Consultancy – Request For Proposals For Suppliers Of Housing Products and Services To Artisans

Housing Construction Skills and Labour Programme
The Terwilliger Center is implementing the Housing Construction Skills and Labour Programme. The programme aims at stimulating improved access to quality housing construction services and improving the job quality of housing construction workers/artisans. The programme will focus on upskilling artisans, facilitating their registration and accreditation with relevant government agencies; building capacity of registered and accredited artisans to competitively participate in labour markets; stimulating markets for quality housing construction services and creating public awareness on quality housing construction services and regulatory policies.
The Terwilliger Centre is inviting organisations and companies offering diverse services and products targeting artisans/fundis in the housing sector e.g., training, market linkages etc and willing to collaborate in accelerating and deepening their market-based solutions to submit proposals. Interested applicants will present innovative market-based solutions for addressing labour market constraints for housing construction services. Successful applicants will receive technical and financial assistance in implementing their solutions up to a maximum of USD 25,000 on a cost share basis.
The opportunity to benefit from this program is open to private companies, organisations and training institutions that meet the following criteria:

Have been in operation for at least two years,
Have a fully developed marketable solution,
Have fully developed training programmes, offering accredited courses and able to attract linkages with private sector actors,
Have commercial interest and incentives to invest in the provision of quality housing construction services to low income housing segments and improvement of job quality for housing construction artisans,

v. Be willing to make an investment of at least 30% of the cost of the initiative
vi. Demonstrable focus and commitment to engaging youth in offering housing construction services will be an added advantage.
Illustrative Areas of Support
The following are the justifiable areas for support:

Activities to link artisans to new markets
Upskilling activities for artisans
Building capacity of firms to implement innovative approaches for addressing market constraints for housing construction services
Market research and feasibility on artisan skills and market participation
Facilitation of partnerships with other stakeholders in the housing construction services sector
Activities to promote the adoption of regulatory policies on housing construction in Kenya.

The following are the ineligible areas for financial support:

Providing finance or loans
Providing physical assets
Supporting recurring operational or working capital costs for the organisation
Salaries and allowances to personnel

This above list is not exhaustive and will vary based on The Terwilliger Centre’s understanding of the activities and how they contribute directly to the objectives of the programme.
Annex 1
Application Template
Request for Proposals for Suppliers of Housing Products and Services to Artisans

Information provided should be clear and concise
The application should not exceed 5 pages
All documents and information received as part of this process will be held and processed in full confidence as proprietary to each applicant

PART 1 – General Company Information

Full Name of the Company (include/ attach brief profile of the company). Indicate Abbreviation if any
Indicate category to which you are applying for:

a) Technical and vocational training to artisans
b) Market linkages for of artisanal services eg aggregation
c) Other services and product providers to artisans
3.. Type of organisation or other applicable form of registration eg, limited company, NGO etc
a. Attach proof of legal registration and current tax compliance certificate

If entity not Kenyan, where is it registered (attach certificate)

a. Are you currently operating in Kenya?
b. If not, when do you plan to be operational in Kenya?
c. If yes, in which counties in Kenya does the company currently operate?

Main company address including physical location
Does your organisation have any previous or pending legal processes or investigations?

a. NO
b. YES __ (if yes, please specify and provide details)

What products/services does your organisation offer related to this proposal? eg

a) Targeted to housing construction artisans
b) Targeted to low income households

What is your target market in Kenya? What is the size of your target market?

a. What are the current barriers to growing your market?

Please complete the Business Canvas Model (Annex lb) for your business (as it is currently)
What do you see as the current gaps and opportunities in your sector?

PART 2 – Technical details – the solution

Describe the solution your organisation is proposing to increase access of products and services to more artisans and low income households

a. Why is this solution innovative?
b. Why is this solution important both to the market and to your company?

What need in the target market will this solution address?
What will be the impact to your company if the solution is fully implemented?
Why has the solution not been provided before and why?
What scale of reach ill result in achieving this solution? 6.Will the solution be viable and sustainable to both your company and the low-income markets?Briefly explain. Part 3:Costing and implementation Plan 1.Please provide a costing structure/resource requirements for the solution you propose . a.How much resources have you already committed to this solution in the past? b. Show the cost share plan for the solution
Provide an implementation plan for the solution.
Please demonstrate your institutional capacity to implement your proposed solution .


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