
Project: Study on increased focus on children and youth in Vi Agroforestry
Study Area: Vi Agroforestry and implementing partners geographical coverage in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania.
Start Date: 7th May 2018
Expected workload: 39 working days
Subject Line: Study on increased focus on children and youth in Vi Agroforestry
Study on increased focus on children and youth in Vi Agroforestry:
Vi Agroforestry has over the years developed methods and approaches for greater impact. Technical manuals on various areas such as Sustainable Agricultural Land Management, Value chain development, Gender, among others have been produced to better support implementing partner organisations as well as staff. Vi Agroforestry recognizes that diverse groups of people require specialized methods of engagement. We are now carrying out a study on how to engage children and youth. The objective of the study is to consider ways of ensuring and enhancing increased focus of children and youth in Vi Agroforestry and implementing partners in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda.
View details of the terms of reference and how to apply
Deadline for application is 22nd of April 2018 not later than 6 pm.
If you meet the set criteria, please send your Technical and Financial offers.
Vi Agroforestry is an equal opportunity employer and canvassing will lead to disqualification.