The consultant will contribute to the broader objective of using EIIP approaches to enhance the employability of youth and women in Turkana County trough equipping local institutions (Turkana County Department of Public Works, and the Lodwar Technical and Vocational Education Training Centre with knowledge and skills on cobblestone paving technology”.
The excol will support setting up of cobble stone skills training, and design of labor based works for the Lodwar Fresh Produce Market paving works as well as overseeing the construction of sanitation blocks.
Scope of work
The scope of the consultancy work includes but not limited to:
Create cobblestone training capacity through training of Trainers selected from the Lodwar TVET centre target being 50 young women and men who will be engaged on labour intensive infrastructure development and maintenance works. Out of the above 15 will be locally based small scale contractors and their staff.
Formulate and implement cobblestone demonstration project as part of practical training.
Coordinate and oversee the construction of ablution blocks to be constructed in the Lodwar Fresh Produce Market
Specific activities to be undertaken shall include:
Output area 1: Prepare detailed cobblestone training programme and conduct training and awareness workshop.
Draft training programme based on rapid needs assessment;
Identify cobblestone production site and produce illustrations and bill of qualities as well as resource plan;
Conduct training needs and competency assessment on targeted trainees;
Prepare training modules based on existing ILO training as well as reference materials;
Participate in conducting awareness creation workshop targeting ILO constituents, heads of departments, engineers, and other stakeholders, and
Conduct Training of trainers for the first batch of institutions and other trainees. The training will involve at least one week of classroom and three weeks of practical training. This training involves both Chiselling and Paving, which require special skills training to prepare (cut) the stones and carry out all paving activities in accordance with the required quality specifications. The awareness and theoretical training will be conducted in collaboration with ILO EIIP specialists.
Conduct training for selected Chisellers on quarry site. The training will include cobblestone cutting as well as life skills training including financial literacy, OSH, etc.
Outline of the demonstration site
Training modules and teaching material for cobblestone technology
ToT training delivered to the beneficiaries
Cobblestone training competency framework developed
Output area 2: Cobblestone site demonstration and mentorship to trainees.
Support the Project implementers (Lodwar TVET Centre) procurement units in identifying and procuring the right tools and materials necessary for the cobblestone trial project;
Take part in the design, set out, construction and monitoring of the trial project;
Provide technical mentorship, based on agreed training plan and monitor the progress of the trainees as they execute trial projects, and
With the guidance from the EIIP Specialists, develop the cobblestone project procurement procedures with the district procurement unit, including bidding documents, general and special conditions of contracts, contract formats, technical requirements (including schedule of requirements, designs, specifications, bills of quantities) and additional forms and documents as necessary.
Setting up demonstration project
Mentorship programme developed and executed
Procurement procedures, documents and templates for cobblestone projects developed
Support given to the forum and the district in procuring tools (specification of tools and identification of suppliers etc.)
Output area 3: The Lodwar TVET Centre supported in developing promotional materials on cobblestone technology.
Provide supporting materials for developing promotional materials of cobblestone technology.
Promotional materials developed
Organization of and Conduct of the Consultancy
The consultant will report to the Director ILO CO-Dar Es Salaam and works under the overall guidance of the ILO PROSPECTS team in Nairobi, Kenya, and the PROSPECTS EIIP Technical Specialist based in Addis Ababa. The consultant is further expected to work in close coordination with the ILO EIIP Senior Specialist in Pretoria.
The Consultant will submit the following reports:
Inception report: the consultant will prepare an inception report detailing implementation methodology, list of activities and sub-activities as well as implementation timeline, proposed consultant’s personnel deployment schedule, etc;
Draft completion report: outlining the organization and delivery of cobblestone training, and demonstration project, mentorship as well as a recommendations relating to the improvement in training capacity for cobblestone technology.
The consultant shall submit 3 hard copies and an electronic copy of all the documentation prepared in the course of the consultancy work to ILO within the time specified above.
Time Frame & Input
The assignment will be implemented over a period of five months from the time of contracting. The following are the total expertise/inputs required for the Consultancy services:
Designation: Cobblestone Trainer and Materials Technician
Needed qualification/expertise: Shall be a higher diploma holder in materials testing and with certificate on ToT on cobblestone works. He/she must have extensive experience in materials testing in the road sub-sector and training delivery
Input person- days: 50
The total estimated project input shall be about 30 person-days.
Essential Qualification and Experience
The prospective consultants should possess a Diploma in civil engineering or equivalent qualification.
He /she should also possess proven experiences on training delivery, materials testing and alternative road paving technologies including Cobblestone.
Facilities to be provided
The Lodwar TVET Centre will provide working offices and will ensure that the Consultant is introduced to the staff of the relevant authorities in the road sector and is fully supported in carrying out its activities. The institution will also avail all the necessary and relevant documentation for use by the consultant and assign suitable staff to work with the Consultant. The ILO will share on technical and training materials related cobblestone paving technology.
The Consultant will make his/her own arrangements regarding computer hardware and software, stationery, communication, local transport, etc.
Terms of Payment
The consultant’s payment will be comprised of:
Fee: Payment to cover for the services provided to carry out this assignment as per the TOR.
30% of fees shall be paid upon delivery of the following output 1 results within 1 week of contracting: –
Output area 1: Prepare detailed cobblestone training programme and conduct training and awareness workshop.
Draft training programme based on rapid needs assessment;
Identify cobblestone production site and produce illustrations and bill of qualities as well as resource plan;
Conduct training needs and competency assessment on targeted trainees;
Prepare training modules based on existing ILO training as well as reference materials;
Participate in conducting awareness creation workshop targeting ILO constituents, heads of departments, engineers, and other stakeholders,
The balance of the agreed fees (70%) shall be upon completion of the assignment to satisfaction of the ILO
Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA): To cover the consultant’s daily expenses when traveling to project site. DSA shall be reimbursed based on actual missions taken.
Local travel: ILO shall reimburse all costs related local travel.
no later than Tuesday 19th April 2022
go to method of application »
Interested persons should submit their expression of interest including technical and financial proposals (Max. 4 pages) and CVs to E- mail: nboprocurement@ilo.org , Quoting “The Job Tittle” the applicants will be contacted.
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