing skills in Spanish is considered an asset.

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  • Senior Associate, Nairobi 

Manager, Nairobi 

Analyst, Nairobi

    Senior Associate, Nairobi Manager, Nairobi Analyst, Nairobi

    Instiglio has successfully launched RBF projects in over 25 Latin American, African, and South Asian countries, totaling over $500 million tied to results. Particularly important milestones include the world’s first Development Impact Bond (education, India); the first Social Impact Bond launched in a middle-income country (workforce development, Colombia); the first Outcomes Fund (poverty graduation, Kenya and Uganda); and the launch of performance-based contracts with governments in Africa (employability, Morocco). Instiglio has also advised pioneer RBF transactions in the areas of agriculture and rural development in Colombia and Peru with the Canadian (GAC) and Swiss (SECO) development aid agencies, respectively. Furthermore, Instiglio has increasingly supported governments in strengthening their systems of delivery through multi-year reform processes. We are a diverse team of 50+ people, representing 10+ nationalities, with offices in Colombia (HQ), Kenya, Morocco, Peru, and the USA. Our team of practitioners has extensive development and government experience, including previous roles in impact evaluation (e.g., J-PAL), development banks (e.g., World Bank), country governments (e.g., Rwanda Ministry of Finance, Colombia’s National Planning Department, Congress of Colombia), and research (e.g., Harvard’s Center for International Development).
    You will gain expertise in developing components of RBF instruments while playing a leading role in our projects, building a thorough understanding of different design choices, independently assessing tradeoffs, and making recommendations for our technical designs. You will guide stakeholders and clients through difficult yet important adaptations of their practices, translating complex concepts into easy-to-understand insights. You will build rapport with clients by understanding their needs and adding value to their mission. Within the team, you will work directly with our project managers and leads to deliver high-quality services and will eventually have the opportunity to lead teams. The tasks may include:

    Leading and overseeing the development of technical components of RBF instruments from scratch, with a command of all dimensions of RBF, including economic concepts.
    Leading the creation of proposals and client deliverables, articulating technical concepts in an eloquent and accessible manner.
    Managing project budgets and contracts with clients and subcontractors, anticipating issues, and proactively addressing them.
    Planning, delegating and overseeing tasks to effectively and efficiently achieve the best results within the team.
    Proposing, structuring, and overseeing data analyses to draw actionable insights/hypotheses.
    Preparing and delivering clear and effective presentations to stakeholders in the public and private sectors.
    Actively improving our RBF services and our delivery systems.

    Senior Associates at Instiglio have a chance to develop a variety of skills, take on client-facing roles on projects, with the guidance of more experienced senior staff. Instiglio has a strong feedback culture, with all staff receiving quarterly formal, structured reviews, in addition to real-time feedback. Additionally, a mentorship system and development plans are in place to ensure that staff receives proper support in their professional development. Instiglio offers generous benefits, which include personal days, remote work days, travel and health insurance, a company holiday additional to vacation, and parental leave, among others.

    Experience: At least 6 years of experience, including 4 years of relevant work experience in international development and/or in the public sector.
    Master degree or equivalent in Economics, Statistics, Public Policy, Public Administration, Business, or related fields.
    Language skills:
    Exceptional written and oral communication skills in English – C2.

    Proven track record in team, project, and stakeholders management.
    Ability to work well with people from different backgrounds and build trust.
    Exceptional strategic thinking, problem-solving, and structured thinking skills.
    Ability to develop complex analytical frameworks and have exceptional working proficiency of the most common analytical principles to give structure to the analysis.


    Demonstrated experience in RBF and/or Performance Management.
    Working with governments and government agencies.
    Work experience in consultancy.
    Knowledge: Results-Based financing mechanisms and/or experience related to the field
    Language skills: Professional working proficiency in French – C1.

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  Please click the links below to apply. by submitting your CV and cover letter (in English). In your cover letter answer the following questions:Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted

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  • Consultancy – Study of the Forage sub-Sector for Ruminant Livestock in Narok, Kajiado and Taita Taveta Counties

    Consultancy – Study of the Forage sub-Sector for Ruminant Livestock in Narok, Kajiado and Taita Taveta Counties

    Project background
    SNV Kenya (SNV) and Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) – in collaboration with County Governments – are implementing the “Integrated & Climate Smart Innovations for Agro-Pastoralist Economies and Landscapes in Kenya’s ASAL” project or action. The project’s lifetime is from 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2023. The project works in the Counties of Narok, Kajiado and Taita Taveta and is funded by the European Union and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
    The project’s objective is to apply research towards building more resilient and market-based solutions for improved forage production and livestock husbandry, through climate smart innovations and sustainable landscape management in the three Counties referred to above. The project aims to mainstream gender with a focus on women and youth.
    Work package 2 of the project has two outputs of intervention areas:

    To validate and promote amongst livestock and forage value chain actors, commercially viable drought resilient feeding innovations and business models, based on trials and demos for improved forage grasses and legume forage crops, and effective dissemination strategies that include women and youth.
    To facilitate and support SMEs (including women and youth enterprises/self-help groups), cooperatives, ranches and conservancies, to adopt improved forage seed varieties and practices and establish forage plots, feedlots and grazing areas, for use by own cattle and/or for sales as fresh or preserved forages.

    Job Description
    Click here to download the Terms of Reference.
    Lead consultant’s qualifications/expertise
    A.      Education
    A degree from a University of applied sciences in any of the fields of livestock management, ruminant nutrition, forage management and farm economics.
    B.      Work experience

    Minimum ten (10) years of experience in relevant positions in Kenya related to the ruminant livestock sector (preferably also in semi-arid areas), farm and forage management, farmer training, forage demos and private sector engagement in the forage value chain.
    Good networks with and understanding of the roles and contributions of private sector, farmers and agro-pastoralists, conservancies, ranches, national and county governments, regulatory bodies, research and knowledge institutes, and international donors in developing the forage sub-sector or value chain.
    Good understanding of climate smart agriculture and sustainable livestock production systems, and of relevant policies and strategies at national and international level, including initiatives for climate funding.
    Specific knowledge and hands-on expertise of the forage seed sector, pasture management, fodder production / preservation, mechanisation and scaled technology, ruminant nutrition, and farm and forage economics.
    Proven expertise in carrying out technical and financial assessments and evaluations, feasibility studies, sector studies, strategy and policy papers for the forage sub-sector in Kenya and/or East Africa.
    Knowledge and experience as regards inclusion of women and youth in the livestock and forage value chains.

    C.      Additional requirements

    Good verbal and written communication skills.
    Excellent report writing and presentation skills.
    Practical and hands-on attitude/experience as regards implementation of good forage management practices, dissemination and adoption of forage technologies by farmers.
    Committed to gender equity and the role of youth.

    Additional Information
    This assignment is expected to take place between March 2021 and May 2021, approximately 8 weeks.
    Requirements in response to this TOR
    The following is required from the consultant in response to these terms of reference as a basis for evaluation and choice of the suitable consultant:

    A technical and financial proposal.
    A tentative work plan of the planned activities and the number of professional days for the consultant(s).
    CVs of the lead consultant and any other consultants to be engaged.
    Reference list of previous consultancies and relevant reports.

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  • Local Entrepreneurship Consultant

    Local Entrepreneurship Consultant

    Acumen is looking for a consultant with 8+ years of experience related to grant-management strategy development, research, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and investing – ideally with networks in the East Africa social enterprise sphere. This role is remote, based in East Africa.
    We’re investors. A different kind of investor. We invest in people and companies working to solve problems for people living in poverty… essential products and services that bring more opportunities, more choices to millions. To date, Acumen has positively impacted 300 million lives by investing $132M in 136 innovative, early-stage companies in Africa, Latin America, South Asia, and the United States. But investing clearly isn’t just about capital. It’s about investing in people and we’ve been doing it for years. Connecting with emerging leaders in their own countries and engaging them in extended collective dialogue on what constitutes a “good society”, moral inquiry, and skill building.
    The Challenge
    East African social entrepreneurs have good ideas, experience, and network, but they don’t have access to the evolving investor focus areas and approaches. At the same time, investors looking for promising ventures are not always attuned to the unique realities and challenges local entrepreneurs face when trying to grow their businesses.  
    There are also some capacities that East African entrepreneurs need resources to develop, such as better understanding of their customers, operational models, profitability assumptions, key business drivers, capital requirements, and the ability to sell that vision with compelling financial and operational information to funders and partners. Last, many need introduction to networks that could help them grow their business.
    Likewise, investors in East Africa social enterprises need to know where to start if they are to adapt and begin exploring new approaches for sourcing pipeline and new instruments for investing that better fit the needs of local entrepreneurs.  
    We’re looking for someone to help us build a bridge, close the skills and information gap, and build a pipeline of investee companies across the region. 
    The Project
    This project is about understanding the needs of locally-owned energy and agricultural entrepreneurs in East Africa, and guiding investors toward new approaches based on our understanding of needs.
    The scope of work and expected deliverables:

    Undertake a lit review of research on needs of early-stage East African entrepreneurs and barriers to investment capital (initial list of research references provided by Acumen). 
    Develop hypotheses on needs, roadblocks, capital needs. Develop ideas to address those needs or get around those barriers (e.g., is there a new investor approach? Is there a capacity gap? ). Test hypotheses and preliminary solution sets with local entrepreneurs, and impact investors
    Build a roadmap for what investors should do differently to meet these needs in EA in the energy and agriculture sectors. The roadmap should answer questions like: 
    How can investors do valuations on these businesses?
    What kind of investment capital do locally-owned enterprises need?
    What are the revenue models that investors should be looking for?
    What kind of creative financial instruments might best meet the needs of locally-owned enterprises? SAFEs, convertible notes, returnable grants, etc.
    Armed with a roadmap, build a pipeline for Acumen of early-stage, locally-run companies in East Africa  (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda) detailing gaps. 
    Recommend what additional capacity building, technical assistance, training or mentoring companies need to build internal and investor readiness.  
    Take the road map “on the road”:
    Develop case studies and workshop modules that can be shared more broadly with other local entrepreneurs, investors, accelerators, incubators. 
    Partner with Acumen to co-convene investors interested in investing in locally-owned social enterprises. 

    Qualifications and Skills

    8+ years experience. Undergraduate degree required. Graduate degree preferred
    Familiarity with the social enterprise and impact investing sectors, entrepreneurial ecosystems, strategy development
    Preliminary understanding of the energy and agriculture space across East Africa
    Have networks in the East Africa social enterprise sphere.
    Research toward an end: 
    experience in designing and conducting primary interviews with key stakeholders to understand needs and approaches
    Ability to scan the literature and pull out the implications. This is not an academic exercise, this is intended to influence the movement of capital. 
    Solid operational skills including problem solving and project management skills, including ability to work and deliver projects independently, proactively and under pressure
    Effectively collaborates with and across teams, seeks, and provides constructive feedback.
    Exceptional relationship and interpersonal skills: courtesy, tact, patience and strong teamwork
    Authorized to work in an East African Country. 

    This role will be remote, based in East Africa

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  • International Environmental Specialists/Consultants

    International Environmental Specialists/Consultants

    ICF is seeking in-country short-term consultants to support the effective implementation of USAID Environmental Procedures through adherence to international best practice environmental protection principles. These consultants will be located in Africa, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America and Caribbean, and Middle East.

    The Environmental Specialists will assess the potential for environmental, human health and social impacts during USAID activity development and implementation, and identify practical environmental protection and mitigation strategies, as required by USAID Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures. The consultant will also assist with capacity building on environmental and social impact assessment.

    Key Responsibilities

    Conduct environmental and social impact assessments of USAID projects.
    Assess existing monitoring findings and evaluate efficacy of mitigation measures and propose adaptive measures to correct for initial flaws in design and to increase effectiveness of mitigation measures.
    Evaluate water usage, quality, and availability to support program, project, and activity planning and implementation.
    Assist in developing pesticide management plans.
    Coordinate with USAID operating units, resource agencies, and environmental and technical staff to prepare environmental documents and supporting technical studies for USAID projects.
    Manage multiple meetings with a variety of stakeholders.
    Always represent ICF to USAID stakeholders in a professional manner.


    Bachelors degree in relevant field (e.g., natural resources management, environmental studies, environmental planning, environmental engineering, environmental management, chemistry, international development).
    At least seven years’ relevant technical experience working in developing countries.
    Advanced knowledge and understanding of environmental and social impact analyses.

    Professional Skills

    A proven record of excellent management, leadership, decision-making, and interpersonal skills.
    Demonstrated excellence in writing and presentation ability.
    Excellent analytical skills.
    Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to lead a multi-disciplinary team.
    Excellent organization, schedule, and budget management skills.
    Strong work ethic with a positive attitude and commitment to producing quality work.
    Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project).
    Fluency in English.

    Working at ICF

    Working at ICF means applying a passion for meaningful work with intellectual rigor to help solve the leading issues of our day. Smart, compassionate, innovative, committed, ICF employees tackle unprecedented challenges to benefit people, businesses, and governments around the globe. We believe in collaboration, mutual respect, open communication, and opportunity for growth. If you’re seeking to make a difference in the world, visit to find your next career. ICF—together for tomorrow.

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