Inspector (16 Posts) Legal Officer Drivers (3 Posts) Accounts Assistant Office Assistant ICT Officer Planning Officer Record Management Officer Assistant Inspector (3 Posts) Human Resource Management Officer Senior Internal Auditor

REF NO. VMD 01/2025 Scale: VMD 6
Basic Salary: Ksh 59,500 X 4,500-93,500 X 6,000-99,500

Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Qualifications and Requirements:

For appointment to this grade a candidate must have:

Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Medicine or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
Proficiency in computer applications;
Registration with Kenya Veterinary Board or equivalent professional regulator; and
Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.


An officer at this level will work under the guidance and supervision of a senior officer in any of the listed functional areas. Duties and responsibilities will entail assisting in: – 


Developing, and reviewing standards and guidelines for veterinary medicines registration, carrying out inspections, trade and good manufacturing practices;
Carrying out research to inform development and review of appropriate standards and guidelines in liaison with relevant departments and stakeholders; and
Sensitizing stakeholders on existing standards and guidelines. 

Registration & Licensing

Evaluating and recommending veterinary medicines new/retention applications for registration;
Assessing applied variations and providing recommendation in relation to products market authorization;
Evaluating and responding to appeals and complaints on market authorization issues;
Developing, applying and reviewing guidelines for veterinary medicine evaluation and GMP compliance;
Developing annual registers of manufacturers of veterinary medicines, registered and retained conventional and alternative veterinary medicines;
Enforcing good manufacturing practice for veterinary medicines manufacturers;
Screening and recommending veterinary pesticides for efficacy trial.
Licensing the manufacture, marketing, importation, exportation, advertisement, and sale of veterinary medicines;
Issuing annual permits for Local Technical Representatives of foreign manufacturers; and
Evaluating and responding to appeals and complaints on registrations issues. 

Compliance & Surveillance

Implementing policies, guidelines, strategies and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the Compliance, disposal of unwanted veterinary medicines and testing function;
Inspecting veterinary pharmacy premises for compliance with laid down standards;
Monitoring veterinary pharmacy practices for compliance;
Taking measures necessary to ensure identified non-compliances are addressed;
Monitoring clinical and non-clinical trials of veterinary medicines by individuals and institutions to be involved in the trials;
Ensuring adherence to proper disposal practices of expired, damaged, unregistered, fake, counterfeit and other illicit veterinary medicines;
Ensuring marketed veterinary medicines have market authorization;
Ensuring appropriate safety measures are put in place in premises that deal with veterinary medicines;
Ensuring veterinary medicines are stored, labelled and supplied in compliance with the law
Documenting exhibits and other evidence concerning violations;
Appearing and testifying in courts as required; and
Participating with other, state agencies as needed in activities related to the enforcement of laws concerning veterinary medicines and premises. 

Trade Facilitation

Filing returns of veterinary medicines used in Kenya to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE);
Compiling Register of Approved Veterinary Pharmacies for publication;
Compiling trade data on the volumes and types of medicines being imported and exported out of the country;
Processing permits for importation and exportation of veterinary medicines;
Licensing veterinary pharmacy practices;
Licensing the manufacture, marketing, importation, exportation, advertisement, and sale of veterinary medicines;
Issuing annual permits for Veterinary Pharmaceutical Representatives;
Ensuring only veterinary medicines with market authorization are allowed in or out of the Country; and
Eliminating unfair business practices in the veterinary medicine supply chain

Ports of Entry.

Verifying import/export documents and inspecting consignments of veterinary medicines at specific ports of entry;
Impounding illegal, sub-standard and expired veterinary medicines;
Recommending disposal of impounded veterinary medicines;
Monitoring the market for and take measures necessary for the elimination of trade in illegal and counterfeit veterinary medicines;
Conducting surveillance activities to ensure safety, quality and efficacy of veterinary medicines; and
Overall enforcement of VMD regulations in areas of jurisdictions in conjunction with other relevant Government Agencies.

Competencies and Skills

Report writing;

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Candidates who meet the above criteria are advised to submit a hard or soft application, detailed curriculum vitae, copy of National Identification card, copies of academic and professional certificates and other testimonials to: The Chief Executive Officer, Veterinary Medicines Directorate; Email: deliver hard copies with the envelope clearly marked Ref: …. to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate Offices, PCPB Plaza, Loresho Ridge Ground Floor; Addressed to:The Chief Executive Officer
Veterinary Medicines Directorate
Pest Control products Board
Plaza P.O. Box 66171-00800
Westlands, Nairobi. NB: All candidates should fill and submit the Application for Employment Form together with detailed curriculum vitae, copy of National Identification card, copies of academic and professional certificates and other testimonials DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Monday 17th February, 2025 AT 5.00 P.M

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