Base is committed to providing a learning environment which provides exceptional on the job opportunities to transfer academic knowledge into a real work environment. Our attachment programme is designed so ongoing students can learn from experts, practice their trade and create a foundation for their future careers.
In this intake we will select 10 students to participate in our 3-month programme.
Disciplines we are looking for include:
Bachelor of Commerce – Finance/Accounting option
Bachelor of Science – Information Technology
Bachelor of Procurement & Supplies Management
Bachelor of Science – Mechanical/Mechatronics/Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science – Environmental Science/Disaster Management
Diploma/Bachelor of Human Resource Management
Diploma/Certificate in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Certificate in Carpentry & Joinery/Certificate in Wood Machining
Certificate in Plumbing
Note: Diploma holders may be considered where no suitable degree holder is identified.
To be considered for a place on the Attachment Programme applicants must:
Be currently enrolled (3rd or 4th year) in a Kenyan University or accredited College
Have a valid Indemnity Insurance and proof of same
Not have had a previous attachment with Base Titanium
Complete registration on the ITAP portal
Complete the NITA – Industrial Attachment Contract in full
Complete the online candidate profile in full
Be a Kenyan citizen
Have or be a holder of an endorsement letter from a University/College which indicates that the attachment aligns to their field of study
Attach relevant supporting documents as one complete PDF or word file no larger than 1MB including cover letter, CV, National ID, PIN Certificate and an endorsement letter from your institution, NITA form, transcripts and academic certificates.
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