The model is based on a tried and tested approach to job creation using four interlinked components:
Social mobilisation
Business training
Access to credit
Linking entrepreneurs to markets
In order to implement HiH EA Business model, HiH EA developed seven (7) training modules to act as guides and references for the Business Relationship Officers (HiH EA trainers) as they train HiH EA members/beneficiaries.
The 7 modules are listed below;
Group Formation training module
Savings/Resource Mobilization training module
Enterprise Development training module
Financial Management training module
Credit Access training module
Value-chain Management training module
Climate change resilience training module
HiH EA is seeking a highly qualified institution/consultancy firm to review and validate the training modules.
Rationale for review and validation of the training modules
All the Seven (7) Training modules have been developed in English language. The following will be the rationale for review and validation:
Whether the modules have a logical flow of content and message.
Whether the content and learning process of the modules is based on sound adult learning principles.
Whether the goals, purpose and objectives are clear.
Whether each section, chapter or module has a relevant pre-training self-assessment tool that is offered at the end of the training (post-training assessment) to show learners’ improvement in learning.
Whether each section, chapter or module start with a key relevant statement, story, theory, or postulation that sets its importance and clarify what learners stand to gain from it.
Whether each section, chapter or module have relevant opening questions that learners need to answer/learning objectives after completing studying its contents.
Whether the content in each section, chapter or module have clear & relevant examples or case studies that show benefits of doing or following what is proposed in the content.
Whether the illustrations, pictures, photos are clear & relevant enough.
Whether each section, chapter or module have practical activities for the learners.
Whether each section, chapter or module provide a tool for participants to state or make a back-home plan of action to put into practice what they have learned.
Objective of the Assignment
The overall objective of this consultancy is;
To review and validate the HiH EA Training Modules to act as guide and reference for the HiH EA Business Relationship Officer (trainers).
To edit and format for printing the reviewed and validated training modules.
Scope of Work
Specific scope of work includes but should not be limited to the following:
Reviewing and validation of the training modules.
Suggest participatory methodologies to deliver the content in low literacy areas.
Review module evaluations form and if necessary redesign.
Ensure that the training content enforces learning by action.
Ensure that the training content meets the needs of the community.
Present the reviewed and validated training modules to HiH EA Management for review and comments.
Add or subtract training contents in consultation with HiH EA.
Editing and formatting the reviewed and validated training modules after comments from HiH EA Management.
Produce a review and validation report outlining the methodology used, findings and recommendations.
Submitting the reviewed and validated training modules to HiH EA Management
Commencement date & Period of execution
The period of execution of the contract will be 14 working days from the date of contract execution. Seven (7) working days for review of existing training modules and meeting/consultations with HiH EA Management will follow. Five (5) working days to develop the draft of reviewed version, edited and formatted training modules including one (1) day to present the draft at a validation meeting with HiH EA management for review and comments. Two (2) days to deliver the final validated training modules.
Requirements for Experience and Qualifications
The consultant should have a background in curriculum development, review and validation.
The consultant should have; a Master’s degree in social sciences, business related field, environmental resource management, supply chain/value chain management /climate change or any other relevant discipline.
At least 5-10 years of prior work experience in the field of training, working with documents review and validation, experience in designing and developing training manuals/modules.
Be able to demonstrate proof of experience in carrying out similar assignments elsewhere.
Excellent writing, editing, formatting and oral communication skills in English.