Based in Mashuru / Loitoktok
The Project Assistant will be responsible for formation and strengthening of school and community based initiatives that support girls’ access to education.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate should posses a Bachelor’s degree in Community Development, Social Work or any other equivalent academic qualifications from a recognized university and have a minimum of 3 years of related work experience.
Interested applicants who possess the above specified qualifications and experience can share a detailed CV and a formal application letter (indicating their expected salary)through Post Office or hand delivery to:Girl Child Network,
P.O. Box 2447-00200,
Valley View Office Park Building, 5th Floor,
City Park Drive, off Limuru Road.Applications for the above stated positions closes on Thursday 22nd July 2021 at 400 p.m.NB: Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.
Apply via :
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