Call for Consultancy: Assessing Climate-Induced Displacement and Loss and Damage: A Study of Affected Communities in Africa

Objective of the research 

This research seeks to examine the human rights impacts of climate-induced displacement by assessing violations of fundamental rights such as housing, livelihood, and security, and evaluating the effectiveness of duty bearers in addressing these issues. 
Additionally, the study will assess the role of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) in addressing displacement and protecting vulnerable populations, including analyzing the inclusion and alignment of resettlement or return strategies with human rights standards, focusing on their adequacy, inclusiveness, and effectiveness
The findings will highlight ways to address internal displacement through UNFCCC frameworks, especially the Task Force on Climate-Induced Displacement, and identify opportunities to integrate human rights-based approaches.

Expected deliverables

The research will include the following.
Inception report: Detailed methodology, data collection tools, proposed work plan and agreement on the questionnaire.
Interim Progress Report: Preliminary findings and assessed national policy framework
Consultation with relevant stakeholders: A summary presentation of findings and preliminary recommendations to get feedback
Final report: A comprehensive document presenting research findings, analysis and recommendations for national climate policies. The report should include an executive summary, methodology, key findings from the case studies and actionable recommendations.

These deliverables are to be: 
Prepared in English 

Suggested time frame and period of the assignment 

The assignment will take place from March – May 2025. 

This methodology should integrate the following:

Desk review of secondary data and relevant literature, including collecting specific data through desk research and expert interviews on past climate conditions and extreme weather events that served as drivers of human mobility.
In-depth analysis of national climate change policies, such as NAPS, to assess the inclusion of climate-related displacement issues.
Assess national resettlement strategies in the context of climate change and their compliance with human rights standards, focusing on adequacy, inclusiveness and effectiveness.
Qualitative methods:
Conduct in-depth interviews with climate-displaced people and households to document their experiences, challenges and current needs.
Facilitate Focus group discussions with different community groups (e.g. women, youth and elders) to understand the impact on different demographic groups.
Examine the relationship between displaced and host communities, focusing on integration and resource sharing.
A consent form will be signed by the interviewee.
It is expected that 25 in-depth interviews and 3 focus groups with a maximum of 8 participants each will be conducted, including one focus group with young people, one with women and one with older people.
The expected number of days for this assignment is 30 days

Qualifications and Experience of the consultant(s)

Proven experience in climate justice-related work.
Proven expertise in human rights.
Proven track record of conducting similar work
Experience in conducting research (in-depth interviews, focus groups, online interviews, surveys etc.)
Demonstrable knowledge of the displacement context in the region.
Eligible to undertake such an assignment in Kenya and Somalia.
Proof of functional operations in Somalia and Kenya is an advantage.
Excellent writing skills in English.
Experience in working with faith-based organizations;
Knowledge of LWF and the ACT Alliance members is an advantage.

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