Incremental Housing Integrated Systems Consultant – Kenya

Job description

Documentation of the integrated systems approach to incremental housing processes and development of a five-year strategy for Habitat for Humanity in Kenya
We are seeking services of a consulting company or a group of consultants to provide expert support in operationalizing an integrated systems approach to incremental housing processes and facilitate its incorporation in program strategy in the context of Kenya.
Introduction and background
Currently, HFHI Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) is working to re-define its programmatic focus in Sub-Saharan Africa. We realize that in order to reach sustainability and scale in advancing housing solutions, we need to think of housing from an integrated systems perspective. Housing as a very complex sector requires a systems perspective if we aim to reach sustainability and scale of interventions. We believe a systems perspective will allow us to look at the totality of the housing problem, to understand and respond to the main challenges, to address root causes of exclusion and dysfunction in housing. A systems perspective drives us to think relationally – not just about single individuals or organizations, or single sectors, or certain technical areas. We aim to understand the interactions, relationships, power dynamics, and leverage opportunities in a dynamic system that is ever changing.
Scope of work
The engagement will be carried out in the context of Kenya, with the expectation that the process could be extrapolated to other contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa. A combination of the following activities would be confirmed after engagement with the selected consulting entity:

Consolidate HFHI EMEA systems thinking


Propose and adapt a set of processes and tools for engagement, analysis and learning about systems and systemic change to apply to housing as a system (targeting low income households, further referred as affordable housing);

Integrate conceptually affordable and incremental housing systems with market development systems;

Support HFHI EMEA to better articulate its affordable housing sector understanding in systems terms.

 Facilitate increased stakeholders’ shared understanding of problem areas and opportunities in the affordable housing sector in Kenya from systems and long-term systemic change perspective (applying systems approach, processes and tools)

Propose an engagement plan with affordable housing stakeholders in Kenya;

Facilitate series of engagement with stakeholders and strategic (existing and potential) partners’ to collectively:

Define/map in systems terms the affordable housing sector (understanding the nature of incremental housing processes);

Define the “boundaries” of the affordable housing system;

Identify the causal / influence links, feedback loops and leverage points in the affordable housing system (addressing the incremental nature of housing), including adjacent sectors:
Ensure systems based affordable housing incorporates adequately cross-cutting issues/themes:

Resilience: climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction; climate change mitigation, energy conservation, environmental sustainability:
Inclusion and equity: gender mainstreaming (needs and assets) and women empowerment, needs of vulnerable groups, youth, cultural adequacy, market access.

Housing related policies and regulations,
Land management and land markets,
Basic services provision and organization (access to water, sanitation, solid waste management, access to energy for lighting and cooking),
Construction materials, and labour force,
Financial services for housing, Social services, Alternative construction materials (innovation);
Analyze under what circumstances long-term owners/drivers of affordable housing would improve/change their driver’s role by better understand stakeholders’ mandates, motivations, incentives and appetite for partnering for systemic change:
Central government, Municipal (county) government, Self-organized groups of home seekers and/or registered entities (CBOs, SACCOs, housing cooperatives, resident federations), Housing related product and service providers, including construction companies/ developers, Financial sector, including MFIs and cooperatives.

 Develop a long-term perspective country strategy for Habitat for Humanity in Kenya for the next 5 years, complete with a theory of change and an operational plan
 Analyze affordable housing needs (supply and demand) in Kenya with specific focus on recent developments, challenges and opportunities;
Analyze political economy (challenges and opportunities) in the implementation of affordable housing in Kenya;
Review key HFHI documents and identify strategic direction/issues especially as related to/supports systems thinking and application;
Based on the strategic issues/objectives, identify specific interventions needed to sustainably address affordable housing in Kenya (based on stakeholders’ consultations); prioritize activities to be undertaken and critical targets to be achieved in the next five years;

Ensure that issues of resilience, climate change, environmental sustainability, gender, youth, market access, technologies, inter alia are adequately addressed in the plan.

Facilitate the development of an implementation plan that should include

Strategic objectives,
Targets to be achieved,
Programmatic interventions,
Activities, time frame,
Implementing entities (HFHI units/departments, lead and supporting, partners), indicative resources required.

Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for implementation for the strategy including a theory of change and log frame(s);
Facilitate EMEA identification of its competitive advantage in Kenya housing context.

Methodology and process
In-depth review of HFH’s key documents, key national and sectoral policies and plans, among other documents. Consultations with key stakeholder institutions and individuals consisting of public, private and civil society actors/ representation as well as any other stakeholders as HFH may guide at the onset of this exercise. At least one workshop in Kenya is expected to take place during the assignment. Minimal travel.
The assignment will be undertaken through overall coordination of HFHI EMEA designated staff. Regular and as needed project management meetings with designated staff will be held.
Deliverables, schedule and budget
We will entertain recommendations on project schedule and budget from consulting entity. Additionally, we will entertain suggested amended deliverables, but expect to receive:

An inception plan with a timeline, covering the three areas of the scope of work,
A report and recommendations documenting stakeholders’ and partners understanding of affordable housing system in Kenya (taking into consideration the incremental nature of housing processes),
A paper documenting an affordable housing methodology based on systems approach,
HFHI EMEA strategic direction/objectives for next 5-years document,
Operational plan for HFH operations in Kenya.

Required competencies and experience
The successful consulting entity will have the following mix of expertise:

Experience and proven record in applying systems approaches to complex developmental problems
Knowledge in markets development approaches
Proven record in facilitating engagement with various shareholders across multiple sectors (both communities, public and private)
Excellent facilitation skills
Experience in monitoring and measuring systems change
Broad understanding of the housing sector in Kenya
Experience of undertaking assignments in multi-cultural settings in Kenya
Excellent analytical, writing and presentation skills
Proficiency in spoken and written English and Kiswahili.

Please send the following to, and copying and by May 24, 2019.
Please limit responses to a maximum of 10 pages (not counting CVs). Consulting entities must submit the following information to be considered:

Corporate overview (Legal name, year of incorporation, number of directors, tax compliant certificate, CR12 form etc.),
Description of all products and services supplied relevant to this ToR
Client references (3)
Understanding of this assignment
Description of proposed methodological approach
Description of deliverables
Estimated budget in Kenyan shillings breakdown and resources required (Costs include, but are not limited to, fixed pricing & deliverables, billable hours, travel expenses, taxes, etc.)
Project schedule & work breakdown structure, which identifies timelines, key milestones, project phases, or other project plan information.
Annexed to the proposal should be CVs for each team member who would participate in the assignment.

Selection process and criteria
Phone interviews with eligible candidates will be held the week of May 27, 2019. Final selection will be determined by May 31.
All proposals will be evaluated systematically, based on the following key criteria:

Quality of the methodological proposal: aspects that will help us to assess their suitability for that which is proposed in the RFP, quality of the proposal, feasibility, etc.
Profile and competencies of the consulting team: knowledge, experience, composition and other necessary competencies.
Suitability of the financial proposal: for the activities laid out in the methodology, within the financial possibilities of the project, etc.

Full details and disclaimers can be requested by contacting, and copying and Applicant is responsible for fully understanding the requirements or other details of the RFP and must ask any questions to ensure such understanding is gained before submission deadline.


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