Consultant: To document good practice in addressing child violence

The project is operational in Nairobi and Marsabit Counties reaching out to 151 schools, 63 Charitable Children’s Institutions, seven Statutory Children’s Institutions and targeted communities in Nairobi’s informal settlements (Mukuru, Korogocho, Dandora and Kariobangi) and Marsabit Central district.
· Conduct desk review of the following documents developed during the programme as a first step to identifying best practises including but not limited to: Integrated Action to End Child Violence Mid-Term Program Evaluation Report, National Plan of Action for Children 2015-2022, Nairobi and Marsabit County Children’s Service Providers Directories, Let us Keep our Children Safe, Draft Positive Discipline Handbook and Day Care Centre Guidelines for Nairobi County.
· Development of an inception report
· Develop research tools to identify good practises and learnings from interventions carried out during the Action
· Collect data on learning from key stakeholders (including but not limited to Department of Children’s Services, Ministry of Education, targeted institutions and other non-state agencies) from Nairobi and Marsabit field sites
· Analyse the qualitative data generated from key informant interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) with targeted beneficiaries
· Draft a final report on the analysis
Expected outputs/ deliverables:
· A short inception report including a detailed work plan, list of key informants to be interviewed, data collection tools and outline interview questions – one week after signing contract.
· Submit first draft report to GOAL Kenya for feedback after which a final copy of the report will be prepared and will only be accepted by GOAL Kenya when all comments have been adequately responded to.
· Submit the final copies of the report in 2 bound-hard copies and a soft copy in MS word and PDF.
· Submit complete data set and codebook and all original recordings and transcripts of qualitative and raw quantitative data. Time frame for consultancy From 1st December to 20th December, 2016
Required Skills and Experience:
Minimum of a post graduate degree in psychology, sociology, Psycho-social sciences, anthropology 5- 10 years’ experience in child protection
Experience in identification and documentation of good/ best practices
All team members have valid certificate of good conduct from Kenya Police
Interested and qualified consultants should submit their expression of interest containing and including the following documents:
Technical proposal
Methodology and approach to be used in undertaking the assignment
Work plan with timelines ·
Evidence of relevant hands on experience related to the assignment in the recent past
· Contacts of organizations previously worked for.
· Curriculum vitae of key personnel
· References from previous evaluations undertaken
Financial proposal
· Consultant’s professional fee charges for the whole exercise in Kenya shillings
· Other relevant and allowable costs e.g. travel