Job Field: Sector in Agriculture / Agro-Allied

  • Agronomy and Biodiversity Advisor 

Junior Consultant – Agribusiness 

Consultancy Services For Conducting Commercial Viability Analysis For Community Water Systems In Arid And Semi-Arid Lands

    Agronomy and Biodiversity Advisor Junior Consultant – Agribusiness Consultancy Services For Conducting Commercial Viability Analysis For Community Water Systems In Arid And Semi-Arid Lands

    About REALMS
    The Regenerative Agricultural practices for improved Livelihoods and Markets (REALMS) project aims to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Western Kenya and Western Rwanda through creating conditions for the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices. Both project areas are characterized by high population growth and increased demand for food, increasingly degraded lands, fragile landscapes and weakened livelihoods. By creating the appropriate conditions for the adoption by smallholders of regenerative agricultural practices the REALMS project will tackle these challenges.
    Job Description
    SNV is seeking an experienced professional agronomist with expertise in areas of conservation agriculture, agroecology, soil conservation and climate smart agricultural practices. The position holder will be responsible for guiding adoption of regenerative agricultural practices by farmers and agro-enterprises. S/he will coordinate with the project team and partners to contribute to analysis that will identify and stimulate investments for effective regenerative production systems. S/he will provide support to SMEs and farmer groups/cooperatives on the most appropriate climate integration strategies, which enhance income of producers and agribusinesses. The incumbent will contribute to the joint learning of smallholder producers agro-enterprises adoption of regenerative agriculture.
    Key Responsibilities

    Provide appropriate and targeted technical advice or assistance to REALMS, project staff and consultants on activities linked to the project.
    Mentor and coach staff members and partner CSO partners on green growth agenda
    Develop and apply training methods appropriate to the needs of the smallholder farmers and their organizations
    Gather and manage relevant knowledge (e.g. training materials such as manuals)
    Act as a focal point for any potential research project related to agronomy in the REALMS project
    Act as focal point for potential research initiative in liaison with the M&E Officer
    Support partner organizations in their awareness raising and agroecology capacity linked to increasing adoption of regenerative and circular food systems especially by the smallholder farmers.
    Monitor and evaluate the implementation of partner organizations in all activities related to REALMS.
    Support and accompany the partner organizations in developing and applying their own monitoring systems as well as assessing and managing the risks
    Ensure strong communication and co-ordination with partner organizations, target groups and key stakeholders related to the regenerative agriculture and agroecology
    Revise reports submitted by partner organizations regarding issues linked to REALMS
    Submit visit reports to coordination office after each project visit
    Network with like-minded organizations in the field of agronomy in close collaboration with the other REALMS colleagues.


    At least a Bachelors degree and preferably a Masters level in Agriculture, Horticulture, Agronomy, soil and water sciences, or related field from a recognized university. 
    At least 5 years in promotion of conservation agriculture, climate smart agriculture, and soil and water conservation.
    Experience working with farmers and demonstrated experience as an advisor on agronomy, sustainable agriculture and organic farming with proved competences in one or several of the following fields: agroforestry, bio intensive gardening, sustainable land management practices, mixed cultivation, seed production and storage, climate change adaptation and mitigation, water harvesting and/or disaster risk reduction
    Proven competences in knowledge management and dissemination
    Proven competences in project management and PCM instruments
    Experience with working with farmers’ groups and agro-enterprises with special attention to gender integration and social inclusivity approaches.
    Excellent written and oral skills in English and Kiswahili
    Excellent IT-skills (word, excel, power point)
    Ability to plan, set priorities and multitask
    Proven ability to work autonomously, in teams and multidisciplinary
    Excellent communication and interpersonal skills; networking skills an asset
    Knowledge and experience in participatory approaches, gender approaches and/or working with youth an asset

    go to method of application »

    Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.  

    Apply via :

  • Mid Term Evaluation of the “Enterprise Development for Rural Families in Kenya

    Mid Term Evaluation of the “Enterprise Development for Rural Families in Kenya

    Terms of Reference
    Request for Proposal to Conduct the Mid Term Evaluation of the “Enterprise Development for Rural Families in Kenya: Phase III (EDRF III) Project” [Ref. No: HIHEA/010-2021/M&E]
    Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HiHEA) seeks the services of a team of qualified consultants to conduct a Mid Term Evaluation for the above 4-year program in Kenya. This evaluation is commissioned by HiHEA, in consultation with Hand in Hand International (HiH I), the Hand in Hand global network’s coordination and support office based in London and with the Swedish Embassy of Kenya/SIDA in Nairobi.  
    The assignment
    The aim of this Mid-term Evaluation is to:

    Assess the programme’s progress against the log-frame indicators
    Assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the programme
    Assess the program’s capacity to sustainably achieve the expected outcomes and impact
    Make recommendations for the remaining program period to guide implementation.

    The review will involve interviews with staff to uncover lessons learnt through implementation, challenges faced and best practices obtained so far which will inform the remaining phase of project implementation period. The assignment will ensure comparison with baseline survey results and the recent gender analysis findings to measure the progress/ achievement in the proposed indicators. The emphasis on lessons learnt speaks to the issue of understanding what has and what has not worked as a guide for future planning. The evaluations will track the performance of the programme against planned results especially given that the project is gender specific targeting 80% of the beneficiaries as women. They will also assess the preliminary indications of potential impact and sustainability of results including the contribution to beneficiaries’ capacity development, women economic and social empowerment and achievement of sustainable development goals. The evaluation exercise should not only assess project performance, but also seek to answer the “why” question by identifying factors contributing to (or inhibiting) successful implementation and achievement of results among beneficiary women, youth and men.
    Scope of the Mid-term Evaluation
    The mid-term evaluation will cover the project’s seven beneficiary counties of Machakos, Laikipia, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Baringo, Kajiado and Makueni, in the period from project start-up (October 2018) through to July 2021 when the evaluation’s data collection is expected to be completed. As at end of May 2021, the project had mobilized 24,595 beneficiaries The beneficiaries comprise of two cohorts; cohort 1 and cohort 2 members distributed across the seven counties served through five HiH EA branch offices.   
    The evaluation activities will include:

    Desk review of key project documents, including theory of change, MEL plan, baseline report, project data collection tools, donor reports, etc.
     Adaptation of data collection tools to fit the task at hand
    Collection of qualitative and quantitative midline data from project participants against logframe indicators
    Interviews with project staff to uncover implementation strengths, challenges, and lessons learnt
    Comparative analysis of midline data against baseline data to assess whether the programme results are on track
    Assess the extent to which capacities have been built both for staff and the beneficiaries on project implementation.

    Applicants should outline suggested methodologies for answering the evaluation questions below which incorporate quantitative, qualitative primary and secondary research methods. Appropriate data collection and sampling approaches should be outlined. Currently, the program team have a Management Information System which contains relevant data related to some of the program output indicators. We expect the evaluators to validate the data that we have collected to report on our results.  
    There are outcome and output indicators that will require primary data collection. We expect the evaluators to build on some of our existing data collection tools to carry out this data collection.   
    The evaluators will be expected to ensure maximum engagement with the project implementing team in liaison with the core internal evaluation team. The evaluators will conduct daily debrief meetings with the branch teams after each day of data collection. In addition, learning events will be organized by HiH EA across the implementing branches to disseminate lessons learned through a presentation and a workshop facilitated by the consultant.
    Mid Term Evaluation core areas of enquiry and questions  

    Relevance: Does the intervention design align with its objectives?
    To what extent did the project target the appropriate beneficiaries and reach the intended target groups (women, young men and women (under 35 years)?  
    How well is the project responding to the stated needs and requirements of the target beneficiary groups, specifically:  

    Gender: how can the project improve/build on good practices when targeting women specifically?  
    Youth: how can the project improve/build on good practices when targeting youth (young women and men)? How is the project actively involving young women and men in enhancing their capacity on enterprise development?

    How relevant are the Climate Smart Villages in demonstrating impact amongst the target beneficiary women, youth and men that is attributable to the project?
    Are there avenues to strengthen the market linkages approach to address gender based challenges in market access?
    Coherence: How well does the intervention fit?
    To what extent has the project maximized on the synergies and interlinkages with other similar interventions in the project sites?
    How has the project ensured complementarity, harmonization and co-ordination with others, and to what extent has the intervention added value while avoiding duplication of effort?
    Effectiveness: How well is the project delivering against targets?  
    Is the program on track to meet all outcome and output targets by the end of the project? An overview of these outputs and outcomes indicators are highlighted in Annex 1.
    Should the program adjust any work streams to achieve the outcomes of the project?  
    What are the key drivers and barriers affecting the delivery of results for the EDRF III project?  
    What innovations have been deployed to reach targets? Have they been effective?
    Is the training delivered effectively among women, youth and men beneficiaries?
    Among beneficiary women, youth and men, who has benefited the most from the training provided and why? Which group among the above categorized has benefited least and why?
    Are there any areas of improvement for women, youth and men beneficiaries that should be incorporated to address any challenges identified in relation to the training program?
    How has the project so far contributed to reducing gender-based inequalities in enterprise development, maintenance and growth among beneficiary women, youth and men?
    What practical activities can the project team undertake to build on both gender and youth mainstreaming?
    How has the project contributed towards changes in intrahousehold and extra household gender dynamics??
    How far has the Technical Assistance under this project contributed to improved capacity among HIH EA staff on market access, gender, climate resilience and M&E aspects?
    Efficiency: Is the project delivering on budget and on schedule?  
    To what extent does the program deliver results on time and on budget against agreed plans?
    Are there any areas where the program can make cost savings or improve efficiencies?
    Sustainability: Will the project benefits outlive the implementation period?
    To what extent are the benefits delivered by the project likely to be sustained after the project ends?
    What are the key factors that ensure the functionality and sustainability of the Self-Help Groups, enterprises survival rates?
    How adequate is the capacity of the exit structures especially the CBOs to function after the project ends? Which areas of support do beneficiary women, youth and men require as priorities for sustaining their established enterprises?
    In order to ensure sustainability, are there other partners, approaches etc. that we should consider?
    Impact: What are the ultimate consequences of the intervention?  
    What are some of the direct and indirect benefits of the project among beneficiary women, youth and men?
    Has the project had any unintended positive consequences?
    Has the project had any unintended negative consequences?
    To what extent is our Theory of Change valid? Do its assumptions hold true?


    A Mid Term Evaluation Inception report which details what the consultancy team will do,  and what research methodologies they will use. All data collection tools must be annexed. (Template to be agreed with HiH EA and HIHI).
    Qualitative and quantitative data collection plan.
    A Powerpoint presentation of draft findings to both the HiH EA and HiHI teams for discussion and feedback.
    A Concise Mid Term Evaluation Report of not more than 30 pages, including user-friendly graphs comparing midline data against baseline data for key metrics.
    An Executive Summary of no more than 3 pages.  
    Presentation of the Mid Term Evaluation to HiH EA/HiHI stakeholders for validation.  
    Clean quantitative datasets in excel format with a data dictionary and data cleaning log
    Worked quantitative dataset in Excel format showing analysis and graphs
    Clean, transcribed qualitative datasets
    Worked qualitative datasets showing analysis and coding
    3 learning events for project staff, stakeholders and partners across the five implementing branches. The structure and activities of the learning and evaluation meeting will be agreed with Hand in Hand Eastern Africa.

    The report will be used to improve program implementation on ongoing program learning. It will be shared internally across the HiH network as well as with SIDA. It will also be published externally on the HiH EA and HiHI website and shared with key partners. 
    Consultant Skills and Experience

    At least 10 years’ experience in field research and evaluation of community development projects. 
    In-depth knowledge of climate change resilience enterprise development programs, involving the poor, rural entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers.  
    Expertise in gender and social inclusion on women’s and youth’s economic and social empowerment programs and the challenges to participation in the economic and development programs in the society will be an added advantage.
    Prior experience in integrating gender in impact evaluation with a focus on economic activities as well as evaluating market systems development approaches along gender lines.
    Should demonstrate evidence of past relevant evaluation assignments in rural areas of Kenya and be able to provide examples as requested.
    Fluency in English and local languages, including Kiswahili.
    Include a summative table on relevant assignments undertaken and references and state the role of each consultant in the stated assignments.

    Suggested Mid Term Evaluation timeframe
    The total duration of the MTR will be approximately 30 working days spread over a time period of 8 weeks starting 26th July 2021, and shall not exceed 2 months from when the consultant(s) are hired. This timeline may be subject to minor changes with the successful appointment of a consultant.
    However, the final report for the Mid Term Evaluation must be submitted according to timelines agreed upon during the inception meeting.

    Budget and Payment 
    The consultancy firm will provide a detailed budget summary splitting the consultant’s fees and expenses. The terms of payment will be negotiated with the firm upon signing of the contract.

    Annex 1: Indicators for data collection

    Impact: Poverty is reduced and household wellbeing improved in Baringo, Kajiado, Laikipia, Machakos, Makueni, Nakuru and Nyandarua counties

    Impact indicator 1: Most Significant Changes experienced by SHG Members (M/F, Y/A)

    Long-term Outcome 1: Increased resilience and sustainability of SHG Member enterprises   

    LT 1a: % of sampled Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 Members who have diversified and/or intensified their enterprise activities   
    LT 1b: Enterprise survival rate 12 months after Member graduation (green/non-green)

    Long-term Outcome 2: Increased financial resilience of SHG Member households   

    LT 2a: % of Members who report that their households are able to fully meet their daily needs from their own income sources
    LT 2b: % change in average monthly savings in KES per member

    Long-term Outcome 3: Increased women’s economic empowerment and agency   

    LT 3a: % of sampled women Members who participate in decision making (Youth / Adult)

    Short-term Outcome 1: Increased capacities to save, borrow, and repay   

    ST 1a: % of sampled Members who feel Table banking / MGR has improved their financial management skills (M/F, Y/A)

    Short-term Outcome 2: Improved knowledge, capacities, and enabling environment for men and women to run profitable enterprises   

    ST 2a: % of sampled Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 members who practice target business methods

    Short-term Outcome 3: Increased incomes and economic activity in the target communities   

    ST 3a: % increase in sampled members’ average monthly net enterprise income from baseline for Cohort 1 and Cohort 2

    Short-term Outcome 4: Increased uptake of appropriate financial services for business growth by SHG Members   
    ST 4a: % of sampled SHG members who feel that they have access to the credit they need to grow their business (M/F, Y/A)
    ST 4b: % of borrowers who feel that the loan helped them to grow their business (M/F, Y/A)
    ST Outcome 5: Increased capacity among HIH EA staff on market access, gender, climate resilience and M&E   

    ST 5a: % of HIH EA staff trained and who report improved performance in market access systems, M&E, gender and climate resilience (M/F) on an annual basis.

    Output 1: 1,326 community-owned platforms for savings and peer support   

    OP 1c: % of SHGs practising Table banking / Merry-go-Round
    Output 3: 18,564 enterprises created or enhanced by SHG Members  
    OP 3b: % programme members who are active members of functioning CBOs

    Consultancy firms (not individuals) are invited to submit the proposal to email address: on or before 11th July,2021 specifying ‘Enterprise Development for Rural Families- REF No:  HIHEA/010-2021/M&E in the subject line. The proposal should include the following:

    Apply via :

  • Plant Pathologist

    Plant Pathologist


    Organizes the scouting schedule for early detection of pests/diseases before threshold is reached.
    Performs diagnostic pathological tests analysis of water, plant, and media samples.
    Participates in developing crop protection programs to prevent pests and diseases build up
    Performs routine laboratory tests (Elisa Test) on plant and seed samples to screen for seed transmittable diseases.
    Conducts phytosanitary induction and training to employees to enhance awareness in the farm and ensure compliance.
    Coordinates and performs calibration of laboratory equipment to ensure data accuracy and compliance
    Monitors the efficacy of disinfectants used in the farm to help prevent diseases
    Trains the scouts to improve performance
    Trains third party (out grower) scouts and pathologists to ensure application of Syngenta standards across the board.
    Coordinates sealing of holes in greenhouse plastic/net to control pest and diseases
    Ensure identification and control of hosts plants and updates host bank record appropriately for risk management and decision making
    Ensures green waste from the green house is composted and effectively disposed in accordance with the protocol.
    Performs periodic audits of the processes in seeds departments to ensure compliance
    Evaluates the team to measure performance and identify areas of improvement.
    Coordinates proficiency tests in seeds production in liaison with the heads of production to ensure acceptable levels of awareness for compliance.
    Enforces HSE rules and regulations and champions the implementation of the Syngenta HSE policy in all business operations.
    A ny other tasks and projects as may be allocated from time to time.

    Desired Skills and Experience

    A Degree in Horticulture/Agriculture/Crop Protection/Botany
    Thorough knowledge of Solanaceae plant diseases and pests.
    Work in challenging areas and circumstances (GSPP).
    Have experience in lab operations and management.

    Key Skills

    Communication skills

    Critical Experience

    3 years in relevant field

    Apply via :

  • Agrovet Attendant

    Agrovet Attendant

    Job Summary:

    Selling of farm inputs to customers.
    Sales and stock reconciliation
    Stock management
    Instore product merchandising

    Minimum requirements:

    Diploma/Certificate in Animal Health or related course
    Valid KVB certification

    Salary range – Ksh15,000 to Ksh20,000

    Apply via :

  • General Manager

    General Manager

    About the role
    We are looking for a self-motivated and results-driven general manager to direct and manage our organization’s business activities and to develop and implement effective business strategies and programs. Duties for the general manager will include allocating budget resources, formulating policies, coordinating business operations, monitoring and motivating staff, managing operational costs, ensuring good customer service, improving administration processes, engaging with vendors, hiring and training employees, identifying business opportunities, and monitoring financial activities. Your entrepreneurial spirit and vision in directing business functions will assist our organization in maintaining relationships with clients, generating new business, increasing staff productivity, improving service, ensuring sustainability, and meeting business objectives.
    ​The successful candidate for this role should possess excellent communication skills, superior knowledge of business functions, exceptional budgeting, and finance skills, and strong leadership qualities. The noteworthy general manager should account for all business activities, support staff development, enhance efficiency, drive sales and improve revenue, maintain relationships with clients, enhance the organization’s image, and meet overall growth objectives.
    ​General Manager Responsibilities:

    Oversee daily operations of the business unit or organization.
    Ensure the creation and implementation of a strategy designed to grow the business.
    Coordinate the development of key performance goals for functions and direct reports.
    Provide direct management of key functional managers and executives in the business unit.
    Ensure the development of tactical programs to pursue targeted goals and objectives.
    Ensure the overall delivery and quality of the unit’s offerings to customers.
    Engage in key or targeted customer activities.
    Oversee key hiring and talent development programs.
    Evaluate and decide upon key investments in equipment, infrastructure, and talent.
    Communicate strategy and results to the unit’s employees.
    Researching and identifying growth opportunities.
    Generating reports and giving presentations

    General Manager Requirements:

    Degree in agribusiness/ business management or an MBA.
    Good knowledge of different business functions.
    Strong leadership qualities.
    Excellent communication skills.
    Highly organized.
    Strong work ethic.
    Good interpersonal skills.
    Meticulous attention to detail.
    Computer literate.
    Proactive nature.

    To apply: Send us your cover letter together with your CV stating why you are the right person, your skills, experience, and qualifications to by 17th July 2021.

    Apply via :

  • Agronomist


    We are looking for an experienced agronomist to make sure the farm operations are running smoothly by ensuring excellent business and plant management practices are adhered to. To be successful for this role, you must be ready to work in a fast-paced environment, be knowledgeable on G.A.P and able to manage work pressure and priorities.


    Manage the overall operations of the farm
    Organize and coordinate planting, cultivating and crop harvesting activities
    Aid in sharing and training proper agricultural procedures and techniques to assure high quality production and good grower relations.
    Maintains crop records of all fields/productions in a timely manner, including updating crop estimates, and suggestions.
    Maintain complete records of all crop expenses for budget purposes.
    Demonstrate ability and confidence in systems and hardware provided to efficiently collate crop monitoring information and provide safe and legal remedial applications
    Undertake regular visits to members’ farms to a schedule agreed with each individual member and Senior Regional Agronomist prior to the commencement of each season, to include;

    Pest and disease monitoring report
    Control recommendations
    Crop notes and photos to be communicated to the grower highlighting specific issues
    Organise and participate in taking of soil or substrate, plant, leaf or sap samples, for testing.

    Assisting with the plant selection process and the development of planting and irrigation schedules, budgets, and timelines.
    Generating reports and presenting findings to management, clients, or other interested parties
    Other responsibilities may be assigned.


    Must have good computer skills, being able to effectively use Excel, Word, and email for correspondence, along with mobile,
    Must have good communication skills, including both oral and written presentations.
    Minimum 5 years’ experience in an agricultural field.
    Minimum of three years of field work experience within the agronomy industry preferred
    A Diploma or Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture



    Customer Focused: Ensuring that the customer perspective is a driving force behind business decisions and activities; crafting and implementing service practices that meet customers’ and own organization’s needs.
    Negotiation and Influencing Others: Effectively exploring alternatives and positions to reach outcomes that gain the support and acceptance of all parties. Using interpersonal styles and methods to inspire and guide individuals toward higher levels of performance.
    Business Acumen: Planning and supporting the development of individuals’ skills and abilities so that they can meet current and future business needs. Providing feedback, instruction, and development guidance to help others excel in their current or future job responsibilities.
    Building ad Growing Relationships: Builds collaborative alliances and strategic relationships to achieve common goals. Working effectively and cooperatively with others; establishing and maintaining good working relationships.
    Planning and Organising: Establishing courses of action for self and others to ensure that work is completed efficiently.
    Passion for Results: Driving high standards for individual, team, and organizational accomplishment; tenaciously working to meet or exceed challenging goals; deriving satisfaction from goal achievement and continuous improvement.
    Decision Making: Obtaining and comparing information from multiple sources to identify alternative solutions; committing to an action after analysing potential solutions against decision criteria; considers the wider business impact of the decisions.
    Coaching and Developing Others: Planning and supporting the development of individuals’ skills and abilities so that they can meet current and future business needs. Providing feedback, instruction, and development guidance to help others excel in their current or future job responsibilities.
    Facilitating Change: Identifying and driving organizational and cultural changes needed to adapt strategically to changing market demands, technology, and internal initiatives; catalyzing new approaches to improve results by transforming organizational culture, systems, or products/services. Encouraging others to seek opportunities for different and innovative approaches to addressing problems and opportunities. Level 3
    Strategic Thinking: Establishing and committing to a long-term business direction based on an analysis of systemic information and consideration of resources, market drivers, and organizational values.

    Twiga is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We champion equal treatment of all applicants. Twiga does not charge its applicants any fees whatsoever and has not authorized any agent to levy any fees on its behalf. If anyone requests you to make any payment with respect to this application, please report the incident to or to our hotline on +254 (0) 709 258 000.

    Apply via :

  • Director, Aquaculture Research 

Senior Research Scientists 

Corporation Secretary and Director Of Legal Services 

Laboratory Analysts 

Assistant Director Strategic Communications 

Principal Resource Mobilization & Partnership Development Officer 

Economic Planning Officer (Strategy & Planning) 

Senior Gear Technologist 



Senior Legal Assistant 

Supply Chain Management Officer 

Corporate Communication and Public Relations Officer

    Director, Aquaculture Research Senior Research Scientists Corporation Secretary and Director Of Legal Services Laboratory Analysts Assistant Director Strategic Communications Principal Resource Mobilization & Partnership Development Officer Economic Planning Officer (Strategy & Planning) Senior Gear Technologist Coxswain Driver Senior Legal Assistant Supply Chain Management Officer Corporate Communication and Public Relations Officer


    Basic Salary Scale: KShs. 289,417 – KShs. 367,560 P.M.
    House Allowance: KShs. 80,000 P.M.
    Commuter Allowance: KShs. 24,000 P.M.
    Other Remunerative: KShs. 40,000 P.M
    Annual Leave Allowance: KShs. 10,000 P.A.
    Medical Cover & Other Allowances: As provided by KMFRI
    Terms of Service: Five (5) years contract (Renewable once) subject to satisfactory performance

    Duties and Responsibilities

    Advising the Director General on matters of research and development
    Advising management on all policies and strategies related to marine and fisheries research
    Advising the Board of Management on Research bodies and Institutions of higher learning within and outside Kenya to collaborate or partner with for enhancing technology and knowledge transfer;
    Developing research policies, strategies and programmes related to the specific field;
    Overseeing the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of marine and fisheries research;
    Coordination of research conducted in KMFRI research centers and stations;
    Ensuring the presence of KMFRI in complex multi-disciplinary national and international research programmes;
    Enhancing the image and reputation of the institute in international fora;
    Reviewing and guiding scientific publications and research grant applications;
    Approving scientific manuscripts for publication;
    Oversee the identification of innovations and technologies for up-scaling;
    Establishing linkages with other research bodies and institutions of higher learning within and outside Kenya to enhance technology and knowledge transfer;
    Overseeing the dissemination of research findings to publics, institutions of higher learning and other research institutions locally and internationally to increase KMFRI’s visibility;
    Overseeing capacity building of stakeholders in marine and fisheries research and blue economy;
    Overseeing the promotion of outreach of marine and fisheries programmes through various channels;
    Overseeing the monitoring and evaluation of research activities;
    Mobilizing resources for research;
    Overseeing the monitoring and evaluation of research contracts.
    Overseeing the mentoring, management and training of scientists in the respective directorate;
    Deployment of technical staff in the respective directorate;
    Submitting the directorate quarterly and annual reports;
    Development of the Directorate’s agenda for the Board of Management; and
    Prosecuting the agenda of the directorate in the relevant Board Committee Meeting;

    Requirements for Appointment/Person Specification
    For appointment to this grade a candidate must have: –

    Bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree in any of the following fields: Aquatic or Fisheries Sciences, Biological or Physical Sciences, Natural Resources Management, Environmental studies, Geology, Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Biometrics, Biotechnology; or any other aquatic, fisheries or equivalent from a recognized institution;
    Master’s degree in any of the following fields: Marine or Fisheries Sciences, Biological or Physical Sciences, Sociology, Economics, Biometrics, Environmental Studies; or equivalent from a recognized institution;
    Doctorate Degree in in any of the relevant research disciplines applicable to the institute from a recognized institution;
    At least twelve (12) years’ relevant work experience in Research and Development, five (5) of which must be in management or an equivalent position in the private or public sector;
    Published at least 14 peer-reviewed publications in ISI – indexed journals / book chapters of which at least eight (8) are as first author from the latest date of promotion.
    Led the development of at least three large project proposal that have been funded;
    Leadership course lasting not less than four (4) weeks (cumulative) / Corporate Governance course from a recognized institution.
    Strong interpersonal, communication, facilitation and presentation skills;
    Demonstrated outstanding professional, managerial, and leadership competencies as reflected in work performance and results as exhibited thorough the understanding of national goals, policies, and objectives.
    Ability to relate national goals, policies and objectives to marine and fisheries research and development function;
    Proficiency in computer applications; and
    Meets the requirements of Chapter 6 of the constitution of Kenya.

    Other Key Competencies and Skills

    Strong communication and reporting skills;
    Strong analytical and numerical skills;
    Strong organization and inter personal skill;
    Mentoring, coaching and leadership skills;
    Interpersonal and negotiation skills;
    Conflict management skills; and
    Strong managerial skills and ability to lead teams.

    go to method of application »

    Interested and qualified candidates MUST complete the KMFRI Job Application Form, attach their testimonials, certificates, copy of their National Identification Card (ID) and Curriculum Vitae (CV).Submit their applications both in HARD and SOFT COPY, and envelopes containing the documents should clearly be marked with the position applied for and sent to the address below not later than Wednesday, 7th July 2021.
    The Director General,
    Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute,
    P. O. Box 81651 – 80100,
    Silos Road, English Point, Mkomani,
    Mombasa, KENYA
    Email: recruitment@kmfri.go.keAPPLICATION REQUIREMENTSShortlisted candidates in compliance with the Chapter Six of the Constitution will be required to present originals of the following documents during the interviews:NOTE:Only SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES will be contacted and shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and clearance certificates during the interviews.Any canvassing will lead to AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION.KMFRI IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER COMMITTED TO DIVERSITY, PERSONS LIVING WITH DISABILITY, WOMEN, YOUTH AND THOSE FROM MARGINALIZED AREAS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.

    Apply via :

  • Junior Consultant – Livestock Intensification

    Junior Consultant – Livestock Intensification

    About the project
    The Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) Kenya is a partnership set up by IDH in 2015 in response to deforestation and forest degradation in the South West Mau Forest block in western Kenya. ISLA aims to conserve 60,000 hectares of the forest by 2030. The partnership is built on the interest of tea and other companies to conserve the forest for its microclimate and of the Kenyan government to improve livelihoods of communities.
    The South West Mau is the largest of 22 blocks of the Mau Forests Complex (MFC). The MFC covers over 400,000 hectares and is critical for Kenya and parts of East Africa. More than 10 million people depend on its rivers. The forest also influences the region’s microclimate such as rainfall patterns, creating ideal conditions to produce crops such as tea. Furthermore, the area is one of Kenya’s main water towers and much of its hydroelectric power is generated here.
    In recent decades, more than 25% of the forest has either been cut down or degraded, putting tea production, other sectors and community livelihoods at risk. This is caused by growing populations, unsustainable livestock grazing, charcoal burning and timber extraction from the forest.
    In response, IDH created a strong coalition of the Nakuru, Kericho and Bomet national government agencies; tea, energy, telecommunications and timber companies; and civil society made up of NGOs and community groups, implementing partners and knowledge institutions to work together across the landscape. Together, we developed an integrated action plan for holistic landscape management in the South West Mau Forest across four key themes: forest conservation, water conservation, sustainable energy with livelihoods as an important cross-cutting theme. The focus of ISLA Kenya is on the northeast boundary of the forest, where threats are highest. Based on baseline and feasibility studies done by IDH, it was clear that overstocking (of livestock) in the forest is a key threat.
    For more information on the ISLA partnership, please visit:
    This pilot was successful and gave rise to two twin projects; the livestock intensification upscaling project intended at upscaling the activities at the pilot and an integrated livestock approach intended at organizing community members to adopt a controlled forest grazing system. These two aims at reducing forest grazing.
    The Livestock Intensification Upscaling Project.
    The livestock intensification upscaling project is a three -year project co-funded by IDH, James Finlays Kenya-JFK, Unilever Tea Kenya-UTK, Kenya Tea Development Agency-KTDA, Rhino Ark and Rabo Bank Foundation through Global Agricultural Foundation, and implemented by SNV-Netherlands Development Organization. The objective of the project is to promote livestock intensification among forest-dependent communities along the NE boundary of the SW Mau with an aim of increasing their income levels while at the same time reducing deforestation. This project was born out of the realization that livestock over- grazing and browsing is one of the main causes of forest loss in the SW Mau, which is an important water source, vital for local and downstream communities, businesses, and wildlife reserves alike. This is in addition to the fact that for the surrounding communities, livestock is an important source of income and livelihood. The livestock intensification project is part of the bigger Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) Program being implemented by IDH and its partners in the SW Mau.
    Job Description
    The consultant will be responsible for:

    Facilitating and supporting activities to enhance efficiency of raw milk collection system/process.
    Facilitating training for farmers based on agreed curriculum
    Identifying, training and coaching Service provider Enterprises (SPEs) and farmer trainers
    Supporting design and roll out of an (environmentally sustainable) T&E programme.
    Providing leadership in identification, selection and establishment of model farms.
    Facilitating linkages with private input suppliers and service providers.
    Facilitating farmer learning and knowledge development through field days and exchange visits.
    Facilitating farmer learning and knowledge development on fodder planning.
    Support to farmer groups with Feed & Fodder training programs and design and implementation of demonstrations for fodder establishment & preservation.
    Facilitating linkages with Feed & Fodder suppliers for quality seeds and quality feeds.
    Supporting the farmer groups with linkages for feed/fodder.
    Supporting in the development of forest grazing plans
    Perform any other task (s) that may be assigned by the Project Manager from time to time.

    Reporting by the consultant

    A weekly report detailing activities done within the week, outputs from those activities and next courses of action
    Monthly and Quarterly report detailing milestones achieved versus envisioned targets.


    Bachelor’s degree in agriculture or livestock production/training and extension, or equivalent work experience in the dairy industry
    At least 3 years Technical experience in dairy management
    Extensive work experience in a multicultural environment
    Good communication, negotiation, public speaking, interpersonal and organization skills
    Good computer skills
    Good networks in the Kenya agriculture sector is an advantage.

    Additional Information
    Contract duration
    6 months with possibility of extension.
    Expected start date
    01 July 2021

    Apply via :