Consultant, Country Programme Evaluation of FCA Kenya Country Programme

FCA is looking for a consultant to conduct a Country Programme evaluation of its Kenya Country Programme
FCA is looking for a consultant to conduct a Country Programme evaluation of its Kenya Country Programme
Scope of the evaluation
The evaluation should focus on the programme period 2014-2017 and the following geographical areas: Baringo, Turkana, Marsabit, Wajir, Isiolo and Garissa. The evaluation covers all three thematic focus areas (right to peace, right to livelihood and right to quality education) as well as the country programme’s main partnerships.
The evaluation will cover the following modalities of FCA’s work and identify what elements of those modalities are reflected in the Kenya Country Programme:

Development work
Humanitarian aid

Skills and Qualifications Required
This includes, but may not be restricted to:

At least 8 years’ experience in conducting impact evaluations at programmatic level as sole evaluator or team leader
Demonstrable ability and experience of working with communities in the field
Skills and experience in participatory evaluation methodologies
Strong experience in dealing with several different stakeholders (LNGOs, INGOs, UN agencies, Local Authorities, Funding Agencies, etc.),
Experience of working in East Africa especially in humanitarian and post/active conflict zones;
Proven knowledge of the context of Kenya (preferably work experience in Kenya);
Deep understanding of current topics in development policy (e.g. theory of change) and human rights-based approach;
Understanding of peace work, development work, humanitarian aid, advocacy and LRRD
Fluency in spoken and written English. The consultant must be able to conduct interviews in Swahili, either himself or with the help of a translator


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