Overview of the Project
The overall goal of the project is to ‘Strengthening Citizens-County Government Collaboration in Water Governance for Enhanced Community Resilience in Marsabit county.
The project will contribute to achievement of this goal by achieving the following three (3) key results/outputs:
Increased citizen voice and participation in water governance
Functional community level structures in water management and development of a water resource database.
Improved county led collaboration of water sector players within the county
Christian Aid through its partner Marsabit Indigenous Organizations’ Network (MIONET) will implement the project in 17 wards spread across 3 sub-counties namely Laisamis, Moyale & North Horr.
The project implementation approach as well as its design is informed by the Political Economy Analysis (PEA) of Marsabit County water sector which was conducted in the month of September by Christian Aid (CA).
Baseline: Purpose and Scope
The baseline study will provide the project implementation team with detailed baseline data on key project indicators.
The data will be used to establish benchmarks against which achievement of the project milestones will be monitored and evaluated throughout the life of the project.
The baseline will be conducted in Laisamis, Moyale and North Horr sub counties
The consultant (s) will be expected to:
Participate in briefing and consultation meetings to discuss the assignment, become familiar with the Climate Governance Project and to collaborate with the CA project and partner staff on the development of the baseline design and implementation plan.
Develop in collaboration with CA and partners a detailed research and analysis plan, including plans for pre-testing tools, recruitment and training of research assistants, meaningful participation of partners and community, sampling methodology, implementation of data collection in the field; qualitative and quantitative data analysis and reporting.
Develop in collaboration with CA and partners, rigorous and robust, qualitative and quantitative data collection tools that can gather reliable and replicable data on each of the project indicators (sample tools to be developed, shared and approved by CA prior to data collection). Provide detailed indicator protocols describing the data collection methodology for each indicator.
Lead data collection in the field including: designing and leading key informant interviews and focus group discussions; designing and leading surveys of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP); training research assistants/enumerators; monitoring and ensuring data quality and research ethics of research assistants.
Analyze data in a rigorous, robust manner using appropriate statistical and qualitative analysis techniques.
Draft a high-quality baseline study report. The report must be written in good quality English and must include robust and detailed analysis of data findings.
Identify challenges and weaknesses/shortcomings with the project MEL log-frame/framework, data collection protocols and present recommendations for how data collection can be improved during the life of the project.
The baseline will be conducted in Laisamis, Moyale and North Horr sub-counties and should use a mixed methodology approach, combining use of secondary data, primary quantitative and qualitative data. All data, both qualitative and quantitative must also be disaggregated by location, age, sex, disability etc.
All data and analysis developed must be handed over to Christian Aid at the end of the study.
All outputs must be in English.
Triangulation of information gathered during the quantitative and qualitative research will be a critical aspect of this study. The analysis must provide a clear explanation of how the different data sets relate to one another and how they relate to the findings in the secondary documentation.
The complete project documents detailing the process, output and outcome indicators will be provided to the selected consultant prior to project initiation.
Time frame
The consultant is expected to carry out the exercise within 25 working days with the exercise expected to commence not later than 1st May 2018 and concluding not later than 30th May 2018
Consultant Profile
The consultant (s)/consultancy firm must have the following qualifications and experience to be eligible for this assignment:
The lead consultant must have a technical background in Governance, Resilience Building, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) or Climate Change Adaptation, (at a minimum of Master’s Degree level).
The lead consultant (s) must have demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing baseline studies for similar projects and in delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget.
Demonstrated experience and expertise in implementing rigorous research using Quantitative and Qualitative evaluation methodologies.
Demonstration of good knowledge of the context in Kenya and Marsabit County is an added advantage.
Other Tasks / Deliverables of the Consultancy
In addition to deliverables outlined in 3.0 and 4.0 above, the consultant is expected to also undertake the following tasks:
Develop an inception report that should include data collection tools to guide field interviews and final schedule of field work.
Develop and submit an acceptable draft report after the analysis of data for CA staff feedback following an agreed upon format. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each result area and considerations/recommendations.
Lead the analysis and synthesis of evidence to develop key findings; Discuss findings with Christian Aid and implementing partners and incorporate feedback to generate the final report.
Develop and submit to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi 3 hard copies and a soft copy of an acceptable final report of no more than 40 pages (excluding references and annexes) following an agreed upon format.
Summary of the findings in (MS PowerPoint) to be used for subsequent dissemination.
Submit to CA the final cleaned data set used for analysis and production of the final report in an acceptable electronic format (Excel, SPSS, STATA). All raw data (quantitative data files, transcripts from In-depth Interviews, FGDs etc should also be submitted to Christian Aid offices in Nairobi for reference and future use.