WE-Care End of Phase IV Evaluation

The final evaluation should include the following:

An inception report highlighting the methodology and workplan
Desk review of all relevant project documentation and other materials (such as the project implementation plan (PIP), monitoring, and evaluation framework, project reports, baselines studies, annual work plans, any commissioned research findings, policy documents etc.)
Other data collection methods to be proposed by the consultant to answer sufficiently the evaluation questions
Presentation and discussion of findings, key lessons learned, and recommendations for action
Submission of the final evaluation report, reflecting comments and feedback received from selected staff from relevant stakeholders with data collection tools, raw data files and a data quality report as annexes

An outline of the evaluation report is provided at the end of this ToR.
Evaluation responsibilities and management arrangements
Oxfam will:

Provide all documentation required for initial review by the consultant(s), this includes but is not limited to reports, baseline report, workplans, policy reports etc.
Supervise the evaluation process. Specifically, the consultant will report to the evaluation manager and We-Care Program Manager.
The evaluation manager will review the evaluation report and assess its quality based on Oxfam’s standards.
The evaluation manager will ensure the development of a management response outlining the findings and recommendations from the report.

The consultant will:

Develop an inception report outlining their understanding of the assignment, methodologies, and sampling techniques to be used in the evaluation.
Sharing preliminary recommendations after completing the literature review.
Work closely with partner representatives, OXFAM MEAL teams at country level, program coordinators, and the gender focal persons at country level. Carry out the evaluation responsibilities within the stipulated period agreed upon by Oxfam.
Organize for a validation meeting (with the assistance of Oxfam’s evaluation manager) to assess the findings and key learnings of the evaluation.
Develop and share an evaluation report.
Develop a presentation highlighting the key findings of the final evaluation.

Dissemination strategy, plan, and responsibilities for sharing and using the findings.
Oxfam’s evaluation manager will:

Develop an approach to disseminating the findings of the final evaluation to the partners, Oxfam country staff and other stakeholders.
Liaise with the consultant(s) to organize a validation meeting to be held with all relevant stakeholders to assess the findings and key learnings of the evaluation. Disseminate the report and avail it on Oxfam’s website.

Applicants meeting the requirements in Section 5: Evaluation Team, should submit an Expression of Interest to ssc.consultancy@oxfam.org latest by 20th February 2023 with the following:Confirmation of availability to undertake the assignment, including field visits to the target locations in the partner countries

Apply via :
