Kenya requires improved access to well-trained, knowledgeable, well-distributed/deployed and culturally-sensitive health workers to deliver on the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda that focuses on meeting the health demands of the fast-growing population. This calls for the need to determine the most cost-effective and sustainable financing model for the specialist trainings – whether such costs should (i) be met by individual staff, national government, donors, county government or, a combination of these sources and, more, whether the Registrars should be self-sponsored or, offered scholarships / grants or, loans.
Against the above background, this consultancy is intended to gather information to help the government, primarily the national MOH to reorganize and transform the training and, deployment of specialists with a focus on three areas;
Human resource development (HRD) including financing of specialists’ training,
Human resources management (HRM) including attraction, deployment and retention,
Human resource information systems and data for specialist training.
Overall Objective
Review the current practices in the training and, deployment of medical specialists and, develop a more cost effective and, equitable framework focusing on the key domains of HRH as provided below.
Consultancy methodology
The methodology of the consultancy is as outlined below in addition to other approaches;
A desk review of available literature and practice of specialists training in Kenya and the region.
Conduct key informant interviews (KII) with stakeholders that include; National and county MOH. This will include- Director of Medical services (DMS),heads of departments,
County Directors of Health and CHMTs, health professional regulatory boards and council, health sector trade unions, Commission for University Education (CUE), TVETA, deans/ principals of medical training institutions both public, private and FBOs of colleges of health sciences, academic directors CEO and departmental heads of major hospitals – public, private and FBO (KNH, Aga Khan MTRH etc.) and hospitals implementing innovative learning for specialists (Tenwek, Kijabe, Coast General etc.).
Assessments questionnaire(s) to answer the questions outlined in the posting on Palladium’s career website (linked in how to apply section).
A workshop for pre-dissemination/validation of the findings followed by finalization of a report.
Consultancy Deliverables
The following are the deliverables for this consultancy;
Inception report of understanding of task/assignment process and approach in executing the assignment.
Situational analysis report of specialist training in Kenya and region
Assessment tools-questionnaire & KII guide
Draft report on framework for specialist training in Kenya with key findings and recommendations & concise PowerPoint slides for high level dissemination.
Lead and facilitate a workshop to validate the findings and recommendations with stakeholders
Final report with feedback incorporated from pre-dissemination workshop
Distill and develop 2 pager briefs for senior leadership at MOH
Location and travel of assignment:
Nairobi or other locations in Kenya. The assignment may require travel within/without Nairobi and the HP+ Project will facilitate accordingly as per policy.
Over 10 years’ experience in health education, health service delivery, and/or health sector and devolution
A medical educationists at Ph.D. or master’s level strongly preferred but not required
A human resource management (HRM) or organizational development specialists strongly preferred but not required
Good report writing skills
Team player with good interpersonal, communication and presentation skills.
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