Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services
PEN is inviting consultants for a USAID/AHADI funded Project that is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the CSOs in empowering the citizens at the grassroots to actively participate in county development processes and to equip citizens with right information to enable them play an active role in county development processes and decisions making that lead to the achievement of citizen centered development.
The areas of consultancy include:
Strategic Plan Development;
Training of Community Oversight Resource Persons and Community Leaders on PEM, Community Mobilization and Civic Engagement;
Production of popular version of the County Integrated Development Plans; and
Production of popular version of Annual Budget (2018/2019).
The links to the ToRs as below:
ToR for Strategic Plan Consultant – MKS
ToR for CIDP Popular Version
ToR for County CRPs Training
ToR for Budgets Popular Version