Senior Nutrition & Food Security Associate


 Support the development of country public health, nutrition and food security strategies (including targeting of basic food and nonfood assistance) based on uptodate assessment and identification of needs, recognizing the contributions of governments and other actors and in support of national health systems as much as possible; include preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative care; recognise the different approaches required for the stage of the humanitarian response (preparedness, emergency, stabilisation, transition and long term inclusion) as well as for settlement or camp based POCs and those in urban or noncamp situations.
 Support the planning, implementation, analysis, and review of the UNHCR Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys, 
 joint food security assessments with WFP and partners. 
 Support staff and partners to implement the Health Information Systems, SENS data base, Post Distribution Monitoring and ensure linkages with nutrition cluster assessment tools and process in out of camp or host populations.
 Support the exchange and analysis of information on nutrition and food security at the national level with government and other partners.
 Analyse and interpret related nutrition, food security and health data for reporting and advocacy.
 Provide technical assistance on nutrition and food security to UNHCR’s staff and partners.
 Advise Field Offices on matters related to procurement of sectorrelated materials and equipment, and provide regular update on new developments and specifications of such items.
 Work with stakeholders, including UN agencies, NGOs, Ministries of Health and academic institutions in the development of nutrition and food security plans associated with refugee movements (including in repatriation programmes).
 Maintain and update contingency plans for potential outbreaks, refugee and returnee movements.
 Advocate with government and partners for refugees, returnees and other POC¿s access to local public health and nutrition services as well as for their inclusion as a specific group in government policies, plans and social protection programmes.
 Provide administrative support to the design, implementation and reporting on Joint Assessment Missions with WFP and the resulting Joint Plan of Action.
 Undertake and/or support capacity strengthening of UNHCR and its implementing partners to ensure the technical integrity of nutrition and food security programmes in a coordinated, multisectoral way.
 Assess the capacity of potential implementing partners and assist in providing adequate technical support and training.
 Ensure close coordination with other humanitarian actors involved in nutrition, food security and related areas.
 Undertake regular missions to camps in order to support, monitor and evaluate the implementation of nutrition activities to ensure quality services.
 Perform other related duties as required.

Education & Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / Degree Level

For G7  4 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 2 years relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher

Certificates and/or Licenses 

Public Health;
Food Security; 
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential) 

Relevant Job Experience

Knowledge and experience in working in the area of nutrition (including Community Management of Acute Malnutrition) and food security with UNHCR or partners. Proven technical expertise in the area of nutrition and food security assessments and programme design. Experience in the collection and use of routine health and nutrition monitoring data. Analytical and creative thinking abilities with solutionsoriented approach. Ability to provide formal and informal technical training to partner staff. Strong communication skills both verbal and in writing. Proficiency in computer software such as Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.


Experience in multisectoral nutrition programming including understanding and experience in public health, WASH, agriculture and cash programming.

Functional Skills 

ITComputer Literacy
NU Nutrition
NuFood Supplements,Smart Methodology, CMAM, IYCF Voucher Cash Transfer
NUNutrition Treatment & Prevention of Micronutrient Deficiencies and Anaemia
PGProgramme Management (programme cycles and reporting standards)
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential) 

Language Requirements 

For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.

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