Chief Finance Officer HR Senior Assistant Director Senior Supply Chain Management Officer Senior Librarian Accountant Records Management Officer ICT Officer Office Assistants Clerical Officers Clerks Personal Secretaries

In addition to the above requirements an officer must have the following qualities:-

Ability to articulate, interpret and implement national policies;
Creativity and innovativeness;
Honesty and integrity;
Ability to work under pressure;
Ability to build and lead cohesive teams;
Results oriented; and
Self driven.

Duties and responsibilities
An officer at this level will head the Finance division and he/she will be responsible directly to the Director of Public Prosecutions professionally and administratively to the Deputy Director of Central Facilitation Services for efficient and effective management of the division. Specifically, duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:-

Developing sound financial management policies to guide in finance operations, reporting and strategy, in order to attain high quality standards and facilitate compliance with the relevant regulations;
Developing the overall financial management strategy to ensure alignment of the ODPP strategy with the overall National Development strategy;
Leading ODPP in the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Sector Resource allocation process;
Preparing of ODPP Public Expenditure Review report;
Preparing the ODPP overall budget, to ensure sufficient allocation of resources required for the implementation of the ODPP overall strategy;
Advising the Accounting Officer on all financial management matters for ODPP for informed decision making in the management of resources;
Undertaking organization risk management in the ODPP to ensure pro-activeness in the management of risk at the office for minimal disruption to the delivery of public prosecution services;
Ensuring ODPP prepares and submits to the National Treasury annual work plans, procurement plans and cash flow to assist in the implementation of the finance strategy along quality standards and timelines;
Systematically schedule expenditures consistent with the work plans to support successful implementation of programmes;
Preparing of the ODPP’s Annual Report, chapter on Finance;
Coordinating the preparation of expenditure schedules to ensure resources are availed in a timely manner;
Monitoring the implementation of the financial management strategies, policies and standards to ensure the delivery of quality financial services that are compliant with the set regulations;
Monitoring the cash flow forecasts for ODPP to ensure the availability of funds for the day to day activities of the institution;
Reviewing reports on monthly utilization of budgets and make recommendations on the budget variances to ensure efficiency in utilization of the ODPP resources;
Monitoring ODPP compliance with all statutory requirements on finance management , to safeguard ODPP from penalties and any other risks associated with non – compliance;
Coordinating supplier performance management through the analysis of value delivered against signed contracts and services provided by suppliers, in order to achieve value for money for ODPP
Approving the expenditure budgets submitted by department heads in line with the laid down budgetary allocations, to enhance efficiency in the utilization of resources;
Reviewing reports on monthly utilization of budgets and making recommendations on the budget variances to ensure efficiency in utilization of the ODPP resources; and
Participating in relevant committees to support the implementation of the ODPP mandate.

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