Site Inspector Intern

Functional Responsibilities
Specific duties and responsibilities are to include the following:
Assist the Building Engineer in assessments of work quality and work progress
Assist the Building Engineer in preparation of daily work/activity report, record of contractor’s man-power, equipment and material at the project site
Ensure that all construction materials (steel, cement, sand, aggregates, and any other building materials) used are from the approved source
In coordination with the Building Engineer conduct inspection of concrete mix ratio, placement and reinforcement as per the UNOPS technical specifications and schedule
In coordination with the Building Engineer make sure that the contractor has satisfactory resources required for the work such as  qualified personnel, skilled and unskilled laborers, equipment, and materials available on site to complete construction activities as planned
Make sure that the contractor is fully equipped with the personal safety equipment and medical kit and that UNOPS Work Place and Safety requirements are fully met
Report any irregular activities and accidents that may occur on site and ensure that works do not endanger the safety of workers and the public  
In coordination with the Building Engineer discuss daily work program with the contractor representative/engineer
Keep records/file of daily work activity report including photographs, plant, equipment and labour used in construction of the works
Keep records/ file of all field inspection forms and measurements of completed works
Keep records and maintain files for all site memos and instructions, measured quantities of work and resources (labour, plant and equipment) on site, reports and other documents and all correspondence related to the construction activities and work
Maintain records of all testing and survey work carried out including cross referencing each item of work and location from which the samples were obtained for testing and measurements made
Issue orders to the contractor to remove or rectify any works that is not in accordance with the drawings and specifications
Minimize disruption to the works inclusive of getting requisite approval for visitors on site and promoting good communication on site
Assist the Building Engineer in preparation of the monthly work progress report
Update the work schedule and inform the Building Engineer on the work progress on the site
At completion of the contracts, verify the contractor’s “as-built drawings”, quantity and quality records as a true record of the works as constructed
Perform any other tasks related to their position and as instructed by the UNOPS Building Engineer and/or the Project Manager
Monitoring and Progress Controls
The Site Inspector Intern will report progress and performance of the contractor(s) through daily and weekly checkpoint reports submitted to the Building Engineer
Updated monthly work plans with progress to date
Daily control of the construction process
Quality management in place and enforced
Adequate quality control of the construction process
Appropriate technical dossier for every site up to date
Site management procedures in place and aligned with UNOPS policies
Smooth contract implementation and limited number of issues
Timely and qualitative reporting
Monthly progress reports and updates
Updates on contract progress, delays and contractor performance
Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Civil/ Structural Engineering is required (fresh graduate)
Excellent working knowledge of written and spoken English required.
Functional competencies
Ability to manage own workload and to work independently
Ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate and monitor workplans
Excellent working knowledge of written and spoken English including being fully conversant with use of relevant computer applications 
Quality Management Systems (Optional)
Managing construction activities (Optional)
Supervising construction activities (Optional)
Buildings – Schools and Daycare (Optional)
Health and Safety Management (Optional)
Client experience (Optional)


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