These efforts have enhanced collaborations and synchronized child protection engagements amongst respective PSO actors.
Building on the previous interventions and engagements, Save the Children seeks to continue augmenting efforts to protect girls and boys in conflict settings. As such, the ‘Integrating Child Protection in the African Peace and Security Architecture Project’ aims at strengthening the capacity of the Peace Support Contingents’ in East and West Africa respectively, to effectively deliver their protection mandate by protecting and preserving the rights of children affected by armed conflicts and protracted political disputes.
This would be made possible through systematic and standardized, mandatory pre-deployment trainings for troops earmarked for AU mandated missions using qualified trainers, a standardized curriculum and training tools. Though training remains an important component in peace support operations, however for peace support stakeholders to effectively fulfil their mandate in preventing and responding to violence against children, child protection must be an integral part of peace support structures and processes.
The nature of peacekeeping and peace support operations has evolved over time, from stabilization and maintaining of ceasefire line or keeping local armies apart to more complex assignments including protecting civilians, confronting violent extremism and even engaging in what amounts to counter insurgency. These new burdens demand better preparation of troops headed for missions and clearer thinking by those who send them. The UN Security Council adopted resolution 1261, which highlights the need to ensure that personnel involved in peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building activities have appropriate training on the protection, rights and welfare of children, and urges States and relevant international and regional organizations to ensure that appropriate training is included in their programmes for personnel involved in similar activities[1].
This was further reinforced by the security council resolution 1612 (2005) which urged Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) to take appropriate preventive action including pre deployment awareness training. Based on the resolutions, training manuals, guidelines and standards have been developed and adopted.
A study conducted by Save the Children titled ‘[2]Behind the Uniform training the military in child rights and child protection in Africa’, established that the training on Child Rights has been mainstreamed into the military curriculum in 9 countries. For example, the report observed that in Togo and Burkina Faso for officers to be promoted, one must pass an exam which includes child rights and child protection. In West Africa, the training program started in June 2000 where there was a Training of Trainers (TOT) officers drawn from 13 states. In West African, all 15 ECOWAS member states are involved in some aspects of CP training programmes. There is also an established pool of child protection trainers in all the 15 member states that form ECOWAS[3]. In addition, the report states that there are regular training and sensitization sessions for the military personnel in barracks and camps, as well as peacekeepers (mainly prior to deployment in the field).
In Eastern Africa, the adoption of the standardized approach to child protection training has been established through the approval and launch of a harmonized and standardized child protection training curriculum and toolkit. Discussions are on-going for the ECOWAS Standby Force (ECOWAS-SF) and the AU Peace Support Operations Division (AU PSOD) respectively to approve and launch the standardized CP toolkit for utilization by all TCCs, TCEs and stakeholders in respective Child Protection training programmes. This coupled with the development of a training management system provides a platform for capturing data, promoting learning and sharing information on child protection with major actors. This would also support efforts aimed at enhancing effectiveness of the trainings through collaborations and synchronized child protection engagements amongst respective PSO actors.
Within the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) with a particular focus on child and armed conflict, Save the Children has greatly invested over years in strengthening institutions and structures within the Regional Economic Communities, Regional Mechanisms, Troop Contributing Countries and the Training centres of excellence including RPA, IPSTC, EMP and KAIPTC in order to enhance capacities of PSO personnel to adequately protect children during and after conflict situations. As such, key strides have been made in the quest to prioritize the child protection agenda in the planning and deployment of peace support operations. The finalization and adoption of the child protection curriculum and toolkit by the EASF provides the first step to crystalizing these commitments.
Through this study, capitalizing on the gains and efforts to scale up child protection trainings, Save the Children hopes to draw key lessons and recommendations that would ensure child protection is institutionalized and integrated within the APSA for the benefit of all peace efforts. This would enable the organization and all other child protection actors on the continent to provide timely technical support, share knowledge, generate evidence and draw lessons that would shape dimensions on peace and security.
Purpose and Objectives of the Consultancy
The purpose of the study is to review existing gaps, explore opportunities for sustainable delivery and implementation and adoption of Child Protection training approaches in Peace Support Operations. with a view of generating evidence to advocate for wider adoption of a stand-alone child protection in PSO training. As such, the study seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:
Review existing gaps in capacity building and asses the effectiveness of CP trainings among actors in the Peace Support Operations.
Identify existing opportunities sustain Child Protection trainings by the TCCs, TCEs and PSO actors.
Determine existing factors that would improve the CP practices amongst the PSO personnel.
Document existing best practices in delivery of child protection training and capacity building by the respective actors (TCCs, TCEs, RECs/RMs and AU)- What has worked and why, lessons learnt and concrete recommendations from the implementation of a Child Protection Training Curriculum highlighting opportunities for building sustainable CP programmes in APSA
Scope of the Consultancy
The study will be done through a consultancy, adopting a qualitative, participatory and exploratory approach by engaging all involved actors. Key participants and informants will include:
Save the Children staff,
TCCs (Kenya and Uganda, Senegal and Ivory Coast),
Selected CP Trainers,
The proposed methodology should employ implementation of both primary/first-hand and secondary means of collecting the required data and information, with a range of audio-visual tools to document the field/site visits, and the material recorded will be used for further sharing and advocacy as deemed appropriate.
Key Deliverables
The output of the study is comprehensive report Documenting Good Practices, Lessons and Recommendations on the delivery of Child Protection Course within the African Peace and Security Architecture from implementation of Peace Support Operations and related studies focusing on children in conflict contexts in Africa.
Expected deliverables will include communication and advocacy publication materials produced in various languages and targeted at various actors involved in Peace Support Operations including – children, families, key decision makers etc. – and which will further strengthen delivery of agreed advocacy objectives and outcomes of Child Protection training. Key deliverables will include:
Study report with key recommendations from the study. 2 Policy briefs on lessons and recommendations
Video bytes from respondents
Any other programming material relevant to the study
Key Tasks and Duration of the Consultancy
In order to achieve the above objectives, below is the proposed table of activities against suggested period of days.
Profile of the Consultant
The consultant must demonstrate substantial knowledge and experience in child rights and child protection participatory approaches in armed conflict contexts. He/she must have experience in designing and conducting research in humanitarian settings.
Qualifications and experience in human rights core principles and delivery, knowledge of the military and armed forces role in peacekeeping and armed conflict, and familiarity with African Peace and Security Architecture
The consultant will have experience of research including planning research, outlining and writing reports, reviewing documents, conducting in-person and remote (skype or telephone) informant interviews- all within an agreed timeframe.
This consultancy is open to individuals and consultancy firms who possess the following requirements:
Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of child rights and child protection approaches in armed conflict contexts.
Capacity to gather and critically analyse information.
Experience in working with on the continent especially with Regional Mechanisms, Training Centres of Excellence and International NGOs.
Ability to travel within the East and Southern Africa and West and Central Africa region.
Demonstrated experience in carrying out research and/or similar assessments.
Experience of carrying program and organizational assessments, audits and reviews.
Proven knowledge and analysis in relation to rights-based approach
Experience of participatory research methodologies.
Experience writing reports of similar assignments characterised by ease of readability across mixed audiences.
Excellent writing skills in both English and French.
The consultant will be commissioned by SC ESARO RMCPU and will through the course of this assignment work with the team to the successful completion of this assignment.
Daily rates will be determined after discussions with the consultant. Save the Children ESARO will cover for the consultant’s air tickets on economy class to relevant field sites, accommodation on bed and breakfast plus airport transfers in the field. All other costs shall be borne directly by the consultant. Remuneration will be based on submission of deliverables. Payment will be made as par the agreed schedule. Taxation laws for Kenya will apply on the overall consultancy fee.
Ethics, Safeguarding and Code of Conduct
As the consultant firm will be working on behalf of Save the Children they will be required to sign and adhere to the Child Safeguarding Policy and ethical guidelines. Note that background checks will be undertaken on all applicants.
As regards the documentation, the title rights, copyrights and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of these services will exclusively be vested with Save the Children International East and Southern Africa Regional Office.
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