Sports for Protection Curriculum Development and Training

The overall purpose of the Sports for Protection Project is on strengthening social inclusion, cohesion and psychosocial well-being of young people through sport related platforms. The project will broaden participation of adolescent girls, young women and boys in sports activities through engagement with community leaders and parents, training of coaches and other duty bearers, and psychosocial and life skills support to the youth.
Through this activity of curriculum development and training the aim will be to increase the awareness and knowledge of prevention of GBV and to build capacity to ensure that AGYW and boys at risk of GBV are provided with psychosocial support.
Key Responsibilities
Scope of consultancy
DRC GBV unit in Kakuma intends to carry out a curriculum development, adaptation and training of refugee and host community stakeholders aimed at ensuring increased awareness on GBV in sports and to improve the psychosocial support available to GBV survivors and AGYW and boys at risk of GBV.
Key tasks of the consultancy.
The consultant is expected to;

Collect information from the team through meetings, FGDs and Key Informant interviews in order to establish objectives and expectations of the activity – the purpose of the curriculum, target population, the context and details of the curriculum.
Study and comprehend the Sports for Protection toolkit that will form the basis of the curriculum.
Develop the curriculum with two modules: the risk of GBV in sports and Psychosocial Support in Sports for Protection.
Facilitate validation and training meetings in Lodwar, Kakuma and Lokichogio with participants from the sport fraternity (coaches, youth engaged in sports, agency staff working with youth in sports and mental health and psychosocial support) on the curriculum developed to ensure that it is suitable for the Kakuma and Kalobeyei context.

The consultant will employ the use of the following methodologies while developing the curriculum.

Conducting literature and practical research on the appropriate plussport interventions to use in the prevention of GBV, offering psychosocial support to AGYW and ABYM.
Production of a curriculum with the two modules: GBV risk in sports and Psychosocial Support in Sports for Protection and relevant topics within the two modules in simple language and illustrations appropriate for coaches, AGYW and ABYM for whom the curriculum is to be used.
Frequent consultation with DRC on the progress of the curriculum development for review.

Key deliverables/outputs
The consultant is expected to:

Develop a complete curriculum with the 2 parts: Risk of GBV in Sports and Psychosocial Support in Sports for Protection. Each of these sections will be further divided into two: for ToTs and AGYW and ABYM Trainers.
Present the drafts of the curriculum to DRC for review.
Facilitate 2 curriculum validation meetings in Lokichoggio with 30 participants (coaches, youth and staff involved in sports and psychosocial support).
Facilitate 2 staff trainings of the complete curriculum in Lodwar with 30 participants.
Present the complete curriculum to DRC with the layout ready for publishing.

DRC’s responsibilities

DRC will give remuneration in lumpsum for the consultancy which will include the curriculum development and the consultant’s training materials, accommodation and meals.

Reporting Arrangements

The consultant will report to the DRC Programme Development and Quality Manager and GBV Team Leader for the activity.


The consultancy period shall be for 28 days. The complete curriculum must be submitted to DRC within 10 working days after the validation exercise.

The consultant must have:

Advanced degree in gender studies and counseling from a recognized institution and must certified counselling supervision by Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors (KAPC).
Over 5 years experience in GBV Prevention and Response, counseling, training and supervision.
Experience of working with refugees, conflict and post-conflict communities is an added advantage.

Interested applicants who meet the required profile are invited to submit an expression of interest including:If you satisfy the above requirements, kindly send your application via email to: Applications must be marked: TOR for Sports for Protection. Applications should reach DRC not later than the date specified in the tender request.

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