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  • Untitled post 112860

    The assignment seeks to assess the performance of the FCA project Northern Kenya Integrated Development (NOTKID) against its intended objectives, as guided by its performance indicators to be provided. FCA intends to establish the level of success with respect to implementation of activities, achievement of outputs, outcomes and any impacts realized amongst its targeted and non-targeted beneficiaries. FCA also intends to capture lessons learnt during the program implementation process, to document and share these for internal and external learning.
    Rational, purpose and priority objectives of the evaluation
    The objective of this evaluation is to assess the components of FCA’s approaches to peacebuilding in Northern Kenya and to identify the approach, which brought lasting change and impact.
    Since 2014, FCA has been implementing a comprehensive project titled Northern Kenya Integrated Development Project (NOTKID). NOTKID is implemented in West Pokot, Baringo, Marakwet and Turkana counties where competition over access to and control over natural resources compounded by the effects of climate change, proliferation of small arms and general insecurity, exacerbates inter-communal conflict manifested in violent cattle raids or cattle rustling. In this context, the project supports community owned and led conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms.
    However, the traditional tools and mechanisms for conflict resolution and prevention are dominated and controlled by community elders (men). Cultural values and structural barriers effectively hinder women’s leadership and voice in community-level decision-making. This is despite the fact that women are disproportionately affected by inter-communal conflicts and their agency and diverse roles both as drivers of violence and as peacebuilders continues to be overlooked.
    As part of the comprehensive approach, FCA supported the formation of Women Talking Circles (WTCS) as spaces for women’s collective voice and action both at intra and inter group level linking to duty-bearer processes. These WTCs are clusters of women (15 to16) per group brought together to ensure women’s influence and participation in the peace processes. Currently there are 10 WTCS in the region. A number of WTCS have also developed into business cooperatives as part of FCA’s comprehensive support to women’s socio-economic empowerment and leadership.
    FCA’s previous strategy period ended in 2017. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the work done under this project from 2018 to 2021. This evaluation will provide FCA with useful feedback on the project performance and impact, and be a source of learning for FCA. The evaluation findings will also be shared with the back donor as part of FCA’s accountability while demonstrating the project impact. Further, the findings will be utilized for decision making on either to amend the strategies used or continue employing similar strategies. The evaluation will also inform the development of exit strategy for FCA’s project interventions.
    The evaluations results will be used as part of the Country Programme Annual Planning (CPAP) of FCA Kenya office for the program period 2022-2025. Accordingly the recommendation will feed into programme planning. In addition to FCA staff, the results will be made public and communicated to the right-holders (including beneficiaries) as well as the government officials – accordingly the language used should reflect the expected audience (limited use of technical terminology).
    KECO will utilize the evaluation findings for both improving the quality of work for accountability purposes and for lesson learning, and more specifically for:

    Improving compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) and other standards relating to accountability and transparency of our work, as well as technical quality of our programmes.

    2. Scope of the evaluation
    The evaluation will cover every year of the implementation 2018-2021.

    Implementation strategies;
    Program partnerships;
    Monitoring aspects of the project;
    Sustainability of results achieved;
    Scalability of the project results

    · Conclusions and lessons learnt.
    · SWOT analysis of the Kenya Program .
    The geographical area of focus will be Baringo West and Elgeyo Marakwet East sub-counties. The evaluation should focus on the programmatic aspects, with less focus on the financial aspects as this was already covered as part of the annual audits.
    3. Evaluation questions
    The evaluation team is invited to propose the evaluation question to KECO (no more than 12 questions) as part of their technical proposal.
    The key evaluation questions will include:

    What are the peace structures FCA has supported throughout the project period and their impact? The evaluation will assess the different community-level peacebuilding structures supported / established by FCA and their contribution to community level conflict prevention and conflict resolution, especially assessing the sustainability and impact of these interventions, informing development of exit strategy.
    How have the interventions supported women’s participation and leadership in peacebuilding and in the different peace support structures?
    How the community-level structures link to formal government led structures, what are the lessons learned and recommendations with a special focus on sustainability? What are the strategies to link informal communitylevel peace structures to formal duty-bearer led processes? How are synergies and coordination supported with key stakeholders at different levels?
    How have women’s role in the community-level informal structures translated into power and influence in the formal structures and contributed to the implementation and development of government policies and processes both at the county as well as national level, including but not limited to KNAP.
    What is the impact of climate change adaptations and peace dividend interventions to community level conflict prevention, resolution and sustaining peace efforts?
    How the programme has adapted to emergency and humanitarian situations (such as Covid-19 and drought)? What are the lessons learned? How has the programme adapted to these situations (new approaches, methods, tools etc

    4. Methodology required and available data
    FCA requires both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
    The consultancy will include a desk review of key project document and previous evaluations.
    The consultancy will conduct key informant interviews and focus group discussions in the project location. The consultant will be expected to travel to the project areas to conduct the FGDs / key informant interviews.
    Each of the focus group discussion (FGD) will be organised in light of Covid-19 safety measures and adherence to Do no Harm, FGD should be disaggregated by gender and age to avoid power influence, and the sample should be at a minimum 15 KI and 15 FGD, in all the counties. Utilization of other evaluation methodologies is encouraged, e.g. though not mandatory, the information can be collected on KOBO toolbox or any other appropriate software.
    Key informant interviews / FGDs will include:

    FCA key staff, community members including youth and women groups, Natural Resource management committees (NRMs), WTC, government officials, religious and traditional leaders, school administrators , school board of management, CBOs, as well as other stakeholders identified in close collaboration with FCA. **

    5. Evaluation process
    Upon selection, and after an initial desk review of key background materials, the evaluator is expected to organize for an inception workshop with KECO team through which all the tools are reviewed (either in FCA KECO Office, or through virtual method depending on the prevailing COVID-19 situation. The evaluator must explain in details her/his plans and the support she/he requires from KECO team. This inception workshop also serves as an action-planning meeting with KECO team. The evaluator also introduces his/her team of data enumerators and presents an opportunity to clarify roles of each actor while agreeing on travel dates. During the inception phase, KECO presents the evaluator with all the previous project reports and all relevant contacts in the field and timelines to include desk reviews, travel dates and responsibilities are agreed upon and documented by the parties.
    FCA will provide logistical support in the form of in-country transport, access to workspace, and translators/facilitators in meetings. FCA will also provide human resources in the form of a number of staff members who will be available to support the evaluator in planning and collecting information. KECO will not give any per diem to the Consultant and or her/his team. KECO will make appointments with relevant authorities and support in translation and where necessary selection of field based enumerators.
    6. Timetable
    The consultancy is expected to start in August 2021, for a period not exceeding 30 days.
    7. Deliverables & Payments

    An inception report outlining the methodology, detailed work plan, study report outline and assessment tools for the study, within 1 week of signing the contract
    A draft activity report detailing the preliminary findings of the evaluation, within 1 week of completion of data collection activities.
    A final report incorporating feedback from FCA on the draft. The final product of this end line evaluation is a report, ready for presentation to FCA KECO, MFA Finland and FCA HO
    A debriefing/workshop session with FCA KECO program team, highlighting the key findings and lessons from the evaluation.
    Soft copies of all data collection tools and data analysis outputs

    List and contacts of all respondents Payment

    Upon approval of the Inception report 30%

    Upon approval of draft report 30%

    Upon Approval of final report 40%

    8. Skills and qualifications required

    6 and above years of experience of designing and implementing impact evaluations (essential)
    5 years’ experience and knowledge of facilitating participatory evaluation processes as a team leader (essential)Experience of evaluating peacebuilding or conflict resolution projects and programmes (required)
    Sound knowledge and understanding of community-led peacebuilding structures with a specific focus on understanding women’s role in peacebuilding, as well as understanding on nexus programming linking humanitarian action, development to peacebuilding.
    The consultant should have broader experience working with relevant peace building approaches including Do no harm (DNH) and strengthening local capacities for peace
    The consultant is expected to be able to travel to the project locations.
    The consultant should be able to complete and submit the assignment within one month period
    H/She should be fluent in use of participatory evaluation methodologies.
    H/She should be familiar with Kenya’s peace building and development strategies.
    Ability to travel to remote project areas with support from FCA team
    An advanced degree in development studies, peace and conflict management and field experience is desirable

    The potential consultant(s) should submit their proposals by July 30th 2021 to: recruitment.esaro@kua.fiPlease attach the following:.

    Apply via :

  • ICT Assistant – Kakuma/Kalobeyei 

Data Analyst Assistant in Kalobeyei

    ICT Assistant – Kakuma/Kalobeyei Data Analyst Assistant in Kalobeyei

    Job Description/Requirements
    Finn Church Aid Kenya is looking for an ICT ASSISTANT – 1 Position
    Duty Station: Kakuma / Kalobeyei
    Reports to: Project Coordinator

    Under the overall supervision of the Project Coordinator, the incumbent will be responsible for providing daily technical support and troubleshooting of all computer systems, tablets, phones and other peripherals with consideration to their needs and requirements. **
    S/he will be responsible for ensuring reliable local communications and connectivity between the field office, Teachers Resource Centre and schools. **
    S/he will be required to support the adoption and rollout of any new technology required to implement program activities in the areas of operation. **


    Ensure all office IT infrastructure is in good working order by both working with external IT and through your own monitoring and maintenance. This includes Laptop computers, desktops, Phone systems, Power Backup Systems, Printing, Internet connections, Local area networks and software used in the program.
    Keep an up-to-date inventory of FCA tablets used by teachers. Make sure all user workstations are in good working condition and configured correctly.
    IT Support; Provide application assistance to users that need help in different Microsoft Office apps including Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
    Training; Provide regular training for new and current members of staff for new and existing applications.
    Support Country Programmes with their operational IT budgeting needs.
    Ensure data and system integrity by setting up and administrating ICT security systems: anti-virus, backup routines, access controls, firewall and physical security.
    Maintain necessary documentation for system maintenance and follow up appropriate maintenance contracts for all ICT equipment.
    Help develop and maintain IT documentation, processes and procedures.
    Troubleshoot and repair of hardware, operating systems and applications.
    Enhance office IT system through appropriate upgrades and advise Operations Unit on changes or improvements required.
    Perform such other duties as may be assigned.


    Technology focused undergraduate degree.
    At least 1 or more IT industry certifications e.g. CISCO, CompTIA A+.


    At least 2 years of experience providing information communications technology (ICT) and administrative support in a development context.
    Experience working with INGOs or other international donor-funded programs a plus.
    A good understanding of how, and the skills needed, to maintain reliable computer systems.


    Good interpersonal skills, with ability to explain computer and IT concepts to staff who may have very basic IT knowledge.
    Able to effectively manage, operate, repair and maintain PC and local office hardware and software applications.
    Able to set up and manage internet routers, Wi-Fi access points, printers, projectors, scanners.
    Ability to prioritize, organize and manage a large and diverse workload under pressure.
    Ability to work and contribute as a team member in systems implementations.
    Willingness to work outside regular office hours including weekends when needed.

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    All qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to send a completed Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae to: stating the vacancy job title in the subject line
    Deadline for receiving applications is 18th June 2021

    FCA will only contact short- listed applicants.

    FCA is an equal opportunity employer, irrespective of gender, race or religious affiliation. FCA is a signatory to the Code of Conduct for humanitarian agencies. Attempts to influence recruitment procedures through phone calls, emails or inducements of any kind will lead to disqualifications

    Apply via :

  • Education Officer – Kakuma/Kalobeyei

    Education Officer – Kakuma/Kalobeyei

    Type of Contract: 7 months renewable based on funding
    Duty Sttion: Kakuma / Kalobeyei
    Reports to: Program Coordinator
    To effectively implement FCA Education Programme activities in Kakuma/Kalobeyei He/she will ensure quality delivery of programmes and maintenance of high professional standards of all our Education Programmes. The Education Officer will be responsible for implementation, monitoring and reporting of all education programmes

    Program Planning:

    Under the direction and guidance of the Education Project Coordinator, coordinate plans for the implementation of the project activities in all target school communities.
    Work with the Education Project Coordinator and other education team members and partner organizations to develop project implementation and procurement plans.
    Work with the Education Project Coordinator and the MEAL Team to prepare and/or revise project monitoring tools to track indicators and monitor achievement of objectives and impact of the program.
    In collaboration with the Education Project team, prepare plans for capacity building and training of school managements on various trainings needs.
    Work collaboratively with the Education Project Coordinator/specialist to design criteria for selection of trainees for the school-based teacher-training program.
    Prepare plans for regular field monitoring visits together with Education Project Coordinator and other Education staff.

    Program Implementation:

    Ensure that project activities are implemented in accordance with the approved work plans and with the involvement of partners and concerned stakeholders at all levels.
    Ensure project activities are implemented in the most efficient, effective and sustainable manner.
    Ensure that the school-based teacher training program is implemented effectively.
    Assist the Education Project Coordinator in the development and implementation of a modality of strengthening and improving management of schools committees and pupils through community mobilization and improvement of training materials and programs.
    Ensure effective and efficient distribution of textbooks and other instructional materials to target schools.
    Conduct regular data collection using existing tools in order to track project performance on indicators and measure overall impact and for donor reporting purposes and make recommendations on the improvement of these tools.
    Ensure that good practices and lessons are documented and shared with the MEAL team and the education team for replication and wider dissemination.
    Travel to all project sites to conduct regular monitoring of projects quality together with other project team members.

    Reporting, Monitoring & Evaluation:

    Ensure that field based monitoring data and information is collated regularly and made available to Education Project Coordinator and the MEAL Team for reporting and monitoring purposes.
    In collaboration with the MEAL Team, focus on project data collection to generate practical information that can be used for ongoing program decision-making while also capturing results at the impact level.
    Assist the Education Project Coordinator in preparation of periodic progress reports in a timely manner for both internal and external use.

    Program Support Operations:

    Coordinate with other departments to ensure operational systems are in place to support field activities including logistics (transport, warehousing and asset management), procurement, security and administration.
    Coordinate with other FCA programs/sectors to ensure integration and that the projects runs smoothly and efficiently and draws from best experiences and lessons for improved programming.

    Qualifications and Experience

    Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in Education/ Social sciences or its equivalent.
    Minimum of three (3) years’ work experience in education sector especially in refugee setting.
    Knowledge of education in emergencies, education sector policy, child rights and protection issues.
    Experiences of facilitating community-based training, capacity building school managements, and awareness campaigns.
    Strong self-starter, able to take initiative and adapt to changing circumstances and priorities.
    Positive attitude towards community work with emphasis on the ability to learn from communities and support participatory, innovative approaches to problem solving.
    Excellent communication skills and a willingness to be respectful, kind, sensitive and empathize with all children and their culture diversities.
    Fluent in written and spoken English, Kiswahili and the local language in the camps and the host community.
    Good report writing skills.
    Willingness and capacity to be flexible and accommodating when faced with difficult and frustrating working conditions.
    Commitment to Finn Church Aid Child Protection Policy.

    Desirable qualifications

    Previous experience in working with INGOs delivering education and girl child education services
    Demonstrated teamwork skills
    High level of motivation and enthusiasm for education
    Strong interpersonal and problem-solving skills
    Understanding of the dynamics of the refugees is essential
    Experience of working with communities and other agencies that support education.
    Experience in delivering digital/virtual learning programmes.

    All qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to send a completed Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae to: stating the vacancy job title in the subject lineDeadline for receiving applications is 7th May 2021FCA will only contact short- listed applicants.FCA is an equal opportunity employer, irrespective of gender, race or religious affiliation. FCA is a signatory to the Code of Conduct for humanitarian agencies. Attempts to influence recruitment procedures through phone calls, emails or inducements of any kind will lead to disqualifications

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  • Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Officer (Nairobi)

    Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Officer (Nairobi)

    Finn Church Aid Kenya is a rights based organization.
    Right to Livelihood (R2L) is one of FCA’s thematic specializations, the other two being Right to Peace and Right to Quality Education. FCA Kenya is in the process of strengthening its R2L portfolio with new pipeline projects focusing on business development and job creation for women and youth in circular and digital economy sectors.
    Finn Church Aid Kenya is looking for a
    Entrepreneurship and Job Creation Officer – 1 Position
    Duty Station: Nairobi
    Reports to: Program Manager
    Primary Purpose
    · To support KECO’s R2L programming for inclusive growth, promoting the employment and entrepreneurship of marginalized women and youth, working collaboratively with stakeholders and partners in selected livelihood sectors.
    · To strengthen the private sector engagement in employment creation for women and youth
    Tasks and Duties

    Participate in R2L projects in assigned roles which may include, but are not limited to, project management, supervision and thematic support depending on the mode of implementation
    Participate in new project development, promoting innovation and new approaches aimed at women and youth employment and entrepreneurship and ensuring that e.g. gender, climate change and digital transformation are relevantly addressed in programming
    Conduct relevant entrepreneurship and employment related assessments, surveys and analyses to inform programming and project development
    Provide technical guidance and capacity building to partners staff in his/her areas of responsibility
    Contribute to project related MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) activities in his/her area of responsibilities
    Develop relevant R2L partnerships and maintain partner and other stakeholder relations, including with the private sector
    Represent Kenya Country Office in R2L related forums both internally (FCA) and externally to partners and donors, sharing knowledge and best practices and promoting FCA’s work in Kenya and globally
    Contribute to identifying and pursuing advocacy opportunities related to FCA’s livelihood work in Kenya
    Perform additional duties and assignments as requested;
    Assist in proposal development and explore funding opportunities in the livelihoods context in Kenya


    University degree in Business management, entrepreneurship, Business Administration or equivalent
    Minimum of 3-5 years of relevant practical experience in livelihoods programming in terms of employment creation and entrepreneurship promotion and/or business development
    A team player with entrepreneurial, innovative mindset that leans towards solutions
    Commitment to supporting marginalized groups including women, youth, pastoralists and/or refugees
    Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment;
    Uphold and promote FCA’s commitment to child safeguarding

    All qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to send a completed Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae to: stating the vacancy job title in the subject lineDeadline for receiving applications is 25th March 2021FCA will only contact short- listed applicants.FCA is an equal opportunity employer, irrespective of gender, race or religious affiliation. FCA is a signatory to the Code of Conduct for humanitarian agencies. Attempts to influence recruitment procedures through phone calls, emails or inducements of any kind will lead to disqualifications

    Apply via :

  • Finance Assistant 


            Procurement & Logistics Officer

    Finance Assistant Procurement & Logistics Officer

    Duty Station: Kakuma/ Kalobeyei

    Reports to: Finance Manager

    Primary Purpose

    The Finance Assistant will facilitate the efficient and effective financial operation of FCA field office. He/She will ensure compliance with FCA rules and regulations alongside donor policies, procedures, guidelines and rules.

    She/he will seek and receive policy guidance/ instructions and support from Finance Manager in Nairobi and Project Coordinator in Kakuma in their respective area of responsibilities.

    Tasks and Duties

    Implement financial systems and procedures according to Financial Handbook and other FCA policies at office level.
    Take lead in Donor financial requests and coordination at the field level in colaboration with the donor’s field office.
    Be responsible for all field cash transactions, physically makes payments in the field /or follow up closely on proper accountabilities for all field cash expenditures.
    Accurately prepare the necessary documents, compile source documents and submit complete documentation daily for postings of all the paid transactions in the cash book.
    Ensure accurate maintenance of all files and transactions for grant requests, incomes, expenditures, accounting and closure at FCA Kakuma field office.
    Support Project Coordinators/Managers in proposal writing, and budget preparation and monitoring of budgets
    Ensure that the Kakuma office consistently meets all donor and FCA rules and regulations pertaining to finance and procurement.
    Timely submission of field financial reports to Finance & Admin Manager in Nairobi for final report compilation.
    Maintenance of financial files (physical and soft copies) in the field office.
    Verify the accuracy, validity, legitimacy of all payments for completeness of financial documents, (purchase requests, work orders, pro forma invoices), proper coding and approval by responsible managers before payments are made.
    Ensure FCA creditors are paid promptly.
    Take part in procurement of goods/services in the field office and ensure adherence to FCA/Donor Regulations.
    Fixed asset register maintenance in the field office.
    Any other duty assigned by the supervisor


    Degree/Professional Accounting qualification (CPA IV) from a recognised institution
    Atleast 3 years of relevant experience from a reputable INGO or Institution, previous experience in humanitarian organizations
    Experience from working as a Finance person in a humanitarian/recovery context
    Specific familiarity with reporting to UNHCR, UNICEF, ECHO, BPRM, USAID and EC.
    Excellent analytical skills and attention to details.
    Proven commitment to accountability practices.
    Proven ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and work with limited supervision
    Excellent knowledge on both software (Ms-Excel and Quick books)
    Good management, communication, teamwork and capacity building of other staff.
    Ability to work independently when necessary, set realistic goals, and work within agreed timelines
    Fluency in local languages and understanding of local context of operation is an added advantage.
    Ability to work well with people from diverse cultures and communicate effectively

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    All qualified and interested candidates are encouraged to send a completed Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae to: stating the vacancy job title in the subject lineDeadline for receiving applications is 10th November 2020FCA will only contact short- listed applicants.FCA is an equal opportunity employer, irrespective of gender, race or religious affiliation. FCA is a signatory to the Code of Conduct for humanitarian agencies. Attempts to influence recruitment procedures through phone calls, emails or inducements of any kind will lead to disqualifications

    Apply via :

  • Communications Intern

    Communications Intern

    The Communications Intern is based in FCA Kenya Country Office in Nairobi. The intern works under FCA Kenya’s Country director and in cooperation with FCA’s Manager of International Communications.
    The Communications Intern will implement FCA Kenya’s communications strategy, which is in line with FCA Head Office’s communications strategy. The intern will work as a focal point for media relations, field visits, advocacy and dissemination of information on FCA Kenya’s behalf.
    The intern will gather information, conduct interviews and collect audiovisual materials related to FCA Kenya’s work. The material is used for various communication purposes as well as project reporting and evaluation. Key target audiences include beneficiaries, targeted districts, humanitarian and development assistance partners and donors, Kenyan media and FCA’s social media followers.
    Duties and Responsibilities:

    Planning and implementing internal and external strategies for FCA communications and outreach in cooperation with FCA’s Manager of International Communications, including regular updates on progress.
    Documenting success stories and events related to FCA Kenya’s projects through interviews and quality pictures from field visits, and producing content for FCA’s social media, website, intranet and fundraising.
    Developing communications materials, such as leaflets and brochures, for FCA Kenya, and ensuring that FCA Kenya complies with donors’ communication and visibility requirements as well as FCA brand guidelines.
    Supporting FCA Kenya in project monitoring, evaluation and reporting as well as communications towards beneficiaries, targeted districts, humanitarian and development assistance partners and donors.
    Raising awareness of FCA’s work and presence in Kenya through domestic media outreach and supporting the implementation of FCA’s advocacy objectives in Kenya.
    Planning and coordinating field visits for FCA staff, journalists, partners, stakeholders and other visitors.

    Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

    At least three years of University studies or a degree/diploma in Communication, Journalism, public relations, literature or related field
    Excellent English communication skills, both oral and written
    Proficiency in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel
    Basic skills in photography and interview techniques
    Videography experience is an advantage
    Previous experience from working with communications or journalism in Kenya
    Knowledge and ability to use social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook
    Ability to set and work within timelines
    Strong skills in problem-solving, decision-making and team work
    Strong people skills
    Established connections with Kenyan media is considered an advantage
    Proven interest in the development and/or humanitarian field
    Flexibility and willingness to travel to FCA project sites in Kenya
    Immediate availability with own Insurance cover

  • Project Officer

    Project Officer

    The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (the Network) was founded in 2013 as a concrete response to the growing awareness among peace mediation organization and the United Nations, that religious and traditional actors are vital, but underutilized, actors in peacemaking processes. Since its founding, the Network has grown into a community of peacemakers ranging from grassroots religious and traditional actors to international NGOs, think tanks, and academic institutions. The Network strengthens peacemaking through collaboratively supporting the positive role of religious and traditional actors in peacebuilding processes and through connecting them to national and international peacebuilders. Since its founding, the Network Secretariat has been hosted by Finn Church Aid (FCA), Finland’s largest development agency and provider of humanitarian aid while the steering body of the Network, the Core Group, consist of variety of actors from UN Agencies to Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Religions for Peace and KAICIID Dialogue Center.
    The Network together with Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI), Islamic Relief Kenya (IRK), The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) and Tangaza University is implementing a project “Religious minorities in Kenya: Overcoming divides, respecting rights”. The objective of this project is to address the problems affecting the full enjoyment of rights by the Muslim minority and the African Traditional Religions (ATR) communities in Kenya, arising from mistrust and excessive repression by the State authorities, misunderstandings with other faith-communities, and limited knowledge of constitutional rights, including promotion of gender equality.
    The Network is looking for a Project Officer based and employed by FCA Kenya Office in Nairobi to coordinate the implementation and monitoring of the project “Religious minorities in Kenya: Overcoming divides, respecting rights”. The main tasks and competence required are described below.

    Coordinate the overall implementation of project activities led by the Network, and under supervision of the Network Program Manager coordinate the planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting (internal and external) of those activities
    Support the development of a communication strategy and social media platforms to promote religious tolerance and inter-faith dialogue
    Coordinate with local partners on programmatic, financial, procurement and logistical issues
    Maintain good relations and communication with project partners together with Network Program Manager
    Preparing work plans and produce timely reports – financial and progress reports
    Promotes identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned for organizational sharing and learning
    Maintain effective communication with the project team in FCA Kenya Country office and Network Secretariat Perform other duties as assigned by Network Program Manager


    Bachelor’s degree in peace and conflict studies, development studies, human rights, anthropology, religion/theology, project management or similar
    Minimum of 3 years working experience in development aid/peacebuilding/project management
    Proven strong project coordination skills and knowledge about the Project Cycle Management
    Experience of financial reporting, project administration and procurement
    Experience in utilizing different media channels in advocacy and campaigning
    Ability to work independently and proactively manage work
    Excellent organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines under pressure
    Experienced in working in a multicultural and global environment
    Ability to travel to security risk areas
    Strong knowledge of the local context of Kenya, especially coastal and Somalia border regions; assets include experience in inter-faith initatives, promotion of human and constitutional rights, community mobilization, prevention of violent extremism
    Excellent teamwork and inter-personal skills
    Proficiency in English and in Swahili (oral and written), working knowledge of Arabic or Somali is an asset
    Well and timely implemented project
    Quality narrative and financial reporting
    Effective and well-functioning collaboration with project partners

  • Fund Raising Officer for Kenya

    Fund Raising Officer for Kenya

    Duties and responsibilities:

    Oversee the development and marketing of Kenyan proposals by ensuring that project documents are secure, timely and comply with FCA and donor standards.
    Works closely with country director, program manager, thematic specialists, GG and finance teams to develop timely, high quality and competitive projects proposals and presents proposals to donors.
    Works with Kenyan teams to create clear, succinct narrative and financial documents that suggest a course of action or idea to donors.
    Determines proposal concept by identifying and clarifying opportunities and needs; studying requests for proposal (RFPs); attending strategic meetings.
    Meets proposal deadline by establishing priorities and target dates for information gathering, writing, reviewing, and approval.

    Competence and Personal Requirements:

    Master’s Degree or equivalent.
    Understanding of human rights-based approach and other development and humanitarian work related national and international policies, strategies, UN conventions and international laws.
    Over 5 years of working experience in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance programs within an international environment.
    Demonstrated experience in programmatic development leading to funded programmes and growing portfolios.
    Strong conceptual and analytical skills and demonstrated organizational, management and fundraising skills.
    Knowledge and experience of cooperation with governmental and non-governmental agencies in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian assistance.
    Conversant in project cycle management, project planning, fundraising and knowledge management.
    Knowledge of Kenya context.
    Knowledge of FCA’s strategic themes (Quality Education, Livelihoods, Peace).
    Ability to work independently under pressure in an organized and responsive manner.
    Ability to identify donor intelligence for appropriate timely action.

  • Country Director, Kenya

    Country Director, Kenya

    Primary purpose of the country director is to represent FCA in Kenya and exert overall leadership of the Kenya office and staff; to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of the programme and the development of new project opportunities with sustainable, strategic and diversified funding.
    Duties and responsibilities:

    Represent FCA towards authorities in Kenya and ensure that laws and regulations are adhered to.
    Lead and direct the staff; oversee activities; plan, prioritize and allocate work assignments, ensuring that they are in line with strategy and compliment the work of others.
    Provide strategic leadership and management of FCA’s program in country including all development, advocacy, and humanitarian programming to maximise influence and impact.
    Line manage the senior management team and manage the work in the country including: staff, budgets, funding and programme.
    Lead and coordinate all Security and Safety aspects of operational/programme planning and contingency responses with the support from Regional Security Manager.
    Ensure staff safety and health at work (duty of care), advance good working atmosphere and staff well-being.

    Competence and Personal Requirements:

    Master’s degree from development studies or related field.
    Minimum 5 years professional working experience in a Senior Management Position in development or humanitarian context.
    Sufficient knowledge of the context in East Africa and on Kenya.
    Thorough understanding of Finnish education system and policies, especially on teacher training and vocational training. Proven track -record of successful education project/program implementation in similar context(s) an asset.
    Basic understanding of the role NGOs can play in peace and livelihood activities
    Understanding of humanitarian programming and related quality standards
    Fluency in spoken and written English, Finnish language and Swahili an asset.
    Ability to work under pressure and stressful environment.
    Cultural sensitivity and inter-cultural communication skills.
    Capacity of building and maintaining relationships with different actors (donors, local authorities, partner’s staff, head office).
    Familiar with major institutional donors´ procedures
    Ability to delegate responsibilities.
    Results-oriented: Efficiently establishes an appropriate course of action for self and others to accomplish a goal.
    Good communication and leadership skills.

    The contract duration is for two years starting 1st July 2019. The deployment will begin with an orientation period in FCA Head Office, Helsinki, Finland. The compensation is based on FCA Compensation System and depends on prior work experience. Monthly salary includes adverse working conditions allowance based on the circumstances in the place of assignment.
    For more information please contact Mr Tomi Järvinen by phone +358 40 641 8209 or via skype-address: tomisjk, on 27th May between 11-12 and 3 June between 11-12 hrs UTC+02:00 (Helsinki).
    Finn Church Aid (FCA) is Finland’s biggest development co-operation organisation and the second biggest organisation in Finland working in humanitarian aid. FCA works extensively in 14 different countries around the world the Republic of Kenya being one of them.
    FCA is a founding member of the international aid alliance of churches, ACT Alliance. We seek positive change by supporting the most vulnerable people in fragile contexts. We specialize in supporting local communities’ right to peace, livelihoods and quality education.
    FCA practices zero tolerance against any kind of abuse. FCA’s Code of Conduct and Child Safeguarding Policy applies to all FCA staff.

  • Human Resource and Administration Assistant 

Finance Assistant

    Human Resource and Administration Assistant Finance Assistant

    Duty Station: Kakuma/ Kalobeyei
    Reports to: Program Coordinator
    Primary purpose:
    Responsible for general administration work in the areas of Personnel management, Performance Management and staff Development that are necessary to maintain a skilled and competent workforce at field level.
    Tasks and duties

    Maintain an up to date asset register and inventory.
    Ensure proper use and maintenance of office equipment such as computers, printers, cameras, generators, etc.
    Ensure that all organizational assets are insured and that all policies are up to-date.
    Ensure that the office is clean, safe and secure through effective supervision of the administrative staff.
    Manage staff leave plans and ensure timely submission of time sheets
    Develop and ensure effective implementation of the personal work plans for Admin department staff.
    Ensure proper documentation of administrative processes.
    Implement FCA’s HR systems and procedures
    Ensure adherence to FCA policies and the national labor law in all processes and procedures
    Assist in staff recruitment and exits, introductions, orientation, trainings, staff benefits schemes etc.
    Provide advice in personnel conflicts/processes when relevant
    Ensure that staff records in the office in the area of operation are up to date and filed appropriately
    Responsible for implementation of FCA’s occupation health
    Provide guidance and implement grievance and disciplinary procedures
    In liaison with the line managers and supervisors ensure that performance appraisals and other tools/processes of performance management are effectively carried out in time


    A Bachelors Degree in Human Resources Management or related discipline like Social Sciences, Social Work and Social Administration, Public Administration, etc.
    Excellent planning and organizational skills
    Strong analytical and problem solving skills
    Good communication, facilitation and presentation skills. Strong interpersonal skills and high level of integrity
    Computer literacy
    The position involves making timely decision under pressure and also involves high level of integrity, due to care and caution

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