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  • Rapid Assessment on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

    Rapid Assessment on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

    Background Information
    Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) is considered a global problem, rampant in Africa, Kenya included. Globally, it is estimated that there are as many as 1.8 million children exploited through commercial sex. In sub-Saharan Africa, nearly half of all children aged between 10 and 17 years are working. Kenya has an estimated 1.9 million children working and out of these at least 30,000 are exposed to CSEC.
    Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children is defined as sexual abuse of a child by an adult accompanied by remuneration in cash or in-kind gifts to the child or third person(s). This child is treated as a sexual and commercial object.
    As part of national efforts to address the CSEC in Kenya, TdH-NL in partnership with ANPPCAN Regional Office is planning to conduct a Rapid Assessment in Busia, Western Kenya to establish the extent to which CSEC is an issue in the region, its manifestation, and what interventions are currently being undertaken to protect children from this issue. This will inform TdH-NL’s future programming on CSEC in Busia County.
    Purpose Of The Consultancy
    In order to improve the general dearth of information on CSEC, TdH-NL seeks to commission a qualified institution/firm or individual consultant to conduct a Rapid Assessment focusing on the towns along the two major highways, the border points of Busia and Malaba and the lake beach points in Budalangi Sub County. The assessment will be done in line with specific indicators of interest to TdH-NL and will go a long way in identifying the legal and policy framework in place at county level to address child protection concerns in Busia County.
    Objective of the Rapid Assessment
    The assessment seeks to identify the categories of children at risk of sexual exploitation, map out towns with high prevalence of CSEC, map out hot spots in these towns, identify/profile categories of offenders or perceived offender profiles, map out child protection structures and services (formal and informal), identify interventions in the target areas that support child protection and review county specific legislation and policies with provisions for the protection of children.
    The specific objectives of the Rapid Assessment shall be:

    To undertake an assessment through a trends analysis of the following areas:
    Up-to-date data on the scale of the problem of SEC in Busia County with a focus on the major towns along the two major highways and two border towns of Busia and Malaba – capture the context, the changing trends (including analysis of how major development projects would impact on children in relation to CSEC), recruitment of children, demographics of children involved and CSEC perpetrators (age, sex/gender, socio-economic background, family composition – of both child victims as well as the perpetrators of CSEC).
    Analysis of the knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to CSEC by different community groups (children, parents/caregivers, youth, community leaders and the community in general) and their perceived responsibility in child protection.
    Level of reporting and prosecution of child sexual exploitation and abuse cases in the geographical locations.
    The push and pull factors that contribute to this phenomenon in Busia.
    The link between CSEC and other forms of exploitation (especially child trafficking), as well as exploring any cross-border concerns in the two main border towns.
    Collect data on some of the strategies in use in preventing and responding to child exploitation and abuse in the targeted areas – make some innovative recommendations for future programming.
    Map out other actors/service providers including government institutions, civil society organisations, interventions and strategies being applied to address and respond to child exploitation and abuse in Busia and assess the gaps and potential weaknesses, and best practices of the identified interventions/service providers.
    Assess the county level legal and policy framework regarding provisions for the protection of children.

    Main Tasks of the Consultancy
    The consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks:

    Suggest an appropriate study methodology/approach for conducting the Rapid Assessment.
    Carry out a desk-review of relevant policy and legislative framework and study reports on CSEC and child protection documents (international, national and county specific where possible).
    Develop an inception report, detailing the study design, methodology, tools, work plan schedule and budget to carry out the assignment in the county.
    Facilitate recruitment and training of field staff ( supervisors, interviewers, observers/record reviewers) and pre-testing of data collection tools.
    Coordinate data collection, data entry, cleaning, analysis and interpretation of findings (both qualitative and quantitative).
    Develop and submit a draft report to TdH-NL for review and feedback – this will also include a first draft briefing meeting with the TdH-NL and ANPPCAN team. The reports should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings as per the specific objectives and where necessary, provide key recommendations for implementation.
    Submit the final rapid assessment report to TdH-NL’s Kenya Country Office. The raw data, the database which has been cleaned (both qualitative and quantitative, including original field notes for in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, as well as recorded audio material), and data collection tools used in the Rapid Assessment should be submitted together with the report. A simple inventory of materials handed over will be part of the record.

    The consultant will be expected to compile and submit the draft report, make a presentation to TdH-NL, incorporate comments and submit a final report within the Rapid Assessment contract period.
    TdH-NL has sole ownership of all final data and any findings shall only be shared or reproduced with the permission of TdH-NL.
    Key Deliverables

    Detailed work plan, detailed methodology for data collection and analysis, sample size calculations and data collection tools.
    A draft report on the findings for feedback and comments. A comprehensive final report on the findings including accurately analysed statistical data with reasonable statistical power stipulating indicators for project outputs, incorporation of feedback, comments and recommendations.
    All data sets, qualitative and quantitative.
    Facilitation of a Rapid Assessment data dissemination workshop with duty bearers and stakeholders.

    Please note that the contents of the report will be analysed and final payment will only be made upon approval of the final Rapid Assessment report by TdH-NL.
    Time frame
    The assignment is expected to be conducted over a period of 21 days.
    Role of Terre des Hommes Netherlands
    TdH-NL will provide all required background materials and programme documents to the consultant in a timely manner; and be the link between the consultant and the project sites.
    TdH-NL will review tools and provide support in the Rapid Assessment process including identifying venues for discussion.
    TdH-NL will manage the consultancy contract, monitoring adherence to specified deadlines, facilitating access to required information. In addition, TdH-NL will provide guidance throughout all phases of execution, approving all deliverables, and facilitating access to any documentation deemed relevant to the evaluation process.
    The consultant will be responsible for guiding the entire Rapid Assessment process and all other specific responsibilities as stipulated in the TOR.
    Expected Profile of the Consultant
    The lead consultant is expected to hold the following qualifications in order to be eligible for this position:

    Technical background in Child Rights programming, a strong background in Social Science and/or Project Planning and Management, with solid experience in conducting social research.
    An advanced degree in a relevant field is compulsory.
    A demonstrated high level of professionalism and an ability to work independently and in high-pressure situations under tight deadlines.
    Demonstrated experience and expertise in designing and managing Rapid Assessments for similar projects, delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget. (Kindly provide copies of reports of similar work done in the last 3 years).
    Broad knowledge and understanding of child protection programmes, evaluation and social research.
    Prior experience of working with national organisations, teams and committees on similar issues.
    Experience of working with local communities and non-governmental organisations.
    Knowledge of and interest in the national and international provisions on child protection as well relevant policies on child protection/ child exploitation.
    Excellent writing, reporting and organisational skills with a keen eye to details.
    Fluency in English and Kiswahili, both orally and written.

    Child Safeguarding Measures
    In line with the UNCRC, Terre des Hommes Netherlands strives to keep children safe in all its undertakings. The successful applicant will be required to read, understand, and commit to abide by TdH-NL’s Child Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines. The institution/firm or individual consultant will sign the policies to indicate an understanding of, and commitment to follow the policy requirements. The methodologies used in this study must abide by the universally acceptable standards for involving children in research.
    Ethical Considerations
    In accordance with the existing social and religious value systems, sex is a taboo subject in the Rapid Assessment region. This context necessitates the development of strict ethical guidelines for this Assessment. All participants are expected to be treated with dignity and respect, and participation in the study will be voluntary. Confidentiality and the right to privacy should be ensured. Consent will be obtained from all participants prior to their participation. Interviewing of children will only be done for children above 12 years, with the consent of their parents/caregivers and if they themselves are comfortable participating and providing information. Where a child has been a victim of exploitation and abuse and shows signs of distress, a clear referral for counselling and psychosocial support should be done.
    There will be nothing in the study which may be harmful for the respondents in terms of legal or ethical grounds. No one will be forced to provide information for the study. The research objectives will be clearly explained to all the respondents of the study before collecting data from them. The consultant/ firm will abstain from data collection from any person who will deny or show any reluctance in providing information. Written consent with signature or thumb impression of the respondents, therefore, needs to be obtained before collecting data. The researchers will be highly committed to the respondents to guard the privacy of their information and sources of data, as well as will put heartiest endeavour to be unbiased in collecting data. The research report will not reveal the identity of the respondents.

  • Security Specialist

    Security Specialist

    Location: Nairobi, with 60% travel time
    Reports to (Hierarchically): Country Representative(Functionally): Senior Management Team
    Number of subordinates: 0
    Position Grade: Short term
    Working time in % : 100%
    Starting date: 10th April 2019
    Length: 2 months.
    Child Safeguarding: The responsibilities of the post requires regular contact with or access to children or young people.
    Role Purpose: The Security Specialist will implement systems and practices for ensuring safety and security of Tdh staff in Kenya
    Scope of Role:
    Reports to: Country Representative
    Dimensions: following the Roving Risk Specialist’s visit from HQ, a number of recommendations were made in order to ensure the safety and security of Tdh staff in Kenya. The Security Specialist will be responsible for implementing these measures.
    Key Areas of Accountability:
    Team set-up and staff training

    Hire/appoint and train security focal points in all project sites
    Establish SOPs and associated tools for security focal points and especially the monthly/weekly movement plans
    Establish SOPs, contacts and build security point skills in context analysis
    Monitor the implementation of SOPs
    Handover security management responsibility to the Nairobi Security Focal Point and mentor her/him
    Train all staff in kidnapping and terrorist attack management and crisis management
    Organise for the training of staff in first aid and fire management
    Establish a system to monitor UNDSS staff training and ensure that all pending training is done
    Establish a system to monitor ICRC online staff training and ensure that all pending training is done

    Contingency and security plan

    Review the contingency plan provisions and implement all pending actionsReview the security plan and implement all pending actions
    To create contextualized SOP for each risk identified with a level upper than 8
    Implement hibernation room in Dadaab office and improve security premises (fences for staff compound, better guard management)
    To meet the company security manager to strengthen our compound’s access (control of the visitor’s flow).

    Movement tracking and communication

    To establish the SMS tracking system for each base
    Establish the monthly /weekly movement plan
    Review means of communication and communication practices across the delegation, advise on alteration and implement changes.
    Establish an automated system and agree on responsibilities regarding the phone tree and the contact list
    To map every NoGo areas in Garissa County and include it in the Security Plan

    Qualifications and Experience

    A minimum of 10 years ‘experience managing security in NGOs and implementing security systems
    A university degree in logistics or safety and security
    An ability to engage dialogue with security forces, local and national government, other organisations
    A track record in training adults
    A track record in enforcing rules and regulations
    Demonstrated writing skills
    A good knowledge of the Kenyan context and especially Garissa
    Existing contacts with security stakeholders
    An ability to work autonomously
    An ability to understand management structures and operational constraints

    Abuse Prevention Policy – Operational Risk Management

    Commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Code of Conduct, Whistle Blowing Policy
    Commit to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Risk Management Policies
    Commit to inform supervisors and to deal with any cases, allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Tdh Risk Management Policies


    Fluency in English and Kiswahili

  • Programme Officer (Kenya)

    Programme Officer (Kenya)

    Terre des Hommes Netherlands is looking for a Programme Officer Kenya, full time, to be based in Nairobi, Kenya with frequent travel in the country. This is a national position, open to applicants who can prove the right to live and work in Kenya. Initial contract period will be for one year.
    Our approach
    Terre des Hommes Netherlands addresses the above mentioned issues through five types of interventions: prevention of the worst forms of child exploitation, prosecution of those who perpetrate crimes against children, promotion of a safe and conducive social/economic/legal context for children, provision of services to ensure safe and enduring reintegration of child victims; and partnership & participation to strengthen civil society in the promotion of children’s rights and include meaningful participation of children.
    Objective of the function
    The Programme Officer is responsible for providing technical substantive, programme, organisational and administrative support in the design, implementation, monitoring and reporting of projects and/or country programmes in line with defined objectives and quality. The post holder is expected to build capacity and support partners to deliver effective and efficient services to vulnerable children, in line with TdH-NL’s strategy, policies and procedures, and as per partner contracts entered into between TdH-NL and the partners. He/she will also be expected to strengthen good cooperation with partners, relevant networks and stakeholders including but not limited to government, private sector, like-minded CSOs and communities.
    Position in the organisation
    The Programme Officer Kenya works with the Country Team (CT) for Kenya, and receives hierarchical leadership from the Country Manager (CM) to whom he/she reports. He/she will, in close collaboration and consultation with the country and regional team, advise and act on the development, implementation and monitoring of the various projects under the child protection programme in Kenya. This will be done in close collaboration with, and support to, the project partners in Kenya.
    Main duties and responsibilities

    Realising Projects
    Contribute to the development of the Country Strategic Plan.
    Coordinate implementation of the Country Strategic Plan in consultation and collaboration with the Country Manager and the rest of the Kenya team.
    Analyse the country context in relation to child rights and thematic areas of focus, project partners’ context and operational, organisational changes.
    Participate in planning and development of proposed projects, budgets, and evaluate whether the proposed projects are in line with TdH-NL’s policies, country strategy and laid–down selection criteria.
    Advise whether or not to give proposals further consideration and discuss the analysis with the country team, and others as appropriate, in preparation for final decision making.
    Prepare the necessary documentation for approval of new and ongoing partnerships and project proposals according to TdH-NL’s guidelines.
    Translate a developed project plan into a concrete and achievable work plan for project execution, submitting this to the manager for approval and communicating the work plan to the stakeholders.
    Manage staff to deliver on project plans taking into account efficiency and quality (ensuring projects are executed timely, on scope and on budget).

    Improving Service

    Support and monitor the project partners through regular communications and programme visits at least once per quarter and ensure that programme and finance commitments as per partner contracts are being fulfilled. Liaise with the Finance and Administration Officer regarding budgets and expenditure.
    Ensure that all scheduled partner and project reports such as progress and financial reports are delivered and verified timely and that they are of good quality, according to TdH-NL’s standards, analyse the received information and compile the necessary reports to the country team.
    Support the Marketing and Communication Officer at the Regional Office with information and materials for marketing and communication, e.g. for newsletters.
    Inform relevant persons/organisations/institutions on support given to project partners, project activities and expected results.
    Maintain the database and regularly update project documentation/ files for reference by all concerned.
    Maintain relevant network contacts and represent the organisation with internal and external relations.
    Identify together with project partners areas for further improvement on management and/ or programme quality of project partners and define frameworks, procedures and indicators oriented towards improved organisational and project management.
    Improving Workflows
    As part of a team, translate developments and situation specific information into thematic and country annual and strategic policies.
    Assist in the continuous assessment of child protection needs and gaps in the country in order to ensure that these are appropriately reflected in project strategies and interventions.
    Identify new trends and developments in the area of child exploitation.
    As and when relevant, coordinate activities of assigned consultants for specific tasks, such as evaluations, etc.
    Perform any other duties as relevant for the country programme as assigned and as can reasonably be expected from the position, in consultation with the country team.

    Knowledge, Skills and Experience

    Bachelor’s degree in development studies, project management, child rights or relevant fields
    Minimum of three years of experience in a similar position
    Experience with Child Rights based programming is an advantage
    Experience with Lobby & Advocacy will be an added advantage
    Proven experience in capacity building of civil society organisations
    Knowledge of and experience in project cycle management, including the use of Theory of Change and other planning tools
    Experience with financial management
    Experience in supervising/leading a team
    Verbal and written fluency in English and verbal capability in Kiswahili
    Strong interpersonal communication skills- written and orally
    Planning, organising, cooperation, performance oriented
    High degree of taking initiative and working independently

    Competence Profile
    Can contribute to a collective result, even when there is no personal benefit at stake.
    Level 2: Works together at own initiative to make a contribution to the achievement of shared objectives.
    Planning & Organising
    The effective alignment of activities, time and resources to achieve objectives.
    Level 3: Coordinates and aligns activities and supports and encourages others in the direct vicinity to start to plan and organise.
    Problem-solving ability
    Actively seek logical, tangible and realistic solutions for problems.
    Level 2: Can identify and articulate the core of the problem, can initiate the collection of relevant data and can propose solutions.
    Performance orientation
    Focused on goal setting and active achievement of results.
    Level 2: Can articulate the results to be achieved – and achieves them.
    Contract Period: One year contract with a possibility of extension.

  • Assistant Social Worker

    Assistant Social Worker

    Function: Case Management
    Location: Korogocho
    Reports to (Hierarchically): Child Protection Senior Officer
    Number of subordinates: 0
    Position Grade: F
    Working time in % : 100%
    Starting date: 15th February 2019
    Length: 3 months
    General description of the position: The Assistant Social Worker works with the Child Protection Senior Officer in direct provision of quality child protection services to children and families in Korogocho, Nairobi County. He/she supports in achieving desired activity ojectives in Case Management.
    He/She participates in identification ofchildren at risk of abuse or neglect ensuring that necessary actions are taken to protect children from further abuse/neglect and safeguarding investigations are undertaken within the Terre des hommes’ required timescales.
    He/she participates in the organisation awareness sessions for children, communities, families and stakeholders as in close working relationship with Child Protection senior Officer.
    He/she will direct his or her activities and engagements without preoccupation of political, racial or religious affiliation.
    Responsibility: Participates in identification and response to needs of children and their families
    Aim: To support support of extremely vulnerable children and their families through case management.

    Contributes to the definition of vulnerability criteria for the Case Management System.
    Individual support, registration, development of Plan of Action, referral, follow-up (through home visits) and monitoring of children victim of any form of abuse.
    Participate in the development of a Plan of Action, referral and follow-up for individual cases in close consultation with the Child Protection Senior Officer.
    Supports the identification and set-up of potential referral mechanism for cases in close collaboration with the Senior Child Protection Officer.
    Participates in the development of a case management system, ensures qualitative implementation in Korogocho and identifies needs for improvement.
    Correctly uses database tools and supports in field testing of the tools.
    Participates in identification and follow up for beneficiaries of education and livelihood support.
    Participates in the identification, mobilisation and training of community members and other actors to encourage their participation in different aspects of the project implementation (women, elders, leaders, youth, children, etc).
    Involve the community, where appropriate, in the protection processes of children in particular need of help.


    Work with the Child Protection Senior Officer to provide accurate and timely activity, monitoring and assessment reports.
    Maintain and ensure a culture of strict confidentiality between Tdh staff and non Tdh employees.

    Abuse Prevention Policy – Operational Risk Management

    Commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy
    Commit to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Risk Management Policies
    Commit to inform supervisors and to deal with any cases, allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.


    Minimum certificate in community development, social work or any social science related field
    Experience in case management
    Basic computer skills: MS Word and Excel.


    Social work skills
    Case management skills
    Good communication and interpersonal skills
    Good report writing skills


    Fluency in English and Kiswahili


    Knowledge of the Korogocho context

  • Operations Coordinator

    Operations Coordinator

    Position type: National-Senior management team
    Reporting to: Country Representative
    Starting date: 1st January 2019
    Contract duration: 1 year (3 months’ probation). Contract is renewable subject to the availability of funding
    Role of Purpose: The Operations coordinator oversees the implementation of all projects in the country office.
    General description of the position:The operations coordinator Is responsible for supervising and coordinating the delivery of quality projects in child protection, child rights and health and nutrition in all contexts (humanitarian, development).
    He/she has direct management responsibility over the project managers who themselves manage several project components and several awards. To this respect he/she is accountable for the proper management of the project cycle.
    S/he is accountable to the country representative and collaborates closely with the Quality and Development Coordinator.
    Main Responsibilities:
    1. Project delivery

    Ensures that project teams are on time, on budget and on target and steers the appropriate processes to this end, as per the organization’s standards and procedures.
    Identifies problems and issues on the ground and proposes solutions that he/she implements and follows through.
    Ultimate budget holder for projects; as such he/she is responsible for monitoring project budgets reporting on any issues to the SMT and introducing corrective action where necessary.
    Accountable for project targets as set in the proposals, and, with the inputs from project managers, for producing narrative donor reports.
    Steers organizational readiness to respond to emergencies in line with Tdh approaches and systems

    2. Project performance and quality

    Ensures that projects deliver programming to beneficiaries that is according to Tdh’s mandate and that brings sustainable and positive change to the lives of children.
    Avails of the monitoring tools and resources to this end. Collaborates with technical experts in and out of the country office to analyze the quality of approaches, to learn from practice and to implement lessons from these learnings.
    Ensures that project performance is reflected in Tdh in Kenya being the go-to organization in health and nutrition for children in the ASALs, and child protection for refugees and slums dwellers and child rights.

    3. Coordination

    Ensures coherence and collaboration across his/her team to foster integrated programming.
    Liaises with government stakeholders to build ownership and sustainability of Tdh’s interventions.
    Represents the organization in project-related events.
    Responsible for liaising with donors and members on issues of implementation,
    Takes responsibility for organizing donor and HQ visits to the concerned projects
    Nurtures functioning interrelations whilst making optimal use of resources

    4. Grant management

    Support the smooth management of the grant management cycle
    Takes ultimate responsibility for donor and HQ dialogue with respect to grants
    Ensures full compliance with grant rules and procedures and coordinates with support services for input.

    5. Strategic management

    The operations coordinator is a member of the senior management team; as such he/she participates in collective decision making regarding strategy, structure and management of resources, business development (including proposal development), quality, accountability. He/she brings a project perspective to the decision making forum.
    The operations coordinator will foster a culture of growth and change for bigger and quality impact on the lives of the most deprived children of Kenya.
    The operations coordinator is accountable for the delivering of operational strategies that he develops with inputs from Program Quality and Development Coordinator Support Service Coordinator.

    6. Staff Management, Mentorship, and Development – Operations

    Ensure appropriate staffing within Operations
    Ensure that all staff understand and are able to perform their role in an emergency
    Manage project managers ; define expectations, provide leadership and technical support as needed, and evaluate direct reports regularly
    Ensure the recruitment, training, and promotion of staff as appropriate and ensure availability of appropriate professional development opportunities for staff

    Qualifications and Experience

    A minimum of 7 years management experience in NGO environment, including significant field operations experience running both emergency and development programs
    Master’s degree in Social Sciences or other relevant fields
    Robust experience of program cycle management including in emergencies
    A very good understanding and a working knowledge of the program priorities of the Country Office
    Proven knowledge of international humanitarian and development systems and practices
    Substantial experience and knowledge of effective financial and budgetary control and securing and managing grants from major institutional donors
    Proven history of delivering results and solving problems
    Ability to analyze information, evaluate options and to think and plan strategically
    Self-awareness and critical thinking
    Professional attitude to the workplace and to work relationships
    An in-depth understanding of national and international development issues in particular in relation to children
    Previous experience of managing and developing a team and the ability to lead, motivate and develop others
    Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
    Clean record with regards to personal misconduct (fraud, child safeguarding, sexual harassment) and track record in addressing misconduct in the workplace
    Fluency in written and spoken English
    Ability and willingness to change work practices and hours, and work with international teams in the event of major emergencies
    Commitment to and understanding of Tdhs aims, values and principles

    Abuse Prevention Policy – Operational Risk Management

    Commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Code of Conduct, Whistle Blowing Policy.
    Commit to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.
    Commit to inform supervisors and to deal with any cases, allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.

  • Project Officer – CSEC Coast

    Project Officer – CSEC Coast

    Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH-NL) is an international NGO committed to stopping child exploitation. In East Africa, Terre des Hommes Netherlands works in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. We support child victims of exploitation with education, psychosocial support, legal assistance, shelter, job opportunities and medical care; while at the same time targeting highly vulnerable children, who are at risk of being exploited, in our prevention activities. We launch public and media campaigns to create awareness on our focus issues and carry out local research into the extent and nature of abuse and exploitation of children.
    Position in the Organisation
    The Project Officer – CSEC Coast works under the Kenya Country Office. The position is based in Kilifi County and receives hierarchical leadership from the Programme Officer (PO) to whom he/she reports who is based in the TdH-NL Kenya Country Office in Nairobi. He/she acts as the point person for the coordination, communication, monitoring, reporting and liaison with partners Trace Kenya and Kesho Kenya in the implementation of TdH-NL’s Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Project; and other development and humanitarian actors as well as authorities in consultation with the Line Manager.
    Main Duties and Responsibilities
    Support implementation of the CSEC Project in the Coast

    Liaise with the implementing partners to ensure timely, efficient and effective implementation of the CSEC project.

    Undertake field monitoring visits in collaboration with the implementing partners to the project sites.

    Ensure efficient use of project resources and fulfillment of programme and finance commitments as per the partner contract.

    Monitor the context in Kwale, Kilifi and Mombasa vis a vis the development and humanitarian situation as well as child protection concerns and provide feedback and advice to the PO and others as appropriate for decision making.

    Programme results for the partner and programme portfolio

    Support and monitor the project partner through regular communication and programme visits and ensure that programme and finance commitments as per partner contract are being fulfilled. Liaise with the TdH-NL Finance and Administration Officer regarding budgets and expenditure.

    Ensure that all scheduled partner and project reports such as progress and financial reports are delivered timely and that they are of good quality, according to Terre des Hommes Netherlands’ standards, analyse the received information and compile the necessary reports.

    Support the Regional Marketing and Communication Officer at the TdH-NL Regional Office with information and materials for marketing and communication, e.g. news items (case stories, articles) and photos.

    Inform relevant persons/organisations/institutions on support given to project partners, project activities and expected results. Maintain the database and regularly update project documentation/ files for reference by all concerned.

    Capacity building of partners

    Apply Terre des Hommes Netherlands’ tools in organisational assessment, M&E and capacity building.

    Together with the project partners identify areas for further improvement on management and/ or programme quality and define frameworks, procedures and indicators oriented towards improved organisational and project management by the partners.

    Guide project partners and give direction so that partners improve on quality of work, efficiency, effectiveness of the desired outputs and sustainability of results.

    Safeguard project quality by maintaining an overview of supported projects and evaluating the quality of work and results. Ensure that project partners follow the terms and conditions of the signed partner contract; facilitate them to keep track of key factors in project management, implementation and monitoring of results.

    Knowledge, Skills, Experience and Behaviours Necessary to achieve role purpose

    Bachelor’s degree, in development studies, project management, child rights, or relevant fields
    Minimum of three years of experience in a similar position
    Experience with Child Rights based programming is an advantage
    Experience with Lobby & Advocacy
    Proven experience in capacity building of Civil Society Organisations
    Knowledge of and experience in project cycle management, including the use of Theory of Change and other planning tools
    Experience with financial management
    Strong interpersonal communication skills – excellent writing and oral skills in English
    Planning, organising & cooperation, performance oriented
    High degree of taking initiative and working independently

    Competence profile
    Showing initiative
    Showing the initiative to take action and get the job done before that is asked of you.
    Level 2: Handles extra duties on own initiative outside own job description, identifies problem areas in task execution and makes improvement proposals.
    Planning & Organising
    The effective alignment of activities, time and resources to achieve objectives.
    Level 1: Plans and organises own work in a logical way.
    Performance orientation
    Focused on goal setting and active achievement of results.
    Level 1: Works in a goal-oriented manner and within a framework aimed at achieving results.
    Can contribute to a collective result, even when there is no personal benefit at stake.
    Level 2: Works together at own initiative to make a contribution to the achievement of shared

  • Data Clerk

    Data Clerk

    Location: Korogocho, Nairobi County
    Starting Date: 1st November 2018
    Contract Duration: Initially 2 months – can be extended, subject to the availability of funding
    General description of the position:

    The Data Clerk works under the supervision of the Child Protection Project Manager.
    He/she is in charge of elaborating, development, follow-up and improvement of data collection tools and the database in support of child protection activities
    He/she supports all the baseline and evaluation exercises with data record’s tools and develops proper data analysis reports.
    He/she updates on weekly basis the case management database and indicator follow-up document based on trainings and activities conducted.
    He/she trains and supports the CP team and community workers in filling the required forms and coordinates data updates, review and reports with them.
    He/she will direct his or her activities and engagements without preoccupation of political, racial or religious affiliation and Commits to observe discretion on the information related to the organisation functioning and beneficiary related issues.

    Responsibility: To coordinate the development, follow-up and improvement of the data collection tools and database system in the support of project activities.
    Aim: To provide forms to sectional supervisors and ensure all data is entered in database system and also trains Tdh staff and community workers on correct use of the database tools.
    Data Management

    Review case management and information managements tools that are used to support documentation of children`s with protection concerns under the improved data base.
    Data entry in to the database after data cleaning.
    Provides all the data as confidential as required by Tdh policies and respect all the beneficiaries’ information and privacy in accordance with the standard operating system.
    Consolidates data analysis forms before entering into the system.
    Supports the CP team with the provision of case managements and information management’s tools and provides feedback on filled forms.
    Supports the CP team with proper filing and protection of data on Tdh laptops.
    Adjust quickly to the Program tools and coordinates the changes required.
    Produce weekly and monthly Dashboard analysis report and shares to M&E Officer and Project team.
    Produce a quarterly data analysis and share with the Project team to inform programming
    Assist in training of Case managements and information management tools.
    Support Case Management team to Conduct Regular Monthly Follow-up for Medium-high risk Cases.
    Provides data feedback to inform programming for all departments
    Support in monitoring MDC tools and phones to ensure use and update for program activities
    Conduct continuous data quality check on forms to avoid duplication or forms


    Provides accurate and timely data analysis reports.
    Maintain and ensure a culture of strict confidentiality between Tdh staff and non Tdh employees.
    Abuse Prevention Policy – Operational Risk Management
    Commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy
    Commit to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Risk Management Policies Commit to inform supervisors and to deal with any cases, allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.

  • Psychosocial Counsellor 

Admin Assistant

    Psychosocial Counsellor Admin Assistant

    Location: Dadaab, Garissa
    Reports to (Functionally): Child Protection Senior Officer
    Number of subordinates: 2 assistant counsellor and 28 community workers
    Position Grade: E
    Working time in % : 100%
    Job Description
    Starting date: 1st September, 2018
    Length: 4 Months
    General description of the position: Reporting to his/her immediate supervisor,the Psychosocial Counselor provides psychosocial support to the refgee children and families in Hagadera, monitor the activities in the two child friendly centers and girls screened areas and provide technical support to the center supervisors, Animators and Assistant counsellors.
    Specific Job Descriptions:
    Responsibility: Psychosocial support
    Aim: To ensure all psychosocial activites are done in Hagadera camp.

    To provide psychosocial support to selected cases of high risk or cases in need of specialized psychosocial support or mental health interventions.
    Participate in need assessments and project evaluations aiming at contributing to the development of the child protection programme strategy for the refugee community project in Dadaab refugee complex and in four villages of the host communities.
    To support in the development of intervention criteria for the psychosocial cases and design appropriate technical responses to psychosocial and mental health cases.
    Provide training and supervising the CP team and community based structures on the management of children and families with basic psychosocial and mental concerns.
    Train CP team members on the child friendly interviews techniques and implementation of psychosocial assessment.
    Under the supervision of the Child Protection Senior Officer, coordinate with the Child Protection BID/ Case Management Officer on assistance response to cases of children in need of psychosocial interventions.

    Responsibility: Conduct Mobile monthly CFS and monitor the two CFS in Hagadera and one CFS in Alinjugur.
    Aim: Conduct mobile monthly CFS.

    Ensure monthly mobile Cfs are conducted in the camp.
    Train and monitors the animators on the mobile Cfs.
    Ensure children who can’t access the centres are reached through the monthly mobile Cfs.
    Ensure the centre activities are conducted.
    Provide technical support to the centre supervisors.
    Monitor the two girl screened areas.
    Plan the leave schedule for the center supervisors.
    Ensure that children living with disabilities are incorporated into centre activities.

    Responsibility: Renovation of the CFS in Alinjugur.
    Aim: Conduct situational anaylsis on what the center requires.

    Conduct and assessment on the Cfs .
    Plan with the logistic team on what the centre needs.
    Train the community members who are willing to volunteer on basic counselling skills.
    Ensure all the activities are carried out in the center.

    Responsibility: Provide psychosocial support to the 4 villages.(Alinjugur,Welmarer,Yumbis and Borehole)
    Aim: Ensure chidren in the four villages receive psychosocial services.

    Provide group and individual therapy.
    Identify and screen children with psychosocial distress.
    Work in close collaboration with other departments.

    Responsibility: Report writing

    Develop unit reports.
    Work closesly with the data officer for efficient documentation of psychosocial work.
    Develop referrals for high risk cases and ensure regular follow up of the cases.
    Participate and represent Tdh in relevant working group meeting at the camp level.
    He/she will conduct his or her duties in respect of the Charter of Terre des hommes and the Tdh Child Protection Safeguarding Policy.

    Terre des hommes expects that its staff professional conduct reflects proper behaviour in accordance with local culture and traditions. He/she assures the moral protection of the name of Terre des hommes and defends in all circumstances the interests of the movement.
    Tdh intervenes without any affiliation for politics, religion or financial profit. He/she will direct his or her activities and engagements without preoccupation of political, racial or religious affiliation.
    Abuse Prevention Policy – Operational Risk Management

    Commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Code of Conduct, Whistle Blowing Policy.
    Commit to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.
    Commit to inform supervisors and to deal with any cases, allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.

    This position requires personal, social and leadership competencies, technical and methodological competency.

    Good facilitation skills.
    Problem solving skills.
    Competency in computer applications and packages.


    Minimum bachelor degree in psychology or related field from a recognized university, clinical experience is a plus.
    Experience in use of community based approaches for the management of psychosocial and mental health issues.
    Experience in application of innovative/creative and evidence based psychosocial and mental health issues.
    Minimum of three years’ experience with prominence in psychosocial and mental health assignments.
    Experience in case management including management of case conferences.
    Project reporting and evaluation experience.
    Staff supervision experience.
    Fluency in English, Kiswahili and Somali Language, and knowledge of Somali culture and traditions is a plus.

    Languages: Fluent in English, Swahili and Somali
    Other: Knowledge of Garissa and Dedaab Refugee camp context.

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  • Psychosocial Officer

    Psychosocial Officer



    Function: Counseling and Psychosocial support
    Location: Korogocho
    Reports to (Hierarchically): Child Protection Project Manager
    Position Grade: C
    Working time in %: 100%
    Starting date: 1st August 2018
    Length: 5 months
    General description of the position: The psychosocial Officer works under the supervision of the Child Protection Project Manager in direct provision of quality child protection services to children and families in Korogocho, Nairobi County.
    He/she supports in achieving desired activity ojectives in providing counselling and psychosocial services as well as capacity building of children and their families.
    He/she takes lead to organise and monitor psychosocial support activities for children and their parents in Korogocho.
    He/she participates in the organisation and implementation of training and awareness sessions for children, communities, families and stakeholders as in close working relationship with the BCC team.
    He/she will direct his or her activities and engagements without preoccupation of political, racial or religious affiliation.
    Responsibility: Coordinates psychosocial support initiatives for children and their families
    Aim: To enhance the psychosocial well being of children and their families.

    Participate in the development of a Plan of Action, referral and follow-up for individual cases in close consultation with the Child Protection Senior Officer.
    Identify and/or receive referrals to ensure cases of children in need of psychosocial support are adequately screened.
    Identify and register child protection cases and reports them to the DCS for comprehensive psychosocial and protection services.
    Organise and facilitate recreational events for children and their parents to promote play and communication.
    Conduct children and parent support group sessions for vulnerable girls and boys including their parents/caregivers
    Participate in identification, training and follow up of girls for the girls mentorship program
    Ensure that cases of children identified in need of psychosocial support are appropriately supported through direct support and referral services to the existing referral pathways.
    Contribute to Individual support, registration, development of Plan of Action, referral, follow-up (through home visits) and monitoring of any form of abuse affecting children.
    Involve the community, where appropriate, in the protection processes of children in need of help.
    Build the capacity of community members on basic counselling skills and Child Protection skills.
    Work in close collaboration with the community leaders, Tdh staff, DCS and other child protection actors in order to create acceptance for Child
    Protection activities within project target areas.


    Provides accurate and timely activity, monitoring and assessment reports.
    Maintain and ensure a culture of strict confidentiality between Tdh staff and non Tdh employees.
    Abuse Prevention Policy – Operational Risk Management
    Commit to respect Tdh Risk Management Policies including: Child Safeguarding Policy, Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy
    Commit to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Risk Management Policies
    Commit to inform supervisors and to deal with any cases, allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Tdh Risk Management Policies.


    Minimum Diploma in Counseling Psychology, social work or any social science related field
    Experience in use of community based approaches for the management of psychosocial issues
    Experience in case management
    Basic computer skills: MS Word and Excel.


    Ability to apply a wide range of counseling and psychosocial methodologies to support children
    Case management skills
    Good communication and interpersonal skills
    Good coordination skills
    Good report writing skills

    Languages: Fluency in English and Kiswahili

  • Country Manager (Kenya)

    Country Manager (Kenya)

    Objective of the function
    As Country Manager, you will be TdH-NL’s representative in Kenya reporting to the Head of Africa for general direction. You will be accountable for managing and supervising TdH-NL’s development and emergency projects in Kenya, ensuring delivery of quality results in line with our strategy plans, performance and accountability frameworks. As Country Manager you will be responsible for managing and growing the grant portfolio as well as provide strategic leadership to Kenya country office staff, in alignment with TdH-NL’s organisational values and practices.
    Result areas

    Realise and develop department policy

    Result: Country annual strategic plan is developed and implemented so that clear and explicit objectives are formulated and realised for the country.

    Work professionally within TdH-NL’s policies and codes of conduct, including those related to child protection/safeguarding, confidentiality, safety and security and ethical practice.
    Ensure that the country office and project partners follow the policies, processes and protocol regarding child safeguarding,
    Communicate incidents and violations of the policies in line with the established protocol.
    Develop clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies and in line with budgets.
    Work closely with the Head of Africa to ensure goals and objectives are aligned with strategies.
    Identify priority activities and assignments; adjust priorities as required.
    Foresee risks and allow for contingencies when planning.
    Possess a strong commitment to social justice and development of quality services within the field of child sexual abuse, exploitation and violence.
    Keep up to date with the political economic social and technical situation of the country as well as programme related developments and incorporate these developments into annual reports and annual and strategic plans.
    Keep the programme database up to date, analyse the outputs of each programme and reflect on the outcome in terms of planned versus achieved in annual reports and annual plans.
    In case of own implementation of programmes, manage the implementation of programmes efficiently and effectively to create maximum results at beneficiary level.
    Collaborate with donors that support TdH-NL’s project partners and see to it that there is a common understanding on project outputs/outcome.
    As a member of the programmes team advise the programme development manager, whether solicited or unsolicited.
    Work together closely with the other country managers and exchange ideas and experiences.
    Organise the Kenya country team and coordinate with the Regional Office technical team to undertake fundraising / resource mobilisation to operationalise the Kenya country plan.
    Finance and administration

    Result: The finance and administration of the country office is done in line with TdH-NL’s finance and administration policies.

    Ensure that TdH-NL’s finance and administration policies are being implemented at the country office.
    Approve and ensure timely submission of quarterly funds requests/ disbursements to partners after receipt of quality signed off reports
    Monitor in close collaboration with the regional office, the annual budget spending in relation to the approved annual budget.
    Monitor with the support of the country finance staff, financial management practices and provide immediate backstopping where policies are not followed as expected.
    Manage employees

    Result: Employees are guided and instructed so that they are motivated to execute their tasks efficiently and effectively.

    Manage country team to ensure project goals and objectives are achieved.
    Provide leadership and take responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
    Empower staff to translate vision into results.
    Regularly discuss performance and provide feedback and coaching to staff.
    Facilitate internal management processes

    Result: Internal management processes are facilitated so that the tasks and activities are efficiently aligned and quality is guaranteed.

    Delegate the appropriate responsibility, accountability and decision-making authority.
    Anticipate and resolve conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions.
    Accurately judge the amount of time and resources needed to accomplish a task and match tasks to skills.
    Monitor progress against milestones and deadlines.
    Make sure that roles, responsibilities and reporting lines are clear to each staff member.
    Resource mobilisation and networking

    Result: Network is maintained so that cooperation is improved and all parties and individuals involved are correctly and fully informed.

    Ensure strong engagement in resource mobilisation, including positioning and support to grant acquisition efforts to raise additional resources and diversify TdH-NL’s portfolio in Kenya.
    Recognise fundraising opportunities for TdH-NL, take initiative to anticipate on them and develop proposals in conjunction with the Regional and Head Offices.
    Establish and maintain relationships with a broad range of groups (government, CSOs, private sector and beneficiaries) to understand project needs and gain support.
    Represent TdH-NL in Kenya, engage and build strategic alliances with government, major donors, other NGOs and media.
    Represent TdH-NL by participating in networks related to its mission and vision, and share and learn.

    Education, experience and skills required

    MA degree in the Social Sciences or related fields.
    Minimum of 10 year professional work experience that combines managerial and technical leadership in development cooperation or executive management. Professional experience with an INGO, NGO, or governmental organisation, in the related field of child protection and safeguarding is an asset.
    At least three years of leadership experience including supervising teams and managing budgets.
    Proficiency in written and oral English is required.

    Personal profile

    Strong management skills and track record at national level
    Strong people management skills
    Proven efficient management of financial resources
    Proven capacity to lead, motivate and develop a team
    Exhibits composure and professionalism. Ability to represent TdH-NL in Kenya to donors, government officials, other NGOs, other external stakeholders in a self assured manner
    Excellent negotiating and communication skills
    Strong ability to direct and foster strategic partnerships and position for grants
    Excellent grant acquisition experience, including experience with a diverse set of donors

    Competency profile
    Analytical capacity
    Understanding the essence of complex issues by logical reasoning, investigation of potential causes, separation of key messages from the mass of detail and acknowledgment of their interdependence.
    Level 2: Collects and examines information from various sources independently and on own initiative. Acquires insight by doing so and draws conclusions from their interdependence.
    Can mobilise and inspire others by providing guidance and direction in the attainment of clear and challenging objectives related to results and personal development. Is able to adapt the style of leadership to different employees and situations.
    Level 3: Encourages others to develop themselves and to achieve maximum results and demonstrates exemplary behaviour.
    Result orientation
    Focused on setting objectives and actively achieving results.
    Level 3: Is determined in achieving results and encourages and supports others in doing so.
    Accepting the consequences of your own actions and/or agreements.
    Level 3: Takes potential consequences into account when making risky agreements within his or her own area of responsibility – such as a team or department, or a policy area. Can make a realistic assessment of the impact of one’s own actions as well as those taken by others, and bases agreements on this.