Job Field: Sector in Consultancy  , Data, Business Analysis and AI  , NGO/Non-Profit

  • Annual Outcome Surveys (2018 to 2021)

    Annual Outcome Surveys (2018 to 2021)

    Job Details
    To track the outcome level indicators, AGRA M&E system has been designed to measure progress on a number of selected outcome indicators and learning questions each year that ploughs back to strengthening and/ or refocusing interventions to ensure strong focus to the goal and objectives of AGRA, and to feed in to AGRA’s key evaluations along the strategic life cycle.
    AGRA invites eligible consultants (firms) to indicate their interest to undertake the surveys. The key objective of the assignment will be to develop a comprehensive survey methodology and approach, appropriate data collection tools and coordinate data collection and analysis of selected AGRA outcome-level indicators and learning question. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, general qualifications of key staff, and relevant experience and any other information that portrays their capability to deliver).

  • Consultancy Mission For a Final Project Evaluation In Kenya

    Consultancy Mission For a Final Project Evaluation In Kenya

    Job Description

    HI is looking for a consultant to carry out a final evaluation of this project in order to :

    assess its impact in line with the set objectives
    identify lessons learnt and good practices during project implementation
    identify any existing gap when it comes to delivering mother and child inclusive health services for vulnerable populations including persons with disabilities.

    This evaluation is expected to be carried out with the involvement of the beneficiaries of the project (Civil Society organizations, local Disabled People Organizations, parents of children with disabilities, health workers, community health volunteers) and policy makers Nairobi City County Health Services Department.
    The research consultant/team as far as possible should fulfill the following criteria:

    Possession of a degree in Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, Business and Economic related courses or other relevant field.
    A minimum of 5 years’ experience in conducting social science research, desk studies and analysis as evidenced by previous work.
    Strong previous experience in end-line evaluations in the humanitarian sector. Experience in health and disability related surveys an added advantage.
    Ability to develop analytical tools and conduct specialized analysis from multiple data source.
    Use of KoBo toolbox in data collection /ODK
    Knowledge and fluency in both English and Swahili

  • Conflict Study Consultancy

    Conflict Study Consultancy

    Objectives of the study
    The main objective (purpose) of this study is to investigate the changing dynamics of natural resource based conflicts in Isiolo, Laikipia and Samburu Counties in order to generate new strategies for preventing, managing and transforming the conflicts. The following are the specific objectives:

    Undertake a review of recent conflict studies to generate secondary data and knowledge gaps related to natural resource and political related conflicts in Isiolo, Laikipia and Samburu counties
    Establish the emerging dynamic, trends and drivers of natural resource based conflicts in the three Counties
    Assess the role of the key stakeholders, including National and County governments in managing and transforming natural resource based conflicts in the three Counties.
    Document any key lesson(s) learned in addressing natural resource based conflicts in the three Counties being studied
    Generate strategies and recommendations for addressing natural resource based conflicts in the three Counties, clearly articulating what the communities, County, National Governments and
    Development Partners can do to address the situation.

    Proposed Approach
    The approach will involve among others literature review, field visits/research and a validation workshop.
    The detailed approach will be as follows:

    Desk review: The consultant will undertake a literature review of the recent secondary data in the realm of natural resource based conflicts in Kenya and beyond. Any gaps identified especially regarding natural resource conflicts will inform field research.
    Field Research: The consultant will suggest a representative sample based on an agreed criterion and will collect data using a variety of methods including questionnaires, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, observation and photography among others. The data will be collected from Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, CSOs, community leaders, ranch owners, pastoralists, conservancy owners, small scale and large scale farmers, religious institutions, business leaders, women among others.
    Validation workshop: The consultant will produce a report that will be presented to stakeholders in a validation meeting and the feedback used to finalize the reports.

    Reporting and Supervision
    The consultant will work under the overall supervision of the PBCT Program Coordinator and with support from the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager and the Peace Building and Conflict Transformation Program Manager.
    The deliverables will be assessed against the provisions of this scope of work set for the assignment. In synopsis, the following are the key deliverables:

    Inception report: Clearly describing the study design, sampling techniques, data analysis and a work plan for achieving the same. Preliminary secondary data, highlighting the main knowledge gaps, will form a key component of the inception report.
    Draft Conflict Assessment Report: This report, between 30 to 40 pages, will have detailed information analysing the changing dynamics of conflicts in the aforementioned Counties, its drivers and strategies for addressing the conflicts. This report will be reviewed by Act! staff and subjected to stakeholder review during a validation workshop.
    Final Conflict Assessment Report: A final report of not more than 40 pages incorporating comments from both the Act! reviewers and the validation workshop will be submitted to Act!

    Duration of the Assignment
    This task will be carried out over a period of 45 consultancy days.

  • Consultant – Qualitative Researcher

    Consultant – Qualitative Researcher

    The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking an experienced Consultant – Qualitative Researcher to document the market system of the Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato (OFSP) as part of reports being prepared at the end of a three-year project.
    As the Accelerated Value Chain Development Program (AVCD)- Sweetpotato value chain comes to an end, there is need to document in form of a technical paper the status of OFSP marketing following 3 years of project activities within a value chain approach. The aim of the value chain has been to move OFSP from a subsistence crop to a commercial crop. Project activities related to production concentrated in Western Kenya, while market related activities moved to the producing counties to towns such as Naivasha, Limuru and Nairobi. This consultancy will thus involve reviews of project documents, existing literature, key informants’ Interviews among other approaches of data collection.
    Key responsibilities:

    Review relevant recent documents to be provided by the project team.
    Review project’s market related monitoring data for trends in market development during project implementation period.
    Hold key informant Interviews with key stakeholders within the market segment of the value chain.
    Review the impact pathway for the marketing component to assess the progress made in developing a functional market system.
    Review farmer institutions and their role in OFSP Marketing.
    Develop data collection tool (s), administer the tool (s), analyse the data and prepare a report.

    Selection Criteria

    PhD in any field that includes strong qualitative research
    Significant and demonstrated field experience in documenting inter-linked aspects of a project.
    At least 5 years’ experience in a similar research work
    Proficient in MS Office, especially in Excel;
    Fluent verbal and written communication skills in English and Kiswahili.

    Why should you consider this opportunity?

    CIP is a global and reputable international organization that has a strong, state-of-the-art R&D background, and is a recent World Food Price Winner and awarded with the Al-Sumait Award for our Orange Flesh Sweet Potato work in Africa.
    CIP is dedicated to achieving food security, improved nutrition and well-being, and gender equality for poor people in root and tuber farming and food systems of the developing world.
    CIP is a member of CGIAR, a network of 15 research centers that are mostly located in the developing world and supported by more than 50 donor members.

    What are the conditions?
    The position is Nationally Recruited Staff (NRS) consultancy, limited to Kenya nationals and permanent residents only.

  • Research Team Lead Consultant – Kenya/Tanzania

    Research Team Lead Consultant – Kenya/Tanzania

    International Alert is in discussion with TradeMark East Africa to carry out a baseline study for its Women in Trade programme and is seeking applications for a consultant to lead the field research in Kenya.
    This Women in Trade programme aims to contribute to the greater inclusion of women in trade as one of the pathways to increased business competitiveness and increased trade in the East African Community (EAC) region and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It aims to do this through two key objectives:

    Objective (i): Increase trade value and incomes of women traders by addressing the constraints faced by women as they gradually transition to formal trade and ensure that they trade gainfully; and
    Objective (ii): Increase the number of women participating in trade through the elimination of the barriers of entry to trade for women across the EAC.

    The baseline study will use a mixed-method methodology, combining desk-based research, field surveys, focus group discussions and key informant interviews, to produce a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessment for the programme.
    This methodology combines ‘hard’ data relating to trade volumes and trends, and political and economic policy and institutional infrastructure that is in place, with perceptions and socio-cultural data that influences, for example, the way in which women traders use the policy tools that are available to them to maximise their trade. As such, the methodology will provide a holistic picture of the barriers and opportunities for women to play a greater role in trade across the key locations where the programme will be implemented.
    The analytical framework for the study will:

    gather quantitative and qualitative data against the programme logframe
    provide an in-depth analysis of the political, socio-economic, policy/institutional and environmental context in which the programme is being implemented
    test the results chain and theory of change of the project

    The Research Team Lead will supervise a team of data collectors to gather economic, socio-cultural, environmental and policy data at key border crossing points in Kenya, feed into the design of appropriate data collection tools and make these relevant to the context, and feed into the analysis of the baseline assessment report.
    Note, the above include some of the requirements for the job. For the full requirements, please read the Terms of Reference.

  • Consultant – Research Assistant, Somalia Country Office in Nairobi, Kenya

    Consultant – Research Assistant, Somalia Country Office in Nairobi, Kenya

    Background Information
    Young people are considered to be a particularly vulnerable group to sexually transmitted infections including HIV (STI/HIV) as well as to high risk behaviors. They have limited access to adequate youth-friendly sexual reproductive health (RH) services and/or they are faced with resistance and/or unfriendly attitudes exhibited by service providers. Very often they rely on their peers and/or the internet for learning about the changes they go through, the answers to their health problems or advice for engaging in a relationship, among other information. In many cases, they end up being recipients of incorrect and inadequate information from inaccurate sources without any guidance. A research conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Somalia in 2012 showed a significant level of misconceptions among young people with respect to transmission of HIV.
    Significant numbers of young adolescent girls, who survived incidents of Gender based Violence (GBV), particularly sexual violence, face significant risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases because of lack of knowledge about the infection and available GBV-related services. All of these challenges require understanding of young people’s attitudes and perceptions about their health-seeking behaviors. This information is fundamental for better responding to their needs and aspirations.
    The existing data on the Somali HIV epidemic points towards a likely concentrated epidemic in high-risk populations that has neither been properly identified or addressed programmatically in the national response. The draft 2016 antenatal clinic (ANC) data showed HIV prevalence of 0.07% in the South-Central part of the country, 0.29% in Puntland, and 0.48% (in Somaliland). The HIV prevalence among women aged 15-24 was 0.24% across the country, breaking down as 0.70% in Somaliland, 0.12% in Puntland, and 0.10% in the South Central part of Somalia.
    STI prevalence is surprisingly high for a low-prevalence country, indicating that high-risk behaviours are taking place. Anecdotal accounts and the completion of two research studies integrated biological and behavioural survey (IBBS) and size estimation by IOM and partners point towards existence of certain populations at higher risk of HIV, including women engaged in transactional sex, their clients, transport workers (truck drivers and port workers), and other groups at increased risk of HIV.
    The 2012 Youth Behavioural Survey identified very low rates of knowledge among young women and men. Only 8.7% of the young men and 13.4% of the young women surveyed were able to correctly identify ways of preventing sexual transmission of HIV and rejected major misconceptions. Overall, 9.2% of young women and 21.2% of young men considered themselves at risk of being living with HIV. Of those surveyed, 0% of young women had ever had sex, and 10.8% of young men had had sex. Of the young men who had had sex, 1.3% had done so prior to the age of 15 and 2.6% had more than one partner. Approximately 35% of these had used a condom during their last intercourse.
    The Strategic Framework for the Somali AIDS Response (2018-2020) is focused on achieving two primary goals:

    Goal 1: Reduce the rate of new infections by 2020.
    Goal 2: Reduce HIV-related mortality and morbidity for Somali women, men and children by 2020.

    UNFPA has been working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people in Somalia since 2007, with a pool of peer educators doing health education in schools and outreach at community level for out-of-school youth.
    Purpose of the assignment
    The Research Assistant will support the lead researcher to conceptually develop, conduct and analyse the results of a community-based survey that will assess and measure the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices of young people at higher risk of HIV and those in schools.
    The study will also look at changing patterns among young people and sex groups, of different regions, to establish levels of sexual experience (age of first sex, forced sex and coercion), characteristic of sexual activity (partners, condom usage, alcohol and drug use, and transactional sex), educational level, HIV knowledge, communication and perceived risk, testing and exposure to interventions.
    The study will also assess their preferred channels and sources of information towards planning and tailoring effective communication and advocacy interventions with maximum reach and impact. The outcome of this assignment should result in:

    filling critical information gaps and ascertaining trends with respect to knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and practices in relation to HIV;
    identifying factors that act as barriers and enablers to HIV prevention and seeking care;
    identifying the existing channels and sources of information; and
    assessing and recommending appropriate communication channels and sources of information while focusing on message design and its delivery according to the needs of the target groups.

    Description of the Assignment

    You will serve as a Research Assistant for the Youth behavioral survey in Somalia. Under the overall supervision of UNFPA Youth officer and the direct supervision of the lead consultant, you will carry out the following tasks:
    Support the survey exercise which will entail use of questionnaire to administer a structured, face-to-face household survey in selected community units in the country, while capturing the basic household demographic information. The Research Assistant will be required to maintain confidentiality and security of data gathered.
    Support training on data collection methods and review the data collection forms.
    Perform field data collection and management activities, following approved protocol, including permission and consent processes.
    Review completed data before proceeding with the next stages of the survey.
    Meet deadlines, including conducting assigned interviews in a timely manner.
    Report to the immediate supervisor as required (e.g. discuss field experiences and challenges).
    Support in drafting the analytical report to be reviewed by UNFPA and the Joint UN team on AIDS (JUNTA) and participate in finalization of the report based on input and comments received.
    Participate in meetings to present and discuss findings and recommendations of the assignment with pertinent stakeholders.
    Execute any other reasonable duties, as assigned by the supervisor.

    Expected Outputs
    The following deliverables are expected to be provided by the lead consultant and research assistant by the end of the assignment, in English:

    A comprehensive descriptive and analytical report including detailed description of the methodologies used, discussion and analysis of the results, recommendations based on above scope, and annexes presenting the tools, instruments, documented results of the survey and interviews. The report structure is to be discussed with UNFPA upon initiation of the consultancy.
    An executive summary of the above report plus a Power point presentation (20 slides maximum) with major findings and recommendations.

    Payment Schedule

    First instalment: upon signing of contract and submission of inception report: 25%.
    Second instalment: upon successful completion of data collection: 25%.
    Final instalment: upon submission of final satisfactory research report: 50%.

    Project Timeline
    Final report delivered by 31 October 2018.
    Qualifications and Competencies

    Languages Skills
    Excellent command of spoken and written English and Somali.


    Diploma (2 years’ post-secondary education) in relevant area plus 3 to 5 years of relevant work experience or
    Bachelor Degree in relevant area plus 1-3 years of relevant work experience

    Other requirement

    Excellent organizational skills and ability to follow study-specific procedures and guidelines reliably
    Excellent verbal and written communication skills
    Proficiency in basic computer technology including word processing (e.g. Microsoft Word, Power point, email and basic data entry (e.g. Microsoft Excel)
    First-hand knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic and political situation in Somalia will be an added advantage.
    Willingness to work in difficult circumstances and travel to Somalia.
    Previous experience in relevant study in Somalia.
    Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish effective and working relations with other stakeholders in Somalia with experience in convening and facilitating of workshops and meetings.

  • Monitoring and Reporting Consultant

    Monitoring and Reporting Consultant

    Job description
    UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.The role of the UN Women ESARO in relation to UN Women’s presences within the region is to provide: strategic programme development and policy/technical advice; programme and operational oversight, support and quality assurance; monitoring and support in the formulation and implementation of high quality and relevant country programmes/projects and oversee the appraisal and approval of UN Women programmes in line with corporate strategies, policies and guidelines.Reporting to the Regional Director, the Monitoring and Reporting consultant will provide support to the Regional Office (RO) and Country Office (CO)/Multi Country Office colleagues in incorporating monitoring and reporting into programme formulation as well tracking against Strategic Plan targets and the reporting of results to internal and external audiences.
    Duties and Responsibilities

    Provide Guidance And Technical Support To The Country Offices And Multi Country Offices In Incorporating Monitoring And Reporting Into Programme Formulation

    Provide quality assurance of program documents through review of results frameworks in order to meet SMART criteria;
    Manage the development of monitoring indicators, monitoring calendars, and field monitoring plans and quality assurance processes; ensure use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are incorporated to programme formulation;
    Coordinate annual work plan monitoring, reviews and reporting, and entry of the RO budget into Atlas;
    Ensure linkage of Annual Work Plans (AWPs) and corresponding Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) Plans with the UN Women Strategic Plan;
    Provide strategic guidance to partners/ COs/ MCO in developing Performance Monitoring Frameworks (PMFs) and Baseline Surveys;
    Provide advice to country offices in the clearance of donor agreements and Programme Cooperation Agreements;
    Ensure sufficient funds for monitoring, evaluation and reporting at country/ regional level.

    Provide Technical Guidance To The Country Offices And Multi Country Office In And Oversee Monitoring And Tracking Of Results Against Country/ Regional Level Targets And UN Women Strategic Plan As Well As Budgets

    Ensure data collection and analysis from field visits are coordinated and standardized across programmes;
    Visit countries/ partners to support monitoring of results, planning processes, and delivery rates;
    Lead the review of financial reports, liaise with operations, based on contractual obligation;
    Monitor budgets are regional and national levels and identify unaligned resources for expedite correction by countries;
    Coordinate the monthly review of the RO budget and propose recommendations to the Senior Management; provide support to the coordination of the budget mid-year assessment;
    Develop the COs/MCO’s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Plan.

    Oversee Reporting Of Results To Senior Management

    Coordinate and provide technical guidance to the country offices in meeting internal reporting requirements and deadlines, including annual reporting process;
    Finalize programme reports (both narrative and financial); ensure use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into programme reporting;
    Review progress reports submitted by country offices/partners and provide feedback to improve quality and timeliness of reporting;
    Ensure the availability (including collecting and maintaining) of data for country, regional and global corporate reports, mid-term reviews, and final evaluations.

    Provide Technical Support To Donor Reporting

    Maintain donor contract management system for the region and ensure that correct data and documentation is uploaded by country offices;
    Provide technical support to and ensure quality of results oriented narrative reports to donors;
    Liaise with the Finance Section in Headquarters for the timely preparation and submission of Financial reports to donors;
    Track the spending of donor funds and prompt the programme staff about seeking no-cost extension, as necessary, and in close collaboration with the Monitoring & Reporting focal points.

    Contribute To Knowledge Building And Capacity Building

    Identify and disseminate good practices, lessons and knowledge; as identified through programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities;
    Develop capacity development tools, including training materials and packages;
    Manage capacity building opportunities of staff and partners in the region in the areas of Results Based Management (RBM), Monitoring and Evaluation;
    Promote the awareness and understanding of the shared responsibility of Monitoring & Reporting among all staff members through communication, training, learning and development activities.


    Timely and quality technical support to the programme team and partners in line with work plan;
    Quality and timely systems for tracking/monitoring developed and implemented;
    Timely synthesis and submission of quality and accurate reports;
    Quality knowledge management tools;
    Monthly progress report as per work plan agreed with supervisor.

    Core Values

    Respect for Diversity

    Core Competencies

    Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
    Creative Problem Solving
    Effective Communication
    Inclusive Collaboration
    Stakeholder Engagement
    Leading by Example

    Functional Competencies

    Strong knowledge of programme formulation and implementation and Results Based Management;
    Strong knowledge of monitoring and evaluation, evaluation design, data collection and analysis, and reporting;
    Ability to synthesize program performance data and produce analytical reports;
    Strong analytical and report writing skills;
    Good knowledge of UN programme management systems;

    Required Skills And Experience
    Education and certification:
    Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Political or Social Science, Economics, International Development Studies, Gender/Women’s Studies. Advanced University degree in Monitoring and Results Based Management considered an advantage.

    At least 5 years of progressively responsible experience at the national or international level in monitoring and reporting of development projects/ programmes;
    Experience in the United Nations systems in an asset;
    Field experience is an asset.

    Language Requirements

    Fluency in English is required;
    Working knowledge of French is an asset.

  • Annual Outcome Surveys (2018 to 2021)

    Annual Outcome Surveys (2018 to 2021)

    Job Details
    To track the outcome level indicators, AGRA M&E system has been designed to measure progress on a number of selected outcome indicators and learning questions each year that ploughs back to strengthening and/ or refocusing interventions to ensure strong focus to the goal and objectives of AGRA, and to feed in to AGRA’s key evaluations along the strategic life cycle.
    AGRA invites eligible consultants (firms) to indicate their interest to undertake the surveys. The key objective of the assignment will be to develop a comprehensive survey methodology and approach, appropriate data collection tools and coordinate data collection and analysis of selected AGRA outcome-level indicators and learning question. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, general qualifications of key staff, and relevant experience and any other information that portrays their capability to deliver).