Regional Gender Adviser


In this role, you will strengthen NRC’s efforts in gender mainstreaming and build the foundations of gender responsive programming. You will be pivotal in providing technical expertise and guidance on gender-sensitive programming, ensuring the integration of gender perspectives across projects in EAY Regional Office and advancing the organization’s commitment to gender equality.
You will navigate the complex gender dynamics, ensure that interventions are sensitive to the specific needs of women and girls, and contribute to long-lasting positive change. This role aims to create the foundations for gender-responsive programming, empowering local actors, and fostering a more inclusive and equitable future for the region.

What you will do:

Assessing the needs  

Conduct a comprehensive Gender Audit, in one area office in nine countries (Ethiopia Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Yemen), to determine the extent to which gender is mainstreamed into programmatic activities, and whether the programming is targeted at achieving gender responsive outcomes (existing tools within NRC may be used including the Safe and Inclusive Programming (SIP) checklists); make recommendations to the CMG for implementation.  
Conduct Gender Analysis for four NRC Country Offices in the region (in person or remotely) and provide recommendation on how the findings could inform the Country Strategy.  

Capacity building 

Develop and/or adapt training material for in person and online trainings, in line with the existing SIP training material on gender. Capacity building plan shall be developed, with clear learning objectives for each training session. The material developed by the consultancy will be used to enhance already existing NRC resources. 
Conduct training for all Country Management Groups (CMG) in the region, and the Regional Management Group (RMG) in the region on the gender equality spectrum and how to move towards achieving gender responsive programming;  
Conduct training for all HoPs, Grants Managers, MnE and Regional Programme Support Unit on assessing gender mainstreaming and responsiveness in proposals and completing Gender Marker assessment tools;   
Train all country-based technical Specialists and Regional Programme Team on mainstreaming gender, with a focus on gender analyses during project design and as a part of ongoing project cycle management;  

Contribute to Country Offices Strategy and Proposal development

Review CO’s strategies and provide recommendation on gender mainstreaming to be embedded in the 2024 strategy and Plans of Action. This may include participation of the consultant to Strategic Exercises (online). 
Support the integration of gender in CC programme designs , ensuring that gender is mainstreamed across. 
Provide add-hoc support to the Country Offices across EAY Region
Contribute to Proposal development for Major Grants in Country Offices

Review/ Development of tools and guidance 

Development of a catalogue of good practice of gender mainstreaming in Country Offices, with a view to provide practical recommendations for tweaking of programmes to integrate gender perspectives  
Development and/or contributing to test newly developed tool(s) and guidance to conduct Gender Analysis 
Development and/or contributing to test newly developed tool(s) and guidance to incorporate gender into proposals, in line with the SIP relevant guidance on gender. 
Development and/or review of newly developed tools for integration and monitoring of gender inclusion in NRC Programs 
Development of a methodology guidance, on how the results of gender analysis could inform the strategy development process at Country office level 

Revision of SOPs and Key Guidance documents 

Review all relevant M&E tools and SOPs utilised in EAY RO and make recommendations on mainstreaming gender including for PDM and After-Action Review tools. 
Provide recommendation and guidance on meaningful targeting and proportionate to the population needs. Data from GORS will be utilised for this purpose and in consultation with MnE departments (RO and/or COs), the main challenges will be identified and addressed at the recommendations/guidance document. 
Review regional CFM and accountability mechanisms and make recommendations on mainstreaming gender.  
Review HR procedures and SOPs relevant to recruitment, duty of care, and safeguarding, to identify barriers to recruitment of female candidates and make recommendations on how to adapt HR processes to remove these barriers, in consultation with HR regional team and diversity equity and (DEI) team in Head Office. 
Review NRC’s PCM guide and provide recommendations on how best gender can be integrated in the different PCM stages  


Work with Regional CC program Advisers to institutionalize gender programming in the region and produce institutionalization guidance for CCs and thematics. Guidance will be incorporated into already SIP resources. 
Development of a gender strategy document for EAY Region and an action plan, which will be incorporated into the SIP Action Plan for the region. 

What you will bring

Experience in design and delivery of gender programming in humanitarian action 
Excellent understanding of safe and inclusive programming / protection mainstreaming principles 
Excellent understanding of humanitarian protection policy, standards and coordination, including protection from violence 
Ability to think strategically and constructively and to apply gender technical skills in developing policy frameworks and guidelines to support institutionalization of gender sensitive programming.
Experience in developing and delivering high quality protection-related training and tools to support practical implementation of protection standards 
Experience moderating webinars or other online discussions 
Excellent verbal and written communication skills 
Fluency in English required, competency in one additional local language is an advantage 

We prefer that you

Are passionate about Gender mainstreaming and have been exposed to undertaking Gender analysis
Have senior experience demonstrating years of professional, operational experience in a humanitarian settings 
Have worked on consultancy terms and can deliver quality outcomes within expected deadlines

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