Applying to the Kenyan context, the Private Sector Rapid Care Analysis will include the following scope and timeline:
Data Collection Method
The Assessment workshop using the Rapid Care Analysis Toolkit will be facilitated through Focus Group Discussion of two separate groups of women and men. Qualitative data will be collected from the RCA participants composed of enterprises engaged in the ISME project. Over-all Guidance in conducting the RCA from the PS Toolkit is as follows.
Agenda and Topics/Strategies
Step 1 Engaging and buying-in of PS
Conversation with PS managers:
Discuss UCDW concept
Role of the company and its benefits of the RCA
Discussion of company operations and policies
Toolkit: Resource 1,2,3 and 5
See Annex 1 in Toolkit: Questions
1-2 hours
Step 2 Gathering Evidence
Gathering context-specific and gender informed information of company and workers specifically addressing UCDW in a private sector context.
Company level coordination and data collection
Small group discussion of workers
Conduct PS RCA Exercises: (E-Exercises)
E1: Caregiving relationships
E2: Time use -Calculate hours worked in a typical day (adding paid work and unpaid work and domestic work)
E3: Identify tasks and responsibilities of UCDW that are most difficult to balance with paid work
E4: Care services
E5: Further seek to understand mental load of care work during work hours.
E6: Managing paid work and unpaid care work during peak work periods in the year
E7: Solutions; How can the enterprise support workers by reducing /addressing unpaid care and domestic work through appropriate, context specific measures policies?
1 whole day Session
Step 3 Acting
Processing and Refining inputs
10 Working Days
The assignment should be from October to November 2023. The consultant is expected to conduct and facilitate the following activities and timeline:
2nd -3rd Week October 2023 (14 Working Days)
Facilitate and coordination with target Private Sector entities
Inception and Actual Conduct/Data Collection of the Rapid Care Analysis
Ensure coordination with partners and private sector participants
Facilitate the conduct of assessment workshop with focus groups composed of 12-15 men and women participants
3rdWeek October-1st Week November,2023 (15 Working days)
Data Analysis, and Writing of the Rapid Care Analysis and development Action Plan development with private sector entities
Submit Assessment Report and action plan developed.
2nd Week November,2023
Submission of 1st Draft
Present results Oxfam in Kenya Team
4th Week, November,2023
Finalizing Report
Submission of Final Report
Final report with Peer review comments addressed
Post Graduate university degree in Masters in Gender, Law, International Law, Social Sciences.
Experience in successfully leading Gender assessments and Rapid Care Analysis of resilient development and community-led project-related projects.
Experience working in labor sector and women economic empowerment or gender and well-being and assisting business on policy making.
At least over 6 years of relevant professional experience in fields related to gender, social studies, women’s economic justice and development work
Strong gender analysis, research experience and excellent analytical writing skills including communication.
Proven track record of facilitating adult learners and consultancy experience with diverse stakeholders
Experience in working for labor rights recognition and advocating for policy reforms in the world of work will be an added advantage.
A proven ability to produce a comprehensive report with clearly identifiable evidence-based outcomes realized because of project contribution.
Required to adhere to Oxfam’s principles and values as well as the promotion of gender justice and women’s rights
Understanding of and commitment to adhere to safe programming, equity, inclusion, and diversity principles.
Excellent report writing and quantitative and qualitative data collection and analytical skills.
Fluency in English and Swahili.
Key Attributes:
Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who meet Oxfam are as safe as possible.
The consultant will be expected to adopt a mix method approach, i.e., a qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative data collection methods will include Focus Group Discussions with the target population, Key Informant Interviews and Desktop Research. The consultant will be required to design stakeholder mapping matrix that clearly outlines the roles responsibilities and power influence of the stakeholders to be interviewed. In addition, the consultant will adopt quantitative approach in the assessment. This will include conducting household interviews with the target population.
Gender Sensitive Methodology: The consultant will adopt gender responsive approach to the assignment and will put in place measures that mitigate any gender biases that may arise.
Targeting/Sample Size Calculation: The identified consultant is expected to identify an appropriate sampling technique/targeting for both the qualitative and quantitative data collection methods which will be discussed and agreed with Oxfam prior to the data collection exercise.
Data collection tools and Instruments: The identified consultant will develop relevant data collection tools and identify the appropriate means for collecting the data which will be discussed and agreed with, prior to the data collection exercise. For the FGD’s and KII’s the consultant will work with Oxfam in review of instruments.
The data will be analyzed using appropriate data analysis packages. The data should be presented in a logical, meaningful, reader friendly and simple language on a date agreed with Oxfam and partners.
Ethical Considerations: The consultant will put in place measures to ensure data collection adheres to all necessary ethics and guidelines provided by local laws on data protection and ‘Do no Harm’ standards.
Roles and responsibilities
The assignment will be conducted by the consultant with the support from the Oxfam Gender Justice and Women’s Rights Team, Oxfam MEAL advisor and the partners.
Responsible Others
Agreement on Terms of Reference
With agreement from consultants
Development of Research tools
Consultant in collaboration with Oxfam
Piloting of research tools
Data Collection- (FGD sessions)
Data analysis
Report writing
With support of Oxfam as required, including for review
Expected deliverables
The expected deliverables schedule is as follows:
Inception Report
Within 3 days after signing the contract.
The inception report should detail the following:
The consultant’s clear understanding of the proposed assignment.
Methodology to be used for the assignment.
Data types, collection plans and analytical approach.
Overall work plan for the assignment
Zero Draft Report
20 working days after submission of the inception report in the format below:
Final Report
Within the last five days to the expiry of the contract duration which is approximated as a total of 40working days for the entire assignment.
The production of the assessment report will be the liability of the consultancy team covering all the aspects as outlined in the ToRs. The final report should be:
Produced in English language and should be simple in expression and easy to understand.
The final assessment report (including an Executive Summary) and presentation of a summary report in PowerPoint.
The final report should be no more than 30 pages excluding Executive summary, appendices, and bibliography.
The report format and text should be an A4 paper size and a legible font.
The consultant will be liable to submit an electronic copy of the assessment report by the agreed deadline.
The report should contain the different elements mentioned below. All parts should be clearly distinguished from each other and of sufficient quality.
Cover page.
Table of contents.
An executive summary that should include objectives of assessment, the major findings of the assessment, summaries, conclusions, and recommendations.
A justification of the methods and techniques used (including relevant underlying values and assumptions, theories) with a justification of the selections made (of persons interviewed, towns/counties or activity sites visited).
Eventual limitations of the assessment.
A presentation of the findings and the analysis thereof (including unexpected, relevant findings).
Conclusions which must be derived from findings and analysis thereof.
Recommendations should be clearly related to conclusions but presented separately. Recommendations should be practical and divided up for various actors or stakeholders in the various thematic areas and include guidelines of how they can be implemented.
Report annexes that include data collection tools and schedule, sampling procedures and frame and sampled towns/counties, and list of survey team members.
References to sources used, such as interviews, literature, reports, must be given.
Confidentiality of issues discussed MUST be stressed during interviews and safeguarded by the consultant(s). The data should be disaggregated by gender and age as it is extremely important when identifying key issues of the response and assessing gender and protection vulnerabilities. Firms or
Consultant(s) who meet the requirements should submit their bids (Maximum 10 pages), which should include the following:
A suitability statement, including commitment to availability for the entire assignment when required.
A brief statement on the proposed case study methodology including a detailed plan.
A detailed financial proposal. The financial proposal should include daily costs.
Updated curriculum vitae that clearly spell out relevant qualifications and experience.
Please submit applications on or before 2nd October,2023 and in the subject line: Private Sector Rapid Care Analysis. All Expression of interests should be sent to address:
Apply via :
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