The Better Migration Management (BMM) program is based on the third objective within the EU Trust Fund, namely “improved migration management in countries of origin and transit”. It is also contributing to the second objective of the EU Trust Fund that is “strengthening resilience of communities and in particular the most vulnerable, as well as refugees and displaced people”.
In line with the implementing strategy outlined in the Action Fiche for the implementation of the Horn of Africa Window T05 – EUTF – HoA – REG – 09, the final Description of the Action developed by GIZ as the coordinating agency, and in compliance with the overarching division of labour agreed among the consortium members, Expertise France (EF)’s contribution to the BMM project centres on the second and third specific objectives of the Action, namely:
To strengthen the capacity of all institutions and agencies responsible for migration and border management (capacity building), and
To improve the identification, assistance and protection for Victims of Trafficking (VoT) and vulnerable migrants, especially women and children, in the Horn of Africa (protection).
For the purpose of BMM’s protection pillar implementation, EF is recruiting a protection expert to further synergize complementary action among NRM partners through network consolidation, scaled up services and standardized reporting mechanisms, with the overall goal of ensuring all actions or initiatives within Kenya’s national response against trafficking in human beings is non- discriminatory, take gender equality into account as well as a child-rights approach.
Three key documents guide the work of the expert: The National Plan of Action for Combating Human Trafficking (Strategic Framework 2013-2017) herein referred to as the NPA; the Counter-Trafficking in Persons Act (No. 8 of 2010) herein referred to as the CTiP Act; and the National Referral Mechanism Guidelines (NRM).
Specific objectives are as follows:
Outreach and coordination to enhance referral mechanisms for VoT and Vulnerable Smuggled migrants with a general focus on persons with possible international protection needs and other persons with specific needsEnhance information sharing through partners and when possible, authorities and other decentralized officesIncrease the capacity of selected NRM service providers’ and shelter center staff to adequately respond to the needs of trafficked victimsAdvise on priority provision of infrastructure for shelter and NGO work towards standardized modalities and centralized process for trafficking case management and referrals among and between service providers, whatever their status, be it community based organizations (CSO), government agencies, and law enforcement agencies
Evaluate NRM service providers’ gaps and response capacity with a focus on first responders (government / non-government run services)
Review existing assistance systems and current practices specifically in the following service provision: Ø Case management and referral
Information Counseling and Legal Assistance
Psychosocial counseling
Community child protection and child friendly interview
Minimum standards of Care in Shelter management
Helpline, Hotlines Centers
Monitoring and reporting
Evaluate technical and material requirements necessary to improve selected government run services case management
Map and document core training needs to inform strategies and approaches towards a human rights based and victim-centered referral system in first level identification of VoT;
Map and document core training needs for building capacity on care and support for VoT;
Devise training modules to improve first level identification of victim inclusive of a “indicators of actions, means, purpose” framework;
Incorporate training modules in existing NRM training components
Create a joint action plan to ensure training compendium is harmonized across BMM partners’ modules and rolled out as one joint exercise
Advise plan on set up of information sharing platform(s) towards improved coordination and cooperation (4ws, information sharing and reporting mechanism);
Jointly identify most suitable government service within the network, to be trained and supported, as informed by mapping exercise (4Ws);
Submit preliminary report informing EF on need to increase the capacity of 5 to 6 selected (decentralized) service providers to effectively deliver but also monitor progress towards a victim centered and protection focused assistance package;
Provide recommendations on diversifying modalities through which the services are delivered by linking supported safe houses with (newly) established mobile teams along selected key border crossing recognized as human trafficking hotspot;
Provide recommendations on furthering rights-based and victim-centered approach in first level identification of VoT
Lead on elaboration of reporting tools, including information sharing protocols (ISP), reporting matrix, reporting template.
Support in developing SOPs and enhanced case management with/for implementing partners, building on existing initiatives;
Strengthen network of government/non government service providers, supporting horizontal and vertical institutional dialogue, and fostering a process of standardization of case management practices;
Identify key institutional counterparts and grassroots service providers (4Ws) operating with the NRM framework and establish a Focal Point system in chosen geographic area (pilot as per defined criticality criteria)
In coordination with the NRM network and on the basis of the work carried out above, identify one context where there is an acute need for a response to anti-trafficking
Through the existing and scaled up service provision in these chosen areas, provide remote and in-site support to the NRM network for the establishment and running of the recommended good practices and joined-up response mechanism to anti-trafficking
Liaise with BMM partners operating in the pilot area to ensure the network NRM is broadly connected and facilitates triangulation of data.
Assist communities and local authorities in the pilot areas, to assist in the mitigation of the effects of trafficking on PVoT & VoT — especially for those with special protection needs by mirroring this attention in anticipated areas of reception (safe house) and their need for preparedness planning
Facilitate and organize joint monitoring visits to ensure lesson learning and development of best practices
Work closely with EF consultant in charge of setting up an information management system (database) and information sharing portal (private / public)
Through NRM network, help collect and consolidate data on identification, referral, assistance of VoT, interception, prosecution of perpetrator;
Feed database with information ongoing service delivery, including reporting on activities and services mapping, so as to identify gaps, duplications, and/or strengths.
Assist with consolidation and dissemination of 4Ws data on response and relevant information to all NRM partners at decentralized level
Liaise closely with NRM coordinator and CTiP AC to support centralized Information Management and subsequent trend analysis;
In consultation with CtiP AC and BMM partners, advise on response gaps or issues of concern of field level partners
Support the development of reporting (trafficking) indicators based on minimum standards of care, in close collaboration with NRM coordination, CTiP AC (contribution to TiP report), NRM partners;
Organize a “good practice on support services for victims of trafficking” workshop jointly with BMM partners and NRM partners involved in above mentioned pilot, where an action plan will be formulated to improve support services in first level identification along established comprehensive minimum standards of care,
Develop good practice compendium and includes modalities to measure good practices
Based on lessons learned from above mentioned pilot, foster a strengthened joined position amongst government officials on the issue of providing protection to potential victims and victims of trafficking cases;
Assist NRM members to elaborate key advocacy messages on the issue in line with prevailing needs;
Prepare and coordinate information sessions and wide ranging awareness raising campaigns on the risks of exploitation and trafficking;
Participate in EF’s dissemination strategy of expert’s final report, in Kenya and Brussels – “Measuring attitudinal, behavioral and cultural change towards VoT: towards a
Human Rights Based and Victim Centered approach “
Based on the above, draft an inclusive plan supporting establishment and management of safe houses for victims of trafficking based on protection safeguards and endorsed minimum standards of care;
Undertake review of the protection initiative and produce a progress report, including recommendations in relations to the tools, SoPs, capacity building of focal point based networks, utility of information collected post-training, and quality of resultant response;
Assess pre- and post-training quality of information collected at all stages of NRM (especially first stage identification);
Evaluate to what extend vulnerability and protection mainstreaming have refined the scope of service provided to VoT and led to prevention of trafficking modalities (e/g: baseline surveys to identify the highly risk group)
Evaluate to what extend strategic, scaled up capacity of first responders and shelter center staff led to more adequate response to needs of trafficked victims including the set up of viable government run Safe house;
Review Information Management needs;
Evaluate quality value of a roster for certified social workers operating with the NRM
Recommendation on extending methodology to the rest of the country
The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following technical and behavioural competencies / accountabilities:
Participatory and community-based approaches
Ensure utilization of participatory and community based approaches in strategy development, needs assessment, analysis, planning, monitoring and response.Ensure effective and coherent institutional needs assessment and analysis take a gender perspective into account, involving all relevant partners;
Attention to priority cross-cutting issues
Ensure gender sensitive response and promote gender equality across all target groups;
Planning and strategy development
Ensure predictable action within the NRM membership for the following:
Gaps identification
Developing/updating agreed response strategies and action plans for the NRM membership and ensuring that these are adequately reflected in overall country strategies to
Counter HT (NPA, CTiP Act, 2030 Vision, etc);
Drawing lessons learned from past activities and revising strategies accordingly;
Application of standards
Ensure that NRM group participants are aware of relevant policy guidelines, technical standards and relevant commitments that the Government has undertaken under international and Domestic Law to counter Human Trafficking;
Monitoring and reporting
Align with data information sharing systems in place
Contribute to adequate monitoring mechanisms and reviewing impact and progress of the NRM against implementation plans;
Ensure transparency, integrity, access to information and accountability principles are embraced in resource allocation and management of service providers’ NRM response;
Ensure monitoring efforts are linked to the National Integrated Monitoring System (NIMES)
Ensure adequate reporting and effective information sharing, with due regard for age and sex disaggregation
Training and capacity building
Ensure that capacity building of identified member of the NRM membership occurs in order to ensure on-going sustainability and quality of the response
Mainstream Human Rights Based Programming approach evidenced in a developed Monitoring and Evaluation Framework;
Work with partners to promote understanding of and adherence to victim centered – HR based approach to their response
Comply with humanitarian and development guidelines and standards procedure with respect to Do NO Harm, AGDM concept, GBV guidance, child rights and safeguarding, health and safety, SPHERE guidelines and other relevant policies
Monitoring and progress controls (report requirement, periodicity, format, deadlines)
Final product (e/g survey completed, data collected, workshop conducted, research documents, produced)
One training compendium (including development of module on a minimum of 4 topics including but not limited to security protocol and SOPs for confidential data management, referral to judiciary and law enforcement, victim needs assessment) ;
SoPs, ISP, Reporting Tools (Trafficking indicators), 4ws
Mechanisms and frameworks for collecting and sharing information between selected service providers are established
Education level
Higher university degree in a social science or related discipline
Master / Phd grade
5 to 10 years of relevant experience in Counter trafficking / Mixed migration
Extensive knowledge of protection humanitarian programming
Experience in capacity building and coordination
Personal qualities
Ability to work in a collaborative manner with team members and with multiple stakeholders at various levels from national to sub-national and community levels.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including cultural sensitivity.
Demonstrated ability to work effectively in highly stressful situations.
Previous experience in Kenya, Horn of Africa is an asset
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