Job Experience: Experience of None

  • Terms of Reference for Conducting Final Evaluation of a Project

    Terms of Reference for Conducting Final Evaluation of a Project

    Title of the Action
    Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience (CAIDRR)
    Area of intervention
    Saku and Laisamis Sub Counties of Marsabit County, Kenya.
    Project Reference Number SHARE/CfP/1/10/2011
    Length of Project (Months) 36 months
    Start date of the Action October 2014
    End date of the Action February 2018.
    Based on these findings that VSFG and partners (CIFA and WRF) designed this project” Community Action for Improved Drought Response and Resilience (CAIDRR” – to contribute towards improving responses and building resilience of communities to drought in the ASAL areas of Marsabit County (covering Saku and Laisamis Sub-counties) with funding from European Union’s (EU) under Strengthening the Horn of Africa’s Resilience Programme – SHARE framework. The overall goal is ***“to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced Response and Resilience to drought.”*** in Marsabit County.
    This action was developed in tandem with priorities and plan of County Authorities and National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in close coordination and cooperation with experts from local and national institutions.
    This action was designed and received grant from EU to implement it for three and half-years including a No-cost-extension (1st October 2014 to 28th February 2018).
    The action is being implemented through a consortium of three NGOs –VSF-Germany-(Lead), Community Initiatives Facilitation and Assistance-CIFA and Water Right Foundation-WRF in collaboration with public institutions and national and county levels and it is in the final quarter of implementation.
    The overall coordination of the project has been conducted by National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in Marsabit with technical guidance from NDMA HQ in Nairobi. In addition, the project has collaborated closely with County Ministries of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries development (MoALFD), Water and Natural Resources which provide technical input to ensure success and attainment of its objective.
    The project targeted to improve communities’ access to services and management of livelihood resources and assets and ensure that the communities, in coordination with County Government are actively engaged in drought risk reduction and resilience building interventions in Marsabit County.
    Purpose of the evaluation
    To assess the impact of the project on the lives of direct beneficiaries and its contribution to the principle objective “to contribute towards improving food security in ASAL livelihoods through enhanced response and Resilience to drought” and achievements of the specific objective, “Communities in coordination with local Government actively participate in drought risk reduction and resilience building in Marsabit County”- outputs, outcomes, innovative practices and lessons learnt from the action.
    The specific objectives of the evaluation are:

    Assess whether or not this Action, in design and implementation strategies, was consistent with the overall goal of EU’ SHARE programme, national and county governments priorities, policies and action plans for the targeted project beneficiaries i.e. the extent to which the various interventions have contributed to priorities set under each of the above.
    Examine to what extent targeted communities and the County Government have participated in drought risk reduction and resilience building activities undertaken under the Action and how this has contributed to improved food security through enhanced response and resilience to drought of beneficiaries in Saku and Laisamis sub-counties.
    Examine the extent to which key result areas (1.Capacities and systems for local preparedness, response to asset protection and management actions are improved; 2. Access to services and management of livelihood resources and assets are improved; 3. Communities contribute to knowledge exchange and policy influence) were achieved and good practices applied.
    Assess the impact of the project on the targeted and final beneficiaries including, pastoralists; pastoralists drop-outs, customary authorities, County government employees, traders, CBOs and draw out key lessons learnt and opportunities for future programming in drought preparedness and response.

    Scope of work

    The evaluation is expected examine and quantify, where possible; (i) the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the overall and specific objectives and contributions of the Action towards improving food security and communities’ livelihoods through enhanced response and resilience to drought.
    The performance of the project should be measured through analysis of the project indicators –comparing the baseline and outcome information/ data, how the project was adapted to the evolving social and economic situation in target areas, approaches adopted and donor visibility.
    The consultant(s) shall review relevant documents on the project and interact with a wide range of informants including pastoralists; pastoralists drop-outs, customary authorities, County government staff, livestock keepers and traders, CBOs, women traders and fisher folk who directly benefitted from the project; consortium partners- CIFA and WRF and project coordination lead – NDMA and government authorities.

    Review project documents

    The consultant is expected to review available documents on the project to get back ground information and deep understanding of the project.

    Methodology of carrying out the task.

    The consultant will be required to develop clear methodology and tools that will be used to carry out the task. Such methodologies should clearly show how various stakeholders will be involved as well as the tools to be used in generating the evidence of change sought by the study.

    Collection data and assessment of impact

    The consultant(s) will examine five thematic components of the project in collaboration with consortium partners’ staff, government authorities and community groups through:
    Field visits to project locations and assessment of achievement for each of the activities under the five thematic areas.
    Document output and outcome attributed to the project activities.
    Present the first initial draft of documented findings to VSF Germany, CIFA and WRF.

    Validation workshop with project partners and stakeholders

    The consultant will make a presentation of the findings on the project output and outcome to project partners and stakeholders at a joint workshop. The purpose will be to enable the stakeholders have opportunity validate the findings and make any necessary input before finalization. The work shop will be organized by VSFG and partners at county level, Marsabit.

    Finalization of the report

    The consultant will incorporate the input from the stakeholders to finalize the report and present the final product to VSF Germany for sharing with other consortium partners (CIFA, and WRF and NDMA).

    Evaluation Methodology and Process

    In designing the evaluation process, reference is to be made to the EU guidance (DAC). The consultant shall prepare comprehensive participatory tools for undertaking this evaluation. The methodology must include but not limited to, literature reviews; meeting and interviewing project staff, officials in the relevant ministries at County level, project beneficiaries, local leaders, etc.) and stakeholder consultations. The consultant is expected to develop and use tools for data collection of quantitative and qualitative variables as appropriate for the task. The field visits and contact sessions with communities and groups must strive to reach/meet valid sample size of the targeted beneficiaries including government officials. VSFG will take responsibility for logistics, mobilization and facilitations in the field.
    Indicative Plan/Time frame
    The duration of the assignment is 25 calendar days and actual implementation plan could be discussed and greed by both parties. It is expected that the whole task should be finished within four weeks from the starting date.
    Assessment and awarding of contract
    Consultant’s Profile:

    A Degree or higher qualification preferably in Development studies, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Social Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Disaster Management or any other relevant degree from recognized institutions.
    At least 5 years experience of work or undertaking similar assignments under humanitarian and development frameworks in the ASAL of the Greater Horn of Africa.
    Sufficient knowledge and experience covering the key result areas of the project.
    Demonstrated understanding of evaluating Disaster Risk Reduction, Holistic Natural Resource Management, Reconstruction and Conservation of Natural Ecosystems, Livestock and Animal Health Interventions, Fishery Resources Value Chain and Economic Empowerment models at community level.
    Proven understanding and use of participatory methodologies in data collection.
    Strong analytical and writing skills to clearly present findings, practical conclusions and recommendations.
    Previous work experience on EU funded projects; knowledge of context of project area is a plus.
    Ability to deliver on the tasks within tight deadlines.
    Mastery of written and spoken English and Kiswahili.

    7. Expected Deliverables/reporting

    A draft report of key findings on output and results of the project (both positive and/or negative), and innovative approaches of the project within 13 days submitted ;(1 soft copy to VSF-G).
    A presentation of the key findings to key stakeholders at a workshop at the county level.
    A report incorporating input from the workshop held at county level with stakeholders not later 15th day of the assignment.
    Final report of the task with main body not more than 25 pages not later than 25 days of the assignment in 3 hard and 3 soft copies of each.
    A folder of photos taken during the field work in electronic form (CD).

    NOTE: Further works or revisions of the report may be required and if the final report does not meet the requirements of the TOR, it may not be accepted and the client will be at liberty to reject it with service provider bearing the liability.
    Expression of Interest

    Any person/firm interested in undertaking this task should send an expression of interest comprising:
    Technical proposal; The technical proposal should briefly and clearly describe the following aspects; Understanding of the task, Technical aspect of the proposal, Methodology (Evaluation strategy, Sampling design, Data collection tools, Data Processing & Analysis, Data quality control measures, operational plan, names and curriculum vitae (CV as an annex) of person(s) to do the work and with contact details of bidder.
    Financial proposal: The financial proposal/budget of the task should be broken down in details as follows: Consultancy fees, Questionnaire development cost, Data processing & analyzing, Communication, and Reporting cost Miscellaneous (stationeries, printing, etc). All the pages of the financial proposal should be signed by the bidder.

    NB: The costs of long meetings such as focus group discussions will be borne by the VSF Germany.

    Key issues of the project to study:

    The consultant should assess evidence of relevance and quality of design, efficiency of implementation, effectiveness and impact to date and analyze potential sustainability of the achievements. The issues to be studied are:


    Relevance is the extent to which the objectives and design of the action being evaluated fit with: current global/ regional policies, challenges and concerns; the needs, policies and priorities of intended beneficiary; EU operational guidance and the good practices principles developed by relevant ministries and others, the specific objectives, roles and comparative advantages of the implementing agencies (VSFG, CIFA and WRF). It is critical that evaluation looks especially at the adoption of the good practices and principles. Some of the considerations will include:
    Effectiveness: Is the extent to which the action has achieved its outputs and outcomes.

    is the extent to which an action has converted its resources and inputs (such as funds, expertise and time) economically into results in order to achieve the maximum possible outputs, outcomes, and impacts with the optimum possible inputs.
    Impact; The word impact can be used in different ways. In this task the e OECD‐DAC definition: “Impacts are positive and negative, primary and secondary long‐term effects produced by an action, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended” will be used. Impacts can be at the macro (sector) or micro (household or individual) level.
    The evaluator is expected to use a very practical approach and expect that he/she will systematically refer to the impact/ outcome indicators for the specific results. This is a critical element to strengthen the evidence base of the approaches for future advocacy and good practice promotion. The evaluators will also check what actions taken outside this project in Saku and Laisamis Sub Counties complemented achievements of planned outcome (e.g., by the private sector, changes in policy, etc) as well as document (and where relevant/possible, quantify) spin off effects and risks of the project.

    Is the continuation of benefits from an action after work has been completed, or the probability of continued long‐term benefits. Questions on sustainability will vary considerably with the objectives of action being evaluated as appropriate.

    Key contacts and report:

    VSF-Germany’s Country Director, Kenya will be the focal point at Nairobi level. At Field level, the consultant will work closely under supervision of the Project Manager of CAIDRR project.

    Mode of payment:

    The payment will be done according to the following plan /arrangement:
    First installment: the Consultant will be paid 40% of the quoted amount after submission of the draft report.
    Final installment: 60% of the amount agreed in the contract shall be paid upon completion of task, acceptance and approval of the final report and any other documents pertaining to this assignment.
    Consultant shall be required to provide original invoices to facilitate processing of payment.
    The payments will be made in A/C payee in form of cheques/or direct bank transfer in the name of the consultant/company named in the contract. VSF Germany will deduct with-holding tax at source as per the rules of taxation governing VSFG operations and amount will be deposited directly to custodian of such tax.
    No other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract, nor does it guarantee a regular position in VSF Germany.

    General considerations

    Required logistics support will be provided by VSF Germany as prescribed in the contract.
    All documents prepared during the assignment will be property of VSF Germany.
    Assignment will not be sub-contracted to a third party by the consultant.
    In the event that, additional time is required to complete the assignment, over and above that previously agreed to, without changing the scope of work, then it has to be agreed by VSF Germany in writing.
    Confidentiality of all the assignment will be assured at all times.

    Validation of the Proposal

    All cost should be quoted in USD and will remain valid up to fifty days (50) from the day of proposal submission.
    Confidentiality: All the outputs –Reports, data base, etc produced by this assignment will not be disseminated in part or whole without written authority from VSF-Germany.

  • Regional Stress & Resilience Advisor

    Regional Stress & Resilience Advisor

    Position within the organisation
    Based in Nairobi, the Regional Stress & Resilience Adviser is under the responsibility of the HR manager. He/she coordinates visits and activities in the various Regional locations with HQ in Geneva, with the management of the Regional delegation and with the management of all delegations covered. The technical line of the Regional Stress & Resilience Adviser is the Stress & Resilience adviser based at HQ in Geneva.
    Specific tasks

    Contribute to develop a culture of stress prevention and co-resilience among ICRC regional operations and staff
    Develop and use tools to help resident and mobile staff understand and deal with stress at the team and individual level.
    Support integration of stress prevention and management in the Delegation and sub delegations yearly Planning for Results (PFR)
    Provide group and/or individual “preparedness & support” sessions for new joiners
    Adjust own support level to the specific needs and preparedness of the various offices located in the Region.
    Identify and train peer support volunteers (staff members trained to support their colleagues at times of adjustments and stress, lend a listening ear with a role limited to basic help.) Identify and train key persons within the team who would be able to provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) to their colleagues
    Give guidance / training of team leaders in the field on how to support their staff
    Organize Team Supervision sessions for teams with high exposure to human sufferings
    Offer systematic support following security incidents
    Contribute to monitoring stress level of ICRC staff
    Identify and liaise with local professional able to provide MHPSS services as needed
    Give direct support to the ICRC staff if needed (group or/and individual support)
    Evaluate the possibility of a hotline specifically dedicated to support national staff
    Assist, in case of need, in any medical evacuation of staff
    Report on activities and findings, statistics and tools developed


    To assess the psychosocial needs of the ICRC staff in the Region various delegations (approx.10) and the current relevant practices addressing workplace stress, traumatic stress and vicarious stress.
    To recommend organizational adjustments to support staff resilience e-g:

    Advise Line Managers on adequate actions & attitudes
    Ensure organizational clarity of roles and responsibilities
    Promote conflict resolution techniques

    To set-up a psychosocial support system integrated in the general objectives of the Delegation and according to the ICRC stress policy for ICRC’s staff in the Region in coordination with the HQ stress and resilience advisor.
    To monitor and report about all matters related to the main responsibilities and other tasks as needed.

    Selection requirements
    Psychologist or stress counselor with solid experience in:

    Support and counselling of individuals working in a volatile security environment
    Positive-constructive promotion of resilience and well being
    HR and people management or occupational psychology
    Training of individuals and teams to work in conditions of duress
    Knowledgeable in Psychological First Aid
    Familiar with contemplative techniques
    Familiar with peer support system and guidance of team leaders
    Group support for teams having gone through security incidents
    Working with multi-cultural staff
    Ability to translate psychology into day-to-day language and practices
    Familiar with humanitarian and/or emergency operations
    Ability to work in parallel in different locations
    English and French fluency is mandatory, additional languages (particularly Arabic) are an asset.
    International driving license (valid for manual transmission vehicles) and good practice

    What we offer

    Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
    A two-week orientation course and other opportunities for further in-house training
    Generous social benefits
    Length of assignment: 12 months
    The opportunity to join an ICRC talent pool and be considered for future assignments elsewhere

    Length of the assignment: 12 months, extendable
    Application deadline: 21.01.2018   Starting date: ASAP

  • Sales Executive

    Sales Executive

    REF NO: 02/JOFAR/HR 001/2017
    We are looking for a Sales Executive to join our vibrant, fun and diverse team who meets the below criteria:

    Diploma in Business or related field
    A Diploma or higher in either of these field; computer networking, Internet Support, IT, Telecommunication, Information Science.
    Six months and above experience in sales & Marketing
    Good understanding of ISP industry.
    Strong understanding of customers, market dynamics and requirements.
    Strategic mind set, capable of completing tasks and actions needed for company growth.
    Must be proactive, with the tenacity to overcome market challenges.
    Able to work under pressure with little or no supervision
    Excellent oral and written communication skills.
    Experience as a sales executive in the ISP industry is an added advantage.

  • Administration Manager

    Administration Manager

    Are you interested in joining the number 1 paint company in the Country with presence in East Africa?
    Do you thrive in a fast-paced growing environment?
    Do you have a talent where you can build trust and rapport in a competitive marketplace?
    Bring your expertise to our innovative and growing company where you will have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives, and to take your career further than you can imagine!
    An exciting career opportunity has arisen in our Human Resource & Administration Department and now seek to recruit a strategic, committed & results driven person.
    Reporting To: Group HR Manager
    Purpose: To provide support with meeting HR operational objectives, through effective administration, planning, organizing and co-ordination of the Administration services.  
    Job Responsibility: 

    Expatriate management- Application, renewals and follow up of Visas, special passes, dependent passes and work permits whilst maintaining optimal relationships with relevant Government officials
    To ensure payment as per Expat benefits is affected in a timely manner e.g. rents, lease agreements, utilities etc.
    To initiate and formulate administrative procedures and policies
    To take charge of office administration, including coordinating of travel, hotel accommodation, office system and layouts, telephone and airtime facilitation.
    To be responsible for the management and maintenance of the CPKL-PLC’s physical assets, including office equipment/furniture’s, buildings, and office services/activities.
    To ensure all regulatory and compliance requirements such as licenses etc. are up to date, procured, valid and publicly appropriately displayed as required.
    To co-ordinate all administrative functions and oversee the delivery of office services and utilities for the company e.g. cleanliness, safety, access control, Staff canteen services Etc.
    To prepare and manage the Administration unit budget, assets/equipment acquisition and maintenance in line with the company’s overall business strategy
    To ensure CPK-PLC’s compliance with the Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) Laws
    To ensure all service contracts related to administration function are up to date and secure.
    To ensure availability of accurate and up to date admin reports, Risk assessment and compliance reports, statutory returns and other reports as required
    To prepare and manage the Administration unit budget, assets/equipment acquisition and maintenance in line with the CPK-PLC’s overall business strategy.
    To provide effective guidance and coaching of staff and facilitate in developing their skills and abilities to ensure optimal performance including receptionist.
    To ensure that high sanitary standards and cleanliness are maintained within the organization.
    To ensure that proper and accurate records are maintained for canteen meals.
    To ensure that all catering staff have the prescribed Food Handling certification and that high standards of cleanliness are maintained in all catering areas.

    Successful Applicant:

    University degree preferably in Social sciences, Business Administration, Project management or other relevant specialty.
    Minimum 4 years’ experience in Projects, administration and expatriate management.
    Demonstration of Project Management and Relationship management experience.
    Good understanding of the laws and legislation regarding buildings, licenses etc.
    High integrity, Assertiveness, results oriented, proactive, prioritization and time. management, committed, Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
    Team player with exceptional people management skills

  • IT Constancy-Website Designing and Development

    IT Constancy-Website Designing and Development

    Location: Nairobi, Kenya or Hargeisa or Gabiley, Somaliland
    Responsible to: Programme Support Officer or Programme Coordinator, Somaliland/Somalia
    Starting date: As soon as possible (within December 2017).
    Duration: One month
    The main duty and responsibility of IT consultants/firms is to design and develop four to six easily accessible, fully functioning (even under slow internet), reliable and secure websites. More specifically, the IT consultant will do the following:

    Analyze the needs and requirement of each partner and understand why it needs the website
    Based on the needs of the different partners, design and develop appropriate 4-6 websites
    Register the domain of each website and select the best and the reliable hosting companies
    Integrate the websites and the social media. Each website must have its integrated social media where possible.
    The websites must have the emails that have no problems of limits
    The websites must be user friendly and must work even under the low internet speed
    The websites must be easily updatable and must have the capacity to upload as many photos as possible without compromising the speed and access of the websites
    Advise the best social media that will meet their needs of communication.


    MA/MSC in IT technology especially software (designing and developing websites).
    At least 5-10 years proven working experience in designing and developing websites especially for NGOs.
    At least 5-10 years proven working experience in using the social media and in opening social media accounts that enable hundreds and thousands (if possible) to network using those social media accounts.
    Excellent knowledge of the most reliable hosting companies
    Excellent English writing and speaking skills and knowledge of Somali is preferable
    Excellent facilitation and communication skills
    Ability to work under minimum supervision and deliver results timely
    The firm/consultant must submit narrative and financial proposal explaining how you will develop the websites and what costs (fees)
    The consultant/firms must break the costs into key components of website development such as designing/developing, hosting and security etc.
    The firm/Consultant must submit samples of website deigns (at least 3 websites or their links)
    The firm/consultant must submit a link of social media opened by the consultant/firm and used by many people .

  • Technical Specialist- Project Implementation Somalia(Ts-Pi)

    Technical Specialist- Project Implementation Somalia(Ts-Pi)

    Department: Programme
    Responsible to: Country Director
    Supervision: Project Managers
    What you will do as Technical Specialist – Project implementation (TS-PI)
    The Technical Specialist- Project Implementation (TS-PI) is responsible for providing overall technical and managerial leadership for program development and implementation, ensuring timely achievement of program goals and objectives, quality outcomes and effective use of resources.
    This position will be based in Nairobi with regular field visits to Project locations to strengthen VSFG’s presence and participation in the humanitarian community at the state and federal levels, with particular emphasis on increasing VSFG’s technical network and profile in Somalia.
    As a key VSFG technical person, TS-PI will liaise with donors, host government officials, and UN/multi-sector coordination focal points, representing VSFG in all relevant sector coordination meetings and provide feedback/advice to field program staff and the Country Director (CD).
    The TS-PI has direct responsibility for design and development of quality proposals for resource acquisition, in timely and effective manner. H/She will review concepts notes and/or proposals and project reports from project managers ensuring technical accuracy of content prior to submission to RON and donors.
    As a member of the Senior Programme Team, the TS-PI will assist the CD in shaping the strategic direction to ensure quality design and implementation VSFG program. S/he will directly supervise the technical project managers and responsible for capacity building of national staff.
    Specific keys roles

    Strengthening VSFG’s Networking and Coordination 15%

    Coordinate with stakeholders- donors, government departments, international agencies and NGOs on VSFG operations in the country.
    Attend relevant program sector technical coordination meetings
    Facilitate clear and technical linkages between Nairobi and the field ensuring adequate participation in of VSFG in coordination forums.
    Assist the CD in shaping the strategic direction of the VSFG program in Somalia, ensuring quality programs are designed and implemented.
    Support in developing a Resource Acquisition Strategy and effectively support delivery of programs.
    Assess the needs and propose potential areas of program expansion; sectors, locations, as appropriate.
    Participate in Programme Team meetings contributing to problem-solving and decision-making on strategic direction.
    Review technical project documents; narrative and financial reports, information leaflets and brochures.
    Conduct performance technical appraisals for technical programme staff.

    Program Development 20%

    With support from CD lead aspects of proposal development with staff, community and partners.
    Facilitate interactions between VSFG key program staff, to secure funding in-country donors UNOCHA, FAO, etc.
    Proactively analyze humanitarian trends and opportunities, and facilitate needs assessment in a timely manner.
    Follow up with project managers for key lessons for dissemination to relevant stakeholders and donors.
    Jointly with staff and stakeholders develop an exit strategy to ensure the sustainability of projects achievements

    Program Implementation and Accountability 25%

    Ensure programs are aligned with VSFG Country Strategy, sectoral standards and humanitarian guidelines.
    Provide guidance and support to staff/local partners to ensure quality implementation of projects.
    Monitor program implementation and prompt reporting and resolving of issues that are of concern to the programme.
    Ensure that adequate M&E tools and harmonized methodologies for monitoring and reporting are in place.
    Monitor budget with Project Managers for compliance with donor requirements and VSFG financial guidelines.
    Provide opportunities for effective learning and sharing of innovations through meetings among program teams.
    Conduct regular visits to field offices and project locations to monitor program performance.
    Provide feedback to staff on projects progress and gaps identified for improvement and capacity building.

    Reporting .

    Design and manage plans reporting for all grants and ensure contribution from staff during reporting.
    Review narrative and financial reports to ensure quality and conformity with VSFG and donor guidelines before submission to donor.
    Provide regular program updates to CD and /or HQ for submission to VSFG donors.

    Qualifications, skills and experience we are seeking

    At least a Bachelor Degree in Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Animal Production, Rangelands/Natural Resources Management, Public Health, or Social sciences. A Master’s degree qualification will confer an added advantage.
    5-7 years’ INGO experience in relief/emergency/development work with roles in program design, development, and accountability.
    Strong leadership skills, experience in planning and management of programs and ability to manage change.
    Knowledge of humanitarian response and development, programme concepts frameworks, standards and strategies.
    Proficient in developing project logical frameworks, M&E systems and implementation in community settings.
    Demonstrated experience in program design, planning and implementation using participatory methodologies.
    Proven skills in communications, presentation, inter-personal relations with fluency in written and spoken English
    Experience in implementing projects funded by donors; BMZ, EU, ECHO, UN-OCHA, FAO will be of added value.
    Experience in working and coordinating with NGOs, government agencies and local stakeholders.
    Experience working in Somalia or similar environments preferred.

  • Business Development Officer – (PBB Special Projects)

    Business Development Officer – (PBB Special Projects)

    Job Description

    Support the Head of Special Projects under Personal & Business Banking in the design, definition and deployment of projects in line with Business strategy.
    Ensure compliance to approved project and change management method by monitoring and reporting on project governance, control, and resource allocation in line with set Project Management standards.
    Responsible for managing, updating and reporting Personal & Business Banking (PBB) project portfolio reports and benefits tracking in line with Business strategy.

    Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities

    Overall responsibility for consolidating, managing and communicating PBB project portfolio reports to stakeholders and business units
    Provide complete oversight of project activities from start-up to implementation Ensure proper coordination, mentoring and provide direction to stakeholders, ensuring balanced allocation and delivery of Projects.
    Responsible for ensuring that individual projects within the Personal & Business Banking (PBB) portfolio delivered to agreed cost, time and quality.
    Ensure that PBB Project management adheres to strict governance and management principles in line with set standards
    Recognise potential portfolio, project and business problems and proactively propose appropriate solutions to meet business objectives based on industry best practices.
    Ensure that project initiatives are aligned to the strategic direction of the unit and benefit tracking is up to date – thus ensure predictability and interventions that are required to meet projected incomes.
    Responsible for origination and positioning projects for implementation and execution ensuring monitoring and reporting of projects aspects of time, scope and budget.
    Ensure effective governance and management procedures are adhered to in Business Development and origination of projects.
    Manage Business resource allocation ensuring balance in allocation of projects to Business Teams and requests for project resources from the Project Management Office (PMO)
    Effective management and reporting of PBB Project portfolio ensuring completion of projects within time, scope and budget in order to achieve anticipated Business benefits.
    Initiate improvement and enhancements to methods, standards and tools in business development and project management and delivery.
    Ensure timely communication and reporting on portfolio status to Project sponsor/Executive and other stakeholders.
    Coordination of Business Development team and submission of status reports to designated stakeholders, particularly PBB unit heads, Project Board and PMO.
    Structured and tactical business development and project management approach in providing required business support and initiatives that deliver required solutions.
    Control and co-ordinate business development work and project supply chain ensuring balanced allocation of tasks, monitoring progress, ensuring awareness of responsibilities and securing commitment to successful project delivery.
    Must drive and co-ordinate benefits delivery, using stipulated benefit monitoring management tools.
    Establish and maintain collaborative partnerships and a wide relationship network across business units, support areas and external service providers.
    Identify and manage all portfolio business development and project issues and risks including their appropriate escalation and contingency management.
    Responsible for support of the adoption within Section of all Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions related requirements contained in policies, procedures and processes.
    Responsible for the implementation and adoption within PBB special projects of all Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions related requirements contained in policies, procedures and processes. This includes the consideration and approval of customers including those that require being subjected to Enhanced Due Diligence for on-boarding and continued business.
    Provide end-to-end project origination, prioritization and management support to Personal & Business Banking (PBB).
    Work together with the Project Management Office team in project resourcing and delivery of prioritized projects.
    Liaise with Channel/Product owners and business units within PBB and across the bank to ensure a synergistic and co-ordinated approach to the achievement of project objectives.
    Ensure that proposed work is not being duplicated in other projects within PBB.
    Liaise closely with all members of the project team to ensure successful project implementation.
    Conduct regular meetings with project team to discuss and obtain feedback on projects in order to monitor progress and ensure successful and timely implementation.
    Oversee the planning and administration of regular project board meetings ensure project managers submit progress reports to project stakeholders.
    Manage a repository of key project documentation

    Preferred Qualification and Experience

    Relevant Degree from a recognised University
    Expert understanding of PRINCE2 Methodology

    Knowledge/Technical Skills/Expertise

    Expert in Business Development techniques
    Must have an in-depth knowledge of banking practices and procedures
    General understanding of nature, scope, operations and priorities of project management office
    Broad knowledge of business/banking operations and strategies
    A sound business/industry understanding of financial services.
    Finance and Accounting knowledge.

  • Sub Sahara Africa HR Assistant

    Sub Sahara Africa HR Assistant

    Job description
    Medtronic employs more than 85,000 staff worldwide, the global business generates about $18 billion in revenue.
    The HR function based in Kenya has responsibility across various business groups and functions. This position will provide administrative support to the HR function.
    Main Job Duties/Responsibilities

    Updating and maintaining all files
    Payroll Administration
    Administration of employee benefits (Medical Aid, Provident Fund, etc), adding new members/dependants, terminating members, queries, etc
    Administration of new hires, exiting employees, role changes
    Travel arrangements for the HR function
    Preparation and administration of all HR documents to be signed by employees and their Managers such as contracts of employment, salary adjustments, letters, etc
    Travel arrangement booking flights, accommodation and etc (ad hoc)
    Third party suppliers – obtain approvals, prepare payments
    Day to day support of operational activities within country scope
    Ensure data quality of personnel files and systems
    Compliance with Quality, Safety, Health & Environmental policies and procedures
    Available to assist and fully support the HR Manager in any kind of HR issue and HR projects that may occur

  • Product Field Support – Tanzania

    Product Field Support – Tanzania

    Job description
    The Product Field Support role will be responsible for the implementation and execution of Mastercard Labs for Financial Inclusion (MCLFI) products in Tanzania. She/he will lead setup and implementation of our pilots in Tanzania, liaising directly with our financial service and pilot partners. She/he will also support business development activities in market, and will conduct basic research on behalf of the Lab.

    Act as primary lead for customer experience management in Tanzania, starting with 2Kuze – the agricultural platform:
    Work closely with the Lab team in defining requirements for the products based on feedback from users
    Develop and maintain all customer experience management work plans and reports to include
    Adoption related activities
    Interface with customers as needed to drive solution adoption and address issues / challenges arisingTrack daily solution adoption targets and escalate issues that need management attentionWork with the Lab team to design and implement the project support model, including testing what support approach is most effective on the groundSupport the Lab’s overall presence in TanzaniaSetup and drive validation and training workshops for new and existing productsSupport research or additional fact finding that the lab would need/Human centered designIdentify opportunities for scale, liaising with Business Lead, Strategic PartnershipWith support from the Strategic Partnerships team, interface with financial institution partnersDevelop and share status reports on a weekly basisOther responsibilities that might be assigned by the supervisor

    Key Skills/Experience

    Excellent leadership skills
    Demonstrated experience in project coordination and project management
    Relationship building skills
    Experience in Agribusiness engagement
    Ability to speak Swahili and English fluently
    Basic knowledge of web applications and IT systems. Experience within the mobile tech environment is an advantage.
    Training experience is a distinct advantage
    Excellent Communication skills
    Good presentation and writing skills
    Analytical skills
    Community development and mobilization skills

    Equal Opportunity Employer