Job Description
Key Responsibilities
Value chain development, promotion and market linkage.
Work with identified private sector value chain actors e.g. Off-takers and input suppliers and the K-YES county teams, funding partners such as KCB foundation, implementing partners and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to promote the growth and development of selected demand driven agribusiness value chains for youth uptake.
Intently focus on transitioning the relationship and management of contractual agreements with off-takers from K-YES to youth, for purposes of sustainability beyond the life of the program.
Continue to work with stakeholders to identify demand driven opportunities for youth agribusiness and employment.
Will work closely with KCB Foundation managing the implementation relationship, coordinating 2jiajiri’s program activities, outputs and outcomes.
In close collaboration with KCDMSD, the Specialist will support youth agribusiness activities in Migori, Kisii and Bungoma to transition into market systems.
Roll-out of Farmer Field School and BDS model
The Specialist will continue to identify local service providers to offer demand-driven BDS services and link farmers to financial services and markets.
The Specialist will design Farmer Field School (FFS) and Business Development (BDS) interventions in collaboration with KCDMS and private sector value chain actors to successfully employ youth, upgrade production to meet demand and market quality requirements.
The Specialist will lead implementation of the FFS and BDS activities to reach making iterative changes and improvements as needed.
The Specialist will lead the scaling and expansion of the program activities, ensuring agreed upon quality standards both in terms of delivery of activities and product quality requirements
Support producer groups farmer associations for aggregation and marketing
The Specialist will facilitate technical and operational support through other USG programs to strengthen governance of producer groups farmer associations for aggregation and marketing
The Specialist will continue to facilitate the formation of producer business groups (PBGs) as an effective way to achieve economies of scale through aggregation.
The Specialist will facilitate the engagement of K-YES youth in taking up business opportunities emerging from both local county level and national partnerships.
The Specialist will support the project’s M&E efforts and team to ensure an integrated and optimal approach to results-based M&E.
The Specialist will work closely with KCB Foundation in managing the implementation relationship and in coordinating 2jiajiri’s program activities, outputs and outcomes.
Contribute towards weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports
Participate in quarterly review and annual work planning meetings
Qualifications and Experience:
Applicants must possess a minimum of relevant masters and two years of experience or Bachelor’s degree and four years of experience in agriculture, agribusiness, economics, agricultural economics, business administration or other related field;
Progressive responsibility work experience in managing and implementing multi-faceted donor-funded youth development projects, preferably in Kenya;
Proven track record in developing, analyzing, and implementing projects focused on agribusinesses, agricultural finance, and agricultural value chains.
Demonstrated experience in facilitating private sector investments and show familiarity with the workings of government legal and regulatory frameworks.
Previous experience on USAID-funded agricultural/agribusiness development programs, including contributing to M&E, reporting, and designing and leading program activities.
Demonstrated experience in managing various stakeholders both at the counties and National level; excellent social and networking skills, ability to engage with the private sector, civil society and county governments.
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