Job Field: Sector in Consultancy  , Data, Business Analysis and AI

  • International Consultant-Lead Researcher (Youth Behavioural Survey)

    International Consultant-Lead Researcher (Youth Behavioural Survey)

    Background Information
    Young people are considered to be a particularly vulnerable group to sexually transmitted infections including HIV (STI/HIV) as well as to high risk behaviors. They have limited access to adequate youth-friendly sexual reproductive health (RH) services and/or they are faced with resistance and/or unfriendly attitudes exhibited by service providers. Very often they rely on their peers and/or the internet for learning about the changes they go through, the answers to their health problems or advice for engaging in a relationship, among other information. In many cases, they end up being recipients of incorrect and inadequate information from inaccurate sources without any guidance. A research conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Somalia in 2012 showed a significant level of misconceptions among young people with respect to transmission of HIV.
    Significant numbers of young adolescent girls, who survived incidents of Gender based Violence (GBV), particularly sexual violence, face significant risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases because of lack of knowledge about the infection and available GBV-related services. All of these challenges require understanding of young people’s attitudes and perceptions about their health-seeking behaviors. This information is fundamental for better responding to their needs and aspirations.
    The existing data on the Somali HIV epidemic points towards a likely concentrated epidemic in high-risk populations that has neither been properly identified or addressed programmatically in the national response. The draft 2016 antenatal clinic (ANC) data showed HIV prevalence of 0.07% in the South-Central part of the country, 0.29% in Puntland, and 0.48% (in Somaliland). The HIV prevalence among women aged 15-24 was 0.24% across the country, breaking down as 0.70% in Somaliland, 0.12% in Puntland, and 0.10% in the South Central part of Somalia.
    STI prevalence is surprisingly high for a low-prevalence country, indicating that high-risk behaviours are taking place. Anecdotal accounts and the completion of two research studies integrated biological and behavioural survey (IBBS) and size estimation by IOM and partners point towards existence of certain populations at higher risk of HIV, including women engaged in transactional sex, their clients, transport workers (truck drivers and port workers), and other groups at increased risk of HIV.
    The 2012 Youth Behavioural Survey identified very low rates of knowledge among young women and men. Only 8.7% of the young men and 13.4% of the young women surveyed were able to correctly identify ways of preventing sexual transmission of HIV and rejected major misconceptions. Overall, 9.2% of young women and 21.2% of young men considered themselves at risk of being living with HIV. Of those surveyed, 0% of young women had ever had sex, and 10.8% of young men had had sex. Of the young men who had had sex, 1.3% had done so prior to the age of 15 and 2.6% had more than one partner. Approximately 35% of these had used a condom during their last intercourse.
    The Strategic Framework for the Somali AIDS Response (2018-2020) is focused on achieving two primary goals:

    Goal 1: Reduce the rate of new infections by 2020.
    Goal 2: Reduce HIV-related mortality and morbidity for Somali women, men and children by 2020.

    UNFPA has been working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people in Somalia since 2007, with a pool of peer educators doing health education in schools and outreach at community level for out-of-school youth.
    Purpose of the assignment
    You will be responsible for conceptually developing, conducting and analysing the results of a community-based survey that will assess and measure the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices of young people at higher risk of HIV and those in schools.
    All respondents will be young people aged 15 to 24 years. Geographically the survey will cover a representative sample of various parts of the country. This will be done through random selection of representative target areas.
    The study will also look at changing patterns among young people and sex groups, of different regions, to establish levels of sexual experience (age of first sex, forced sex and coercion), characteristics of sexual activity (partners, condom usage, alcohol and drug use, and transactional sex), educational level, HIV knowledge, communication and perceived risk, testing and exposure to interventions.
    The study will also assess young peoples’ preferred channels and sources of information towards planning and tailoring effective communication and advocacy interventions with maximum reach and impact. The outcome of this assignment should result in

    filling critical information gaps and ascertaining trends with respect to knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices in relation to HIV;
    identifying factors that act as barriers and enablers to HIV prevention and seeking care;
    identifying the existing channels and sources of information; and
    assessing and recommending appropriate communication channels and sources of information while focusing on message design and its delivery according to the needs of the target groups.

    Objectives of the Assignment

    Working under the overall supervision of Head of Programmes at UNFPA Somalia and the direct supervision of the UNFPA Youth Programme Officer for Somalia based in Nairobi, in close collaboration with the UNFPA sub-offices in Mogadishu, Somaliland and Puntland, you will manage the task of the formative research activity as follows:Obtaining Ethical approval of the research from the Government.
    Conducting a thorough review of available and relevant literature at the national, regional, and global levels in connection with the objectives of the study. In consultation with pertinent entities, preparing a concept note outlining the survey methodology and implementation timelines.
    Based on the approved research and sampling design, prepare appropriate data collection instruments, select and train interviewers, develop a quality assurance system, facilitate testing of questionnaires and undertake field-work and data collection.
    Developing the survey questionnaire.
    Training enumerators on the survey tools and data collection procedures.
    Collate, clean and subset the data for analysis and reporting.
    Preparing a draft analytical report to be reviewed by UNFPA and the Joint UN team on AIDS (JUNTA) team and finalize report based on inputs and comments received.
    Participating in one meeting with the Joint team on AIDS to present and discuss findings/recommendations of the assignment with pertinent stakeholders.
    A Somali-speaking research assistant will be hired by UNFPA Somalia to work under the researcher.

    Expected Outputs
    The following deliverables are expected to be provided by the consultant by the end of the assignment, in English:

    Ethical approval
    Action plan with timelines for the activity.
    A comprehensive descriptive report including detailed description of the methodologies used, discussion and analysis of the results, recommendations based on above scope, and annexes presenting the tools, instruments, documented results of the survey and interviews. The report structure to be discussed with UNFPA upon initiation of the consultancy.
    An executive summary of the above report and a Power point presentation (not to exceed 20 slides) with major findings and recommendations to be presented to key stakeholders.

    Payment Schedule

    First instalment: upon signing of contract and submission of inception report with methodology for the study and action plan: 25%.
    Second instalment: upon successful completion of data collection: 25%.
    Final instalment: upon submission of final satisfactory research report: 50%.

    The assignment entails travel to Somalia. All travel expenses directly related to the consultancy to and within Somalia will be facilitated and paid for by UNFPA Somalia.
    Project Timeline
    Final report delivered by 31 October 2018.
    Qualifications and Competencies
    Languages Skills

    Excellent command of spoken and written English. Knowledge of Somali an asset.


    Postgraduate degree in development studies, public health, psychology anthropology, or related field.
    Postgraduate qualification in research an asset.


    A minimum of seven years’ experience in research with expertise in HIV, sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), social norm sexual behaviour, most-at-risk populations and/or youth.
    Experience developing research methodology and tools.
    Experience managing research teams.
    Experience working in Somali setting is an asset.
    Analytical skills with ability to produce high quality reports and policy recommendations.
    First-hand knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic and political situation in Somalia will be an added advantage.
    Willingness to work in difficult circumstances and travel to Somalia as well as understanding of the UN system.

    Skills and Competencies

    Computer use including Microsoft Office and data analysis tools.
    Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
    Exceptional writing skills.
    Excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills.
    Ability to work under time constraints and deadlines in challenging settings.
    Ability to work in multicultural and multi ethnic environments.
    Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish effective working relations with other stakeholders with experience in convening and facilitating of workshops and meetings.
    Ability to work independently.
    Ability to work in a team and good interpersonal skills.

    Language requirements:
    Fluency in English is required, however knowledge of Somali language will be an asset

  • Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Terms of Reference
    Research Consultant
    Purpose and Scope
    In order to generate information that would feed into future projects design, adaptation and funding bids, Christian Aid Kenya seeks to engage the services of a qualified and experienced research consultant (s)/consultancy firm to lead and manage the planned formative research focussing on providing an in-depth analysis of the current situation facing pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (and their children) in the projects’ target locations.
    Specific objectives will include:

    Understanding the needs of pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (under 19) in Narok when accessing and utilising nutritional advice and services
    Mapping of current needs and how they are currently met
    Identification of gaps in provision and barriers to accessing information and services

    Specific Tasks

    The consultant will oversee and direct the Christian Aid’s formative research by:
    Developing in consultation with CA Program Manager, M&E Officer and other Technical Advisors a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods
    Conduct a literature review/summary of current approaches to nutrition in pregnant and lactating mothers
    Develop research data collection tools and informed consent forms
    Prepare and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research within Kenya
    Participate in selection, hiring and training of field staff
    Develop a detailed work plan that clearly outlines activities and their schedule for implementation in accordance with the project timeline and in collaboration with stakeholders
    Coordinate the research activities together with CA Program staff and other partner staff
    Lead the field work including data collection, management, analysis and report writing. Presenting and discussing findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and engaging in plans of how to modify the project based on the findings and learning as needed

    The formative research will be conducted in Transmara East Sub County of Narok County. The consultancy will be divided into four phases which include study preparation, implementation, analysis and presentation.

    Phase I: Study Preparation – The consultant will develop a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods (study area, sampling methods, sample size, data collection methods, training, field supervision, data analysis plan and ethical considerations); develop data collection tools and informed consent forms and prepare for and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research from relevant authorities within the ministries of health etc. The consultant will also participate in interviewing and selection of the field team and prepare to carry out training for them on tools procedures for data collection, management and research ethics.
    Phase II: Field Work/Data Collection – The consultant will direct the field work, with the help of logistics support from Christian Aid Office in Nairobi, to ensure that the field staff are carrying out the data collection in a timely and professional manner; the data notes and any other written transcripts are completed and meet expected standards; data are recorded, submitted and stored efficiently and ethically; troubleshoot any problems, inform the Christian Aid Program Officer and correct them promptly; maintain frequent communication with Christian Aid and partner staff and manage field staff. The consultant is expected to be present through-out the period of data collection.
    Phase III: Data Analysis – The consultant will conduct training for data entry staff and oversee the entry; The consultant will ensure that data is cleaned and accurate. Once all data is entered and cleaned, the consultant will be in charge of analysis of the collected data with input from Christian Aid Program Officer, M&E Officer and Research Advisor.
    Phase IV: Report Writing – The consultant will prepare and deliver an approved final report.
    Phase V: Article/Manuscript Writing – The consultant will draft an article/manuscript for publication to a reputable journal.

    Time frame
    The consultant is expected to carry out the exercise within 40 working days with the exercise starting from end of March 2018 and submitting the draft Report by 31st May 2018 and the final report not later than Mid-June 2018.
    Consultant Profile
    The consultant (s)/consultancy firm must have the following qualifications and experience to be eligible for this assignment:

    The lead consultant must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree. A technical background in public health or experience working in the field of nutrition and with a focus on adolescents is desired.
    The lead consultant (s) must have demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing research studies for similar projects and in delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and implementing rigorous research. We are interested in innovative approaches to addressing the objectives that may include purely qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches.
    Demonstration of good knowledge of the context in Kenya and Narok County is an added advantage.

    Deliverables of the Consultancy

    Acceptable research protocol
    An inception report that should include Approved protocol, Data Collection Tools and Informed Consent Forms and final schedule of field work.
    An acceptable draft report after the analysis of data for CA staff feedback following an agreed upon format. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each result area and considerations/recommendations.
    Lead the analysis and synthesis of evidence to develop key findings; Discuss findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and incorporate feedback to generate the final report.
    Develop and submit to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi 3 hard copies and a soft copy of an acceptable final study report
    Summary of the findings in (MS PowerPoint) to be used for subsequent dissemination.
    The final cleaned data set used for analysis and production of the final report in an acceptable electronic format (Excel, SPSS, MS Word transcripts) depending on research approaches/methodologies used.
    Draft of an article/manuscript for publication

    Ethics and Child Protection
    It is the responsibility of the consultant to demonstrate commitment to strictly adhere to Christian Aids Child Protection Policy and local context standards for handling minors related to consent, assent and confidentiality. The consultant has the responsibility to ensure that any persons hired, used or consulted during the process are made familiar with the policy and commit to abide by it during execution of this work. The consultant and associates must sign the policy prior to engagement in the assignment.

  • Research Brief Development Consultant 

Animated Video Production

    Research Brief Development Consultant Animated Video Production

    Global Communities formerly CHF international is looking for a consultant to develop a research paper brief under its USAID funded EMIRGE program. Interested bidders are requested to respond with a brief proposal on the same.
    Issue date: August 06, 2018
    Scope of Work: Development of a Research Brief
    The main objective of this SOW is to seek a consultant, to deepen discussion, suggestions and recommendations of issues raised from the research, and to elaborate a paper regarding the Kenyan context specifically on the subject of the research.
    This paper will inform a publication that USAID/EMIRGE will be producing on best practice in strengthening the cooperative movement in Kenya.
    The source of the information will be from: “Trust Effects on Attitudes, Behavior, and Community Empowerment Outcomes in Kenyan Agricultural Co-operatives” by USAID, Global Communities and United States International University (USIU –Africa) – see attached.
    Expected outcomes
    Paper elaborated as a result of the research by Global Communities.
    The paper shall have approximately and at most two pages (A4 – format), including tables and graphics and must be written in English.
    Among others, some questions should be considered within this document such as: The paper should present an overview of the research work done, define the research, findings and recommendations. It should also demonstrate a proposition approach, with great emphasis on the recommendations and evidences to support those propositions.
    The paper will be analysed and approved by USAID/EMIRGE.
    Level of Effort
    Works description

    a) Gather, organize and systematize the literature from the research;
    b) Analyze information and data, and recommendations.
    c) preparation of a draft paper

    Expected man days: One (1) day
    Works description

    Preparation of the final paperExpected man days: Half a day(0.5 days)

    Total Man days: 1.5 days

    First draft paper for review: Preliminary version of the final document. It must contain an outline of the final document and an analytical text containing an executive summary and recommendations organized in bullet points.
    Final paper with not more than 2 pages presented in word A4 format, with 1.5 spacing, in Arial size 11 font. It shall be delivered to USAID/EMIRGE through email. f) Qualifications
    At least 3 years’ experience in publishing similar documents.
    Experience in the elaboration of technical documents and analytical skills.
    Previous work experience with the USAID will be an asset.
    Knowledge of international documents, such as the Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals and other key documents

    The contracted person will be required to deliver the work latest by August 28, 2018.
    The consultant must be able to commence the assignment immediately.
    Proposal submission
    The interested bidders should submit a proposal immediately upon receipt of this SOW but not later than August 09/08/2018.
    The proposal should include

    A fees proposal providing their quotation for the provision of the stated services. The bidder should provide a breakdown of the computation of the fees. Global communities will evaluate the proposed financial fees for reasonableness.
    A brief summary of the proposed approach and timelines.
    Samples of works done in the last three years. Share the links of the published work.
    Applicants PIN and registration certificate

    Engagement and Payment terms

    Global Communities will engage the consultant through a Local purchase order.
    Payment will be made upon receipt and acceptance by Global Communities of the deliverables herein stated.

    CLICK HERE to download the Research paper document

    go to method of application »

  • International Consultant-Lead Researcher (Youth Behavioural Survey)

    International Consultant-Lead Researcher (Youth Behavioural Survey)

    Background Information
    Young people are considered to be a particularly vulnerable group to sexually transmitted infections including HIV (STI/HIV) as well as to high risk behaviors. They have limited access to adequate youth-friendly sexual reproductive health (RH) services and/or they are faced with resistance and/or unfriendly attitudes exhibited by service providers. Very often they rely on their peers and/or the internet for learning about the changes they go through, the answers to their health problems or advice for engaging in a relationship, among other information. In many cases, they end up being recipients of incorrect and inadequate information from inaccurate sources without any guidance. A research conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Somalia in 2012 showed a significant level of misconceptions among young people with respect to transmission of HIV.
    Significant numbers of young adolescent girls, who survived incidents of Gender based Violence (GBV), particularly sexual violence, face significant risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases because of lack of knowledge about the infection and available GBV-related services. All of these challenges require understanding of young people’s attitudes and perceptions about their health-seeking behaviors. This information is fundamental for better responding to their needs and aspirations.
    The existing data on the Somali HIV epidemic points towards a likely concentrated epidemic in high-risk populations that has neither been properly identified or addressed programmatically in the national response. The draft 2016 antenatal clinic (ANC) data showed HIV prevalence of 0.07% in the South-Central part of the country, 0.29% in Puntland, and 0.48% (in Somaliland). The HIV prevalence among women aged 15-24 was 0.24% across the country, breaking down as 0.70% in Somaliland, 0.12% in Puntland, and 0.10% in the South Central part of Somalia.
    STI prevalence is surprisingly high for a low-prevalence country, indicating that high-risk behaviours are taking place. Anecdotal accounts and the completion of two research studies integrated biological and behavioural survey (IBBS) and size estimation by IOM and partners point towards existence of certain populations at higher risk of HIV, including women engaged in transactional sex, their clients, transport workers (truck drivers and port workers), and other groups at increased risk of HIV.
    The 2012 Youth Behavioural Survey identified very low rates of knowledge among young women and men. Only 8.7% of the young men and 13.4% of the young women surveyed were able to correctly identify ways of preventing sexual transmission of HIV and rejected major misconceptions. Overall, 9.2% of young women and 21.2% of young men considered themselves at risk of being living with HIV. Of those surveyed, 0% of young women had ever had sex, and 10.8% of young men had had sex. Of the young men who had had sex, 1.3% had done so prior to the age of 15 and 2.6% had more than one partner. Approximately 35% of these had used a condom during their last intercourse.
    The Strategic Framework for the Somali AIDS Response (2018-2020) is focused on achieving two primary goals:

    Goal 1: Reduce the rate of new infections by 2020.
    Goal 2: Reduce HIV-related mortality and morbidity for Somali women, men and children by 2020.

    UNFPA has been working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people in Somalia since 2007, with a pool of peer educators doing health education in schools and outreach at community level for out-of-school youth.
    Purpose of the assignment
    You will be responsible for conceptually developing, conducting and analysing the results of a community-based survey that will assess and measure the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices of young people at higher risk of HIV and those in schools.
    All respondents will be young people aged 15 to 24 years. Geographically the survey will cover a representative sample of various parts of the country. This will be done through random selection of representative target areas.
    The study will also look at changing patterns among young people and sex groups, of different regions, to establish levels of sexual experience (age of first sex, forced sex and coercion), characteristics of sexual activity (partners, condom usage, alcohol and drug use, and transactional sex), educational level, HIV knowledge, communication and perceived risk, testing and exposure to interventions.
    The study will also assess young peoples’ preferred channels and sources of information towards planning and tailoring effective communication and advocacy interventions with maximum reach and impact. The outcome of this assignment should result in

    filling critical information gaps and ascertaining trends with respect to knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices in relation to HIV;
    identifying factors that act as barriers and enablers to HIV prevention and seeking care;
    identifying the existing channels and sources of information; and
    assessing and recommending appropriate communication channels and sources of information while focusing on message design and its delivery according to the needs of the target groups.

    Objectives of the Assignment

    Working under the overall supervision of Head of Programmes at UNFPA Somalia and the direct supervision of the UNFPA Youth Programme Officer for Somalia based in Nairobi, in close collaboration with the UNFPA sub-offices in Mogadishu, Somaliland and Puntland, you will manage the task of the formative research activity as follows:Obtaining Ethical approval of the research from the Government.
    Conducting a thorough review of available and relevant literature at the national, regional, and global levels in connection with the objectives of the study. In consultation with pertinent entities, preparing a concept note outlining the survey methodology and implementation timelines.
    Based on the approved research and sampling design, prepare appropriate data collection instruments, select and train interviewers, develop a quality assurance system, facilitate testing of questionnaires and undertake field-work and data collection.
    Developing the survey questionnaire.
    Training enumerators on the survey tools and data collection procedures.
    Collate, clean and subset the data for analysis and reporting.
    Preparing a draft analytical report to be reviewed by UNFPA and the Joint UN team on AIDS (JUNTA) team and finalize report based on inputs and comments received.
    Participating in one meeting with the Joint team on AIDS to present and discuss findings/recommendations of the assignment with pertinent stakeholders.
    A Somali-speaking research assistant will be hired by UNFPA Somalia to work under the researcher.

    Expected Outputs
    The following deliverables are expected to be provided by the consultant by the end of the assignment, in English:

    Ethical approval
    Action plan with timelines for the activity.
    A comprehensive descriptive report including detailed description of the methodologies used, discussion and analysis of the results, recommendations based on above scope, and annexes presenting the tools, instruments, documented results of the survey and interviews. The report structure to be discussed with UNFPA upon initiation of the consultancy.
    An executive summary of the above report and a Power point presentation (not to exceed 20 slides) with major findings and recommendations to be presented to key stakeholders.

    Payment Schedule

    First instalment: upon signing of contract and submission of inception report with methodology for the study and action plan: 25%.
    Second instalment: upon successful completion of data collection: 25%.
    Final instalment: upon submission of final satisfactory research report: 50%.

    The assignment entails travel to Somalia. All travel expenses directly related to the consultancy to and within Somalia will be facilitated and paid for by UNFPA Somalia.
    Project Timeline
    Final report delivered by 31 October 2018.
    Qualifications and Competencies
    Languages Skills

    Excellent command of spoken and written English. Knowledge of Somali an asset.


    Postgraduate degree in development studies, public health, psychology anthropology, or related field.
    Postgraduate qualification in research an asset.


    A minimum of seven years’ experience in research with expertise in HIV, sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), social norm sexual behaviour, most-at-risk populations and/or youth.
    Experience developing research methodology and tools.
    Experience managing research teams.
    Experience working in Somali setting is an asset.
    Analytical skills with ability to produce high quality reports and policy recommendations.
    First-hand knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic and political situation in Somalia will be an added advantage.
    Willingness to work in difficult circumstances and travel to Somalia as well as understanding of the UN system.

    Skills and Competencies

    Computer use including Microsoft Office and data analysis tools.
    Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
    Exceptional writing skills.
    Excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills.
    Ability to work under time constraints and deadlines in challenging settings.
    Ability to work in multicultural and multi ethnic environments.
    Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish effective working relations with other stakeholders with experience in convening and facilitating of workshops and meetings.
    Ability to work independently.
    Ability to work in a team and good interpersonal skills.

    Language requirements:
    Fluency in English is required, however knowledge of Somali language will be an asset

  • Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Terms of Reference
    Research Consultant
    Purpose and Scope
    In order to generate information that would feed into future projects design, adaptation and funding bids, Christian Aid Kenya seeks to engage the services of a qualified and experienced research consultant (s)/consultancy firm to lead and manage the planned formative research focussing on providing an in-depth analysis of the current situation facing pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (and their children) in the projects’ target locations.
    Specific objectives will include:

    Understanding the needs of pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (under 19) in Narok when accessing and utilising nutritional advice and services
    Mapping of current needs and how they are currently met
    Identification of gaps in provision and barriers to accessing information and services

    Specific Tasks

    The consultant will oversee and direct the Christian Aid’s formative research by:
    Developing in consultation with CA Program Manager, M&E Officer and other Technical Advisors a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods
    Conduct a literature review/summary of current approaches to nutrition in pregnant and lactating mothers
    Develop research data collection tools and informed consent forms
    Prepare and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research within Kenya
    Participate in selection, hiring and training of field staff
    Develop a detailed work plan that clearly outlines activities and their schedule for implementation in accordance with the project timeline and in collaboration with stakeholders
    Coordinate the research activities together with CA Program staff and other partner staff
    Lead the field work including data collection, management, analysis and report writing. Presenting and discussing findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and engaging in plans of how to modify the project based on the findings and learning as needed

    The formative research will be conducted in Transmara East Sub County of Narok County. The consultancy will be divided into four phases which include study preparation, implementation, analysis and presentation.

    Phase I: Study Preparation – The consultant will develop a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods (study area, sampling methods, sample size, data collection methods, training, field supervision, data analysis plan and ethical considerations); develop data collection tools and informed consent forms and prepare for and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research from relevant authorities within the ministries of health etc. The consultant will also participate in interviewing and selection of the field team and prepare to carry out training for them on tools procedures for data collection, management and research ethics.
    Phase II: Field Work/Data Collection – The consultant will direct the field work, with the help of logistics support from Christian Aid Office in Nairobi, to ensure that the field staff are carrying out the data collection in a timely and professional manner; the data notes and any other written transcripts are completed and meet expected standards; data are recorded, submitted and stored efficiently and ethically; troubleshoot any problems, inform the Christian Aid Program Officer and correct them promptly; maintain frequent communication with Christian Aid and partner staff and manage field staff. The consultant is expected to be present through-out the period of data collection.
    Phase III: Data Analysis – The consultant will conduct training for data entry staff and oversee the entry; The consultant will ensure that data is cleaned and accurate. Once all data is entered and cleaned, the consultant will be in charge of analysis of the collected data with input from Christian Aid Program Officer, M&E Officer and Research Advisor.
    Phase IV: Report Writing – The consultant will prepare and deliver an approved final report.
    Phase V: Article/Manuscript Writing – The consultant will draft an article/manuscript for publication to a reputable journal.

    Time frame
    The consultant is expected to carry out the exercise within 40 working days with the exercise starting from end of March 2018 and submitting the draft Report by 31st May 2018 and the final report not later than Mid-June 2018.
    Consultant Profile
    The consultant (s)/consultancy firm must have the following qualifications and experience to be eligible for this assignment:

    The lead consultant must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree. A technical background in public health or experience working in the field of nutrition and with a focus on adolescents is desired.
    The lead consultant (s) must have demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing research studies for similar projects and in delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and implementing rigorous research. We are interested in innovative approaches to addressing the objectives that may include purely qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches.
    Demonstration of good knowledge of the context in Kenya and Narok County is an added advantage.

    Deliverables of the Consultancy

    Acceptable research protocol
    An inception report that should include Approved protocol, Data Collection Tools and Informed Consent Forms and final schedule of field work.
    An acceptable draft report after the analysis of data for CA staff feedback following an agreed upon format. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each result area and considerations/recommendations.
    Lead the analysis and synthesis of evidence to develop key findings; Discuss findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and incorporate feedback to generate the final report.
    Develop and submit to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi 3 hard copies and a soft copy of an acceptable final study report
    Summary of the findings in (MS PowerPoint) to be used for subsequent dissemination.
    The final cleaned data set used for analysis and production of the final report in an acceptable electronic format (Excel, SPSS, MS Word transcripts) depending on research approaches/methodologies used.
    Draft of an article/manuscript for publication

    Ethics and Child Protection
    It is the responsibility of the consultant to demonstrate commitment to strictly adhere to Christian Aids Child Protection Policy and local context standards for handling minors related to consent, assent and confidentiality. The consultant has the responsibility to ensure that any persons hired, used or consulted during the process are made familiar with the policy and commit to abide by it during execution of this work. The consultant and associates must sign the policy prior to engagement in the assignment.

  • Research Brief Development Consultant 

Animated Video Production

    Research Brief Development Consultant Animated Video Production

    Global Communities formerly CHF international is looking for a consultant to develop a research paper brief under its USAID funded EMIRGE program. Interested bidders are requested to respond with a brief proposal on the same.
    Issue date: August 06, 2018
    Scope of Work: Development of a Research Brief
    The main objective of this SOW is to seek a consultant, to deepen discussion, suggestions and recommendations of issues raised from the research, and to elaborate a paper regarding the Kenyan context specifically on the subject of the research.
    This paper will inform a publication that USAID/EMIRGE will be producing on best practice in strengthening the cooperative movement in Kenya.
    The source of the information will be from: “Trust Effects on Attitudes, Behavior, and Community Empowerment Outcomes in Kenyan Agricultural Co-operatives” by USAID, Global Communities and United States International University (USIU –Africa) – see attached.
    Expected outcomes
    Paper elaborated as a result of the research by Global Communities.
    The paper shall have approximately and at most two pages (A4 – format), including tables and graphics and must be written in English.
    Among others, some questions should be considered within this document such as: The paper should present an overview of the research work done, define the research, findings and recommendations. It should also demonstrate a proposition approach, with great emphasis on the recommendations and evidences to support those propositions.
    The paper will be analysed and approved by USAID/EMIRGE.
    Level of Effort
    Works description

    a) Gather, organize and systematize the literature from the research;
    b) Analyze information and data, and recommendations.
    c) preparation of a draft paper

    Expected man days: One (1) day
    Works description

    Preparation of the final paperExpected man days: Half a day(0.5 days)

    Total Man days: 1.5 days

    First draft paper for review: Preliminary version of the final document. It must contain an outline of the final document and an analytical text containing an executive summary and recommendations organized in bullet points.
    Final paper with not more than 2 pages presented in word A4 format, with 1.5 spacing, in Arial size 11 font. It shall be delivered to USAID/EMIRGE through email. f) Qualifications
    At least 3 years’ experience in publishing similar documents.
    Experience in the elaboration of technical documents and analytical skills.
    Previous work experience with the USAID will be an asset.
    Knowledge of international documents, such as the Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals and other key documents

    The contracted person will be required to deliver the work latest by August 28, 2018.
    The consultant must be able to commence the assignment immediately.
    Proposal submission
    The interested bidders should submit a proposal immediately upon receipt of this SOW but not later than August 09/08/2018.
    The proposal should include

    A fees proposal providing their quotation for the provision of the stated services. The bidder should provide a breakdown of the computation of the fees. Global communities will evaluate the proposed financial fees for reasonableness.
    A brief summary of the proposed approach and timelines.
    Samples of works done in the last three years. Share the links of the published work.
    Applicants PIN and registration certificate

    Engagement and Payment terms

    Global Communities will engage the consultant through a Local purchase order.
    Payment will be made upon receipt and acceptance by Global Communities of the deliverables herein stated.

    CLICK HERE to download the Research paper document

    go to method of application »

  • International Consultant-Lead Researcher (Youth Behavioural Survey)

    International Consultant-Lead Researcher (Youth Behavioural Survey)

    Background Information
    Young people are considered to be a particularly vulnerable group to sexually transmitted infections including HIV (STI/HIV) as well as to high risk behaviors. They have limited access to adequate youth-friendly sexual reproductive health (RH) services and/or they are faced with resistance and/or unfriendly attitudes exhibited by service providers. Very often they rely on their peers and/or the internet for learning about the changes they go through, the answers to their health problems or advice for engaging in a relationship, among other information. In many cases, they end up being recipients of incorrect and inadequate information from inaccurate sources without any guidance. A research conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Somalia in 2012 showed a significant level of misconceptions among young people with respect to transmission of HIV.
    Significant numbers of young adolescent girls, who survived incidents of Gender based Violence (GBV), particularly sexual violence, face significant risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases because of lack of knowledge about the infection and available GBV-related services. All of these challenges require understanding of young people’s attitudes and perceptions about their health-seeking behaviors. This information is fundamental for better responding to their needs and aspirations.
    The existing data on the Somali HIV epidemic points towards a likely concentrated epidemic in high-risk populations that has neither been properly identified or addressed programmatically in the national response. The draft 2016 antenatal clinic (ANC) data showed HIV prevalence of 0.07% in the South-Central part of the country, 0.29% in Puntland, and 0.48% (in Somaliland). The HIV prevalence among women aged 15-24 was 0.24% across the country, breaking down as 0.70% in Somaliland, 0.12% in Puntland, and 0.10% in the South Central part of Somalia.
    STI prevalence is surprisingly high for a low-prevalence country, indicating that high-risk behaviours are taking place. Anecdotal accounts and the completion of two research studies integrated biological and behavioural survey (IBBS) and size estimation by IOM and partners point towards existence of certain populations at higher risk of HIV, including women engaged in transactional sex, their clients, transport workers (truck drivers and port workers), and other groups at increased risk of HIV.
    The 2012 Youth Behavioural Survey identified very low rates of knowledge among young women and men. Only 8.7% of the young men and 13.4% of the young women surveyed were able to correctly identify ways of preventing sexual transmission of HIV and rejected major misconceptions. Overall, 9.2% of young women and 21.2% of young men considered themselves at risk of being living with HIV. Of those surveyed, 0% of young women had ever had sex, and 10.8% of young men had had sex. Of the young men who had had sex, 1.3% had done so prior to the age of 15 and 2.6% had more than one partner. Approximately 35% of these had used a condom during their last intercourse.
    The Strategic Framework for the Somali AIDS Response (2018-2020) is focused on achieving two primary goals:

    Goal 1: Reduce the rate of new infections by 2020.
    Goal 2: Reduce HIV-related mortality and morbidity for Somali women, men and children by 2020.

    UNFPA has been working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people in Somalia since 2007, with a pool of peer educators doing health education in schools and outreach at community level for out-of-school youth.
    Purpose of the assignment
    You will be responsible for conceptually developing, conducting and analysing the results of a community-based survey that will assess and measure the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices of young people at higher risk of HIV and those in schools.
    All respondents will be young people aged 15 to 24 years. Geographically the survey will cover a representative sample of various parts of the country. This will be done through random selection of representative target areas.
    The study will also look at changing patterns among young people and sex groups, of different regions, to establish levels of sexual experience (age of first sex, forced sex and coercion), characteristics of sexual activity (partners, condom usage, alcohol and drug use, and transactional sex), educational level, HIV knowledge, communication and perceived risk, testing and exposure to interventions.
    The study will also assess young peoples’ preferred channels and sources of information towards planning and tailoring effective communication and advocacy interventions with maximum reach and impact. The outcome of this assignment should result in

    filling critical information gaps and ascertaining trends with respect to knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices in relation to HIV;
    identifying factors that act as barriers and enablers to HIV prevention and seeking care;
    identifying the existing channels and sources of information; and
    assessing and recommending appropriate communication channels and sources of information while focusing on message design and its delivery according to the needs of the target groups.

    Objectives of the Assignment

    Working under the overall supervision of Head of Programmes at UNFPA Somalia and the direct supervision of the UNFPA Youth Programme Officer for Somalia based in Nairobi, in close collaboration with the UNFPA sub-offices in Mogadishu, Somaliland and Puntland, you will manage the task of the formative research activity as follows:Obtaining Ethical approval of the research from the Government.
    Conducting a thorough review of available and relevant literature at the national, regional, and global levels in connection with the objectives of the study. In consultation with pertinent entities, preparing a concept note outlining the survey methodology and implementation timelines.
    Based on the approved research and sampling design, prepare appropriate data collection instruments, select and train interviewers, develop a quality assurance system, facilitate testing of questionnaires and undertake field-work and data collection.
    Developing the survey questionnaire.
    Training enumerators on the survey tools and data collection procedures.
    Collate, clean and subset the data for analysis and reporting.
    Preparing a draft analytical report to be reviewed by UNFPA and the Joint UN team on AIDS (JUNTA) team and finalize report based on inputs and comments received.
    Participating in one meeting with the Joint team on AIDS to present and discuss findings/recommendations of the assignment with pertinent stakeholders.
    A Somali-speaking research assistant will be hired by UNFPA Somalia to work under the researcher.

    Expected Outputs
    The following deliverables are expected to be provided by the consultant by the end of the assignment, in English:

    Ethical approval
    Action plan with timelines for the activity.
    A comprehensive descriptive report including detailed description of the methodologies used, discussion and analysis of the results, recommendations based on above scope, and annexes presenting the tools, instruments, documented results of the survey and interviews. The report structure to be discussed with UNFPA upon initiation of the consultancy.
    An executive summary of the above report and a Power point presentation (not to exceed 20 slides) with major findings and recommendations to be presented to key stakeholders.

    Payment Schedule

    First instalment: upon signing of contract and submission of inception report with methodology for the study and action plan: 25%.
    Second instalment: upon successful completion of data collection: 25%.
    Final instalment: upon submission of final satisfactory research report: 50%.

    The assignment entails travel to Somalia. All travel expenses directly related to the consultancy to and within Somalia will be facilitated and paid for by UNFPA Somalia.
    Project Timeline
    Final report delivered by 31 October 2018.
    Qualifications and Competencies
    Languages Skills

    Excellent command of spoken and written English. Knowledge of Somali an asset.


    Postgraduate degree in development studies, public health, psychology anthropology, or related field.
    Postgraduate qualification in research an asset.


    A minimum of seven years’ experience in research with expertise in HIV, sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), social norm sexual behaviour, most-at-risk populations and/or youth.
    Experience developing research methodology and tools.
    Experience managing research teams.
    Experience working in Somali setting is an asset.
    Analytical skills with ability to produce high quality reports and policy recommendations.
    First-hand knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic and political situation in Somalia will be an added advantage.
    Willingness to work in difficult circumstances and travel to Somalia as well as understanding of the UN system.

    Skills and Competencies

    Computer use including Microsoft Office and data analysis tools.
    Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
    Exceptional writing skills.
    Excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills.
    Ability to work under time constraints and deadlines in challenging settings.
    Ability to work in multicultural and multi ethnic environments.
    Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish effective working relations with other stakeholders with experience in convening and facilitating of workshops and meetings.
    Ability to work independently.
    Ability to work in a team and good interpersonal skills.

    Language requirements:
    Fluency in English is required, however knowledge of Somali language will be an asset

  • Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Consultancy for Research: Adolescent Nutrition Project

    Terms of Reference
    Research Consultant
    Purpose and Scope
    In order to generate information that would feed into future projects design, adaptation and funding bids, Christian Aid Kenya seeks to engage the services of a qualified and experienced research consultant (s)/consultancy firm to lead and manage the planned formative research focussing on providing an in-depth analysis of the current situation facing pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (and their children) in the projects’ target locations.
    Specific objectives will include:

    Understanding the needs of pregnant and lactating adolescent girls (under 19) in Narok when accessing and utilising nutritional advice and services
    Mapping of current needs and how they are currently met
    Identification of gaps in provision and barriers to accessing information and services

    Specific Tasks

    The consultant will oversee and direct the Christian Aid’s formative research by:
    Developing in consultation with CA Program Manager, M&E Officer and other Technical Advisors a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods
    Conduct a literature review/summary of current approaches to nutrition in pregnant and lactating mothers
    Develop research data collection tools and informed consent forms
    Prepare and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research within Kenya
    Participate in selection, hiring and training of field staff
    Develop a detailed work plan that clearly outlines activities and their schedule for implementation in accordance with the project timeline and in collaboration with stakeholders
    Coordinate the research activities together with CA Program staff and other partner staff
    Lead the field work including data collection, management, analysis and report writing. Presenting and discussing findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and engaging in plans of how to modify the project based on the findings and learning as needed

    The formative research will be conducted in Transmara East Sub County of Narok County. The consultancy will be divided into four phases which include study preparation, implementation, analysis and presentation.

    Phase I: Study Preparation – The consultant will develop a research protocol, which includes the research design and methods (study area, sampling methods, sample size, data collection methods, training, field supervision, data analysis plan and ethical considerations); develop data collection tools and informed consent forms and prepare for and submit a detailed study protocol to local Ethics Review Committee for ethical approval and seek any other approval for conducting formative research from relevant authorities within the ministries of health etc. The consultant will also participate in interviewing and selection of the field team and prepare to carry out training for them on tools procedures for data collection, management and research ethics.
    Phase II: Field Work/Data Collection – The consultant will direct the field work, with the help of logistics support from Christian Aid Office in Nairobi, to ensure that the field staff are carrying out the data collection in a timely and professional manner; the data notes and any other written transcripts are completed and meet expected standards; data are recorded, submitted and stored efficiently and ethically; troubleshoot any problems, inform the Christian Aid Program Officer and correct them promptly; maintain frequent communication with Christian Aid and partner staff and manage field staff. The consultant is expected to be present through-out the period of data collection.
    Phase III: Data Analysis – The consultant will conduct training for data entry staff and oversee the entry; The consultant will ensure that data is cleaned and accurate. Once all data is entered and cleaned, the consultant will be in charge of analysis of the collected data with input from Christian Aid Program Officer, M&E Officer and Research Advisor.
    Phase IV: Report Writing – The consultant will prepare and deliver an approved final report.
    Phase V: Article/Manuscript Writing – The consultant will draft an article/manuscript for publication to a reputable journal.

    Time frame
    The consultant is expected to carry out the exercise within 40 working days with the exercise starting from end of March 2018 and submitting the draft Report by 31st May 2018 and the final report not later than Mid-June 2018.
    Consultant Profile
    The consultant (s)/consultancy firm must have the following qualifications and experience to be eligible for this assignment:

    The lead consultant must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree. A technical background in public health or experience working in the field of nutrition and with a focus on adolescents is desired.
    The lead consultant (s) must have demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing research studies for similar projects and in delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and implementing rigorous research. We are interested in innovative approaches to addressing the objectives that may include purely qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches.
    Demonstration of good knowledge of the context in Kenya and Narok County is an added advantage.

    Deliverables of the Consultancy

    Acceptable research protocol
    An inception report that should include Approved protocol, Data Collection Tools and Informed Consent Forms and final schedule of field work.
    An acceptable draft report after the analysis of data for CA staff feedback following an agreed upon format. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each result area and considerations/recommendations.
    Lead the analysis and synthesis of evidence to develop key findings; Discuss findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and incorporate feedback to generate the final report.
    Develop and submit to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi 3 hard copies and a soft copy of an acceptable final study report
    Summary of the findings in (MS PowerPoint) to be used for subsequent dissemination.
    The final cleaned data set used for analysis and production of the final report in an acceptable electronic format (Excel, SPSS, MS Word transcripts) depending on research approaches/methodologies used.
    Draft of an article/manuscript for publication

    Ethics and Child Protection
    It is the responsibility of the consultant to demonstrate commitment to strictly adhere to Christian Aids Child Protection Policy and local context standards for handling minors related to consent, assent and confidentiality. The consultant has the responsibility to ensure that any persons hired, used or consulted during the process are made familiar with the policy and commit to abide by it during execution of this work. The consultant and associates must sign the policy prior to engagement in the assignment.