Request for Proposal for Internal Audit Services

The main objectives are to identify, assess and mitigate any risks as well as develop and maintain a strong internal control environment of the systems and operations. The successful bidder will provide AWAK with an independent appraisal of the adequacy and effectiveness of its systems of internal administrative, and accounting controls and programmes and determine the financial integrity, value, efficiency and effectiveness of the operations per the established standards and best practices.

The successful bidder will:

Perform an overall review of the operations and internal controls in place at AWAK.
Evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the Risk Management Framework
Develop and submit a one-year strategic internal audit plan that identifies the anticipated timing of internal audits to be conducted based on the Risk Assessment.
Perform risk-based internal audit control and compliance reviews in terms of the proposed internal audit plan.
Ensure that the staff and Audit committee are fully aware of the audit findings’ implications to AWAK operations and subsequent recommendations if any.
Provide Tri-annual reports to the board committee and management on the outcome and findings of audits with recommendations and management responses for Internal Audit follow-up.
Attend the board committee meeting to present reports/feedback on the audit and one Board meeting at the end of the audit.
Conduct any special internal audit as requested by the board committee

Instructions on the Proposal Submission Process. The deadline for submission of proposals is 5 PM EAT on 14th December, 2024. Responses to this RFP should be strictly sent by email to: cc and marked as follows in the subj  ect line: AWAK/RFP/III/24 PROVISION OF INTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES

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