Director Employee Relations & Welfare Director – County Records Management Director – CEC Secretariat Director Customer Service Director Human Resource Development & Employee Performance Management Director Employee Compensation & Benefits

Job Requirement

Academic Qualifications

Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management/Industrial relations/ Business Administration/Public Policy and Administration or any relevant field
A Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences such as Government, Sociology, Public/Business Administration, Human Resource/Personnel Management or any other relevant qualification from a recognized university/institution

Professional Qualifications/Membership to Professional Bodies

Certified Human Resource Practitioner (CHRP) or Equivalent
Registered (Licensed) Member of Institute of Human Resource Management

Previous relevant work experience required

10 years’ experience in Human Resource Management of which 3 years should be at the level of Deputy Director Human Resource Management or its equivalent in the public or private sector

Job Description

Managerial/Supervisory Responsibilities

Develop, review, interpret, and ensure implementation of polices rules, regulations, procedures and strategies on Employee Relations & Welfare in the County
Advice and oversee the planning, organizing, coordination and administration of all Employee Relations & Welfare activities within the county sectors and departments in accordance with the delegated instrument of the Nairobi County Public Service Board.
Development and Review Policies and Programmes on Employee Relations & Welfare in the county.
Liaison on industrial relations matters in the County to Promote harmonious labour relations 
Providing advisory services to county departments on legal implications of administrative actions in relation to the Labour Laws and the Collective Bargaining Agreements;
Provide Employee Development & Counselling Assistance Programmes to enhance Performance & Productivity
Advise and ensure the Implementation of OSHA & WIBA in the County by streamlining the Occupational, Safety & Health as well as the Work Injury Benefits policies & programs in the county
Monitoring and make recommendations on Compliance with all relevant Legislations
Implementing the County Medical scheme by ensuring operationalization of a comprehensive Medical Insurance Cover to cater for Occupational, Safety & Health risks affecting county staff;
Train and Sensitize County staff on the benefits of the County Medical scheme and to facilitate empowerment of the county staff in driving their health;
Develop strategies for best practice in Employee Welfare & Relations 
Collaborate in the Development and Implementation of the Public Service Sector Annual Development Plan, Sector work plans, Sector budget, County Personnel Budget and the Procurement Plan, the Performance Contracts and Targets and Staff Performance Appraisals.
Advice the County Chief Officer on technical matters in relation to Employee Relations & Welfare and the Labour Laws

Operational Responsibilities

Performing all HR-related duties and responsibilities in liaison with the Chief Officer and County Public Service Board
Leading the Employee Relations & Welfare teams.
Preparing agendas for deliberation to County Human Resource Management Advisory Committee and submission of recommendations to the County Public Service Board.
Preparing regular reports and; attending the Executive and County Assembly Labour Committee Meetings.
Operationalizing and monitoring Employee Welfare & Relations policies;
Implementation of recommendations of various Baseline Surveys: – Employee Satisfaction, Work Environment, Drug and Substance Abuse and Training Needs Assessments.

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