Person Specification:
Qualified Teacher and holds a TSC number
Experience teaching in an international school
Qualified Scout Leader
A minimum of three years as a scout leader
Experience of managing and supporting assistant scout leaders
Coaching experience/qualification in one of the major sports (cricket, hockey, rugby or netball)
This will include:
Generic Responsibilities
To work consistently to uphold the school’s mission statement
To follow all school policies
To work in a co-operative and polite manner with all stakeholders
To work with pupils in a courteous, positive, caring and responsible manner at all times
To follow the child protection procedures and ensure that, pupils’ safety and well-being is never compromised
To be polite, co-operative and positive when communicating to other staff
To take an active and positive role in the school’s commitment to the development of staff, and their annual review procedures
To work with visitors in such a way that it enhances the reputation of the school
To seek to improve the quality of the school’s overall service
To present oneself in a professional way that is consistent with the values and expectations of the school.
Specific Responsibilities
Scout Leader
To lead, plan, organise and run scouting for children between the ages of 10 and 13
To support assistant scout leaders in their development and leadership roles
To run a minimum of three scouting sessions in the week which supports young scouts in their development of skills, achievement of badges and appreciation of the qualities needed to be a successful scout
To lead Peponi House Scouts in trips and activities outside of the school day including residential experiences following all risk assessments at Peponi House and those of Kenya Scouting.
Cover teacher
To deliver cover lessons as planned by teachers who have a prepared absence
Where planning is not available to use the Schemes of Work to teach an appropriate lesson
To deliver cover lessons for absent teachers across Year 1-8
To effectively teach the curriculum via the lesson plans, and to adapt where plans may be limited.
To undertake pastoral duties where the cover requires pastoral care such as during form times and P.S.H.E. lessons
To utilise classroom support such as learning support assistants or teaching assistants effectively
To mark and evaluate pupil work from lessons which you have taught and to provide feedback to the returning teacher
To maintain marking records so that progress of pupil’s can be effectively monitored by the returning teacher
Teaching Relationships with children, setting high expectations and motivating learners
Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
maintain a safe and stimulating learning environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect which can be used as a model for colleagues
set targets that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions
demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils.
Pupil progress
Achieve good progress and outcomes by pupils
ensure pupils make at least the expected rate of progress
be accountable for pupils’ attainment and outcomes and know when and how to intervene most effectively
plan teaching to build on pupils’ capabilities and prior knowledge which can be used as exemplar planning documentation
guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching
encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work. Subject and curriculum knowledge and pedagogy
Demonstrate excellent subject and curriculum knowledge
have an extensive knowledge of the relevant subjects and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subjects, and address misunderstandings
demonstrate a critical understanding of developments in the subjects and curriculum areas, and promote the value of scholarship
promote high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English and model this practice for other colleagues
demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics and model this practice for other colleagues
demonstrate a thorough understanding of appropriate teaching strategies for mathematics and model this practice for other colleagues.
Effective classroom practice
Plan and teach well-structured lessons which are observed by other colleagues as models of consistently good and frequently outstanding practice
ensure all teaching is at least good
impart knowledge and develop detailed understanding through highly effective use of lesson time
promote a love of learning and children’s intellectual curiosity
set homework and plan other out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding pupils have acquired
reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching and share these with other colleagues
contribute creatively to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum.
Diversity and special needs: meeting the needs of all pupils
Adapt teaching effectively to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
know when and how to differentiate appropriately, skilfully using strategies which enable all pupils to be taught effectively
have a clear understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these
possess an acute awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know in detail how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development
have a thorough understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional language; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them. Assessment for learning
Make accurate and productive use of assessment
have an extensive knowledge and thorough understanding of how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements
provide an exemplary model of how to use formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ progress
analyse and use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons
give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate and frequent marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback.
Managing behaviour
Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a positive and safe learning environment
maintain clear and consistent rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms, and take responsibility for promoting exemplary and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the school, in accordance with the school’s discipline policy
maintain high expectations of behaviour, and use the school’s established framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly
manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate them
maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively when necessary.
The wider professional role of the teacher
Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
make a positive and sustained contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school
make a distinctive contribution to raising pupils’ standards
be proactive in developing effective professional relationships with colleagues to promote collaboration, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support
deploy support staff effectively
work effectively as part of a team and demonstrate positive and professional behaviour during meetings
contribute to the professional development of other colleagues, demonstrating effective practice and providing advice, guidance and feedback
communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being.
Person Specification
TSC Registered
A Scouts Leader
Suitable coaching qualifications in at least one main sport (cricket, football, hockey, netball or rugby)
A Kenyan Citizen
Minimum two years experience teaching international/British Curriculum
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