Group Internal Audit Manager

Duties and Responsibilities

Developing and presenting to the Board Audit & Risk Committee for approval, an annual Risk Based Audit Plan after taking into consideration the corporate strategy, prevailing business and industry risks and other stakeholder concerns.
Implementation of the Annual Audit Plan as approved by the Board Audit & Risk Committee.
Coordinating and implementing internal Audit Strategies, policies and procedures.
Updating and improving policies, audit procedures, audit processes and audit systems, to provide efficient ways of executing the audit plan and having such policies processes and systems approved by Senior Management and the Board Audit & Risk Committee.
Developing and reviewing Internal Audit Charter in line with the provisions of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) of Internal Audits and best practice for Board and Senior Management approval.
Coordinating the work of external assurance providers including External Audit and the IRA and CMA on-sight Inspections and audit.
In liaison with the company secretary, assist incoordinating the Board Audit & Risk Committee meetings including drafting the agenda and sending out the Board Pack.
Tracking and Monitoring audit issues raised through Internal Audit Assignments, External Auditors Management Letter, IRA and CMA Inspections and any other assurance providers.
Ensuring adoption of audit best practices from the industry, through review of audit processes and procedure manuals, audit working papers and templates.
Work with the other departments, including Operations, Finance, HR, ICT, and Business Development in assuring that the policies and procedure manuals developed are in adherence to company policy, statutory requirements and reporting requirements and are adequate in establishing appropriate controls.
Carry out regular inspections of all processes, ensuring that they comply with the company policy and procedures, statutory requirements and best practice guidelines as may be prescribed from time to time by relevant organizations.
Regularly inspect company records and transactions to ensure compliance to set standards.
Prepare Quarterly and Adhoc reports to Senior Management and the Board Audit & Risk Committee, keeping them informed on emerging audit issues, performance and independence of Internal audit function and overall effectiveness of Governance, Risk & Control frameworks.
Keep abreast with the latest developments in the Financial Services Sector, Audit and Accounting fields with a view to enhancing internal audit function as a key contributor to company strategy.
Any other duty that may be assigned by Board Audit & Risk Committee or Senior Management from time to time.

Qualifications and Experience

Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting/Business or related field
A Master’s degree in Business or equivalent will be an advantage
Certification in Internal Audit (CIA) and a member of The Institute of Internal Auditors Kenya (IIA)
Professional certifications in CISA, or similar certification;
A Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPAK) and a member of ICPAK
Minimum of 7 years’ experience in Internal Audit management preferably within the insurance or banking industry and at least 3 years at a senior level.

Qualified candidates are requested to forward their applications together with their CV’s and copies of academic and professional documents to the Group HR Manager on not later than  14th March, 2025.

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