CS103-02-2020 GGEP Documentary Production RFP-013-2020 – Consultancy on Principles of Crop Production with a Focus on Integrated Crop Management, Integrated Pest Management

GGEP Project Overview
The 5-year DANIDA funded GGEP programme implementation by MESPT is coming to an end latter in the year. MESPT has been concentrating on the Value Chain Greening and Financing Programme component (VCGFP) within GGEP. This programme was a buildup of other programmes that were also funded by DANIDA such as BSPSI, BSPSPII and NRMP.
The thematic Programme objective is “Inclusive greener growth (adoption of clean and climate-sensitive solutions) with higher employment” largely achieved through intervention in 2 key areas namely:
Sustainable growth and jobs from investment and trade;
Sustainable use of natural resources and community resilience.
The Programme seeks to contribute towards increased sustainable growth and jobs in the agriculture sector, especially for women and youth.
*Programme Objectives***
The overall vision for the Programme is to support the Government and people of Kenya in implementing Vision 2030 to create ‘a globally competitive and prosperous country with a high quality of life by 2030’. Importantly to note, the Programme seeks to contribute to ‘inclusive greener growth with higher employment in Kenya’.
During the Programme implementation, we have been able to impact lives. The grant funding support by DANIDA to communities we have been serving has been critical in changing the lives of the beneficiaries and has successfully demonstrated that supporting communities in their efforts to achieve more sustainable livelihoods is not only possible, but extremely important in enabling improved resource efficiency and access to and uptake of cleaner technology and climate-sensitive solutions.
The Assignment
MESPT is seeking a production firm that will help produce a programme magazine (document booklet) and video documentary that captures our key results, successes and challenges, best practices and lessons learnt from the projects as well as future programme direction.
The project is a tribute to the great achievements that the programme has achieved. The documentary is intended for DANIDA, other potential donors and investors to promote the MESPT brand as one that can be entrusted with proper utilization of resources in supporting communities.
The focus will be on the impact of GGEP programme by MESPT and will highlight success stories of beneficiaries of the intervention across the entire spectrum of our programme selected regions.
Assignment Objectives
The overall objective of the assignment is to produce a programme magazine/booklet and a documentary video on the GGEP programme highlighting best approaches, best practices, achievements and real impacts in the programme focal areas.
Other Objectives include;

Desire to showcase our work to the donor & partners
To strengthen our partnerships
Increase the programme visibility
To better raise public awareness of our work

Production visioning
The production focus area will be to demonstrate delivery of three major programme outcomes namely;

Creation of green jobs with a bias to youth and women;
Sale turnover from the 5 targeted value chains (nuts, export vegetables, dairy, passion fruit, mango and avocado)
Improvement of resource efficiency and access to, and uptake of clean technology and climate sensitive solutions by Small holder farmers.
Another area that the documentary will focus on is the programme outputs from our interventions;
Farmers linked to markets.
Small holder farmers access to financial services for value chain and business development,
Small holder farmers certified on globally and locally recognized standards and certifications,
Small holder farmers reached through awareness initiatives on resource efficient, clean and climate sensitive technologies.
Small holder farmers accessing financial services for the resource efficient, clean and climate sensitive technologies
Small holder farmers enrolled as local service and input providers for the technologies.

Role of the Service Provider
Under the direct supervision of the Corporate Communications Unit, MESPT is seeking the services of a competent production house/ firm to do the following;
Documentary production

Develop the documentary video’s overall concept and scenario.
Interview selected participants for the video who will include project staff/manager and beneficiaries, programme partners/donor representative.
Interview recorded in Kiswahili must have a captioned translation on the final production.
Develop a production schedule for the documentary
Do high quality photography
Visit not less than 10 selected project sites and interact with the local communities/beneficiaries who have been impacted by the programme initiatives to get context.
Develop the documentary script and storyboard to be used in the video production – this will be presented to MESPT management’s approval before commencing the filming.
Perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews with the projects’ beneficiaries and stakeholders.
Present a draft documentary for comments on contents and edit accordingly for final approval.
Submit one final documentary video in DVD of 20 – 30min long and hand over 2 master copies of each version
Submit 20 well edited still photos of projects and interviews carried out

Programme Magazine

Develop a production schedule for the magazine
Propose the programme booklet layout and treatment
Develop content and propose appropriate photos for the magazine
Programme booklet will document 20 projects using existing reports (the 10 additional projects will not be visited).
Final programme booklet should not be less than 30 pages.
Submit 1 soft copy and 1 hard copy of the 30 pages programme booklet/magazine

NB: The language in both the documentary and the programme magazine will be English.
Duration of the Assignment
The assignment is expected to take 90 working days max.
8. Intellectual Property
All information pertaining to this project (documentary, audio, digital, reports, project documents, etc.) belonging to MESPT, which the service provider may come into contact with in the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of MESPT; who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever form without written permission of the MESPT.
Equipment for the Assignment
Any equipment needed to complete this assignment will be provided by the service provider and no equipment will be purchased or provided by MESPT for this production.
Service Provider Requirements and Procedures of Application
Desired skills and competence:

Previous experience in producing similar documentaries especially for development organizations and NGOs.
Organizational capacity to conduct the assignment.
Technical capacity to capture and relay complex and highly technical information in a simple manner for the purpose of the target audience.
Skills and experience in audio -visual animation, illustrations and infographics.

Applicants are required to submit the following:
A Technical Proposal: Letter of Interest and a brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment
Personal CVs of technical personnel (lead Producer, Director, Camera man, editor, writer and any other senior technical staff) proposed for this project highlighting qualifications and experience in similar projects
Work references – contact details (e-mail & phone numbers) of referees/ firms you’ve produced similar assignments
Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other related expenses -all in Kenya Shillings)
Sample work previously done for other clients
Application procedure:
If interest in undertaking the prescribed work, one should email and/or send us hard copies of the Technical Proposal not exceeding 20 pages and Financial Proposal not exceeding 2 pages. They should include:

Interpretation of the TORs understanding
Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
The assignment/ activity schedule
Organizational and Personnel Capacity Statement
Relevant experience related to the assignment
Recommendation letters by other firms you have carried out similar assignments
Curriculum Vitae of the Production crew to carry out the assignment
Financial proposal must include all rates in Kenyan shillings

Remuneration and Payment Plan:
The service provider’s payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy.
The payment plan to the firm awarded the assignment will be in 3 phases as follows: –

20% upon submission of an acceptable documentary video’s overall concept and scenario (May 2020)
20% upon submission of an acceptable draft film documentary and draft programme booklet (August 2020)
60% final payment upon submission of the final outputs, incorporating suggestions and recommendations of MESPT.

Financial Proposal and the Technical Proposal files MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE and emailed through tender@mespt.org and clearly named as either “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” or ”FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”. The subject of the email should clearly capture the tender number & description.
The file with the “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” must be encrypted with a password so that it cannot be opened or viewed until the Proposal has been found to pass the technical evaluation stage. Once a Proposal has been found to be responsive by passing the technical evaluation stage, MESPT shall request via email the Proposer to submit the password to open the Financial Proposal. The technical proposal shouldn’t exceed 40 pages exclusive of the attachments and should be in the order of the Tender Technical Evaluation criteria stated above. Interested applicants should send their proposals by DATE: 20th April 2020 at Time: 11:00 Hours East Africa Time. If the attachments exceed 5MB, kindly break them down and send them separately. Each attachment should be less than 5MB
Kindly send your clarifications to procurement@mespt.org
Additional Information that can be submitted includes:
Registration certificate, PIN No, VAT, Tax Compliance certificate
Audited financial report for 2018/2019
Application Conditions:
MESPT reserves the right to accept any proposals or reject all proposals.
Any canvassing will lead to automatic cancellation of the submitted proposal

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