Project Overview and Role
HP+ is working with other partners at the national and county level in advocating for increased resources for health and HIV/AIDS as part of the DRM initiative. The DRM initiative entails first; building the capacity of CHMTs on planning and budgeting with a focus on PBB and therefore assist counties transit to a PBB format which is more transparent with key programmes like HIV/AIDS included as part of the PBB template and second; advocating for increased resources for health with key programmes like HIV/AIDS that have been prioritized through the PBB budgeting process set to benefit from increased funding for health.
In 2014 and 2016, USAID/PEPFAR, through the Health policy Plus (HP+) project, supported the generation of three rounds of CHAs for selected counties. The first round covered 12 counties capturing data for FYs 2013/14 and 2014/15; the second round covered 14 counties capturing data for FY 2015/16; the third round covered 6 Deep Dive counties (Nyeri, Isiolo, Mombasa, Busia, Migori and Turkana) of which HP+ is supporting in-depth analyses aimed at improving planning and budgeting, with an objective of increasing domestic resources and improving efficiency on funds allocated to health and HIV.
In 2018, the HP+ project and Tupime Kaunti plans to support an additional 6 counties (Baringo, Nakuru, Kilifi, Kakamega, Bungoma and Kisii) to generate CHAs for FY 2016/17, which will inform their health policy planning and budgeting process, and the ongoing process of generating the County Integrated development Plan. These six counties are currently receiving extensive support from three projects in planning and budgeting. Of the 6 additional counties HP+ will support 3 counties (Baringo, Kilifi and Nakuru); and Tupime Kaunti will support 3 counties (Kakamega, Bungoma and Kisii). Updating the CHAs for the 6 counties will allow for comparison of health expenditure, and enhance policy discussions related to health financing and efficiency in resource use at the county level. The CHA estimates for FY 2016/17 will update the data for previous CHAs, and provide new data on county financing landscape for the counties that were not previously covered. In order to maintain ownership and policy uptake of the CHA findings, this analysis will be undertaken in collaboration with specific county health departments. In addition, HP+ wishes to carry out an internal capacity building exercise for their staff on National and county Health Accounts estimation.
USAID/HP+ therefore intends to engage a health finance specialist to boost its work at the national and county level.
Specific task and Deliverables Table NoTaskReport/DeliverablesDue dateLOE
Capacity building on evidence generation to support health financing and domestic resource mobilization work at the national and county level.
Report on capacity building on CHA for the HP+ Staff 8-May-18
Participates in the design and implementation of technical support activities related to health finance policy in Kenya, including evidence generation to support domestic resources mobilisation.
Summary notes on coordination of data collection, entry and analysis for 6 new county health accounts (Kakamega, Baringo, Nakuru, Kilifi, Bungoma and Kisii).18-May-18
Capacity building on evidence generation to support health financing and domestic resource mobilisation work at the national and county level.
Finalized CHA reports (MS Word) for the 6 counties. Power Point Presentations (PPT) summarizing all key report findings and policy issues from the 6 CHAs. 18-Jun-18
Undertake Health financing impact analysis and generate evidence to inform health financing agenda in Kenya with an aim of improving access to key health financing information to guide health and HIV resources mobilization strategies.
Summary notes and action plan for the orientation meeting with CEC from 6 deep dive counties. (Report in MS Word – 5 pages) 4-July-1885
Support costing of Malaria strategy including financing.
Costed Malaria Strategy27-July-18126
Support the costing of KEPH and any actuarial work to facilitate achievement of UHC.
Report on costed KEPH9-Oct-18207
Capacity building of ToTs on PBB.
Summary notes on HP+ support on PBB22-Dec-1819 Total 85
Period of Performance
The period of performance will be April 26, 2018 to December 30, 2018.
Master’s degree in the health economics; PhD will be an added advantage.
Previous experience in conducting PBB trainings
Previous experience in estimating National and county health accounts
Experience in facilitating training sessions on planning and budgeting in the health sector.
Knowledge of the HP+ support to deep dive counties.
Superior communication and presentations skills
Prior knowledge in the budget cycle and development of AWPs
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