Nutrition Policy Expert

Overall objective
The overall purpose of this TA is to complement support to the government of Kenya to develop the National Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Plan through development of a costing and financial tracking and Resource Mobilization framework, finalize the Monitoring & Evaluation and accountability framework and review the legal and enabling environment framework.
Specific objectives
Facilitate costing of the intervention areas identified within NNAP II and develop a simple financial tracking and resource mobilization framework.Facilitate the consolidation of comprehensive M&E and accountability plan for NNAP II.Support unpacking and policy coherence review linked with the NNAP II legal and institutional/enabling environment framework.
Duty Station/Location
The lead Consultant and team will be based at the Nutrition and Dietetics Unit (NDU) for activities that require physical presence e.g stakeholder consultations and workshops. The team can work from home when not travelling to the County level or presence at the NDU is not required. The team will also participate in all workshops to ensure and utilize the information for finalization of NNAP
All travels required under this consultancy will be provided for by Nutrition International.
This TA support would be for a period of up to 120 days between 1st April 2018 and 30th September 2018. Specific LoE will be determined in consultation with the Head of Nutrition, the SUN Focal Point, NNAP Steering Committee and Nutrition International.
Profile/qualifications of Consultant
It is expected a consultancy firm or team of consultants with assorted areas of expertise in Policy and Planning, Laws and Regulations Development, Economics/Finance, M&E and Nutrition will be required to complete all aspects of this consultancy, with the Lead Consultant responsible for work completed by all team members.
Lead Consultant

Post-graduate or doctoral-level qualifications the following fields; Finance, Planning, Economics, public health and Applied Sciences or related areas.
A minimum of 15 years’ experience in the field of development sector including consultancy work with the Government and development partners in nutrition, health, food security or related fields.
Excellent knowledge of health, food security and nutrition landscape and programmes in Kenya.
Experience of providing strategic policy advice to national and sub-national governments.
Experience in working with multi-stakeholder platforms and processes, or other complex collaboration platforms across sectors, including health, water, education and agriculture
Experience in coordinating and managing a team of subject matter experts.
Excellent communication, analytical and writing skills.
Specific experience in costing, budgeting, tracking expenditures and resource mobilization and multi-sectoral engagement in nutrition related areas will be an added advantage.
Experience in program design and M&E in combination with specialized experience in food security, health or nutrition will be added advantage
Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within strict deadlines.

Other Consultants

At least 8-10 years of experience in planning, policy, design, M&E, costing and tracking of nutrition, food security, health and other related programs.
Excellent knowledge of food security and nutrition landscape and programmes in Kenya.
Experience engaging with multi-stakeholder platforms and processes, or other complex collaboration and partner management platforms across sectors, including health and agriculture.
Experience in coordination and partnership management.
Excellent communication, analytical and writing skills.
Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within strict deadlines