Job Field: Sector in Consultancy , Project Management , Safety and Environment / HSE
Consultancy for Improving Resilience to Climate Change for Rural People in the Semi-arid Regions of Laikipia County, Kenya
Purpose and Rational The purpose of the baseline survey is to set a benchmark on the initial values for measurement of specific set of monitoring indicators pre-determined by the project. The baseline survey is intended to be more focused on the project site and the specific results of the project (outcomes, and outputs). Below are…
Evaluation Consultant for Mid-Term Evaluation of the UNEP Project “Sustainable Cities Impact Program Global Platform (SCIP-GP)” GEF 10452 Science Writer
THE EVALUATION. In line with the UNEP Evaluation Policy and the UNEP Programme Manual , the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) is undertaken approximately half-way through project implementation to analyze whether the project is on-track, what problems or challenges the project is encountering, and what corrective actions are required. A key aim of the Mid-Term Evaluation is…
Terms of Reference For Environmental Impact Assessment For The Proposed Construction of 13 Waste Transfer Stations in Kakuma and Kalobeyei Wards
Objectives of the EIA To identify possible environmental impacts, both positive and negative To assess the significance of the impacts To assess the relative importance of the impacts of relative plan designs, and sites To propose preventive mitigation and compensative measures for the significant negative impacts of the project on the environment. Generate baseline data…